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This sub has a new [Moving to Australia](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/s/rL3D68q4ZZ) wiki. Please look there.


Hey, OP, you've got all the AHPRA registration stuff sorted out, yeah? Edit: What we do better here than the US is that our registration is national, so you are free to move around and work in any state or territory.


Your wife may already be aware of this, but Nurse Practitioner roles in Australia work differently to the US. She'd need to be sure she can actually still practice as an NP here if she doesn't want to end up in a lower level role.


Definitely. Here they are like junior doctors. They make it so easy for people to be NP in US.


Get into Queensland Health and you'll be set for life. If you're willing to do rural placements you can get some incredible incentive bonuses. Two mates of mine just got $30k each as moving bonuses to go 6 hours west of Brisbane on top of their 6-figure salaries and they get an extra $20k each for each year they stay rural and they get their housing paid for.


This is the best way!


No way! Which nursing agency is this? Can you let me know? I’m happy to go placements. (Aussie Theatre nurse here)


QLD is doing massive recruitment/retention bonuses at the moment - those numbers are just for permanent rural staff positions rather than agency.


Curis recruitment have 12 week theatre placements available with some offering a $5000 bonus for every 12 week you complete, flights and accomodation provided. Check it out.


Wow! Thanks. Will do!


They told me it's the QLD Government "Workforce Attraction Incentive Scheme". https://www.careers.health.qld.gov.au/working-for-us/workforce-attraction-incentive-scheme


They told me it's the QLD Government "Workforce Attraction Incentive Scheme". https://www.careers.health.qld.gov.au/working-for-us/workforce-attraction-incentive-scheme




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wowee! I was thinking of going rural in the very near future, would you be able to fill us in on which agency they used or where to apply? Thanks heaps in advance


They told me it's the QLD Government "Workforce Attraction Incentive Scheme".


What field of health are these mates in specifically


Both were ER nurses but one recently moved into something to do with cancer patients. That's about all I understand of their jobs, sorry.


[you definitely said something](https://imgur.com/a/XFoKNwf)


I made a joke about him wearing a rugby league jersey, and I followed it up by saying what has happened to the victims and what the police officer now has to go through are terrible and I feel for them. I never said anything - and definately didnt make jokes - about anyone getting hurt.


Probably not the time for jokes tho


Yeah fair play. A poor attempt at brevity to lighten the situation, but your point is taken.


Understandable have a good day


Housing is insane here. It’s so bad. I’m from the UK and have been here 10 years. Health care is better than US. People are better here in their mood and kindness. Less crowded. People are frightened of spiders and snakes but I’ve never see one. Child care is excellent. Again, housing is awful. So expensive. DO NOT MOVE TO SYDNEY. Whatever you do.


You wont be able to buy a house with two nurses salaries in sydney im afraid. Unless you have help or settle for a one bedroom apartment


This! And Queensland! We are full !!!!


U.S. housing is worse than Australia. It won’t be anything they aren’t used to.


Hi, you won't find Brisbane boring it's a great city! It's humid, but you should be used to that? If you're looking for surf beaches, look at the Sunshine Coast , 1 to 1.5 hours north, or the Gold Coast, south.


Watch r/bluey if you want to get a handle on Brisbane. But seriously go rural. More money. More wildlife and more community


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bluey using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bluey/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is why I watch. Little gems for the parents.](https://i.redd.it/n8ldve42y16b1.jpg) | [244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/149jtfc/this_is_why_i_watch_little_gems_for_the_parents/) \#2: [Chilli's reaction in 'The Show ' is confirmed by Joe to be about miscarriage (from the amazing book 'Hard To Bear' by Isabelle Oderberg)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13omd59) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/13omd59/chillis_reaction_in_the_show_is_confirmed_by_joe/) \#3: [Posting our family costumes to the only group who might appreciate them](https://i.redd.it/9tpkxnf6imxb1.jpg) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/17kymgq/posting_our_family_costumes_to_the_only_group_who/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Super easy to get a job - we’re begging for nurses from 3rd world countries. If you are trained in US and A you will be top of the list. If you’re boring take a regional placement for the $$$. (Just be aware that 1000km from the capital is NOT like going 1000km from Miami. You’re not getting Atlanta.)


