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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for throwing away my roommates shot glass?** I (20f) and my roommate (21f) have lived together since September and she has a fiancé (20m) who she does not live with. She turned 21 in February and I’ve told her my discomfort with alcohol, and she hasn’t brought any serious alcoholic drinks home (some mikes hard and wine) but I know she drinks with her fiancés mom and brother and her co workers. Last week I came home and she was doing shots of tequila that she told me she bought earlier that day and had a shot glass she was using. She washed the glass and put it away. Later that night I tossed it in the trash and buried it. That was almost a week ago, and earlier she texted me asking if I knew where it was and informed me it was her fiancés moms and she had let her borrow it until she bought her own and apparently it has some sentimental value. I feel bad now, I know they have a really close relationship and she is often being lent things and always returns them. She doesn’t know I threw it away, I don’t know if I should tell her because she won’t trust me. AITA? Edit to answer some questions: No she is not a recovering alcoholic, but alcohol is a dangerous path. There was never an agreement that she wouldn’t drink or bring hard liquor into the house. I just told her that I didn’t like that stuff. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Drinking is a dangerous path but apparently not stealing


Nah stealing and property destruction are the path to heaven. An empty shot glass in a cupboard on the other hand...


Wait so the roommate isn't even allowed to drink when not with oop? Says who?


Control freaks that don't realize not everyone has the same issues with alcohol that they do, since they or someone close couldn't handle themselves obviously no one can.


Apparently the OOP also got upset with the roommate having sex with her fiancé in the privacy of her own bedroom when OOP wasn't even there.


Seriously. I mean the roommate should be able to have a drink in their home. I could see OOP asking for the alcohol to maybe remain in the roommate's room, but otherwise, the roommate pays rent just like OOP.


>I’ve told her my discomfort with alcohol, and she hasn’t brought any serious alcoholic drinks home (some mikes hard and wine) but I know she drinks with her fiancés mom and brother and her co workers. Hi, friendly neighborhood alcoholic here. I don't drink at all these days, as my brain seems to not understand that drinking just one drink is a possibility - and while most of my friends/family choose to not drink around me, I don't expect that of them. I'm certainly not going to hold it against them if they drink with their other friends or family members, or even co-workers. OOP is fine to not like booze - she's *not* fine to control someone else's consumption of it.


She is treating a shot glass like it is haunted or something. That’s some serious aversion issues.


Wait till she learns that you can in fact drink alcohol from any glass. Its even possible to drink it straight from the bottle!




I've got one I use for removing gel polish lol nothing else is the right shape and size, and I don't want to waste more acetone than I have to! OOP needs to get herself a therapist and with through these feelings, and come clean to get roommate. I can't even imagine confessing something like that. I honestly hope the roommate made that story up and it was just a regular glass because she figured out what OOP did and wanted her to feel bad lol because the alternative is so sad for the MIL!


I use my shot glasses to take my morning meds. Makes it easier to have them in a little cup when you're half asleep.


I do this lol


My dad does this


That's a good idea. We have all these shot glasses but never ever use them. A lot are vacation souvenirs. This could be a good use for them. I hate doing shots. Yuck.


A friend noticed the shot glasses next to our sink and said, "Wow, you guys still party!" They're what we use to take our probiotics.


I have shot glasses for...for...well, because I saw a set of them in Cozumel and they were really cute and like $5 so I bought the shotglasses. I don't think I've used them for anything, ever.


And technically you can drink anything from a shots glass, even *water* 😱


Water? Don't you know that fish fuck in that? Gross.


Oh, Archer....


What's worse, the reason shot glasses exist is so that you can measure up small doses of alcohol. If someone doesn't have a shot glass, they don't simply not take shots, they'll measure them up in normal glasses/cups and most often measure up **too much** alcohol.


You also can drink.non alcohol from shot glasses. My kid uses them for pickle juice






Pickle Juice?


