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Look up how to write a good letter in animal crossing. There are ways to write absolutely nonsense letters that villagers will love.


I'll do that, thanks!




It’s so cute that you blacked out your character name lol


Lol better safe than sorry :D


I thought she cursed at you lol


I read it as an F word first LOL


For a split second I thought you blacked out part of the letter because the villager called you a slur or something lol


I thought that originally


Pre-New Leaf villagers were just built different


I think the adjective “little” really makes it seem that way


In my new save, Dotty gave me a garbage can for delivering her a piece of furniture from Tom Nook, it was like the very first thing a villager gave to me 😐 I was genuinely upset lol, so I wrote her a salty letter saying how disappointed I was.. And surprisingly, she wrote back, telling me she was sorry. I know it's supposed to be random (though you can get bad/good letters), but this time it was just mind-blowing how real and accurate it was


We need this kind of personality back in games! It was so much better when villagers could be downright brutal to you 😂


It’s all fun and games until a peppy villager forces you to trade your rare furniture item for a shirt and then repeatedly laughs in your face every time you try to say “no”. True story, happened in the GameCube game.


Yup this happened to me too! Rio… She was my arch nemesis when i was a kid playing the original GameCube. I don’t remember exactly what she stole from me but it was a rare item. For a stupid ordinary wallpaper…. And that was just the beginning of all the sh\*t she did to me! She was a demon. I have a long list of things she did to me that made her my absolute worst enemy in AC ever lol. Forget Cranky and Snooty villagers! What they did was nothing in comparison to all the stuff Rio did to me!


I remember one time there was Astrid in town and she gave me a good fortune and then I found a bag of 50.000 bells buried outside, I was so happy but then a peppy villager STOLE the bag because I lost a game or something and I couldn’t do ANYTHING 😭 bye bye my bells ;( I’m pretty sure it was because of the « good fortune » as a way to troll me…


This is why I’m glad I came in at Wild World. I don’t think I could handle the first game doing that to me. 😂


Is it Worth me giving the older games a try like wild world? Sounds really fun!


I always enjoyed it. Some things were limited, like the clothing options weren’t as wide and your character had one look based on how you answered Rover’s questions at the start up. (I believe you could later get the salon inside of Nooks, but I don’t remember how it’s unlocked) But it was definitely a fun game. I’ve played it, City, Pocket Camp, New Leaf, and this New Horizons. They all introduced new things, and all of them had things that were retired when the new game came out. I’ve thought about starting up the old ones again for nostalgia’s sake. See how my old towns were. The major downside for me was that villagers could move without warning, and you’d just get a goodbye letter in the mail.


Oh wow, I didn't know they could be so brutal!! When people now say villagers can be so mean but then only ever played New Horizon, I always think that they have NO idea. But i'm comparing to Wild World. I'm slowly realizing I don't even know much myself, lol


Graham keeps telling me about his sound proof basement, that is too much personality for me


Lmao 😂


its all fun and games until kids start to cry I think they deluted it to much, but kid should have fun


Yes, *kids* crying... Not me, a sensitive adult crying because their words hurt. Nope, absolutely not...🫣😭


Not to be a downer, but this game is still has a largely child audience. There are enough 10 year olds in Sephora with 20 step skin routines, we don't really need video game characters telling them they need bronzer..


I've been playing ever since I was little kid, at least 7/8 years old. I liked sending villagers stupid letters on purpose just to hear their hilarious complaints. None of their comments, or Resetti's, ever bothered me as a child. In my opinion, any child who is THAT bothered by random comments that random video game characters were programmed to make, either need to grow thicker skin or wait a couple years until they can handle the dialogue. Nowadays in New Horizons, even the "cranky" villagers aren't that cranky anymore, the one personality that should be!


I was playing the original game cube version when it was at its most extreme when I was like 6 or 7. And i loved it! It made it feel more realistic. Modern society makes everything too child friendly these days. I absolutely hate the cr\*p they call kid things nowadays. Kids are tougher than you think and don’t need to protected and won’t be traumatized from stuff Like this. Kids like tough and scary things too! And like more mature things people would consider last their age. Adults think they know what kids want and what’s best for them. But in reality they don’t! Like how they vastly underestimate how intelligent kids are. Theres far more to life than smiles and laughter. And the older animal crossing games villagers were better because they showed kids that. Sure there may have been a few things the old villagers said that went maybe a tad too far for a children’s game. But for the most part it was 100% better than the boring personality they have in NH. It’s the main reason it my least favorite game of the series so far.


Standard Portia. She was even ruder on GameCube.


Dang. I'd hate to see her ruder lol


She moved into my town on GameCube and was horrible! I do miss their crankiness in the newer games. They’re all unrealistically nice.


I love that it feels like a lot of people are re-discovering Wild World on this sub rn. I started up again too and WOW I really forgot how much I love the snarky dialogue.


I’d take this over Boone constantly stalking me and coming over any day 😭😂


I almost read this as "YOUR SKIN IS SCREAMING FOR THE BRONZE BULL!" and was like damn portia really out here advocating for an execution


From someone who’s only played new horizons…I think this is wild and I’m clearly missing out lol




Wild World had the very best character interactions and writing.


It's a hate crime pmsl 🤣


damn portia and i are besties in NH


i miss this animal crossing


I miss how mean the villagers used to be lol. I'm replaying wild world and I absolutely love the sass


I don’t fully understand why people preferred the straight-up abusive dialogue from the villagers. If I played a game back in the day and someone in the game told me, to my face, “Hey you fat stupid loser, what makes you think you can just EXIST here? Oh right, you CAN’T think because you’re a fat stinky idiot, I hope you die” I’d probably start crying and never play the game again. I already got enough of that growing up. Edit: forgot to add “ugly”


Because it was nice to win them over. They weren't *this* mean in City Folk. But I remember the cranky villagers actually being, well, cranky. You had to work hard at befriending them for them to soften up. It felt so rewarding when Lobo started being sweet to me and calling me his friend.


People just want the villagers to have personality again. Now, they're all just different flavors of "nice".


"Rude" is no more of a personality than "Nice" is, and frankly I'm a little tired of people acting like sarcastic quips, condescending "clapback" insults, and general b*tchiness are somehow interesting personality traits.


They're funny


It’s a game.. it’s supposed to be funny and make the game feel more dimensional. All the villagers in ACNH really are just different flavors of nice, and the dialogue can also be really repetitive which sometimes makes me wonder why I hunt for particular villagers at all, outside of their aesthetics. I would love to experience this in NH, but then again I don’t take the words of a non-sentient digital character to heart.


This is not that brutal. It's funny 😭 also they only say mean stuff like that (it's never ad bad as you're saying) if YOU harass them.


I miss the days when they were savage af. These new players will never know hate. Haha


Portia is such a mean girl lol, she has scarred me.


I used to love portia before this post


This is why I miss old animal crossing lmaoooo




Portia bought another ds and moved into that town


Snooty villagers are so mean lmao. I was such good friends with willow at one point but then one day she just started being mean to me out of nowhere.


Cleo also wrote a letter saying that she was hurt because of my letter. I thought she moved out. About a week later she was back 🫥


This is why the next game should use AI.


I don't know... I would rather have a game that has some issues that people programmed than having the weird soulless nonsense that AI gives us.