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Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases that have been delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Trump’s legal team is financed by campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to repeal EPA protections and by his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The majority of Trump’s senior governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet and Advisors from his 2016-2020 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump for another term and/or have declared that Donald J Trump is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   More abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) and grifting continues [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls)                                              including this bizarre degrading cash grab  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) Donald Trump has already asked national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles. Donald Trump is a threat to national security. He is Putin’s puppet.  He praises Putin and Kim Jong-un.  Donald Trump doesn’t respect military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump fosters racism and embraces white supremacists like felons Bannon, Roger Stone and David Duke.  On 9/11, the darkest day in recent American history, after thousands of men, women and children died in the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump picked up the phone to call a television station to point out that he now owned the tallest building in Manhattan.


More light needs to be shined on the cabinet members who refuse to endorse him.  It's unheard of. There's plenty of republicans that leave the party and then trash it, usually to sell a book to the non-republicans who actually read books... But cabinet members not supporting the president who might bring them back? That is stunning. It's not just a few "RINO"s they can boot, like Liz Cheney or Kinzinger. Pence, Mattis, Esper, Kelly, these are far from moderates.


I can’t imagine anyone in Biden’s cabinet refusing to endorse him, unless they had some secret info about his cognitive decline. Never anything about his character or qualifications though.


I can't recall ANY Democrats trashing the party after they're done. There's probably a few somewhere, but absolutely nothing like the steady stream republicans who constantly crap on the GOP after they leave.  I also can't recall any former Chiefs of Staff or Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs going public about their dislike for their former boss. Nothing like this where several say "keep this guy away from power, never let it happen again". Insane.


Strom Thurmond, but he left congress in 2003. [Here](https://content.csbs.utah.edu/~dlevin/federalism/southern_manifesto.html) is a letter signed by him trashing the progressive Supreme Court while he was a Democrat Senator.


Also, bitter asshole Zell Miller of Georgia when he didn’t get a spot in the Clinton Administration.


Dick Morris and the Clintons parted on less than cordial terms, but you are mostly correct.


Trump is a civilly convicted rapist.


Have you got a place to read more about his funding sources? I hadn't seen any recent news about campaign disclosures, just that he was grifting off the GOP warchest by expensing flights on his private airline venture.


I’ve heard it said that turnabout is fair play. He should be careful about being the dog that catches the car.


got a link for that last one? cos Wow...


That’s one of those facts that has been known since 2001.


Wanna know a funnier fact about that last one? That statement too was a lie. He has never owned the tallest building in Manhattan.


So you just gonna let this shit happen while complaining in Reddit?


Point out? Sounds more like gloating


And it wasn't even true, iirc


It doesn't matter how bad a candidate is. If enough people who support him vote, and those against him stay at home. He wins.


"Could we maybe, execute them, is murder the answer?" "Sir, you always ask if murder is the answer and we always tell you no. Murder might impact our ratings with suburban working moms." "But without murder I can't complete the desecration of the ten commandments, cementing myself as the little horn of the 7th dragon, the perfect foil and bane of the Christ, and usher in 1000 years of darkness creating a permanent vortex between hell and earth." "Sir, you always say you just need some murder to become the antichrist and we always tell you no, at least not in your first term. Besides, doesn't that half million you killed with covid count?" *president squints and makes gesticulating circular motion towards the floor* "Did the portal to hell open??" "Sadly sir, it does not appear that it did." "Then no those half million dead didn't count." "You'll get 'em next time, sir."


So spot-on plausible. Cheers.


I read this in the voices of trump and general milley… perfect impression




Little too close to home, huh?


But nobody else will listen to it :'(


I'm doing my part 🫡


Once again he has proven that he is a clear and present danger. Time to lock this clown up… 20-24 should do it.


**TRUMP 20-24!** ^(years in prison)


Have that shirt


He’s a fucking narcissistic lunatic who praises Putin and Un only because he’s jealous he can’t kill or imprison people on a whim like they do…


Wouldn't trust a word she says. Another grifter. Lifelong right winger. Started at her way right wing father's online organization. Worked at Fox as an associate producer for Ingraham. Made her way through the entire Republican Party, including the Freedom Caucus, all the way to Pence and eventually Trump. She is just as complicit in all of this as anyone who worked in his administration and did nothing to stop it. Supposedly, she played a huge role in Trump's covid policy, and we all know how well that went. She also up and left her role after 6-7 months, doing and saying absolutely nothing afterward until it was time to use her pretty face to cosplay as a reformed Trumper. Only in it for the money.


She’s the fucking worst. She accuses Barr of omission? That’s rich.


Do t give her a pass. But take the execution talk seriously. That should concern us all.


Yet trump surrounded himself with so many patriots that we are only now hearing about this. trump and all his minions and followers are traitors.