The liquid in pickle jars


Hi, it's me, the lady who drinks wine from coffee cups.


I'll see your coffee cup and raise you a clear plastic solo cup


I'll see your clear plastic Solo cup and raise you the lazy wino approach: directly from the bottle (followed by the requisite mouth/sleeve wipe).


I think when I confront her tonight I might quite literally take a swig from the bottle to piss her off more


It's the *Tell-Tale Shot Glass*. It's thumping at her from wherever it is buried.


Oh no not a haunted cursed shit glass!


Also roommate went a week without noticing? That doesn’t sound like a problem drinker to me.


OOP is so damn immature, instead of having a conversation and maybe just asking roommate to not drink around her, I'd have a lot more sympathy. But handling issues by going behind someone's back and making unilateral decisions for other ppl is gonna bite her in the ass later on in life. Yes, for some ppl alcohol can become a problem, but this doesn't seem to be someone getting blacked out every night. OOP is a MAJOR asshole.


The selfishness! OMG! >I’m pretty sure if I tell her she won’t resign the lease with me, and if she doesn’t do that then I won’t have a roommate or any furniture since all of it except for the couch and some book shelves are hers.


I hate alcohol. Both of my parents were alcoholics at different points in life, and seeing how they were with drinking made me never want to touch the stuff. However, I don't stop anyone else from drinking around me. My husband loves to have a drink maybe once or twice a month, and when we go to the in-laws, everyone but myself drinks. Can it be a bit uncomfortable? Sure, but it's my choice not to drink and thankfully everyone respects that. OOP is entitled to her feelings about drinking, but had no right to take the shot glass and get rid of it. It wasn't her property to touch. She needs to be honest and deal with the consequences of her actions, and stop trying to force her beliefs onto others.


Oo there’s someone in the comments claiming to be the flatmate now!


And their comment history checks out - 21F who just moved into their apartment in September. I feel like I should make some popcorn.


Heavy drinker here. Getting rid of that shot glass did *nothing* to protect her housemate from drinking. I dont have shot glasses and will often use an espresso cup, an egg cup, a thermos flask cup, or even a measuring jug to drink vodka from. All this was was petty shitty, and OOP better go get to dumpster diving for that glass and beg forgiveness


Considering it's been over a week, that shot glass is in the city landfill by now.


I am totally confused. OOP threw out her roommate's shot glass because she was doing shots of tequila, washed the glass and put it away. It wasn't her glass, it was washed, it wasn't causing OOP any harm and she just tosses it like it will stop her roommate from drinking. Why is OOP policing the roommate's drinking? Is this some phobia over alcohol that OOP has?


Shot glasses are a gateway drug to... brandy snifters! One day the roommate might even bring home a champagne flute!


Next thing you know she'll be rocking one of those hats you can put cans of beer on to drink with no hands. There's no coming back from that.


If she goes on a diet, does she throw out all her spoons so she can't eat ice cream?


The roommate commented 👀👀


i want that update from their talk later from u/Loopy-gecko 👀 bc OOP sounds unrepentant af


I can’t believe that she’s borderline gone viral with this lmao. I don’t think much will come out of the conversation other than an apology and me repeating exactly what all of Reddit had to say. I probably will not be re signing a lease with her, it’ll be hard looking for another roommate but whatever


at this point, anyone is better than her. it’s almost like she decided she was the house mom.


Roommate has brought actual alcohol home that she didn't throw away, but a shot glass is too far? Thinks drinking is a "gateway" and is now asking if she should confess to throwing away the glass or if she should continue lying. So alcohol = bad, but stealing and lying =good. That's some interesting logic


Wait she threw it in the trash *and* buried it? Like, she took out the trash and then buried it? Does she always bury trash? What


i think meaning she put more trash on top so you couldn’t see it was in the trash can. so she really wanted to make sure her roommate couldn’t find it. she’s a loser scumbag.


