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They did, and they spray painted it with, "Good luck, Calgary."


aww, that's sweet


nice to know good news from our brothers in the south actually gets reported, nowadays I feel like Canada is so anti-American despite our great relationship.


I'd say we're anti American politics and rhetoric... 


Agreed. Not against the ordinary people who are being screwed and manipulated by their politicians who are hard at work for the wealthy.


Montrealer here. Been following since the beginning. Just because I'm not personally affected doesn't mean I don't care. Wish I could help.


I heard they had a main water break, then a day or so ago I heard there were more problems extending the water advisory 3 weeks out. and I just read the Stampede is still on. edit: What I haven't investigated is how this all happened to begin with, and most importantly who I can blame this on (just a joke)


So, it's a huge feeder pipe (2m diameter) that suddenly gave way. These pipes are concrete with steel wires/bands around them. The concrete alone can't withstand the pressure, and the bands snapped, and then it was catastrophic failure of the pipe shortly after. Once they dug down to the pipe, got all the water drained/sucked, and determined that was the problem, they made the right decision to inspect the rest of the pipe while they could. They determined there were 5 other spots that needed to be replaced as well since it was at risk of similarly failing. That's when the 3-5 weeks timeline was said. This pipe, predictably, isn't available just anywhere. Some of the 3-5 weeks was for sourcing the pipe. Getting pipe from places like San Diego is supposed to help shorten the timeline.


I’m not an engineer but I’m confused why there is this seemingly single point of failure that can bring down the entire city. Seems…odd. Thank you for the explanation


So, this pipe comes from the one water treatment plant and provides 60% of the city's water. So the city is running only from the other treatment plant. But it's not like the city can *just* cut down by 60% because if they fully use the other 40%, water pressures drop too low, especially for fire services. I *think* I remember reading that that was something the city was in the process of planning to change the system from one large pipe? Like having two smaller diameter pipes replace the one big pipe so that, presumably, one could be down for a failure/repairs but the other stay running? I do know that the pipe is 49 years into an expected 100-year lifespan, so possibly this was something being looked at for when replacement time came? (I've read a bunch of bits here and there and my memory isn't always the greatest so my apologies if I'm remembering wrong, or connecting dots in a way that isn't factual!)


That's a super early failure, half way into its lifespan. That sucks. We have water mains pop all the time here in Ottawa but then you find out it's 150 years into its 100 year life span lol. We're just too cheap to replace anything on time.


Take this with a grain of salt, iirc my coworker was saying that a shop in Nisku/leduc had the pipe in stock to fix this issue. Whether it was enough to just fix this one issue idk.


Come hell or no water. Stampede will prevail


The current issues aside, it really is on my bucket list of things to see one day.


broken water main, stampede, or calgary?




this year is your chance, see the trifecta.


I've been reading about it on CBC. I asked my dad (who still lives there) if it's affecting him and I got an earfull about how it's all overblown and the mayor is using it for a powergrab. So it sounds like wherever he got his covid conspiracies has effectively pivoted.


Yaaa no it’s not over blown


No argument there.


I live here, it's not overblown. We're genuinely in danger of not having enough reserves to deal with fires if people don't cut back on water usage. Your dad is in denial


Yeah but when there's a crisis and you take steps to reduce the impact of the crisis that just proves that the crisis was made up /s Ah, the mayor is a woman of colour. Tracks that conspiracy yahoos would be conspiracying.


Unfortunately that /s is literally how people think where unless they are directly impacted, everything is a waste. It's not real unless they see it. Water is fine, my tap still works.


Is he the guy bragging about six baths a day


Ha! No, doesn't sound like him.


I have a YouTube radicalized mom. Solidarity 


Same. r/qanoncasualties has been a big source of support for me, if you need somewhere to vent.


I might cry a bit over there. Thank you!


r/foxbrain too?


My neighbour went down the QAnon rabbit hole big time. Then again, before that she got ejected from her car in roll over and it landed on her head… so.


I really wish I could say I don't believe people are that fucked up in Alberta but I've heard plenty from the conspiracy theorists to know there are some bad apples there...


