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*He then added, "In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area."* And this, dear friends, is why clergy should be **mandatory reporters** of child abuse and neglect.


It disgusts me that it’s not a requirement! It’s appalling!


And also let them fuck adult women and men, unmarried, with impunity 


It should be a crime to know about this type of thing and not report it. No hiding behind any religious shroud. Mandatory prison time for failing to report sexual abuse on a minor. And no protective custody when you get there either.


This bullshit goes back **centuries**. Back in the Middle Ages, clergymen were immune to prosecution in regular civil courts — their cases were tried in the Church’s (much more lenient) in-house ecclesiastical court system. Read up on “[benefit of clergy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benefit_of_clergy).”


“I was forgiven by God and her dad, covering all the people who matter, so I’m good!”


“…and her dad…” They literally consider daughters **property**. Jacob literally agreed to **purchase** Rachael from her father, Laban, in exchange for seven years of labor in [Genesis 29:18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2029%3A18&version=NIV). Also consider [Exodus 22:16-17](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+22%3A16-17&version=KJV). Fucking primitives.


Well, it was the Stone Age.


I'm not stoned enough to think that any of that primitive superstitious bullshit is acceptable! I hated it in Hebrew lessons 55 years ago, and I still hate it!


This! I was raised in one of these churches and belonged to my “father” (really sucks bc I was adopted into this bullshit) till I was married. I was sent to college to get an MRS. degree in Alabama. Met a great military guy, non practicing catholic (oh the blasphemy), we eloped he moved me 5,000 miles away from their control. We are still very good friends even though the marriage didn’t last (his wife is hott and his kids love our dog, so they are cool in my book) When the divorce happened we didn’t tell anyone for months to give me a place to get settled and hideout and time to pick a new last name. My family sent my “sister” on “mission trips” to NYC trying to find me bc rumor had it I was working in a coffee shop in BK.


FWIW the dad is disputing the story (that he forgave Morris)


Makes me want them to check out the dad.


When he says, "*Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area."* what he is saying is that he still molests children he just doesn't get caught anymore.


Anyone think the once 12 year old who is now in her 30s might want to weigh in? Not clear if she did or not as the link to entire article takes you to a pay wall preventing me from reading entire story. The portion of the article I could read pants the picture as if the father is a reformed man and no longer to blame for anything. She is the victim here.Hard to believe permanent damage was not done to her.


She literally did in the article which you clearly didn’t read


Link above to entire article takes you to a pay wall preventing me from reading entire story.


Well then you should probably edit your comment to say that instead of victim blaming


Excellent suggestion. I just did exactly that.


He should be "Walking in Purity" in freaking prison!


So . . . he publicly confessed to raping a child, and has faced no punishment for it? No charges? No trial?


He repented with his god, so justice was served! Can you imagine… like… idk… murdering a human, then saying, “judge, I have repented so it’s all good!”


*"Oh, you want to repent with your God? Fine. We'll arrange the meeting."*


Rec league coaches with zero training are mandatory reporters. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists are mandatory reporters. How the hell are clergy, who do counseling, not?


Mainly because of Catholics getting fussy about the sacrament of Confession. AFAIC, the priest should say “I absolve you of the mortal sin of child molestation, but your penance is to march right down to the police station and turn yourself in. You’ve got half an hour before I turn you in myself, as I’m legally obligated to do as a mandatory reporter.” Just saying a few Our Fathers and Hail Marys ain’t going to scrub that one off… 👿


This guy acting like being a child molester is part of his fucking resume as a Christian. What a garbage religion.


It's a good thing that he was not selling loose cigarettes.


Sorry, he works for the **Elders of Shady Grove**?? That's some cult shit.


I don't believe that he won't re-offend. I would be surprised to learn that he hasn't.


Holy shit this is sick.


I mean, yeah, but, wtf, have they called themselves shady Grove on purpose?


lol omg I didn’t even realize that! What were they thinking?!?!


“Young lady”, in his trumpian brain it makes it look less horrible. I bet the press at the time called the 12 year old victim “young woman”.


Self report?


Wasn’t there a crime committed here or did I miss something?


A ‘Trump spiritual advisor’ must have a lot of free time.


Birds of a feather flock together.


A Trump Spiritual Advisor either sits on the couch all day eating nachos, or pulls their hair out in a constant stress induced rage talking to a wall. Or they use their ties to the Trump name as a way to suck out money from MAGA idiots and spend it on private jets.


