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Unless I’m limited on time, I choose an outfit each day as the first stop. I keep something I can change with by my house. I never use wands, I don’t like that you’re not really wearing the clothes. 


Yahh that's definitely a weird function with the wand. When i first got it (star DIY, thank Celeste!) I thought it was like you can change the outfit still, just a shortcut to change it to something specific. Yah nah, it's pretty much running around naked with hologram clothes when i think about it lol


Wait what? I’ve never been able to make a wand so I don’t know how it works


Same! Wand is only for my rain outfit!


I don’t like the outfit wand because it removes those items from your clothing inventory. that said, I change my clothes almost daily to go with my mood and the weather, I don’t really have a “default”


Nothing says "its a new day!" Like a change of clothes. 🤗


They are strictly accessories for me because of this! Also drove me a little crazy the first time I set the wand outfits. I went to go change my outfit without it and had no idea why one of my favorite purses was gone 😂


I think the worst part about it is that if you want multiple saved outfits to have the same pair of shoes for example you have to have multiple pairs of those shoes and that’s just not how having outfits and dressing yourself works lol


This bothered me so much! Especially since the game gave me that pop up to say “you aren’t actually wearing the wand outfits” I thought all the clothes would stay in my closet. Plus, I never like to lose an inventory slot.


I have some seasonal/weather based outfits in my wand for quick change (like if it starts raining, I can quickly put on rain gear without having to run to a dresser) but my regular outfits I just use a dresser. I change outfits every few days too.


The wand is a life saver for those rainy days, especially when you aren't dressed for it haha


I don't use wands. One fewer thing in my pockets. Instead, I have default outfits for each season. Here's my summer outfit! https://preview.redd.it/r90fj66s6z7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d3a91b74fdae51cdedc3fb2c502272dd6967f3


Its so cute!! Definitely summer vibes! 🤗🤗🤗


Cute! I love that dress. 🥹 I am obsessed with buying outfits on AC, so I change my outfit at the beginning of every day I play. :)


That's awesome! AC has so many clothing options to purchase, Do you ever use Label's tailor tickets from her visit? It has saved me so many bells :)


I’d love to see more of your outfits. 🥹🥹 Thank you for the reminder! I forgot I have a stack of them and keep forgetting to use them. 😇


Haha most of my outfits (like IRL) are mostly vampy and halloween tbh 😅 its the meme of cottage core decoration and just goth clothing but Animal crossing haha I forgot to use them too until i went through my storage and found 6 full stacks of them 🥲 the amount of bells i used for clothes instead of my loan lol 😅


I always go to the shop thinking I want to spend some money and I ALWAYS forget how awful the shopping interface is! What if I want to buy multiple shoes at once Mabel?? WHAT THEN?


Right? 🥲 I try to dissociate once I mentally select all of the items I want so I zone out during the process. I’m notorious for buying the things I like in every color... and then some to share with neighbors.. 🤣


I guess I'm the odd one out. My char has worn the exact same outfit for over a year 🤣 She does have duplicates though so when a Nook Miles achievement comes up she can change her shoes to the exact same.


Hey, thats a smart way to beat the system and still be the same lol


My player changes her everyday socks to… new everyday socks 😁




The wand takes up space in my pockets so I stopped carrying it. I change my outfits when I see something cool at Able’s or when the Nook Miles daily challenge tell me to.


That's one motivation for me to change it up, especially when the Nook Miles is offering 5 times reward for it lol


I placed a cooler and a changing room on the beach to make it easier. Save going home.


What does the cooler do?


Stupidly, coolers, like refrigerators, are actually closets where you can access your wardrobe. I have a cooler next to some beach chairs and a changing room next to the beach side pool. (Also, why is the pool so small??)


Haha, no, absolutely not. I bought all the clothes, and the cute ones I’d wear once, then give to a villager the next day (except for the ones you can’t rebuy, pants, and accessories). It was fun! I was very fashionable! Makes it hard for if I ever wanted to get a custom anything of my character because…what does she wear?