I can’t imagine what province you live in that is immune to right wing idiocy if we are being fair. Although if you have one, I’m on my way over 


Nunavut is immune to it but I don't live there. It's too cold. In all honesty though it wasn't a jab at Alberta so much as a general statement about how we have an epidemic of conspiracy theory in Canada.


I mean it’s the epicentre for sure. But I spent my undergrad there and Calgary is extremely forward thinking and progressive (anyone else with a Muslim mayor?). People are really friendly too. But back to that, yup, a painful epidemic of ignorance and YouTube/Twitter radicalization.


Those folks are so frustrating. You can literally drive to either of the reservoirs and see the water level.


>So it sounds like wherever he got his covid conspiracies has effectively pivoted. Yeah the conspiracy mills are still running. Never waste a good disaster


Sorry about your dad


Yup, there’s a whole tinfoil hat group on FB talking about how the mayor deliberately sabotaged the water main. Fascinating stuff to watch.


….. I would like to know the logistics if this. How would you sabotage a huge pipe that far under ground? You can’t even get to it!


Truly that should be punishable libel. People need to start going after these folks damaging society.


Wow, tough, but honest take. Good on ya!


The need for collective conservation is not overblown. Some of the messaging could have been better (less blaming on Calgarians because many have tried hard). Water consumption has reduced here, but people are totally altering their normal habits to do it. Some people never took super long showers or unnecessarily ran appliances, so to them, it may seem that way. Unfortunately, we do have people that think the government is trying to control us and not manage an actual emergency 🙃


Daily in TO


I’m in the TO neighborhood and work in insurance, we get updates at work because the water main break may affect sprinkler systems and firefighting capabilities in general.


I get my Canadian news from CTV News online, so quite a bit. They have some story on it every day.


I heard someone blame Trudeau for it (in BC)


It’s true! I saw him with a back hoe, cackling as he dug out a big chunk and put TNT from a big crate labelled acme while he twirling his moustache!!! /s obviously


Did he escape on an old timey rail hand pump cart afterwards?


Yes, actually! Smdh putting money right into the pockets of Big Old Timey Rail Hand Pump Cart.


Sssshhhhh. There is a rural village called Acme not far from Calgary. Though most would never dream of conspiring with Trudeau, don’t give them any ideas.


I’m shocked!


Might have been me. But I blame everything on him ironically.


He was in Calgary last week.


Probably the same one blaming him to the corners of the new passport curling up a bit 


Toronto / CTV has been reporting on it daily, it's all over the news.


Hosting an event that will bring 140,000 (their numbers) people to our city when we are being told to conserve water, not flush every time, not shower as often, not shave, is insanity. The mayor actually compared a small municipal conference with 3,000 people to Stampede and proceeded to say that was ok a week ago. This is about nothing more than money. If over 100,000 tourists can come here, and do what they please, city hall has lost the support of the people who live here. There was actually a comment from city hall saying if you work from home you don't have to shower as often. This is nuts.


I despise city hall as much as the next guy but cancelling the stampede is not really an option for the city. There are a bunch of people and businesses who have spent a LOT of money on stampede related planning. Just look at the Cowboys tent as one small example; they’ve spent millions on preparations and would look to recoup that money through a lawsuit. Not to mention all the hotels, travellers, vendors, concerts, and the Calgary Stampede organization itself just to name a few. If the city cancels it would open them up to massive lawsuits when there’s a pretty good chance they can get the main fixed on time anyways. This is a pretty simple calculus for the city.


1000X this. I do not like the prioritization of stampede. AND as someone who has struggled in this sluggish Calgary economy, I do see the argument for how many jobs rely on these 10 days in July. Maybe cowboys beer cart girls will finally make 1/3 of the money they did in the good old days by selling more bottled water, so I guess yay for them? I certainly will not be doing much more than a few Coke stage shows because I no longer need to keep up with the joneses and be at a tent drinking every night like my youth. Meanwhile I’ll be bathing in the Elbow upstream from the grounds, but downstream from the dog park 🫠


Cancelling the event is hundreds of millions lost to the local economy. But sure, blame beer cart girls. What an idiotic thing to say.


