• By -


Well.. Hajime stomps in stats and he is Faster 🗿.


Tbh Nobody is going to win he has the tatsuya has the recovery magic and hajime has yue who is immortal and the soul bounding magic plus the regeneration magic out of the labyrinth


You can technically kill Tatsuya tho. Just need to instantly disintegrate his body or at the very least his entire brain. Without his MCA, he can't execute Regrowth for obvious biological limitations. Also you can force a win by dealing crippling damage & forcing him to use Regrowth like 5-10 times, after which he runs a significant risk of MCA Overheating, which would result in his death on Soul level based on heavy RNG


Yo… is this what Scientology is? sounds lit bro where do I join?


There's no way Tatsuya wins. This isn't even a contest.


If he even enters tatsyuas line of sight, he turns to dust...




One of tatsuyas spells literally breaks you down on an atomical level how is that survivable Yue might survive it but miyuki has nifilhem and inferno which freezes with nitrogen and then combine that with inferno would make for an extremely volatile combination




Remember when Hajimw killed the god if demons but a chain that dies not kill, it resets their data from existing to not existing. Also, hajime is a very hard counter. Tatsuya is born and trained to fight other magicians. Hajime almost never uses magic in a fight. His only magic is create, and he usually has that done before the fight. Puts Tatsuya at a severe disadvantage, even before talking about Hajimes stats.


Just use the laser death ray that he did in one of his fights; doesn't that thing like instantly vaporize everything within what, 50 meters?


And he doesn't have to use magic. In fact, he does the same thing the other guy does, he analyzes spells to find their core and then shoots it to destrpy the spell.


Depends what we mean by all their allies. If tatsuya gets his military buddies and his R&D buddies and doesn’t need to hide his power and connections and can full equip everyone he knows with full gear he has a massive numbers advantage and gear advantage. He just wins even if he has to play guerilla tactics when only hajime and the vampire are left. They are against a modern military with way more numbers they can burn through their stamina. If tatasuyas nuke or disintegration or other cheats for some reason don’t work. If we narrow it down to even numbers and core allies hard to say. Tatsuya just seems way stronger, but Haines world magic seems way more impressive and his allies are way stronger. Tatsuya might just die if he has to focus on defending his sister. Really hard to say though since Tatsuya is way more broken where I’m currently at in both stories.


Afterstory Hajime is broken as f*uck. Infinite numbers of Former Apostles turned into fairies with mechanical bodies made up of god knows what weapons, an army of demons from hell, a system of orbital strike weapons that can fire anytime, time rewind automatic ressurection magic, infinite magic power that he can share to anyone on his side and an entire fucking world he created. I don't think tatsuya really stand a chance.


I think the real question would be: Web novel Hajime or LN Hajime?


Fuck good point


I am using the anime in this Scenario for both Arifureta and irregular high school


If based on the anime Irregular wins. Cocytus and the extents of decomposition have been shown in Irregular. I don't think they've gotten far enough in Arifureta for their counters to have been shown. Tatsuya can disable all guns and weapons Nagumo builds (which nullifies his team for the most part), and Miyuki's cocytus can eliminate Yue's immortality by freezing her spirit directly.


>Tatsuya can disable all guns and weapons Nagumo builds (which nullifies his team for the most part), Bro wat??? Only 1 person on Hahime's team uses a weapon he made in the anime...and its a literally hammer. Even if you disable the shooting ability built into the hammer, its still a heavy ahh hammer 💀 Yue uses her own magic, same with Tio. And i forget about Kaori so idk much I def dont know which side wins but disabling weapons isnt gonna be the thing that stops them 🙏🏿


Kaori already has the body of an angel, so she has disintegration magic, there is no way Irregular wins. Even if he could break hajime's guns he has a full arsenal and almost infinite materials to create new weapons.


yes but said tool had to be assembled. and since it has been assembled. tatsuya could use eidelon backup to deconstruct said tool. a hammer isn't too usefull when it collapses back into a pile of iron bars


Thats not saving him from being punched with a 1 ton fist.


Oh... Well its not that important but 🤷🏿‍♂️ My only point is that they're still gonna go crazy even without weapons. Still don't know who'll win, but thats not that important


You mean Nagumo, the main, doesn't almost exclusively use guns because his magic affinity is shot? Sure he can fight, but so can tatsuya, and at incredibly high level using ninjutsu techniques Edit: also Nagumo's arm is also out of the fight. So he's fighting one handed from the off Edit 2: I think people are also underestimating Tatsuya's allies. If just the high school students he might lose (miyiki and Tatsuya's aoe magic are pretty op, to not mention Leo, mitsuhiko and Erika, and that's ignoring his sometimes allies in the other first high students and even second and third high who might also help him) but Tatsuya has also his magical battalion, Lina a strategic class magician from STARs, his ninjutsu master among other very powerful magician, fighters and literal soldiers.