Is it like some rural place where everyone knows each other? I can’t do it. Needs to be a little city like. Even the suburbs is ok. I don’t like small town vibes


Then dont go rural. We only have 5 urban areas above 1m. And 17 places above 100k.


Depends on you.  Lots of city people home rural.  Get as much, or as little attention, as you want.  A Small city/ suburbia is probably more your speed.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted on this - it’s your life and your choice where you live.


As others have said, don’t do Sydney. Our house prices are insane and COL through the roof. I can’t wait to move. Queensland would be hot but generally good vibes. Perth and Adelaide also worth a look.


Depends how small you would tolerate. Consider somewhere like Lismore Base hospital - not the worst place in the world to live if you’re not in the flood plain. Around 30k population at its peak. If you don’t mind the heat then somewhere south of Cairns.


If you go rural, it can depend on where you go. You can have somewhere like Mt Isa (19k) or Alice Springs (25k) and have a big town where its a little city like but you could also have something like Weipa that has less than 4000 people, definitely small town vibes


Maybe Canberra, but it can be expensive.


Look at  grocery prices: coles.com.au Woolworths.com.au  car prices: car sales.com.au rents and house prices: realestate.com.au alcohol prices: danmurphys.com.au  Cafe/restaurant prices - could look at broadsheet.com.au and follow links out to various cafes.  Petrol prices: https://www.mynrma.com.au/cars-and-driving/fuel-resources/weekly-report Keep in mind there is no extra tax on sticker price and no tipping, but stuff is expensive here. Cost of living is much lower in USA. Just make sure you’re aware when you’re doing the maths.  What do you dislike about small towns? Depending on your answer, most of QLD could be out. I’d do a holiday first and see where you feel like you would be comfortable. The three cities are quite different in feel, and the vibes can differ widely in inner vs outer suburbs.


>Cost of living is much lower in USA. Just make sure you’re aware when you’re doing the maths.  I disagree. COL USA v AU is relative to many variables. The rest of your post is accurate, imo.


Yeah I’ve read that cost of fresh stuff is cheaper here by a little. But everything else is prob cheaper there


It is relative. For instance, you would expect fresh produce (for example avo) in Alice (currently around $5/ea) would be more exie than fresh avo in WA currently \~$1 each. Both retail prices at Woolies. Same with the US. Pork in Iowa is much less expensive than pork in California. Bananas in Iowa more expensive than bananas in Hawaii. (Most bananas eaten in the US come from Ecuador, the Caribbean and countries with tropical climates. But within the US: Hawaii grows a ton of bananas. They mostly stay within the islands.) Prices are relative to many variables. People in large US cities pay more for rent but their salaries are comparatively higher (in same job/industry), similar to here, (unless FIFO or remote salaried).


If you're willing to go rural in Queensland for a stint, we could certainly use the staff, and you'll likely be eligible for a $70000 hiring bonus, each. A cheeky $140k (taxed though) might help to get you started toward buying a place here.


Hi there, When you say "we", does this mean that you or your hospital is looking for nurses? I'm and RN and worked in ICU seriously considering going rural. Hit me up if that is the case, more than willing to discuss the possibilities.


By we I meant generally hospitals across the country, I don't know about my hospital specifically. But given we have quite frequent agency staff there's probably spots. I'm with Darling Downs health in Queensland. Edit: looks like there's a few advertised at places in the region. https://smartjobs.qld.gov.au/jobtools/jncustomsearch.searchResults Not sure if that link will actually work, if not just set the search terms to Toowoomba region (rather than darling Downs even though that's an option) It's great having really experienced nurses from critical care environments out bush as we do get some pretty nasty trauma on occasions.


ok thanks :) I'm Australian and took a break to look after family but I'll be applying for a job in the next 3 months. I worked at SCUH in QLD which was awesome but wouldn't mind trying something different and rural has its appeal. Thanks for replying :)


Getting a job= easy Getting somewhere to live= extremely hard


There are plenty of vacancies but you will need to check your qualifications are recognized here


Are you the crazy MAGA Florida people? Please don't come here if so


everyone is welcome as long as you are peaceful...the above doesn't represent all QLD people...


Yeah sure we are generally pretty welcoming... To people who are not absolutely batshit crazy. Like overthrow the Government because some fatass billionaire said to. Imagine if we all followed Gina Rinehart in everything we do for our day to day lives.