I wasn’t blaming beer cart girls, I was unenthusiastically excited they might make more money as a side effect of bottled water being more in demand. No need to become an absolute jerk face because you didn’t like my take.


Uhh guys, they don't have carts, it's not a golf course. They have beer tubs, they're beer tub girls and always have been.


Thank you! TUBS! Duh. Shows how long it’s been since I’ve gotten drunk in a stampede tent.


Lol I worked at the original Cowboys back in the day, pre and post tent.


I am so sorry for disrespecting the fine beer tub girl profession and conflating them with those cart hussies on the golf course Edit typo


I'm glad you're taking this as seriously as I am and you should! 😂


It’s crazy how much it gets prioritized over common sense. Like the time they ended all the Covid restrictions super early before any other province just so they could have stampede and then 2 months later we had field hospitals, mass cancelled surgeries, and all the restrictions were back because the health care system was collapsing lol


My gig is tourism, I promise its not just some cart girls lol. Every business in the city benefits like its Black Friday/Christmas for ten straight days. Many of them live and die by a good Stampede season much like they live by Christmas sales. The entire country could be falling apart like Haiti and the tourism related businesses will be the only things running. That's just the way it is. No gang coup is going to stop those cruise ships from going to their Haitian resort island no siree. There is way too much money at stake.


I listen to CBC news… so, yes, I’ve heard of it in detail.


Yep, it’s on the cbc news daily


Prince Edward Island - all over the news here. Folks talking about it at work. We all feel terrible for them.


We appreciate your thoughts. ✌️


Thank you. We appreciate your thoughts.


It's honestly not that bad, limit showers, limit how often appliances are being used... I bought a case of water to keep plants watered and that's honestly all that anyone really needs to do - as long as everyone does it...


In Ontario. If you watch CBC or CTV news there is a story everyday.


I hear about it regularly via the CBC radio podcast


Not much today I saw that there was a state of emergency called other than that I literally know nothing about it.


It is on all the news channels. At least now, we can bug Calgary about its water and not having the army called out for a bunch of snow storms.


I'm currently working in Calgary but flew home to ontario for the weekend to see my wife and kids, upon talking to alot of my friends back home only a few of them had heard about what is going on here (central ontario)


It's been on the news everyday on News Network and it's been major headlines and stories on every major Canadian news outlet online. The only way you aren't aware is if you're someone who doesn't pay attention to the news


Pretty much everyday - from Southern Ontario


Made it's away to the heart of the Canadian universe, Toronto. I just laugh that the notion of "this is a 24 hour emergency and we'll have it totally fixed by tomorrow" ends up more along the lines of "yeah, this will take like 3 weeks to do, and there's also a bunch of other issues that we may as well do I guess". Same roadwork everywhere, eh?




It sucks when people don't want to work together. We really just have to be more conscious and give up a bit of luxury temporarily. We still have lots of water to drink and that's a blessing.


Have read/watched a bunch of stories on it via the major news outlets. Wondering what the water infrastructure is like in my city now 😬


It’s been on the news cycle (national) since it happened so I imagine majority of folks.


We’ve been hearing a lot about it. Good luck with getting it fixed soon.


It has been all over the National News and local news.


I was told that the city engineers have ordered a reverse vasectomy which could take 3-5 weeks.


Oh no, the Stampede is coming, Tie those boys back up!


I heard about it on Reddit and on the CBC website in Ottawa.


My mom called me yesterday from Ontario to see if I needed some water.


Haha as a joke or as a truly concerned sweetheart mother? This cheered me up.


She was concerned. It was sweet


Gotta love good moms.


Ottawa here... We get daily updates. I mostly tune into CBC News.


We have. It’s big Canadian news.


We’ve been playing close attention if we should keep our plans to visit this weekend 


My Ontario and Nova Scotia family all reached out to check in before we told them so it's definitely national news


Southern Ontario, read a lot about it. Mostly on CBC.


Ontario here. It’s all over CBC


It's been national news, pretty much everyone I've talked to in the last week has heard of it.


Ottawa region, heard a out it from the beginning.


