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no way bro thinks somalia is more trustworthy than the US. i want whatever shit he’s on.


It’s a drug known as Marxism.


Literal fucking pirates, like what the fuck


Ironically the most capitalist you can get


I’m the man in the box


it ain’t like that


Actually there is a region called Somaliland (I think so atleast) that has a functioning government and pretty much is it's own country but hasn't been recognized by the U.N


Pretty sure more tourists to the US get travel insurance anyway which is a lot cheaper to the US than to fucking Somalia. also southern state in possession of a uterus… now generally I support pro choice within reason but do they think a southern state will like force her to become pregnant and give birth? Also genocidal US unlike Somalia. Firstly so what’s the U.S. genocide, secondly… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaaq_genocide#:~:text=The%20genocide%20also%20included%20the,clan%2C%20to%20flee%20their%20land So do we ignore this? I mean certain US poloticians do anyway, Ilhan Omar’s father most likely committed war crimes and helped commit the genocide while supporting the dictatorship, then when the dictatorship lost, he fled with his family to the U.S. to escape repercussions


Yeah you get travel insurance when you go to America and you're covered for things like this. And also... People really sincerely think you just come to America and get shot. It's so crazy.


I can guarantee they’ll get shot in America Take ‘em to the best bar around and buy ‘em a whiskey to take the edge off


150k Muslims dead in Sudan. 350k Muslims dead in Yemen 1M Muslims detained in China Nobody bats an eye Jews kill 35k Palestinians, many terrorists, and everyone loses their mind. Hmmm. Wonder what the difference there is.


The abortion one was my favorite. Like I am pro choice too, but it’s not like you a you accidentally take a two week vacation to a southern state get pregnant and need an abortion.


None of that comment made sense He’s more trust worthy of Somalia? But not the countries he claims is genocidal? And then randomly makes up stuff about southern states. Wow, that guy is criminally stupid. Amazed to see it downvoted, though, it makes sense, what the fuck did this dumb ass expect?


Despite the growing anti Americanism on this website arguing that Somalia is safer than the US is a pretty steep uphill battle.


You have to have your head so far up your ass that it comes back out your mouth to think Somalia is safer than the US


Fine, “MugoShoddy”. Go to Somalia. Spend a week there, and get back to us about how much safer it is than the US.


I cant have an abortion in the south vs I will be beaten and ransomed in somalia.


I’d like to know how the abortion stuff even applies to someone asking travel questions lol


They think all women are incapable of not having sex wherever they go and thus she'll obviously get pregnant in a southern state, stay there for 9 months and suddenly at the last minute decide she wants an abortion and be denied one. That or he think it's going to turn into some non-con BDSM porno where foreign women get kidnapped by the state and are forced to breed.


Traveling specifically to get an abortion, methinks. Funnily enough, Somalia is probably a great place to go if you want to ensure that you never pass on your genes.


Also, abortion is not legal in Somalia except to save the life of the woman.


Also psure they enjoy FGM there


Yeah all those people fleeing to Somalia you know.


I don’t know if you heard, but Somalia actually has to reject up to two (2) visa applications per year due to the bribes not being large enough.


You can only get a visa if you raid a shipping boat and bring it back to shore.


What if I want a Mastercard


You’ll have to go back to the 1700s Virginia for that one


Whatever people say about Americans I think we have the best humor


There are actually like 40k Sudanese and Syrian refugees there for some reason lol


Well I guess when you are low on choices.


I had cancer in 2020. I have good insurance and now all my bills are paid off. This is bs. Btw im cancer free for now.


I've had 4 major surgeries in my life. Never cost me more than $1500. Even with my $6k deductible So I have an expensive healthcare premium. Definitely better off than if I had to pay 50% of my income in taxes


Shot last October I had a motorcycle accident and got the works Ambulance emergency surgery 4 day stay in a trauma unit etc According to my insurance company my grand total out of pocket will be $9000. Steep? Sure. Be a lot worse without insurance. I think insurance paid out $150,000 so far from last time I looked at my bill. Also I have such a high out of pocket max because I purposely chose the CHEAPEST premium available. Next open season now that I’m getting older I’m definitely going to re evaluate my options more carefully


My health insurance policy has a $700 emergency room copay. That's the most you can spend for going to the emergency room




No one online either understands how insurance works or actually has health insurance. People think that $800 charge to your insurance every time you have blood work is being billed to you personally but… it’s not at all.


Hell yeah man! Keep on keeping on!




Congratulations on ringing that bell




typical US veteran W


You can tell by the phrasing that he's never actually been here


Yes, some Scot lamenting the horror of the fate of women in US states if they possess a uterus, while trusting a woman’s positive opinions of a country which subjects >99% of its women to FGM and most of whom don’t have a clitoris in twisted effort to supposedly control their sexual desire. Interesting perspective on women’s rights.


Hearing someone from the UK (Scotland in this instance) call the US a “genocidal western government” is rich. Not that I’m necessarily calling the UK that but the same metrics to apply that label to the US in this person’s mind would definitely apply to them too.


Britain's post-medieval record concerning genocide is considerable, indefensible, and varied, but hope this doesn't mean equating WW2/Armenia/Circassia/Ukraine with the Highland Clearances. They can be horrific, Draconian and unfair on their own historical terms.


Ahh yes. The classic Somali >> US South Trope. What the fuck am I reading?