They bastardized the word "patriot". And "we the people". And the flag. And...




History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes.


And they bastardized it so cheaply. They got nothing in return, unless chaos and unraveling democracy was their reward.


They traded the country for a red hat.


I agree.


I had to throw all of mine away. And I'm a Rangers fan. Went from seven to two


To them it means '*HATE*triot


Why the fuck is it always "ex judge", "ex officer", "ex attorney". What the fuck where these people doing when trump was ACTUALLY IN OFFICE?? Or before? Open your fucking mouth when it matters


They’d be gone in a milli mooch if they did that. The sacrifice of their principles that they did when they signed up for the role when knowing that he was such an awful person wouldn’t have been made up for yet. Got to hang on for the book deal and movie rights.


I know you're right and tbf my question was rhetorical. Or maybe yelling into a void of some kind 😂 valid but pointless You are 100% correct tho


I’m yelling with you.


They were making money, and now they are making money by giving interviews about how trumps+ supports (fictional example) Xi being a dictator because he said "China, big country, many people, smart people, good people they kill drug dealers"


Probably yeah lol


Well, he also tried to stage an insurrection that involved murdering his Vice President and a large portion of Congress. I’m not shocked that he’s suggested killing other people.


Not stunning in the slightest. I’m more stunned we’re just now hearing about it so long after the fact. Why did people in these meetings not tell anyone or raise an alarm.


The most powerful man in the country asked casually in a private meeting if he could execute leakers and you’re wondering why nobody there leaked this to the press at the time? To be fair to them; I’m not suicidal either. 🤷🏽‍♂️


He wasn’t though. And if you read the story they specifically told him REPEATEDLY that no we’re not going to do that. Even beyond that he hasn’t been president for four years now and we’re just now hearing it.


This is the sort of shit that desensitizes everyone to the sheer madness that's going on right now. Even after he's out, diaper donny still creates nothing but chaos.


Why is this shocking or stunning? Barr already said Trump frequently floated the idea of killing opposition, ages ago. This is just more corroboration for what we already know. Additionally, Trump handlers Bannon and Stone have publicly brought up the idea of killing off people quite some time ago.


Well then, since he’s a convicted felon he should be executed


Why is this “stunning”. We know he has a hit list and has clearly said he will kill opponents etc. when he becomes “dictator “ president.


My Diet Coke button is broken….murder to electrician? Sir, it just needs a new battery? Murder the battery guy? No sir, let’s just change the triple A battery. Oh Covfefe!!! I just want to murder.


Epstein.. do you think every safeguard to keep him alive would just all fail at the same time otherwise? Epstein knew too much. Trump and Epstein were rape buddies. Trump couldn’t afford for Epstein to roll on him..


I was half kidding 8 yrs ago when I said he was the devil. I think I deserve more credit.


Heh heh, this clown and his clown followers are really set on igniting a civil war, aren’t they?


Well sure. Cause they'll get to murder anyone they don't like. (Or at least so they think)


Oh that’s right he sped up the death row processing, killed a foreign general in an illegal strike and allowed covid to spread rather than contain it. Yeah he’s one of the biggest killers in the world




Epstein didn’t kill himself!


No surprise, he wanted to nuke a hurricane and didn't understand being president doesn't make you king


Okay now we have to seriously consider banishment... https://medium.com/@michaelstierhoff/banished-to-the-island-of-the-toadasaurs-65cb4a00e29b


Upon learning of this, 30 million people in the US said they will definitely vote for Trump.


Personally, I just assumed that was happening.


How could anyone be surprised by the fascist bullshit this clown spews anymore? Hell, I'm sure he's already asked Putin to be his running mate 🤦🤦


It doesn't surprise me at all. He's a twelve year old with the power of a world leader..extremely and verifiably dangerous.


To call your war dead ‘Losers and suckers!’ Is disgraceful from a president or ex president. These people deserve total respect for giving up their lives for their country. Trump really is a piece of shit isn’t he?


Why did the SC overturn the ban on bump stocks? 6 rep justices voted to overturn it……I don’t get it!


Because they’re sick and working against the interests of the American people.


58 people were murdered and 400+ injured by a lunatic using a bump stock. The USA has a big enough problem with mass shootings without giving those lunatics even more by firepower! Thank fuck I don’t live in the states


It actually had to explained to him that no, you can't just shoot people trying to cross the border, not even "just in the legs."


Ex-Trump official You mean enablers.


No shit. What do you think happened to Epstein?


What would you expect from a Megalomaniac who's *also an idiot?*


I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually tried to get the Secret Service to assassinate Hillary, Obama or Biden. I’d be more surprised if he talked about trying to be fair and honest, and trying to do the right thing


"stunning"? More like "duh!"


To be clear, what's "stunning" is that Griffin (the ex-Trump official) was willing to make this revelation in public. No one with even half a brain is stunned that Trump would want to execute people.


