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Looks too high to me and need to drain some


Never done it before, so do I just dump the oil filter a few times you reckon? Or will that make too big of a mess?


No you have to pull the dipstick and wipe it clean. Repeat this until you are at the level you need. This is like asking for forgiveness for your sins and by doing it this way you make up for those sins and will not do it ever again. The actual truth is 1 liter is not that much extra and will most likely have no effect. In fact some racers add half a quart to a quart extra so their oil pumps don't pick up air during racing conditions. You could put a small plastic tube down the dipstick and siphon a little off if you are worried or crack the drain plug but I always hate doing that since it is easy to make a mess.


Say the rosary while you do it


The Overfilled Oil Repentance (The Mea Culpa): Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault, I confess that I have sinned against this engine. I added too much oil, disrupting its balance and risking damage. May the engine forgive my error, and may I learn from this mistake, measuring with precision and heeding the dipstick's counsel in all future oil changes. Amen.


Most racers *dont* do that. If oil sloshing around is a problem they get a different oil pump or go to a dry sump. Running a motor at high rpm while overfilled is not recommended. For example, if their oil is aerated at high rpm they get a ported oil pump to eliminate it


Corvette suggests it at least my c6 says to add a quart


I had to do this the other day. undo the drain plug all the way while pressing it in . Then just delicately pull it outwards, or tilt it to one side, and you should get a narrow stream. I drained it into a wide mouth cashew container without spilling a drop. Easy peasy.


You will get a gentle narrow stream of oil, down to your elbow.


And then it will go up to your shoulder. But no worries, your shirt will soak it all up.


Then after that you just wash it out of your hair or ass crack. Not hairy ass crack, it goes one or the other unless you really do it wrong.




maybe you will. I didn't. If your arm is above the plug then it's not physically possible


But what kind of cashews were they?


Kirkland roasted and salted


How'd they taste after


like low miles. good film strength. no blowby. slightly rich.


I only have peanut containers, would that work too?


you get extra points for that. The planters jars are a smaller target.


Maybe very slowly removed the drain plug until the point it dribbles oil out past the threads and hold it there maybe. Never had to do it myself either. Alternatively if you can get a big syringe and length of tube then maybe suck it out of the dipstick tube. Problem with doing the oil filter is you will the keep making and releasing the rubber seal and might damage it.


Someone's other comment mentions u may have checked the oil cold, which isn't an accurate reading. Also idk what to do for draining if needed. I'm not car smart at all, but YouTube and Google are amazing tools to help u do this. Also if there's any family/friends/neighbors to consult, then maybe give them an ask, and hopefully, this helps u.


Checking cold vs hot is definitely a thing. However heat causes expansion so checking this hot would only result in an indication of MORE oil…


However, a hot motor has more oil up in the head and galleys that hasn't drained back to the pan. So it can easily read less.


True true…. Should still be read when hot. Any oil that is going to drain back to the pan should do so fairly rapidly. It’s not like there’s going to be a missing quart. Also… not like a dipstick is all that accurate… we aren’t measuring out cc’s here to begin with. I’m mainly coming at it from an aviation side of things where you always check your sight glass after a flight not first thing in the morning. I mean… yeah you check in the morning for sure but I’d never add oil based off of a cold viewing.


In that case. I'd definitely drain it if I was OP


Check your manual, because in most cars you're supposed to check the oil cold. THat said, the difference between hot and cold will be far less than the difference between low and high on the dipstick, so regardless if it's somewhere between the two it's OK, if at the low or under add 1/2 qt at a time and recheck. If it's over, remove 1/2 qt at a time and recheck.


The engine is cold ish for this check


Let the car get to operating temp and check it again. That will give the oil plenty of time to circulate through the engine and filter.


You really only need a short time running the engine for oil to circulate everywhere. Easily just tens of seconds if not less than that.


True, but checking when at operating temp is best practice IMO.


Manufacturers actually tell you to let the car sit for several minutes before checking the oil. So no. It literally doesn't matter.


You're going to listen to the manufacturer? Pshh, sucker. /s It's a procedure I've followed for years, probably doesn't matter nowadays but it can't hurt. Sitting for a few minutes after it's reach op temp doesn't drop it very much and is probably a consumer safety warning.


Takes 3 seconds to fill a filter and you never check oil levels at operating temp.


You absolutely don't need to do a thing. Send it.


The reason for being concerned about a high level is if it's high enough for the crank webs to hit the oil level then it will aerate the oil and air in oil does not lubricate at all well!




Dodge regularly fills my oil to this level, 2 seperate vehicles but same engine 6.2L. Every oil change it’s slightly above full. If it’s not foamy I wouldn’t worry about it.


Some bigger engines burn oil too so a little high shouldn't hurt it and may actually help


It is right on the edge between 'fine' and 'drain' which is why you are getting conflicting answers. The safest answer is 'drain' of course. As others have said the risk is that the level is so high the crankshaft hits the oil and whips it into a froth. At a level like this, your risk of major issues is very low, but there isn't much margin for error.