She wears whatever is cute and fashionable 🤗 which is anything or everything lol


She does! And I love it…I just don’t have a typical iconic look, and the thing I’ve worn the most in game is my PJs (and, uh…sleep crown👀), which is a Look, but not what I’d want to represent myself as (and to be clear, I am not getting custom art work of my island/character any time soon/ever, I just think about what I’d do when I see other people’s, so this is a very non-issue complaint).


I love your default outfit, it's so cute!! I usually use the wand to make some outfits for the month/season. I always have two school uniform inspired outfits (there are so many cute options!!), an outdoorsy outfit, an indoorsy one, and a sporty one. And then I switch depending on what I'm doing :)


Thank you! I used the wand too but it got annoying when I wanted to try stuff on at the Abel sisters. And yeah, their uniforms (and all their color options) are super cute!


My outfit likes to change with my mood! I have a few pre-made wand outfits, but so much of the fun I have is going through my wardrobe to mix and match new things as I see fit. 😊


I wear the same thing nearly all the time. Jeans, tennis shoes, baseball jersey, and the pirate crown. On the other hand my wife buys a new outfit, and maybe all the variations of the dress she picks out, every day.


I hate the Wands, especially since it takes away the clothing option when it’s “inside” the wands


I change every day or every few days. I do get stuck on an outfit for like 2 3 days sometimes but then I switch it up. I do have my go to items like a green bag, tulip hat, the t-shirt dress, boots and sandals I have them in so many colors and I just swap the colors but keep similar bases. And I always wear glasses usually octagon ones.


Nope. I try to go by the shop and see if there is anything interesting,  and I have an outdoor closet right by it so I can grab my own stuff without going to the house.  I like that steam punk dress, but there are just too many options to go around looking the same all the time. 


I like to have cosplay outfits on the wand so all the stuff is right there


Wand all the way


I change my outfit daily. I usually pick out a new outfit before I close the game, then use the wand to put pajamas on and go to “bed”. That way, when I start the next day, and take of the pajamas, I’m wearing a new outfit. I only use the wand for pajamas, rain gear, a shower outfit and the entire Mario getup my daughter made me buy 😂


I do that too! 😂


I don't use a wand but i have many outfits (and cosplays) but when i change it i do it with closet and mirror


I have my wetsuit on under my wand outfit so I can change at any time instead of having to go back home, grab the wetsuit out of my storage, put it on, store all the clothes it replaced and vice versa when I'm done diving. I'm a man though, so take my fashion-related opinions with a grain of salt.


Oh, i used to do this, too! (Im a woman lol) it was very handy but became a hassle when I'd put my wand away and my outfit just poofed out of existence and i was there with my wet suit lol


I just carry my wetsuit with my tools. I can put it on over my clothes, and just take it off again when I'm done. I don't ever go home to put on a wetsuit. 


i have a default but it is in my wand even tho i will change it onto real clothes cause i hate that i have to change everytime i have to enter the dressing room in able sisters to see what’s for sale and other stuff you can’t do while in a wand-dress.


I never use the wands. I choose a new outfit daily. Sometimes multiple depending on my mood and if the weather changes.


I change outfit each 3 or 4 days. I dont even use wand, I dont like to repeat styles.


Yep! I made a Star Trek tng inspired dress that I wear with black tights and boots and I have a black wide brimmed hat on too. It’s super cute and I love it.


I LOVE the wand you have no idea. I have so many custom coats and makes it so much easier to switch between them and whichever outfit they go with whenever I want


Oh true! Wands are very helpful with custom design outfits!


I always go find myself a closet really


Honestly I just used a wand for the first time a couple weeks ago, and it REALLY *bummed me out* to learn that what you wear in a wand outfit is no longer available for any other outfit! So it makes me not wanna keep the wand goin


Yahhhh thats always the downside for wands. They do make cute accessories to carry around, tho! 🥰


I just throw on whatever they give me. I generally look like I slept under the goodwill 😂


I mean goodwill has some good things!


I'm not knocking goodwill! It can just have a ... certain flair 😂


Been running around in a diy dress that looks like a one piece swimsuit and rocking flip flops as my default for a fair bit now, I like the idea of an ideal summer temperature to escape from the heat of the south lol


I legit have a spending issue.. I go to the clothes shop every single day and buy anything and everything I like and think I’ll wear. And every morning when I first jump on my game I choose an outfit for the day. If I play at night before bed I end the game with jammies and a face mask LOL.


