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terminally online


Calling themselves a loli is all the proof you need.


I looked up what lolicon is because of this comment section. Good lord šŸ˜­


FBI: Iā€™m watching you, buddy.


Come child, let us find consolation in Chuck Norris


Yeahā€¦ honestly I take being hated by this person as a compliment.


me when I spread false information on the internet


Facts lol For courteous social things like what they described, Americans are always SUPER well renowned for being friendly and talkative, far more than other groups. I always think about, for stuff like this, I went on a trip in middle school to Italy, we were told to beware of gypsies and racist things about them 10+ times without it being prompted. I have only EVER heard witnessed first hand in person that level of racism in the USA from people who are 1st generation migrants.


For real I've seen Europeans complain about us being to nice now we're to rude?


Lol, as a foreigner the only time people looked upon me because of my accent was in rural England. Americans have always been lovely with me so far, even in very rural communities


Most people raised here only get bothered by an accent when you can't understand what they're saying. Yeah, you got your extremists who want all people not raised in the USA to GTFO, but that's the extreme vocal minority. Personally, I love hearing people's accents and the different languages people speak


I have an auditory processing disorder so I donā€™t even get bothered by the accent so much as flustered and embarrassed for *myself* for not being able to keep up in the one language I speak with any degree of fluency šŸ˜­


The Left has confabulated illegal with legal immigration. Those who sneak in or stay beyond their tourist visas are criminals, period. The USA lets in more legal immigrants into the country far more than any other nation on Earth. We want them to be vetted and then come be Americans just like us. Those who skip the line should be rightfully shunned and deported. The USA is by far the most friendly nation to immigrantsā€”just not the criminal ones. But the Left wants everyone to believe that we all hate foreigners who arenā€™t Anglo Saxon Christians. The media plays this same game.


While I agree with you that that distinction was regularly been attacked, there are still those who believe that it should only be born and raised Americans here. I'm of the opinion that you seem to have, where I have absolutely no problem with legal immigration and welcome those who will follow the legal process. Interestingly, I've never met someone who followed the legal process and supported illegal immigration


People who constant talk about the ā€œleftā€ like itā€™s some kind of unified hive mind need to turn off the 24/7 news and step outside every once in a while.


Yeah, that sword cuts both ways doesn't it? I see far more references and ridicule to the "right" and "far-right" here on reddit and the main stream news (ABCCBSCNNNBCWashPostNYTimes) than any other political faction.


If by left you mean the Democratic Party (and who else could you mean that has any real political influence) then their stance on immigration agrees with what you said. No one out side the 24/7 News bubble actual uses the term left or right, nor do they see it as an ā€œus vs themā€ existential crisis like these broadcasters want you to believe. That is just a marketing tactic to keep you engaged.


Okay, I was referring to The Left as the DNC and media we see in newsprint, hear on radio and see on teevee. Other than that, sure. It may be a marketing tactic, but the product theyā€™re selling is directed at the people of this country, which is they remain in power. I am very much opposed to their Leftist philosophy and rule. Beyond that, youā€™re splitting hairs.


The DNC is not "the left" or "leftist". If you think that's the case, then you need to seriously examine why you think that way because it's simply not true. The left is represented by the Green party and they're soo politically fringe that most people don't even realize that the Green Party even exists.


The real leftist parties in the US are the DSA, PSL, and SPUSA, and CPUSA. The Green Party are just very progressive democrats, or Social Democrats


That's fair, but the greens are left of the democrats and those others are left of the greens. To a republican these days, anything left of Pinoche' is a commie.


Iā€™m arguing that your perception of the left in the form of the DNC the is skewed by too much consumption of media, whose incentive is to keep you consuming their product and not necessarily to relay to objective situational analysis. Bothsideism is a manufactured social phenomenon perpetuated by media for their own gain. It simply does not exist in the broader society.


Italians are generally thought of pretty fondly in the US and have migrated to quite a few parts of the US, especially the east coast. I haven't met many Italians from Italy but there's quite a few people with Italian ancestry and in general, a lot of foreigners come to the US so it's not that unusual to hear an accent.


Local heartthrob *what*? Itā€™s probably the pedophilia that is getting them dirty looks; not their accent.


Itā€™s dr disrespects burner


What is he a doctor of? Pediatric Medicine?


He disrespects the age of consent laws.


Probably one of those gender fluids or something.


Gender fluid? *takes big sip* Tastes like rainbow


Since when did Skittles make drinks


Which Americans are they saying good morning and goodnight to that are looking at them that way?


NYC maybe? Even then I feel like most people would still oblige aside from the occasional ā€œIā€™m over this shitā€ local


Nah reading it again I realize that was my misunderstanding. I was reading "good morning" and "good night" as if it was being said to the same person at different times of day. Mostly because where I'm from "goodnight" is explicitly for bedtime while "have a good night" is an acceptable way to end an interaction with a stranger. And also the use of "and" rather than "or"


Same. Imagine walking and a stranger says goodnight to you. Iā€™d be confused


Like, am I about to die?