You know you are a qt over drain it off from the oil plug and make sure you change that crush washer if your car uses one.


this is why i wish cars had a quick release valve on the oil pan.


Buy a Fumoto valve and you don't have to worry about loosening drain bolts any more


Do youtube links work here? Ask the expert! https://youtu.be/bk7r0TL0Or4?si=KPfhuZ3fcyryeH_3


this is why we would put the bare minimum amount of oil in our 4-stroke racing kart engines we could get away with and still not blow up. When you're only making \~14 hp having more oil sloshing around makes a big difference in power. We knew it would cause the engines to wear sooner but we were going for power not longevity, a season of racing is acceptable


An oil extractor would make this and future oil changes really easy.


This is how I’ve run dozens of vehicles over the last 40 years. Never had a problem.


This guy did a pretty thorough experiment on the subject. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaTbfvzNbxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaTbfvzNbxQ) You're probably fine.


It depends on the motors design but overfilling a bit is rarely an issue. I've run multiple cars with an extra quart because race tires + high g's starve the oil pickup under cornering. I've never had any problems.


I accidently over filled my car once. It began smoking until I took 1 quart out. Problem was solved.


This is the dealership standard fill level. I've run worse without any foam


Send it


You dont need to drain it if you overfilled a little and half a quartz looks like it is not much so leave it as is.


Remove, drain, and re- install the filter. Should bring it down about 1/3 Qt at a time


Did you run the engine before checking the level? Next time if the recommend amount is 7. Put 6or 5 run the engine for less than a minute. Shut it off wait a minute and check the level. Then add oil accordingly. Once you think you are done. Run one last time for a minute. Again wait one minute and then check the level just to make sure. Oil takes a bit of time to settle down.


Another benefit of the fumoto valve right here.




Let it sit and then check again. I just checked/added oil to my moms car and after adding to 2 quarts to it the dipstick was showing it was 3 inches above the full line😂 let it sit and it was a mm or 2 under full


Oil shops *always* overfill. So, it's probably fine. However it will likely cause incorrect pressures in the oil.






Bold of you to say they "always overfill*. I stopped going to a few oil shops where I ritually had to tell them to top it up after showing me the dipstick and was at least half a quart low.


I suppose it's just where I am! They're famous for it here.


Run it 10 secs, remove the filter, dump the filter, run it and check again


Drain a little or forget about it. I would say that’s too little to be an issue.


Yes, drain some. Correct oil level is correct for many reasons. It could be fine, could nuke your engine if the oil foams from aeration via the crank. 15 messy minutes of inconvenience isn’t a lot given risk. You can do the filter, but if it were me, I’d Jack it up, and drain some into a clean container. Run and check, add back from what you drained if necessary.


No. 1/2 to 1 quart high is not going to fuck up any engine in any car anyone is driving. No.


It’s so nice having all-knowing people on the internet with ultimate clairvoyance , possessing knowledge of every engine in existence to make an absolute, demonstrative statement like this. We’re truly lucky. To OP, it’s low risk, but there’s risk, and taking 10 minutes to fix it absolves risk. I’m not ready to make sweeping comments like above. So you can decide who has the more intelligent reply.


To anyone who's been an actual real world mechanic for longer than 10 minutes, this isnt supreme knowledge. It's common sense. Luckily you're better at sarcasm than you are automotive advice. There is no risk here. End of story. Your lack of practical experience is hitting you in the face here.


My God, this man knows my personal history too. DOES HIS KNOWLEDGE KNOW NO BOUNDS?!


The sarcasm isn't helping you save face. Entertaining though.


“Saving face” implies you corrected or humbled me in some way…neither of which happened; however, I can only presume in your mind it did, which only furthers my point that you presume your opinion is the unmitigated, absolute final word. Guess I’ll divert to my normal response to such people people who don’t understand nuance and really aren’t worth time expending energy to engage with: more sarcasm. I hope you’ve informed the CIA of your profound gifting here. ✌️


Owned me. Rekt. Plz stop giving bad advice now ty.


Don't worry about it


It’s fine.


Drain some off, too much is not good


Just remove the filter install another one. They usually contain close to a quart.


Get a hand pump or turkey baster + a long tube that will fit in the dipstick hole. You can find rubber tubes at pet stores in the aquarium section. Attach the tube to the pump/baster, use it to remove some fluid, check the level again. Make sure your vehicle is parked on 100% level ground. Any tilt will cause a false reading.


I see a problem.   You are still driving internal combustion engine JUNK 


Yep the thing that literally revolutionized the world. Junk. I actually support the EV movement but not the amount of “huff their own farts” smugness the owners and other supporters of these vehicles display.


Well said.


Cry about it.   Go huff a tailpipe.  Or better yet, run that ice junk in an enclosed garage and take a nap