A clear and present danger, tell everyone!!


coulda said something at the time


There’s nothing stunning about Trump having a Putin pillow at this point. The guy is anti-American


This isn't surprising considering the hard-on he has for both Putin and Kim Jong.


I will always oppose the death penalty . This is only one reason why.  


Why didn't she discuss this on the View?


Any congress person who hears of this and doesn't get arrested in a protest demanding that he not run is basically failing us as people. And we all know that no one will get arrested protesting this kind of thing. That's where we are. The real bottom line is getting arrested at some point, at least at times, at least some people.


I’ve heard it said that turnabout is fair play. He should be careful about being the dog that catches the car.


He's the only President whose gloated after they let him give the greenlight on Suleimani... I said "let him" because I'm sure there were adults in the room providing oversight.


"Guys, I still think we need to do something about Eric. Is there a way we can do something like that by injection? Inject something into the gums, maybe?"




Odd how when the paychecks were rolling in and Alyssa Farah was worshipping Trump she didn't utter a peep. Why do network news outlets even allow here anywhere on-air to conduct her image rehab tour?


Yeah and he probably asked if he could transfer to another country to be absolute dictator


Someone needs to put together a graphic of his entire cabinet and senior leadership positions and highlight how many refused to endorse him


I mean at this point do we need any *more* evidence that he’s a treasonous despot?


I just wish that site had more ads.


And there shall be guillotines for all. /s


It’s not stunning. He talked about it publicly, too.


He. Is. Hitler.


Imagine if Kamala or Biden’s cabinet members said they wouldn’t vote for him. The media sucks for not focusing on this.


Yeah, so why is he able to run for president? What a joke who is allowing this to happen?


I'm not stunned


I’m getting real tired of Alyssa Farah Griffin slow rolling these absolutely bonkers revelations. She’s already written a book. What the fuck is she doing even?


And his troglodyte army would cheer!


So he missed Diaper Donnie gaydreaming about a sandwich with Kim and Putler?


is that stunning? he's talked about it in public too. he even went on death row execution spree towards the end of his term just because.


This doesn't surprise me one jot.


He just misunderstood his role as chief executive of the government


Is this a discussion of executing higher numbers, different groups or something else beyond the people who are already executed by the USA? The man is a fully deranged, demented syphilitic, dementia ridden fool who should be in a padded cell as far from others as possible; but acceptance that the USA is one of the world leaders in execution regardless of who’s in charge needs to be acknowledged. Maybe a course correction for the judicial system where revenge and “seeing someone pay” seems to be much more important than whether the guilty person is found and a correct process of trial and punishment is brought in. Just a thought.


Trump is a crazy person…


Yeah Mondays am I right?


Does this even matter? Cultists will still vote for this jerk. Once upon a time, politicians had integrity, class, and character. These were traits that were expected of any presidential candidate.


Why is my buddy thinking banishment? https://medium.com/@michaelstierhoff/banished-to-the-island-of-the-toadasaurs-65cb4a00e29b


He was clearly being taken out of context. Just another nothingburger watch the whole thing.


Oh God, "taken out of context" should be the next slogan on a red hat 🙄


Oh no! Another horrible thing he has done, that won’t change anything in anyway whatsoever? What ever will we do???? Back to scrolling Reddit I go.




Not knowing what the word Marxist means but using it anyway makes someone sound like one of Mark Levin's rentboys


Read their comment history and realize you’re engaging with someone of such painfully low intellect that they use “Bidumb” as an insult.


These Ivans all have -100 karma. The FSB is nowhere as effective as the KGB was.


God you’re giving this moron way too much credit. They are doing this for free on home grown corn fed coors light stupidity.




Really good comeback buddy! You been working on em in the back yard? Super cool!




Lmao who’s he gotta be hard for? You’re saying “fluffing” a lot but I’m not sure you’re using it correctly.








If I were president, at meetings, I would ask if certain people could be executed. Not because I’m some insane sadistic fuck, but because it would be fun to watch people figure out how to answer the question.


It would almost make sense if he intentionally say insane things just to fuck with people. “That guy said something bad about me. How about we just kill him?” Or “I’m tired of there hurricanes. Can we just shoot the next one with a nuclear missile?” Or “Bleach kills COVID, so why don’t we just inject people with bleach?” Theses things are so stupid and awful that it’d be a relief if he were joking. But he’s not.


That seems like something an insane sadistic fuck would get a kick out of.


Good. Trump 2024.


So edgy.


Not as edgy as this headline


Why do you choose to be such a miserable contrarian? You get off by it a bit, don't you?


How many children have you fucked? How many people have you murdered? Given your public comments and the crimes committed recently by people who have made public comments like yours, I think the public has the right to know if they’re safe from you.

