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Let us not forget that Yue is the one who initiates in that relationship. She jumps Hajime more often than not


He did try to resist a fair bit at first


Oh, yeah, I was gonna mention that, and the fact that their first time is basically rape since Yue absolutely forced herself onto him


And to be honest, neither of them were really in a healthy place mentally


They even mention this point exactly in the books at one point. Both Hajjme and Yue formed a deep bond at the lowest point they could be in their lives, and he acknowledges that it's probably a dependency that isn't normal or healthy in any traditional relationship. Also, at the same time, stating that neither would change anything about it while being willing to burn the world down to stay with each other. Started the LN for a big dumb anime edge. Stayed for one of my favorite couples ever. Even If I would never want to be them.


So dose she behave like an adult or a child? Makes a world of difference.


She acts like an adult because she is one. And she does get an "adult body" at the end of the series.


Isn't he also 14?


No, he's 17 at the start


Even if you ignore the time she was locked away, wasn't she 17 when she was imprisoned? And isn't he like 15?


they only attack MCs who can experience a Normal Life, just leave them alone. MC fans with no emotions are always like this.


23 or something IIRC, she had like a good decade of queenship before that point


So it's literally the "so technically she's the pedophile" meme lol


Not really because Hajime is 17?


That's still a minor where I live lol


Pedophilia isn’t physical relationship with minors, (that’s statutory rape), it’s physical relationships with prepubescent children.




Personally, I might use pedophile for someone looking at people in their early teens, since they still basically look like prepubescent children, but the thing is, using it for minors overall is too messy, since there is nothing wrong with, say, let’s use the MCs of a book I read as an example, a 19 year old being attracted to a 17 year old. Statutory rape if they actually go through with the deed, yeah, but seriously, being attracted to someone two years younger than you is not pedophilia just because you are a legal adult.


They have Romeo and Juliet laws specifically for that, basically ignores the age of consent as long as they're within 3 years of each other.


Yep, in some countries they do. I was just describing why minor doesn’t equal pedophile. It’s a problem subject that I tend to be very exact about, not because of my interests (I’m probably on the ace spectrum) but because people use it really wrong, a lot, in some of the fandoms I’m in. Examples—a political marriage with someone underage, in which the two never even have a physical relationship, is not pedophilia. A transmigrator in the body of a child being attracted to an actual child, is pedophilia. People mess these sorts of things up all the time.


...And that has to do with pedophilia what exactly?


there was a oneshot that did that once. The 12 year old looking girl was actually in her 20s and her bf was 16. She got arrested lol


I think that it was mentioned in vol 10 that her body stopped aging at like 12 im guessing thats why


So what I’m hearing is the FBI needs to be after her and not him. 👍


It's never said exactly, but she was in her mid 20s when she was imprisoned. And Hajime is 17


I just listened to audiobook and yes she was 17.


The creator of this meme clearly has no clue what they are talking about. Just another tourist wanting to put down a Fandom they know next to nothing about.


The guy who posted that garbage.


Looks like the comments in overlord also agree about the poster




You can argue that Yue's inability to age is actually a disorder since we have an example of people from our world who stop aging and forever look like a child.


Rimuru is only 2 years old. Albedo is like 6? Due to age of the game is her actual age.


Come on.. this is getting ridiculous.. Hajime's 17 and Yue's a 323 perverted vampire.. Besides, Yue's the one responsible for those atrocities in the first place..


Come on now. Hajime isn't 12, he is 16. Still makes Yue a pedo I guess though.


Depending on the country, the UK where I'm from the age of consent is 16, Japan recently upped it to 16, parts of America is 16 with other parts being 18. France and Germany is 15 and 14 but only with someone up to 16.


Federally in America it is still effectively 18, regardless of states laws. You can still hit federal charges for some things that are legal by state law.


Interesting, as far as I knew it was down to state with federal being a guide line. Thanks for l me know.


If you cross state lines to have sex with someone under 18 it's a federal and possibly a state crime depending on the state. But also some states have Romeo and Juliet laws which allows sex with someone 14 years or older if there partner is less then 4 years older. But then again it changes depending on state. But also some states parents can give consent for their child to get married when they're well under 18...