Ohhhh derp that makes more sense. I was thinking too literal and thought she was either even wackier than she already is or contradicting herself.


It took me a re-read to get that bit as well hahaha


Lol I too pictured OOP throwing it in the trash and then digging a hole in the backyard to throw the trash into


She feels bad AFTER doing that, just because there are consequences. OOP is not even an ex-alcoholic, she just doesn't like it, but acts like it will cause the fifth world war. Even if she were, being capable of seeing others drink and not feeling bad is a step she'd do.


At first I thought op had to be mormon, but since she didn't call the honor code office, it's either not or just not at a mormon university. But they're FAMOUS for doing this kind of thing. "I saw that empty beer can in the trash and called your bishop, parents, the church affiliated landlord and the university honor code office! Now you're getting evicted, expelled, and disowned!" "Dang I'll never pick up trash and throw it away again sorry!"


Frankly, as someone who grew up surrounded by Mormons, I thought it was a mormon too. Probably someone living in Provo housing since it's now required to be accessible to more than just BYU students since they were taking over all the potential student housing down there and screwing over UVU students.


I used to work at a mental health clinic near BYU-I. The amount of students, specifically males, seeking mental health services related to guilt over masturbation and or porn is ASTOUNDING and incredibly sad. I literally cried a couple times after appointments with kids who I wished I could have taken over parenting for. Mormons are incredibly skilled at making your business theirs. Like what other religion has grown men sit alone in a room with a prepubescent child and ask them if they touch their privates? I knew I "wasn't supposed" to do it before I even knew what it was or had it even occur to me. I recommend quitmormon.org and r/exmormon for anyone needing support or commiseration.


Youre fighting a good fight, internet stranger. Keep it up ♡


She’s very conservative Christian but I don’t think that is even an explanation


Well, no, I'm sure Jesus, if he existed, would think she was immature and petty; he would just use a nice allegory to tell her.


I’ve tried to follow Christianity for years but idk trying to dictate people’s lives isn’t for me, and I don’t think Jesus is for it either


I love posts where the other party joins in the comments. The room mate in question has entered the building 👌👌🫡


The roommate found the post 😗😗


my dad was an alcoholic and due to that i also have a lot of alcohol-related discomfort. because my dad was always drunk, i’ve never liked being around drinking, in fact it used to send me into full blown meltdowns when i was a child. but oop is fucking goofy for being uncomfortable around a *shot glass.* it’s a fucking cup. is she uncomfortable around cans and glass bottles, too? does rubbing alcohol scare her?


Go back and look guys, the roommate showed up in the comments!!


The roommate found the post. I'm cackling.


I think this one is real. Just from looking at the roommate's comment history, this one could be real for a change.


If this chic done this to me she'd be meeting the ass whipping of her life.


The roommate apparently responded 🤣


OOP, I don't care about what your trauma is. It's simple. Don't throw any other people's property.


Did she bury it IN the trash, or did she put it in the trash and then bury the trash? Oh damn, is this the same girl who buried her beans in the woods?


I'm going to need more information about the beans. Did someone haul a bunch of cans of Bush's Baked Beans out into the forest and chuck them in a shallow grave?


I almost forgot about that one. It was a guy's girlfriend; he would buy canned beans and she would bury them (I think they lived in a cabin in the woods or something) with some weird excuse about saving them for a time of need. Also, she refused to tell him where the beans where lol. It was such a weird story and it was deleted the first time because most people reported it thinking it was fake. Edit: found the post. Just look up "TIFU by demanding my girlfriend show me where she buried our beans" The title is longer, but that's enough. I find it sad and hilarious.


Okay, well that is somehow even *more* hilarious than what pictured in my imagination. Like a twisted, legume-enriched half-brother of an Easter Egg hunt. Absolute gold, thank you for sharing!