>also Nagumo's arm is also out of the fight. So he's fighting one handed from the off Even without his arm hes still OP, hes 12x stronger than Kouki who is the "strongest" hero in the class and is a physical combatant, and hes stronger than Tio in her dragon form. Also the pile bunker that he usually caries around with his non-magic arm weighs 2 tons per shot,>!(Got these numbers from vsb wiki, so im not exactly sure of the accuracy, but its a giant metal, metal pole launcher that doesnt break after 1 shot so im assuming its pretty close)!< and thats not including the body, but he caries that thing around like a pencil. And he has limit break which makes him 3x stronger. [And he dodged something going at 10x the speed of light while distracted and caught off guard.](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Expectro2000xxx/Magma_Serpents_Speed) So even without his weapons and arm hes still in the game. And if we're including all of his allies then we have to include all of Nagumo's allies meaning, an entire kingdom's worth of elite royal soldiers, knights, court magicians, etc... as well as Nagumo's non-corrupt classmates, and an entire beastman village. Idk much about "Irregular" but their physicals aren't on that level right?


Physicals? Not quite. Magic is absolutely on or beyond for the main cast at the time of the anime. And I do not think it is fair to count those as his allies. He's literally said so himself. And light speed doesn't matter for AoE in fact that is the exact sort of magic that caused him and his allies the most grief. Tatsuya's team is just a bad match for Nagumo, until much much later. And even then it wouldn't be a clear win.


>He's literally said so himself. Thats his opinion, but if you were to ask everyone else, they would say yes because he was still a hero summoned to help them and clearling the labyrinths is one of their main jobs. 🤷🏿‍♂️ he might not like them but when it comes down to it they're still his allies (at least in the anime rn idk about the novel)


His opinion is the one that actually matters though...since that means he doesn't actually GO to them to call on for help, and intentionally does not tell them his plans and then proceeds goes off on his own. Usually your allies fight with you, and you bring them into the fold. He is THEIR ally, they are not allies to HIM. There is a distinct difference. The only people Nagumo actually counts on are Yue, Tio, Shea, Kaori and Shizuku for the most part. They are the ones he actually likes and counts on. Tatsuya, despite his posturing of not having emotions or connections to people actually call several people and groups his allies. He willingly goes to the Kudos, Saegusas, Juumonjis, and even the Ichijous (when around) (this is besides his own clan the Yotsuba). His friends are actually his friends and calls upon them regularly, even when he can't tell them everything he includes them in his plans and makes sure everyone comes out unscathed, even if it means using Regrowth (which causes him immense pain). And of course he is a part of and constantly uses the resources of the 101st Magical Battalion. That doesn't include people of convenience that he chooses to ally himself with. And he counts Lina as his ally, who also has powerful AOE.


>The only people Nagumo actually counts on are Yue, Tio, Shea, Kaori and Shizuku for the most part And Ai-chan-sensei is in too, and if the teacher is there the rest are there 🙏🏿 like how the members of the Strawhat Grand Fleet wouldn't go help Luffy without their respective crews.


So I refrain from saying anything.


Hajime beat >! a literal god plus transported worlds !< so pretty sure he would win...


Fr, I think a God killer should stomp low-no diff


Naoit was just a doll made by the fake God Ehit Alva was a fake God just an othersworlder and is a light novel character and we are using the anime here Ehit was a fake God just an otherworlder also is a light novel character and we are using the anime But Helmut was a dragon and definitely was a god and an after stories characters and we are using the anime


Remember what Haijime did to a Dragon Kin. Don't doubt him.


if we are strict. No character in Arifureta is a true God, not even Foltina, Uralt or Lutria in the sense that they can die and are not absolute beings. In that sense, the word "god" is more of a title in Arifureta's world. Hajime, Yue, Tio, Ehit, Alva, Mother and Helmut qualify as one because of their power level.