Lots. It’s all over newscasts in Southern Ontario.


My coworkers in Newfoundland have heard about it.


The whole Canada. They're wondering how you guys will shower and how smelly the city ATM.


I’m following it in Nova Scotia but I’m not sure it’s made the news here. I follow Calgary’s subreddit. Will be there in a couple of weeks for a family wedding. Already planning my water saving strategies but hope it’s fixed in time.


Family from France called me to know if I had water. They had seen it on the French TV news.


A lot. It's all over the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star here in... Toronto. See? We know you exist!


I just saw it on YouTube last week. That’s crazy.


I’m on the east coast so not much west coast news here.


FYI neighbour. Calgary is in Alberta, 600 miles from the west coast.


FYI we're not Americans and adopted metric nearly 50 years ago.


Quebec and further east considers Alberta west coast. Always called it that here. Even though you’re right , and it’s not. Just always called both provinces west coast


Halifax girl here with a good education to say otherwise. “Out west” is different than “west coast”. Will die on this hill.


After reading that I have nothing to say other than you are 100% correct. Recalling when I do say anything about it it’s always “Out West” and not “West Coast”.




I got the notification of the new on my phone from Google news


I read an article about it and have spoken about it with my cousin who lives in Calgary.


Definitely well aware of the problem here in Vancouver!


All over tik tok and I’m on the east coast


I'm south of Calgary - an Ontario client asked me about it last week.


This is the first im hearing of it!! (southern ontario)


Not a peep.


I'm in Kelowna, heard quite a lot. Visiting my dad in Ontario though - first he'd heard of it!


50 year old pipe that was supposed to have a lifespan of 100 years deteriorated halfway through the lifespan and had to be replaced. it was supposed to take 3-5 weeks to finish all repairs.


All over the news here on Vancouver Island. Saw most of it on CBC, an excellent Canadian tv service


Manitoban here. I’ve heard of it. I have cousins from Calgary so I’m quite concerned.


But the Rodeo is still a go!


If you are a person who watched or reads news, then you will have heard about it. Those who haven’t - well, I am guessing they are not people that enagage with “mainstream” news sources.


I heard about it nearly immediately because I was talking to a friend on Discord who lives in Calgary when it happened. Been getting updates via them.


Heard about it a week or so ago when someone was on Reddit complaining about their neighbour watering their plants or something. Looked into it then. Heard about it on the news days ago. Showed up in my Apple News feed Friday I think. I am in SE Ontario.


This is the first time i heard of it (Montréal). Granted i don't watch news and recently (and finally) uninstalled Twitter, which was my main source of news. Altough I've lived in drought prone areas and had to ration water so i know how much it sucks so i wish y'all the best


I heard about it at the dentist's, they had the news on. Hope you guys get your water soon. I'm very oblivious to the whole situation, is it just a piece of pipe that needs replacing?


It's been all over national news. I think it's the top story on cbc every day.


Huh, first I've heard about it 😵‍💫 brutal


It’s definitely national news. Been hearing about it here in Ontario since about 1 days ago after it happened. Getting updates on every news outlets multiple times per day.


Yes, I watch the news.


I got the state of emergency just after 8am in Bc.


In the days of the Internet - pretty-well everything. Nice to know that my hometown (Bowness, HA!) matters!


Montréal here, heard about but am surprised it’s still going on…


It's been on the national news every day...


Not a word have I heard in North Carolina


It's national news. We've been hearing about it since it started.


Literally non-stop on the south west Ontario news.


Have been hearing about it on the hourly news updates on the local radio in Ontario. Just this morning they mentioned the Stampede is going on, just with "small amendments" like not washing the seats as often and encouraging hotels to promote short showers. 🤨 Wishing everyone in Calgary well, and hope this issue gets fixed soon.


Heard about in Ontario, Scary stuff running out of water, hope they find some relief.


Everyone in Ontario knows.


Plenty - it's part of most headline news on CBC nationally. 


It's been top story on my google home news read through for the past few weeks, specifically the CBC.


Ontario here, I’ve heard about it!