Fr. Its like telling someone to enjoy the rest of their day


Didn't you read the followup? ALL Americans. When they say good morning, 330 million people collectively give them a dirty look.


The picture that was painted in my head was that they'd stayed with the same American or group of Americans that they might wish good morning and goodnight at different times of day and they gave them a dirty look and they extrapolated to ALL Americans based on this individual or group of individuals. The only thing I could think was maybe they were staying in a hostel? Realized later that I was misinterpreting their use of language


Maybe NYC or Philidelphia?


What they have as their @ is really not something that someone should put if they want to be taken seriously.


I take that as a W tbh - we stand United against this bitch lol


Wait, I thought Americans were overly friendly in foreign countries? Some foreigners mentioned they know youā€™re American when youā€™re extremely friendly.


Yes, Americans are very friendly indeed. The guy's off track


Really showing their degree in Yappernomic's here


Lolicon detected. Opinion rejected.


I feel like it's the complete opposite. Say hi in America, most people will say hi back. In Europe, depending on where you go they'll look at you with disgust


And here I thought the complaint about America is that we are too friendly and smile too much that is off putting.




No, I think the unfriendly looks are due to the name you got going there pal.


Rage bait


I looked through their profile. Yeah, theyā€™re not satire on anything they do lmao.


And as usual with this sub it worked


1) ped 2) They are probably a British ā€œpersonā€œ and thus are to be ridiculed by all civilized peoples


Theyā€™re getting wayy to comfortable imo


>British ā€œpersonā€œ By that, I'm assuming you mean the 'Brits' who don't take our values seriously. Mainly the anti-establishment types you find quite often in university, which makes sense since they're the kind of age to be using Twitter this way.


I can't read this, the accent is too thick


YAY NON-WHITE WE WERE INCLUDED IN THE HATE THIS TIME! šŸ„³ They don't really see their minorities as part of their countries so they assume the US is the same


Right? The implicit racism in the post was one of the many things wrong with it.


Loli coded? So they like little animated girls? They outta just off themselves to save space


*little ~~animated~~ girls ftfy


Name checks out.


Where in the US? In certain cities, I've cultivated a powerful "Fuck off" face because I know too well that 99% of the people giving polite greetings to strangers are panhandlers, scammers, evangelists, or street harassers. Locals in those towns keep to themselves. But in more rural areas, warm greetings were common. Moving from an American city to a rural area in America was a bit of a culture shock to me. At first, I panicked a bit whenever people I didn't know would greet me.


Big talk from someone who has an anime pfp


worse, look at their name


Me when I come this close to punching somebody


Oof, that username.


Thank you for your opinion, Local Heartthrob Loli.


ā€œLoliCodedā€ Never speak to me again.


Americans being who exactly? Brazilians?


The babytalk accent?


most intelligent lolicon


Loli spottedā€¦ eliminate with extreme prejudice


Time for some prison justice


ā˜•ļø anime pfp


Other doofuses: "I fucking hate how Americans are always smiling and asking how you're doing and saying thank you over everything and saying hi when they don't even know you... They're so fake and don't know what it's really like to be nice or happy rrrrrRRRAGH" This doofus: "Americans don't ever smile or say thanks or do anything nice because they're all despicable people. Also I hate minorities"


Me when I use the generalization fallacy


lol ok loli-pops.


Anyone with ā€œLoliā€ in their username should not be taken seriously


OK ā€œlocal heartthrob loliā€ šŸ™„


Everybody is talking about their name and all Iā€™m thinking is ā€œNon-white Americanā€ gives pretty big racist vibes. ā€œNon-White Americansā€ call themselves, something besides non-white.


There are a ton of accents in America. Itā€™s one of the things we like about the place.


I stopped reading at "Loli".


Americans have things like ā€œdonā€™t fuck childrenā€ as their morals. Itā€™s sickening!


$50 this guy is also in the "America bad because there's an age of consent" camp


What Americans has she been talking to? Arenā€™t we considered weird in other counties for being *too* friendly?


Anti-Americans who are non-white Americans always think they can get away with their pick-me shit through ā€œuh erm I hate America too weā€™re not all white šŸ¤“ā€ and then get the hate directed to them lmao fucking cucks


There are people who get super hostile over thick accents in America. My momā€™s experienced it and continues to experience it. Usually these are not the same people who are being polite.


Happy cake day


womp womp she can cry me a new river


But we're also too nice and personable at the same time?




It's not satire, but just point and laugh at them.


Anime avatar. All you need to know.


Insecure projection


Loli is a girl whos fantasizes about a Pedo Relation


"bcs your accent too thick" Yeah because we can't understand a single fucking thing you're saying.