All weapons and allies. Ok so the fight starts and goes on for a little bit, then Tatsuya hursts one of Hajime Wife’s. Then Hajime completely looses it and callus in on orbital strike with one of his ‘EXISTENCE ERASER’ rounds and DELETES tatsuya, his friends, the academy he was attending, the kingdom it was in, and if it was actually Hajimes daughter that got hurt; the planet the kingdom was on. Fight over. I really don’t know why people keep putting Hajime in VS match’s. The guy can LITERALLY Erase You From Existence if you piss him off enough. He’s like John Wick. He’s not a God, he’s the guy you send to KILL God.


anime only tho...


Why would Tatsuya hurt one of his wives? Tatsuya also has an ability that erases people.


Since when did Tatsuya had a wife.. Miyuki would be pissed off if she finds out..


Spoiler: >!Well... Miyuki is technically his fiance...!<


Hajime’s allies ARE his wife’s(except two, his adopted daughter, and his personal assassin/fixer). Or has the anime not reached the after story stuff yet.


No, the Anime is around the point where >!Kaori got Noint's body!<


Really, 🤔 wasn’t that at the end of season 2, but I thought it got a 3rd season? I figured they’ed try to cram the last 1/3 of the main story into it.


It's got a 3rd, but that hasn't aired yet. I expect it to be vol 7 and 8 based on the trailer.


Isn't hajime in the anime already mtfl? How would tatsuya stand a chance?💀




Fym no


No evidence hajime is MFTL in the anime.


There's a lot of fuckers around here that think Tatsuya stands a chance.


Tatsuya blinks, and hajimes entire team turns to dust... It's simply no contest. I've read both LNs




Yes he is, in the novel it is stated that the magma serpents moved a distance of multiple meters (in the anime about 12 meters) in a few nanoseconds (for reference that is easily FTL+) which hajime was able to dodge with his BASE speed. If he uses rift walk and limit break he is easily mtfl+


That is novel not anime 💀


Wym the serpents are literally in the anime? The novel just explains how fast these serpents were (which you can't really do in the anime). The novel just gives details on the situation💀


You can't assume they are the same speed.


Ofc I can. It is literally the same situation. Are you trolling right now?


Just because something has a certain speed in a novel doesn't mean it has the same speed in the anime 💀


Dude its an adaptation of the novel. Events may be slightly reordered but all of the major fights are the same. The logic applies.


Coughing Baby vs. Hydrogen Bomb


Who is the coughing baby here?




That's a tough question. I would have to say it depends on the scenario. - Tatsuya is strong and smart with OP abilities to boot. His allies are about the same as well but on a lower tier. - Hajime is the same, though he relies more on his "magic tech" than using magic himself but he has a team that can compensate for any weaknesses. The problem is that both of them can at least nuke a large city. - In one anime, Tatsuya has used Material Burst to destroy a military base and the fleet of naval ships that were deploying from there in an event called "Scorched Halloween". Tatsuya also uses his brain to create new magic and magic tools. - In the other anime, Hajime has constructed and launched a device that can fire off a giant laser that can melt a city and the army of demons and monsters invading it. (It gets even more insane during the LNs and Web Novels). Hajime loves to make vehicle and other WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction). So, guessing who would win in a fight....... .... I think it depends on the scenario and how they come into conflict.


It would be the case on 'one who strikes first'. But what about yue's divine flames or similar soul magic that can erase specific people's souls?


Why would Hajime and Tatsuya fight each other in the first place.. They wouldn't attack each other unless their loved ones, teammates and friends are threatened..


Oh hell no this is the worst stomp wtf giving hajime all his allies AND him is so busted 💀


Neither and both. I think they'd stop just before the fight, shake hands and go their separate ways


Hajime no contest. He is faster physically stronger has better aim due to magic better bullets and reload speed and way more versatile guns


The only advantage Tatsuya "could" have is a greater limit on a "full resources no held back attack" by literally material busting the earth. But, Hajime is waaay more broken


Hajime wins little to no diff. Because of his skills like Quickstep and air cutter


Hajime and it’s not even close


Tatsuya is dead.


As an anime only, im confused by people saying hajime could win... Irregular can make a drop of your sweat, blood, skin flake into an atom bomb. What can Hajime do besides shoot??


I mean as much as I would love to say hajime would win, tatsuya just needs one spell to erase anything in somewhat sight..