If the poster was serious. They wouldn’t censor the word pedo. Oh and slime isekai’s fandom is basically like this in a nutshell. These tourists should be gate keept to these trash shows anyway.


Assuming arifureta isn't a steaming pile of shit either


Never said Arifureta was.


most likely OP who wanted to stoke his/her own self righteousness


Isn’t Hajime the chad though cause the other two are canonically virgins


overlord completely overpowered from day 1, and his fans think he is so smart because he can wipe out kingdoms using slow, inefficient and more risky methods.


This is like the 10th time I've seen this...it's so dumb, in general


The OP


This trend sucks


Basically saying midgets can never find love except with each other.


Your honor with all die respect. She came on to him, and she’s way older than she appears she has a medical disorder that gives her the appearance of a child, kinda like that baby doll character from Batman the animated series, that shit was next level.


Momonga and Rimuru fans are so pathetic bro.


Bruh I'm a Slime fan but this is just plain Chuuni cringe, I'm isekai trash but not this much, LOL whoever made this meme is worse cuz this is just Rage Bait.


its good then.


Every fandom has some fans like that. Don't lump them together bro. You can see in the post itself people calling out the OP and the ones who are saying pedo shit.


It's the normie complaining about oldschool anime (OP)


I jate other isekais acting high and mighty over things like mt and arifureta when one of them litterally has a loli demon that wears almost nothing amd the other has alot of fan service. but when iys something they dont like its suddenly an issue i saw a post simmilar to this in the konosuba reddit about mt, but like kazuma litterally tells his parents he wants them to adopt a little sister so he can live out his fantasies


It's incredibly how crazy they can be when they say it's pedophilia when it's just a fictional anime, anyway Yue is my wife :v


Um he went on to kill god and conquer multiple worlds tho


The original poster is the hypocrite


Dude is get clowned in his own post in their sub


OP needs some help


I don't think anyone's a hypocrite here, just an idiot. Cuz I'm pretty sure eye patch guy is biologically younger than the blonde girl, I'm pretty sure she's 17 and he's 15 or something like that.


nop hes 17 and shes over 300


Notice how I said biologically. She's a vampire her body stopped aging. What age did she stop aging at? 17 like I said.


The poster for giving a remote shit about what fictional characters do 


Didn't she take his by force in the bath?


I'm pretty sure he's old enough to consent, and she's well beyond that age. She didn't choose her physical appearance, but she does initiate. (Easy to judge when you're not thrown into the they have to regularly experience)


Yue is over 1000 years old, so don't even start that crap. Yue is also stronger than most of the people in Tempest except for Rimuru, his four generals, the true dragons, the primal demons and the other demon lords.


Fun fact rimuru doesn't have dick because he is slime and and second one that he is eldar leech and he lack emotions


I was just saying this about Yue. Team Tio and Shizuku all the way! Also, wish he would get with Myu’s mom as well.


She was like 23 before she was sealed. She doesn't grow because of her OP regeneration. Hajime is 17. If anything, she's the pedo, lol. Leave short, flat girls alone.


She got vampified at 12 years old. The fucked up part is at the end of the main story she gets the ability to age up to a voluptuous mature woman and yet they decide to revert back and generally stay in her 12 year old body. This is while occasionally describing how desirable and sexy the younger body is. Prefering it to his other more mature wives. There is absolutely no excuses for this type of shit. It continues on in the long after story. THEY HAD AN OUT and thought, nah, pedophilia is too HOT we can't turn our backs now. Don't forget the mother of MCs adopted daughter basically grooms her for him in the after stories, while also being a part of his harem. I had to stop man. They just go all in on the degeneracy in the after stories. Anyway, the main novel was actually pretty good outside of that. Definitely a very guilty read. Wish I didn't have to mentally change details in every other Japanese novel out there.


I feel like both arguments are fair here


Don't know about Rimuru, but definitely Momonga.


She is 323. And in the time they was in, wasn't getting married at 15 normal?