You suck lady


OMG! [The roommate has entered the chat](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14r17ml/comment/jqwn4k8/)!!! ​ Edit: [This thread's even better](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14r17ml/comment/jqwg423)


i have a slight feeling that the OOP and the roommate in question in the comments are actually the same person. they’re active in the same subs and have both commented on the same random r/trueoffmychest post. idk. fun to read through though. if real OOP is a massive control freak!


What’s even funnier is that true off my chest post I’m pretty sure I sent TO HER because it sounded like something she’s experienced before, she made that post yesterday as if I didn’t know she was on Reddit or would figure out that’s her


You are a massive AH. You are her roommate not her mother! And also a thief! If she wanted to drink everyday you have no rights whatsoever to intervene, unless it gets to the point of it actually effecting the dynamics of the household. Stop being a coward, tell your roommate what you did so that she can pass the blame to you when she tells her future MIL. By not telling her you are effectively letting her take the fall for something YOU did.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m sympathetic to OOP’s aversion to alcohol, as it sounds like it may be coming from prior traumatic experiences or hard-core religious indoctrination, hard to say which. But if you are so uncomfortable with alcohol that you cannot even bear to have a shot glass, with no alcohol in it, in your presence, then that is something that you needed to make clear before you signed a lease. Claiming that this is OK because being uncomfortable with alcohol is a boundary is not accurate. This is not a boundary, this is a rule she is now trying to enforce after the lease has been signed. OOP needs to own up to what they did, tell the roommate clearly that they are not comfortable with alcohol or alcohol paraphernalia being anywhere in the house at all, and then start looking for a new place to live. She also needs to start setting aside money to live alone, as her roommate brought all the furniture with her and was paying 60% of the rent.




But it's not her right to try controlling others. Her possible trauma is her own to manage, not her own to make others manage. The glass was an object, an object that did not belong to her, and she made a decision for her roommate by throwing it away which firmly puts her in AH territory and kinda takes away my sympathy. So long as there was no rule agreed upon, and there isn't, then the roommate did nothing wrong and it's OP who needs to learn to manage her own emotions and behavior about/around alcohol. Even if it means moving and finding a roommate who doesn't drink at all or simply living alone. Plus, she's kinda just using her for the furniture and seems to not actually understand what boundaries are.


You don't bury someone else's fucking property because you can't handle booze


Oh I agree completely. I think if OOP were to own up to what she did, apologize, and open up to her roommate about why she feels so strongly against alcohol, she might be able to come to a resolution with the roommate.


A sentimental shot glass lmao


Hey, anything can have sentimental value to it, depending on the person. I wrote "I love you🖤" on a reeses wrapper about a year ago and my fiancé hasn't thrown it away, so a sentimental shot glass is reasonable.


Meanwhile, my mom just makes my dad write "I love Neathra's Mom" on every salt container we have so she can throw them out. He numbers them (we're up to 50), and has even added me, my brother, and the dogs (in their lifetimes). He tried adding the farm, but she put her foot down. Eta; spelling


Please rephrase this


Rephrase what? That's what happens.


Sorry for making it sound like a mandate or correction; I'm just not sure what your comment means for some reason. I'm going to make my understanding a bulleted list, so lemme know if I got anything wrong. * your mom asks your dad to write "I Love Momsname" on those cylindrical salt containers. * your mom throws the containers _only_ after your writes "I Love Momsname" on them * Your dad has also started writing numbers on the cylindrical salt containers, and has gotten up to 50 * he started writing things to the effect of "I Love Momsname, Neathtra, Siblingsname" and so on and so forth, until your mom told him "don't add 'and the farm' to that message" * this has to do with something sentimental This isn't a recommendation or anything, I swear, I'm just bewildered at my own inability to understand what's going on. I'm so sorry.