Barley hear in southern Ontario. It's just on reddit sadly


Out in NB and I’m fully aware of it and I don’t watch the news or anything. First I had heard bout it was during the last Edmonton vs Florida game


Daily updates here in Ontario, and I don't even have tv.


SW Ontario. Been following and just had a discussion about it with family this past weekend.


Toronto, have heard of it.


This was part of Toronto's main news last week. At least on City News Toronto.


I have , in Houston TX


I know about it and I live in California


I heard about it a week ago I think? And saw a headline about how badly the mayor(?) is communicating. Trying to remain oblivious at this point tbh


I would make sure to check your sources on opinions about our mayor. She has a solid group of folks who will hate her no matter what she does, so you’ll need to weed that out to find the fair criticisms. Not saying she’s perfect by any means, but there’s a lot of money and energy behind hating her.


And a lot of non-funded, non conspiracy folks who think she’s done a piss poor job. She has. She has no big accomplishments to date, apart from being taken to the cleaners on the new stadium, and now utterly fumbling the water situation.


What do you feel she's fumbled about the water situation?




Every day on the island 


Baffin Island?


Yes Baffin Island. When I’m not on Ellesmere.




I honestly hope the indigenous folks with no access to reliable clean water in the northern communities know all about the situation. Look how fast we can fix the issue in Calgary!!


The government has been doing serious work to get clean drinking water to indigenous communities in Canada. It's a very complicated issue and we have made huge strides over the last ten years. The issue in Calgary is affecting well over a million people.


144 water advisories have been resolved in the past 9 years, 30 still remain https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1506514143353/1533317130660


Seriously? Pay attention. They’ve made strides in getting clean water. God people really don’t keep up with what’s going on in Canada. Plus they’re very different situations. Do you really expect water lines to be built in a day?


It’s a different situation for the ones left who don’t have water …. Tremendous progress has been made but it seems like the geography makes it difficult to get water in those areas. It would be cheaper to move them honestly but ….


Imagine that getting something fixed in a community of a million plus with all of their resources is easier than doing the same thing in a remote community. Oh the injustice (/s)


Too much.


Podcast, yesterday.


I saw on CBC last week that a major water main burst and that while the supply has been shut off, they’re going to inspect and repair the whole thing. I think the water main was replaced like 10-15 years ago.




just a bit


I saw a headline, but I didn't click on it.


It's on the national news.


Heard about Calgary’s dilemma at a birthday party gathering this past weekend.


I know they're having one due to a watermain break. If I'd clicked on any of the articles I could know more, but I haven't.


I read about it on cbc news app


It’s on BCTV news constantly.


It’s been on the news in Edmonton.




I became aware of it a day or two after the break occurred, when warnings about the water supply were reported on CBC. I’ve kept an eye on the headlines and skimmed the articles since, though I was compelled to read the latest item before posting this. I have in-laws there, and I’ve been wondering if this has affected them.


Central Alberta. Pretty much only on Reddit. However, I've barely left the house (I and/or kids have been sick for what seems like forever). I don't really consume news "conventionally" (TV/newspaper), but will hear it on the radio if driving and on Reddit subs.


It’s been reported on CBC radio news here in B.C.


Not a thing. But Facebook isn't allowed to post news anymore.


I’ve heard they’ve known they needed to replace this bit of infrastructure for quite awhile and just kept kicking it down the road until it’s too late and is a very serious self inflicted disaster .


Yes. In Ontario but from SK. It reminds me of the summers of drought growing up. We got our water from a small lake north of town and if there wasn’t enough spring run off or rain there was no water for anything. Our suburb here in ON had to deal with a nasty water main break and replacement about 11 years ago. We lost about 90% of our water supply during the hottest months while they did repairs.


Heard about it here in Quebec.


They mentioned it on the radio airing of the Stanley Cup playoffs


Small town Sask. have really not heard much. Odd meme from my albertan friends on social media’s


Other cities are now calling out that they need to spend less on immigrants and perhaps spend a little on infrastructure


From Qc, seen it pass briefly on Radio Canada as a headline. French title was unclear, I assumed it was an oil pipeline that broke down and affected the drinking water in Calgary. Hope they get their water back quickly.