Okay, but why is this me too? Every day, hop on the game, run to Nook's shop and Abel sisters, spend bells and then go do the rest of my chores. Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


SAME lol! Literally spend all my money and barely have any to pay my loan 🥴


I don’t have the outfit wand, I usually wear a custom designed outfit made to look like a real outfit of mine. But recently, I’ve felt like changing it up. So now I’m a strawberry. https://preview.redd.it/oxsy5ubd218d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993c40bd8a38835a5f0d00f1a20cba17e98c502d


Just a strawberry hanging out in the garden 🥹❤️


I don’t use the wand. It’s too much hassle. I just use the wardrobe to pick out a new outfit every day.


I LOVE using the outfit wand! I have an outfit for every season/weather and switch them out often!


I just wear one specific custom design outfit, and change my hat when i find a cool one


Default outfit but then also all 8 wand slots put together but rarely used. I don’t like that there’s so many things you can’t do while ‘transformed’. Like I eventually have to disassemble a wand outfit so I can wear it to update my dream island. The wands are a cool idea executed poorly. I miss the mannequins.


I always use the wand, because my pockets are full of all kinds of other stuff, and I like to be able to change outfits.


I usually pick an outfit that I would wear irl, and only when I'm either a) tired of what I'm wearing, or b) have a nookmile goal for changing my outfit. I dress up special for my villagers birthdays though. Outfit wand is specifically for the Mario outfits, or a workout fit for doing the stretches in the plaza


I frequently use my wand. It amuses me that when I remove my wand outfit I'm a "wizard" underneath with the hat and gown. I actually haven't done that in a bit. I need to update my wand outfits for summer. I've been wearing some custom designs lately as I just recently got Nintendo online.


My character has been in a custom designed Britney Spears outfit almost from the start of the game.


We love that tho! Shes iconic! 🤩🤩


Depends on which mood I'm in, I had a default ''creepy Victorian doll'' outfit but now I dress up like Harley Quinn or Delirium from Sandman or like the Queen of Hearts depending on my mood


I have default theme outfits on my wand but I be changing my outfit monthly haha! Love this game so much man


I use the wand for like matching outfits of certain colors, themes, etc. but I still pick my actual outfit every time I get on to switch things up


I make my own a lot of the time since i don't really know how to get star fragments. I heard about an event with stars or something, but i fell asleep and i don't know if it'll happen again. (I barely just got this game 4 days ago)


I hate the wand


To each their own! 🙂


of course


I have way too many clothes in this game, I change every day and it’s never the same style, yesterday I looked like I was from the 70’s and today I look like I’m from the 1700’s 😂 it’s one of my favorite parts of the game (since I can’t afford cool clothes irl)


I feel this on a deep level, especially with wanting cool clothes but cant afford it lol 😭 id pay hella for my streampunk dress and hat tho lol


I wear the same outfit most days, but I change whenever I feel like it. I have a retro ice cream freezer next to the nook/plaza so it’s very central.


I have a default and a handful of wand outfits


I don't like using the wand. But have default outfits to match seasons


I rotate between various looks, I never use the wand, just have it loaded up with various power ranger outfits.


I pick a new outfit each day, sometimes changing throughout the day. I got a wand for the Kapp'n tours. If he brings me somewhere with a different season I can swap outfits so I'm not running around in the snow in a summer outfit.


I leave the wand in my bedroom and it's loaded with lounge and sleepwear for when I'm decorating inside. I usually change my outfit once a week-ish.


How do you get wand


I change every day so depends on what catches my eye. If it’s raining I always wear a raincoat, that’s my only rule. I tried a wand but it was just a waste of a pocket spot.


I tried the wand, but, I do t want to waste inventory space. I change my outfit based on the seasons sometimes


I'll save outfits sometimes that I think are cute to show my friend when we play, so it's quick to change but other than that my wand stays in storage


I just kind of change my outfits on a whim, or if Label happens to be visiting. Not really any rhyme or reason for the outfits I come up with, just whatever I think looks good together. I do have a few wand outfits, but I think I'm going to remove them since I don't really use it.