Still busier than his physical trainer.


I too remember when groping was called petting 🙄


Not a “young lady,” either — a **child**.


Trump was Epstein's friend, who else is going to be his spiritual advisor?.. Birds of a feather.


The guy really loves to surround himself with pedophiles.


If it wasn't for the death threats she received, he would have been on trial for rape of a 13-year old girl with Epstein. I suppose that's common knowledge 🤔


Yeah it’s interesting seeing magats bend over backwards making excuses for that.


And hopefully for kidnapping and murder of the girl Maria he and Epstein had disappeared. Maria was twelve.


Disgusting creeps, trump is such a comfortable liar there has to be a screw loose, he's serial filth, and he's ramping up with jail looming




That's bloody hard to read. What a disgusting black hearted cunt trump is. Makes me wonder how many others were there?


Yea it is. He’s got 26 creditable sexual assault victims. There are many I’m sure. You’re the first I’ve seen that knew about the death threats. Save it and send it!


A little bit of a look turns up the reason behind the case being dropped. Everything about the guy is sleazy and off, has been that way for as long as I can remember. Miss Universe contests, he walks into the teen dressing rooms. There is a pattern with him. He is serial filth


But but but, Biden may have smelled a child once! /s


Yep, and all the evidence against Trump is Photoshop apparently. When you point out that the stuff against Biden COULD be Photoshop also (ftr I don't think any of it is fake) they absolutely lose it


Eww, that is gross.


Think he did anything with his daughter as they showered together.. but but Trump .. once 😂Biden tells kids they look like they are much older .. hmmm does that excuse that perverts thoughts ..


>Think he did anything with his daughter as they showered together.. You mean the shower she said was "probably inappropriate" meaning even she's debating wether or not they were actually inappropriate? What parent has never showered with their children at some point in their life? >but but Trump Yea. The guy that said he wanted to fuck his own daughter, numerous times. The guy that before cheating on his pregnant wife with a pornstar told her how much she reminds him of his daughter. The guy that openly bragged about barging in on child beauty contestants in their changing room. The guy who *owns* a child beauty pageant. The guy who was best friends with the guy who ran Pedophile Island. The guy who was implicated in the multiple rapes of children alongside Epstein who conveniently died before going to trial where such a thing would come out while he was conveniently president. The guy who has been accused by **multiple* women of rape. The guy who a jury actually found liable for rape. >Biden tells kids they look like they are much older And? Where's the malice here? >does that excuse that perverts thoughts .. Proof of perverted thoughts? I've given you an entire list of Trump's perversion, now it's your turn. He may have smelled a child and he showered with his children when they were "probably" too old. What else has he done that even begins to rival what Trump has done?


Hehe .. sorry Joe wouldn’t do no wrong .. just fishing for what excuses would be coming up .. those are dandy ones ..I like how you bring in friends with pedophile .. did he not cut ties with him after he found out banned him what about Biden good buddy and mentor Robert Byrd the Kkk dude .. Biden spoke at his funeral you are certainly ok with that .. and did you speak out against Hunter who was fucking his dead brothers wife you know hunter whom Joe raised to become a crack head go fuck your dead brothers wife get a stripper pregnant then try to avoid paying support then not acknowledging the kid you know Hunter the one Joe raised and how he so proud of him , flat out lied about laptop and tries to pin racism on Trump when himself been videoed saying he didn’t want his kids growing up in racial jungle .. I know you’re ok with that too .. as well as him stripping your blackness if you don’t vote for him .. you can hate Trump all you want but don’t give the Biden’s a pass on everything.. and seriously Dems been trying to nail Trump for 8 yrs and they got caught making up stories .. and boom you charge him with an past statute of limitations misdemeanour that you upped to a felony.. reeks democrats desperation and pathetic actually .. accept the fact Trump will be the president again and this new felon name calling is kinda ironic .. George Floyd was a felon and you burned neighborhood’s destroyed businesses killed people injured cops in support of that felon .. but now your misdemeanour felon Trump needs to go to jail for life haha hypocrisy at its finest.. think Joe digitally penetrated that staffer .. I think you don’t haha