Tatsuya just fully disintegrates Hajime in one shot


Well one can nuke entire fleets with one shit miles away and also pop then with a magic pistol and then turn to literally nothing


I love people arguing over who would win in a fight but has anyone even thought about taking there personalities into play, haji wouldn't even make a move against tatys unless tatys hurt a very close ally he's not a demon after all and tatys wouldn't start a fight unless someone on his side got hurt either I think both would probably acknowledge each other, shake hands and go on there way. Both has smarts to realize a fight between them would end in a few casualtys on each side regardless of who wins in the end so it wouldn't be a smart or worthy fight for them there's literally no risk of the two bumping into each other and starting a fight also. It would involve either side being transported to another world and you've got to think how that world would react to a new force suddenly appearing we say it'll be tatys vs haji but the whole world might turn hostile against them depending. I don't care who you are but neither of those two have the stamina to take on a whole ass earth population yet 😂


Helmut is laughing at your comment 🤣 Helmut did absolutely nothing to any of Hajime's 8 wives and Hajime still off him 🙄


Who's Helmut?


Helmut is the God of sky world who in the after stories Hajime killed Hajime even took something that was very Precious to Helmut hostage so he could killed him and the dude never did anything to Hajime , his 8 wives or his daughter


So he killed him for the sake of world domination? Hajime a whole villian in the after stories, damn. I don't know how to feel about this.


Actually Helmut was trying to destroy sky world because it's people killed one of his family members , but tio wanted to protect the dragons of sky world so Hajime ended up taking the body of Helmut's dead family member hostage and killed Helmut Still tho Helmut never did a thing to Hajime, his wives or his daughter


I see, but unless Tatsuya does something similar, I don't see why Hajime would attack him.


Tatsuya can basically deconstruct and destroy anything, including any magic. And he can rewind time to heal any wounds.


It's the same thing that Hajime does, just with different mechanics.


If they have all allies then hajime hands down. 1v1 I would be hard pressed to say


nagumo hajime, tatsuya cant do anything with Concept magic.


Are you stupid Hajime only has concept magic in the light novels and web novels and we are talking anime in the anime


oke i dont see it, If so I can confidently hold Tatsuya or Mahouka's world. but Hajime and his friends can defeat Tatsuya with their physique which is superior to the mahouka world. yep, each has a wincon, magic from the mahouka world and physical strength from the arifureta world.




Dude that is light novels and web novels information Did you miss the part that says in the anime obviously that means anime information and anime feats are the only things we can use for this debate This is why I hate my fellow light novels readers you can't help but to bring the light novels into everything even debates about the anime


Few will notice the anime specification unless you state it in the comments. But I will remove my comment


Acnologia stomps both of them


Troll 🧌 people who wouldn't answer questions and just say whatever are trolls 🙄


Fine your right..... Dante wins


personally i dont think either will die so this fight would drag on for a long ass time


I would say tatsuya since he has light speed reaction time and decomposition and regrowth while hajime is faster unless he insta kill tatsuya before he can reacts, tatsuya would kill him by erasing his existence. While hajime could probably speed blitz I don't think he would take it that seriously from the beginning and underestimate tatsuya and lose.


Probbly a stalemate since Hajime has higher stats, but Tatsuya's Regrowth will counter it. Tatsuya's Decompsition could be annoying, but anyway, they'd just leave each other alone and talk about tech. Hajime about hardware, Tatsuya on software, that's it🤣


they< construct together something that can erase a universe


"So, wanna go grab something?" "Can I bring my wife?" "Sure. I'll call all of mine"


I know the powers of Hajime but I'm very unfamiliar with Tatsuya's power. Can anyone who have read the Irregular at the Magic High School LN confirm who's stronger?


(S2 Hajime vs S2 Tatsuya): If Hajime's weapons are considered magic, then Tatsuya could dismantle them. Hajime's bullets are magically enhanced with his lightning, so maybe Tatsuya could negate that and then they become regular bullets, which Tatsuya could just heal with his ability. What realm Hajime's cross bits, pile bunker, and other gadgets fall under is what determines their effectiveness against Tatsuya. Hajime has more brute force from all his monster eating stats, but Tatsuya has a martial arts background so he could most likely repel Hajime in that category. It would probably boil down to Hajime getting a sneak attack off on Tatsuya, which would be tough, but a one on one? Tatsuya will most likely win.


You know Hajime killed a literal deity.


That only happened in the light novels and web novels this question is about the anime Why can't my follow light novels readers no answer a question about the anime without bringing up the light novels


Partly because we like being superior, honestly didn't read the whole question.


If we are adding in Light Novels the hajime wins without a question but it would be an interesting fight


We are only talking about the anime that is why it's said in the anime


aren't they the same person i see no difference


There is a difference in the light novels and web novels Hajime has 8 wives while tatsuya is only engaged to Miyuki in the light novels and web novels Other than that yeah both used guns and magic and have almost no Emotions


What about the irregulars in Tower of God


I have no idea who Tatsuya is but I like is gun and now want a prop of it


I mean, if Hajime uses those chains he used to kill Alva, he stomps on his own.


