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If you want, you could try a bird feed that includes crickets? I know anoles + most reptiles in general won’t go for dead prey, but these guys seem to have no qualms with non-living food sources!


It’s recommended that fruit is only a treat or small portion of their diet in anole care as they mostly feed on insects and rely on that to get the proper nutrients. I wouldn’t feed them fruit everyday.


I feed dried strawberries and dried banana to the mealworms that I feed my anoles. Your bird seed mix, what fruit does it have in it? My anoles only eat moving insects....so I'm curious if maybe they're eating ants if they're actually going for the dried fruit. Finally how big are the anoles in your yard? My understanding is that the larger species of anoles eat fruit regularly, and the smaller species can consume fruit but generally don't.


Some type of berry- cranberries I think? And they aren't very big. Here's a pic of one of them having a bite, this little dude is on the smaller side for the anoles I usually see in the yard. https://preview.redd.it/873k85el8x8d1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded7df5193bb3812827fdc5d7500a7dcb65dfd76


That's crazy!