>just fishing for what excuses would be coming up You mean like ignoring everything I said and whatabouting me? >did he not cut ties with him after he found out banned him No. He banned him from Mar-a-Lago for hitting on the underage daughter of another member. He did say this about him though "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." >what about Biden good buddy and mentor Robert Byrd the Kkk dude .. Biden spoke at his funeral you are certainly ok with that You mean this guy? >>"I thought, well now suppose I were black, and my grandson and I were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and I stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'WHITES ONLY'... black people love their grandsons as much as I love mine, and that's not right." >and did you speak out against Hunter who was fucking his dead brothers wife you know hunter whom Joe raised to become a crack head Hunter Biden isn't in charge of the free world, the nukes, the military, and a cult of extremists set on dismantling democracy. >he didn’t want his kids growing up in racial jungle .. I know you’re ok with that too That's not what he said. >>In a 1977 Senate Judiciary hearing, Biden did talk about busing policies and how “unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” In 1977, Biden advocated achieving racial integration through affordable housing rather than busing >you can hate Trump all you want but don’t give the Biden’s a pass on everything I'm not, but you seem to be giving Trump a pass. >Dems been trying to nail Trump for 8 yrs and they got caught making up stories What stories were made up? A jury of regular people found him guilty on 34 felony counts. He was found liable for rape. He's currently awaiting other trials for election interference and stealing national secrets. He was impeached twice. The Republicans are the ones trying to bring Biden down with an impeachment with absolutely no basis in reality. Are the lying or are they so incompetent they can't prove the obvious criminal Biden's guilt? >nail Trump for 8 yrs and they got caught making up stories .. and boom you charge him with an past statute of limitations misdemeanour Being past the statute of limitations doesn't make him any less guilty. >that you upped to a felony It's a felony because he committed the crime to cover up another crime. So many crimes. >reeks democrats desperation and pathetic actually Democrats aren't the ones prosecuting. It's literally law and order being applied to a criminal in a non partisan way. Aren't you guys supposed to be the party of law and order? But you're giving Trump a pass because.....? >accept the fact Trump will be the president again We'll see who wins the election. >this new felon name calling is kinda ironic .. George Floyd was a felon and you burned neighborhood’s destroyed businesses killed people injured cops in support of that felon George Floyd was killed for allegedly using counterfeit money. Was it proven in a court of law? Party of Law and order doesn't understand "innocent until proven guilty" Even if he was convicted, how is execution the punishment for using a small amount of counterfeit money? Are you guys not going to burn neighborhoods and kill people for convicted felon Trump of he loses? What about the people he already had killed in his attempted insurrection? Just gonna ignore that eh? >but now your misdemeanour felon Trump needs to go to jail for life It's not a misdemeanor, it's a felony. Nobody is saying he needs to go to jail for life. The maximum is 4 years and he won't get that because this is a white collar crime. There is however multiple other crimes waiting trial. >think Joe digitally penetrated that staffer .. I think you don’t haha You mean the staffer that defected to Russia? Russia who has been implicated multiple times in the Trump presidency and who he's friends with? Russia who openly meddles in our elections and who funnels money into the GOP through lobbyists and organizations like the NRA through Maria Butina? Russia who multiple GOP senators visited and had secret meetings with in the 4th of July? No. But please, maybe you'll come back with an actual argument instead of. >fishing for what excuses would be coming up .. those are dandy ones


Wow, so many lies. Robert Byrd was a champion of civil rights and was honored for that work by the NAACP. I personally will be celebrating on election night. Four more boring years of Joe. I can't wait. Hope Donnies ticker holds up for that prison term. Oh, Tara Reid is living in Moscow these days and hangs out with her new buddy in an interview she just did for sputnik. Her buddy is the NRA honeypot that was funneling Russian money to the GOP. You should be so proud.


Will your ticker hold up when he doesn’t go to prison .. you been saying he is going to jail for years .. and what an overdue limitation misdemeanour charge that the Democratic donor judge started making up his own rules lol .. come on man you know not joking for real you know the thing .. every lawyer on both sides as well as judges and law professors said that was a farce trial lol.. why not go with the insurrection.. oh yeah he didn’t incite an insurrection .. and what about that slam dunk Russian collusion haha .. yeah yas made that up also .. Robert Byrd was a klansman and he was a racist .. imagine a klansman get a pass as racist Joe Biden locked petty crime blacks up for years didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle .. said Obama was clean and articulate and said if you don’t vote for him you ain’t black along with numerous other videotaped racial saying he made and you all look other way and call Trump the racist .. holy fawk what the fawk is wrong with your thinking .. can you imagine if Robert Byrd was republican hahaha .. he was a democrat and you will defend the former KKK MEMBER .. he even used the N word on a television interview .. and what do you come to conclusion .. ya claim Trump is the racist .. hahaha Just call out your president and let off on these stupid stories to get Trump off the ballot .. you willing to sacrifice your country.. the man had your country in great shape and fauci who is now on hook for his funding of gain of function research which he previously denied .. He funded research that leaked the virus out killing millions and you are all concerned about a misdemeanour type error .. just really unbelievable.. Is the laptop still Russian disinformation haha Joe said it was as many more did as well .. guess what well I am sure you know hahah .. how much did Paula jones get I forget . Monica getting the cigar treatment from old Clinton .. bet you were furious .. and democrats say Trump was friends with Epstein .. but any democrat near him or on his plane was ok .. you know what that is called .. yeah you do .. all you have hope for is Trump in jail for election .. why ?I think the Media maybe on to something .. panic mode .. Joe will be a hoot at the debate .. let him know he not running for congress .. haha