That from the light novels and web novels and my post is talking about the anime only


That's not all that fair then since Magic Highschool has gotten further in than Arifureta has.


The biggest threat from Hajime has never been how strong he is or how high his stats are. It's his ability to survive, and his creativity. As soon as he knows what he's facing, he develops countermeasures in very little time. He's an incredibly dangerous opponent because of this as well as his genius intellect, on top of that, his allies are no pushovers and even if their weapons are destroyed, they can hold their own, Yue can endlessly regenerate so long as she doesn't run out of mana, Shea has the strength to swing about a giant warhammer like it's made of paper, Tio is an incredibly powerful dragon who herself has a genius intellect, Kaori can use restoration magic to heal people seconds from death to full health plus she has the abilities of an apostle after having his soul placed in the body of one. A couple of comments mentioned their spirits/souls being targeted but spirit magic from the holy mountain labyrinth should give them the ability to protect against that, they also have various ancient magic that I think would give them an edge in battle on many fronts I don't know much about the irregular at magic high school, so I can't make a fair judgement and won't say that Hajime will win just because of that, but I did think it was important to point out some things about arifureta that some are forgetting about in their comments


As a man with no knowledge on this subject I say that 2 gun is better than 1 gun


I'm giving the nod to Hajime for two reasons: 1. Hajime's Riftwalk 2. Shea's Future Sight Even in the anime to date, these two skills have been major keys to their survival. Tatsuya is fast but I don't think he's faster than Riftwalk, and as long as it takes more than a second to line up a kill shot that includes Shea she's going to know. That said, if Masaki gets into the fight his Rupture is a major issue. I don't know that he qualifies as an ally though. It's still a close flight without him because Tatsuya and Miyuki are about equally as broken as Hajime and Yue (based on the anime).


They both have near identical firepower of the same style and type of weapon usage. So we can simplify them down into a berserker, and a logic only stretategist. The berserker will always win as his erratic and illogical fighting style makes it difficult to land a shot. Meanwhile, in arifureta, he had a minigun prototype at least. Only downside is his limited ammo reserves.


I believe hajime wins because of allies


Hajime with low diff and what’s funny is he can basically recreate Tatsuya’s regrow ability with ancient magic.


Hajime hard counters, it's no contest.


Hajime annihilates with all his weapons and magic and including his Allies he destroys


Tatsuya and his teammates vs Hajime's Party.. Can Tatsuya and his teammates find a way to bypass Tio's impregnable defense in dragon form? Which team has the advantage in team combination based attacks.. If it's based on the anime, it's a huge handicap for Hajime's team.. all members of Tatsuya's team vs. Hajime, Yue, Shea, Kaori and Tio.. ( nah.. doesn't bother them anyway )




In saying, "They have full access to all weapons, and they have all their allies in the anime in this fight," you've predicated allies on the anime, but haven't predicated weapons on such. Accordingly, Hajime wins through whichever of his Afterstory weapons he chooses to use. If we were comparing the current anime, then we're accepting an extra five years' worth of story development for Tatsuya, since MKNR has material from 10 years ago to now, while Arifureta only has it from five (By other counts, 56 episodes plus a film and a spinoff vs 28 episodes, or three core seasons plus film and spinoff vs two). I predict 2029's anime Hajime will soundly beat the current anime Tatsuya. Edit: We're comparing different schools of magic. Not enough information. If interference strength is only from MKnR, then anything from Tortus could be easily overwritten, but if it's common to both, then Hajime's having lived off of demon meat and panacea has probably made his magic strong enough to ignore anything any MKnR character could do.


Dude by saying all their weapons and they have all their allies from the anime I crealy mean that it's the weapons from the anime as well






That is only in the light novels and web novels and we are using the anime Adaptation in this Scenario Seriously why can't you light novels readers ever used the anime Adaptation information for a debate about the anime


In terms of speed, Hajime came out on top, but when it came to destruction, Tatsuya came top, so if the two duel where they launched their most powerful weapon/skill in their arsenal Tatsuya would come out as the victor but would be completely in bad shape, but he has auto-recovery so he's good (it can work automatically)


Tatsuya deletes this nigga


Well Hajime will win regards wether it's The LN or WN Tatsuya Isn't in his Level.