Grand delusions and idiocy


>Go to the US and fall ill and you get your entire life wrecked by their medical care system's extortionists. Employers in the United States provide healthcare benefits >Somalia? Dunno. I know somebody from there, I'd talk about it with her and trust her opinions more than those of a genocidal Western government. Stupidity is a Europeans greatest weakness


Bro is DEEP in the anti-US brainrot.


Another day, another dumb take from a Brit where they went out of their way to make it about America. Lmao


This is pure Reddit brainrot. Q:"Is it save to backpack through Somalia?" A:"Your life in America is worthless, medical bills will kill you, american woman are opressed."


Somalia, a country that’s been in a civil war for decades, has parts of the country under control of literal Islamists and a separatist government in an entirely different region of the country and is described as a fragile state, I’d recommend you listen to travel advisories. (Note: Much of the fighting of the civil war is mainly in the south, so take that as you will.)


Isn’t Somalia literally in a civil conflict right now? And until recently didn’t have a central government to speak of?


Chris Porter, the comedian… not the basketball player or porn star, has an act that covers backpackers going to Iraq and crossing the mountains into Iran where they were captured and and ransomed. Warning: cursing if that bothers you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrg7m3vhSgk Same level of intelligence


The US healthcare system fucking sucks, but I'd rather be a woman in possession of a uterus here than in Somalia.


I mean come here illegally and you’ll get free medical care…


Its a bait post guys


That explains the overwhelming flood of immigrants from the US to Somalia. Why didn't I see it before? It makes so much sense now. /s


At least we're independent of the crown skirtboy 🚬


Somebody doesn’t understand how international travel works… and they claim to have done it 🤷 Just another Reddit moment.


10 years ago, when I was a broke college student who had to use ER services, the hospital forgave almost all the medical debt. 6 months ago, when my broke dad literally GAVE himself T2 diabetes by sitting around drinking soda all day for 3 years since covid, and suffered through a 1-week diabetic coma, the hospital he went to not only forgave all his medical debt, but continues to give him free insulin. Sure, a lot of things might vary from state to state, city to city. But it sometimes seems like I’m just living in an alternate reality of what “America” is to other people.


The propaganda is stronk with them.


“hey guys is it safe to backpack in a country basically controlled by pirates” “The american healthcare system sucks” one fay I jope to uneerstand the idiocy required to have a country you dont even live in this rent free


Lmao what an idiot


At least it's downvoted! There's content on this site that's nearly as unhinged that win top honors


You can tell by the comments that they have never left their moms basement and get all their information about the world from Reddit


Why don't any of these people who think the West is so terrible ever move to countries like Somalia?


I had back surgery last year. I have ok insurance, not great, not bad, just ok. I dont spend alot, my deductible is manageable. And i understand how the medical industry works and what hospitals to go to and when to pay and when to ask to pay less (yes, you can do this.) You know what i paid, all said and done, for my mri, my doctors visits, my surgery, and all my medication post surgery? about 300 dollars. In fact, the university hospital i used for my initial hospital visits, at the end of the year with their yearly audit realized they over charged me and sent me a check for 51 dollars. So in actuality i paid 249 dollars for all my medical costs last year. Now, i know there are situations where people are charged 30k for having a baby and the like. hell my cousin had to sell his house, his rv, and his boat to afford his childs medical bills when he was diagnosed with cancer. I get it, the system can break. But alot of it comes down the hospital you choose to go too. You see, there are laws that require state funded and public hospitals to operate a specific way and to charge a specific way, and there are laws that disallow them from having hidden fees, and there are rules that allow you, the consumer in this instance, to basically negotiate price. There are plenty of hospitals that are willing to work with you on what you can, should, and will pay. When they are state funded they stand to gain nothing from charging you more then you can afford. its that simple. Talk to your hospitals billing department, and work out either a payment plan, or a lessened payment. Or actually look at what facilities are in your insurances network before you go to them. And the myth that you will be denied healthcare because you have no insurance is just a myth. They are bound by both oath, and law, to administer life saving aid to you regardless of your insurance status. All of this is to say, Somalia is a fucking trash heap. The fact that navy seals will regularly have to go into the country to save western tourists who have been kidnapped by pirate gangs is all you need to know about visiting it. Claiming that Somalia, is somehow better then the US because of the way the medical industry works here is fucking insanity.


I'm all for this commenter to accompany the OP on their backpacking trek through Somalia. They sound like they need to step outside more for some real life perspective.


By all means, enjoy your time in Somalia. Please go. They will love owning you


What a deluded nut case


I mean—abortion is not legal in Somalia, but go off?


I'd much rather someone like this believe all the anti-American memes they've read, and not visit so we don't have to put up with their insufferable douchiness.


So correct me if I'm wrong, but in other countries, doesn't their "free" healthcare only apply to citizens? Or do their tax dollars also pay for foreigners to get treated. If it isn't the latter, then how is that any different you the US?


I want all these people that say these places are better to put their money where their mouths are and go, actually do it and report back.


I wouldn’t rely on information from Reddit asking about my safety in Somalia.


This guy must own a Scottish cocaine farm cuz aint no way


Shit. I LIVE in the south and am the proud owner of a uterus. What am I to do?!


"In possession of a uterus"... they act like we just magically get pregnant... And that wording makes me think of somebody just whipping out a uterus like a purse.


I knew a guy in college that was a Somalian refugee he tried to escape by swimming across the gulf of Aden and then got kidnapped and stabbed by pirates who wanted to keep him as a slave and honestly I can't say that happens much here in America