Lol. He almost certainly want go to prison, but the crime he committed was absolutely a felony. No one with credibility has said the trial wasn't a fair trial. Trump is a felon, that's just a fact. He's also a traitor as is every American still supporting him.


Was it a felony .. so every law professor judge lawyers from both sides say otherwise but I guess you know your law lol .. and tell me what you think he should get as a penalty for this Felony that wasn’t a felony previously lol .. and you tell me if you believe that judge being a Biden democratic supporter and donor should of been selected to hear this case .. honestly you know that wasn’t right and this will all be over turned and democrats will have failed again .. imagine the coincidence of them charging him with this .. election time and those big rallies get bigger and bigger .. and poor Biden has 8 chairs set up and 2 are empty lol .. pretty Obvious that quack doesn’t have support it just a vote against Trump .. I been trying to find an answer to what did he do to make you hate him so much, that you will allow your country to be destroyed .. never thought i would ever see foreigners /illegals/ immigrants who ever they are burning your flag on your own streets .. number 1 super power country with pride is now a laughing stock of the world .. Biden shuffling around in a daze eating an ice cream wondering how much money Ukraine will demand from the flake next time .. .. the funniest thing is this group of people cheer him on lol .. and have the audacity to call Republicans uneducated.. so ironic lol


Every law professor and judge?  That’s a lie. It’s always been a felony to falsify business records in support if a felony. It’s well established that it makes no difference who appointed a judge.  Trump is the only president in living memory who has made such an effort to appoint judges who lack integrity.  The same goes for a judge’s political donations. Judge Merchan  gave trump much more latitude than he was entitled to. You likely know that everything in that screed was bullshit.


Why is it that all you FSB assets have -100 karma? You're not fooling anyone. Do they pay you for this? Try harder or you're going to get fired or defenestrated.


Call it what it is: **Rape** and **sexual assault.**


He should be arrested. He just confessed to child molestation.


Right, but his buddies forgave him so it’s ok right? No word from the victim’s family yet.


Oh well if the men forgave him, then the Justice system can’t do anything for her. /s


God molests in mysterious ways 🙏


Why do the Christians keep raping kids?


Built in sickness of the religion.


That's what religions are for!


They’re hung up over the Virgin Mary thing.


Not surprised. He’s a trumper.


Confirming once again that even on a spiritual level, Trump is a rapist.


MAGAts are traitors , cowards and Rape Worshippers. Period. They stand for nothing. Adultery and rape and they do it in Jesus name..


“Kissing and petting” Surely it just stopped there. And surely this only happened once. /S


"It happened more than once. And don't call me Shirley."


Most uncomfortable Airplane reference


The church buried this because they didn't want to look like a place where pedos hang out. Thus being a perfect place for pedos to hang out.


20 and 12 is all you need to hear. If you are 20 and getting off with a 12 year old you probably need to be castrated.


The problem is that castration may not stop rapists. It’s more a mental problem.


Is everyone around donnie felons and pedos?