Here I was worried Id said something that sounded icky! You basically got it. Maybe its cleared if I mention it's the big salt cylinders you refill shakers from. - Dad write "I love Momsname" on a salt container when they first got married. - They didn't have the space for storing extra salt containers (poor grad students), so he promised to just write it on each new salt container. - he started numbering them at some point as well and we're up to 50ish. - And yes on the name thing. My mother considers the farm Jolene (as in the Dolly Parton song). So that was too farm.


That is precious, oh my goodness.


Thank you for clarifying omfg that sooo cute ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


To be fair, that's not uncommon. I have a cousin who actually collects shot glasses - doesn't drink out of them or anything, but she has a bunch of novelty shot glasses from various places.


My BFF collects them too. She gets everyone who travels to bring her one from whichever city they visit.


I collect shot glasses from all the places I've traveled to. I'd be pissed off if some random person threw one away.


That’s exactly what it was- from a vacation spot they went to a couple of years ago. She (fiancés mom) has a collection from different breweries and from every vacation spot. I was learning to mix drinks and she let me use it for that, knowing she would get it back lol. She’s not mad at me whatsoever about this, irritated at my roommate but ultimately doesn’t want me to fight with her over it and just move on and find a different roommate if I have to


I have a shot glass collection from my travels. That's why you can buy shotglasses in a souvenir shop. I also have my grandfather's whiskey glasses, my other grandfather's decanter. One of the nicest things my father gave me before he passed is a really nice decanter set, green art deco etched glass. I wouldn't let someone borrow these but maybe roommates mom doesn't have everyday use shotglasses and only the ones she's collected.


It could also be that the shot glass isn't valuable per se, but maybe her son gave it to her, so she thought letting the fiance use it would be nice (it says that it was the fiance's mom's shot glass, not roommate's). Someone said above they wrote 'I love you' on a reese's wrapper and their fiance still hasn't thrown it away, so the shot glass itself could be something simple that just had memories attached.


I would be pretty upset if a couple of mine went missing. They are special to me and one of them is totally irreplaceable.


Oh thats not the point i was making but i didnt explain myself well. I dont see why you would lend anyone your special shot glass. Bc its not like if roommate didnt have a shot glass she couldnt drink the liquor. Then again maybe lending special ones is normal.


Roommate here, it was from my fiancés moms collection. She’s collected shot glasses from every state and vacation spot she’s been too, with some breweries too. It’s not the most sentimental item in the world, but from a collection and she let me take it with me to use and practice making drinks until I got my own, thinking I’d bring it back obviously. So yeah, not super sentimental but from a collection


Ohh. I was super confused about the whole thing apparently. All i could think was “why wouldnt you just use a regular cup instead of a special one?” My only shot glass experience was vodka and we drank straight from the bottle. If youre actually making a real drink you probably need the right kind of glass! Idk why i got so stuck on it. I hope you can get a better roommate.


![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m) Everything can have sentimental value


I own a shot glass that I bought on a pilgrimage. Also a bottle opener.


Is that hard to understand? I like.getting shot glasses as souvenirs on trips. There are also ones at my family cabin that have been there since my grandparents bought the place.


I rarely travel, but something I do pick up is usually a shot glass as a souvenir. I don't drink, but they are small and don't take up a lot of space. Someone tossed one just because they seemed to think the shot glass was going to make them drink and.....let's go with they would probably prefer to go dig through the landfill than deal with the rage I'd have at them.


I was wildly uncomfortable with alcohol when I was OP's age, even judgemental, but even I wouldn't start throwing people's stuff away. Once we made one of roommates get her vodka out of the fridge cause it was a dorm and we all would've gotten in trouble for it, but that's not OP's situation so she doesn't have a right to ban alcohol outright. That's the age you gotta start growing up and realizing your thoughts and feelings can't dictate everything other people do.


Roommate is just going to have to use a pint glass next time


This is fake right? No way someone is this insane. OP BURIED the trash because of a shit glass? WTF


Got the roommate in the comments over there, so they claim. Pretty low-stakes drama to make up, but I'm always skeptical of posts being found by the other party.