Simplest rule of life -- "To get to any answer correctly , assume yourself and your family members in a hypothetical scenario." Example -my sisters just got to hear from 15 women that I had r@p3d them, and my dad just learned about me that I stole from our local temples fund and challenged them to sue me if they have proof. Then my mom found out about how I have these "friends" who take me to an alley where we drug ourselves with Columbian cocaine mixed with no protection sex. My entire neighborhood talks about me and the type of company I keep, but nobody has pictures, videos or a transaction that can link me to ANY of it. I've this smug smile 24*7 on my face, that I'm untouchable and invincible. My ego and my heinous acts have tripled knowing nobody can catch me. But I've made an alter projection on Facebook, where my distant relatives think I'm a saint and I'm a community member helping everyone in my neighborhood. I'm a Messiah based on what I post and that builds my reputation, even if it's fake. I love doing what I've been doing since 12 and there is no stopping me. >>> Now my question is this — can I be a friend of your teen daughter or son? Please 🥺 Please let me in your house, I'm a cool guy. Can I please? 🥺


He was 20! Like a college junior and a 6th grader! This isn’t explained away.


Why is this not the top news story. If it was Biden’s guy the advisor would be a household name. There’s a trashy double standard.


Oh look! NOT A DRAG QUEEN!! HOLY crapbasket it gets more pathetic by the day


The party of… Family Values. Evangelical nut jobs.


Every accusation is a confession


But trans people are the pedophiles, right?


Just another example of 'Projection' by the GOP.


By stating he was “20” doesn’t make this better. When I was 20, I sure as hell wasn’t chasing 12 year old girls and I definitely wouldn’t have used a power position to lure them in. He’s a creep and I bet there’s more than this one girl, she’s just the only one who reported it.




That was probably the qualification that gave him the Job. There you have a very good companion, there must be a lot of "locker room talks" going on for the "good of the American people".


Anyone who commits a crime like that on a child, there's only one fate they deserve.. the end of their existence.


Again and again. Hypocrites! Evil!


I wish they'd treat him like they do the Bidens


Yeah, he definitely would be a trump spiritual advisor. What a sick fuck


What a sick fuck


Rapists need jail time. But consent for the White Christian nationalists will be lowered to 10


The pedophiles stick together he should be in prison but is now making money off his sexual abuse of children claiming he’s been saved ! You to can be saved if you send money what a POS.


No worries, he is full maga. Must have been the little child’s fault


they are called DEPLORABLES for a reason


And yet Biden sniffs hair, and the MAGAts melt down.


🍊 stands up for u I am sure


Here come the republicans to push him out the party right ?


She may have been 12 but in his defense she acted like she was 13. Let's put him back in charge of teaching spirituality to children.


Great now he should go to jail for ten years since he's all about repenting. He did his duty in regards to religion but that does not mean he's exempt from the rule of law! Everyone who new he molested that girl and let him off in there made up, not legal court should ALL be thrown in jail. Somebody should have called the cops on him, if no then conspiracy human traffic and exploitation of a minor.


Is this real whz no one talking about this


So many religious kid touchers and republicans deflecting for them.


This is why I rejected religion. They molest and sexually assault children and then ask repentance from some hypocrit church elders.


Trumps 'spiritual advisor?' The only spiritual advisor Trump has is his Deutsche Bank account manager...


No wonder Donald looks to him for spiritual guidance.


"Elders of Shady Grove". Lol. Nohing weird here!




Kissing and petting? Holy shit I've been molesting my dog for years.


Can someone not arrest and charge the paedo?


This is the great people in Trump circle.


He must also be an LGBQTrans right??


But it's the gay people that are groomers! Can't be true. /s


Trump spiritual advisor: I’m thinking beetlejuice or the pig in the window.


Once a molesting pedophile always a molesting pedophile.


All of scum starting to with orange 💩💩all of his associates if that what I call them are crooks everyday a sucker from his ring is being invested r crime by one of these cowardly suckers pack all their asses up n send to the endless pit then won’t have to worry abt them molesting our babies instead of doing as the 💩head did get a stormy and pay her thousands $$$$


Praise Jesus!






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Are u okay? Did a repressed memory just surfaced?


No, that was Ashley Biden writing in her journal how Joe molested her


If true, that doesn't make Donald the molesters actions okay, I hope you understand that. It's not a race to the bottom in a healthy society


Give me a doctored stolen diary so the Repugnants can continue to deflect for $1000 Alex.


That’s the same thing you said about hunters laptop. The family from hell. You are complicit


I'm sorry the cult of DJT has a multitude of found tried and investigated molesters that you overlook as you slander others. Thats profound. You do this for no on but your self to lie to yourself. You deserve better than Doe 174 from the Epstein log who hosted teen beauty pageants and is criminally known for rape and hush money payments. Enjoy inept defenses of alleged offenses by others that have been investigated but remember: Facts show DJT and MAGA are the excuse factories for these actions. IMO.


Stop lying.


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