You ignored what I said “peaceful”. And honestly, by the way how you chose to use some certain words and phrases, you are not much different to those you seem to despise.


MAGA are not by definition "peaceful". They attempted and still are attempting to overthrow a legitimately elected government. They are right up there with all other extremist or religious cult groups that are not welcome in Straya - ISIS-K, IRA, Nazis, Russians in general.


This just demonstrated how biased your view is. There were 2000 rioters joined the “January 6” attack on the US Congress https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack#:~:text=More%20than%202%2C000%20rioters%20entered,to%20capture%20and%20harm%20lawmakers. Trump won 74,223,975 votes in 2020. So if only 10% of those Trump voters are aligned with MAGA, that’s 7 millions out there ready to fight against the US constitution?! What is your source to back that up? Disclaimer, if it were up to me, I will never vote for Trump and I don’t appreciate their slogan. But I equally don’t like the idea of discriminating people based on their political view, so long their views are peaceful in nature.


The criminal, rapist, head of MAGA is trying to overthrow the government, this is not hyperbole. If you vote for a terrorist, you are a sympathiser. Now that 74 mil, I'm sure many just voted for the party, not the candidate, much like many boomers will only vote liberal until they die, not for whoever the best candidate is. That being said there is an egregious difference between a MAGA supporter and a Republican. And I specifically stated just MAGA gimps are not welcome.


Still just extremely biased political view without any substance. I stand correct that your political views are not much different to those you despise in terms of extremism. Period.


So despising extremist groups and terrorist groups, makes me an extremist. Got it, good logic muppet. Adios spud


No, you are a Saint mate, enjoy your day!


If you’re registered, you will have no problem getting nursing jobs here.


PS others might have more insight but from what I have seen & read, avoid the private hospital groups.


As an Australian NP, the process for international people can be arduous: https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/Codes-Guidelines/Guidelines-on-endorsement-as-a-nurse-practitioner.aspx Your wife would be applying under pathway 2. She would probably get general registration more easily (which is the first step anyway). And the work as an RN while going through the NP endorsement process. https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Accreditation/IQNM.aspx


Launceston General Hospital is looking for staff.  It might be what you are looking for.   Lots of doctor surgeries and specialists to choose from too.  A small city.


Launceston barely qualifies as a city lol


It does now.  Very popular and busy.


Only considering the East Coast? Western Australia are offering good incentives. https://www.osrecruitment.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/Corp/Documents/Careers/WA-Health-Relocation-incentives.pdf


Come Tasmania. Slower pace of life. 4 seasons every year. And we need nurses! Easy to get a job.


Jobs in Brisbane won’t be an issue. But the housing is insane prices. I would even look to move a little more rural. Toowoomba is an up and coming town with a brand new hospital being built. You’ll still get the Queensland Health pay but the housing better. One bedrooms apartments inner Brisbane are about $650-750 A WEEK


Is this 650 usd? Or aus? Is so that seems quite cheap.


Australian but that’s a week not month


Unfurnished. Not including bills.


Yeah, rent is very reasonable in Brisbane. Those prices they’re quoting you are right in the middle of the city in a brand new apartment.


Yeah here’s an older style 2 bed 5km from the city in an upmarket suburb for AUD$490/week 2 bedroom 2/32 Trout Street, Ashgrove, Qld 4060 https://www.realestate.com.au/property-unit-qld-ashgrove-438982632 $580 Modern 2 bedroom 5/12 Bott Street, Ashgrove, Qld 4060 https://www.realestate.com.au/property-unit-qld-ashgrove-439000212 $540 2 bedroom 3/20 Bott Street, Ashgrove, Qld 4060 https://www.realestate.com.au/property-unit-qld-ashgrove-438998004


Where in Florida is $3000 a month for a one bedroom flat cheap?


1bd flat new construction is 2,000 in city centre max for a 1bd is like 1600 or less.


Per week?




Australians generally talk about rent in terms of weekly rather than monthly, that may be why you’re seeing our rents as being reasonable


Nursing shortage across Australia. The cost of living isn't great here either. Move to geelong and get a cheap house and work for barwon health. You'll be set for life


Brisbane is in dire need of nurses and nursing staff. You will both easily find positions


Post history has me rolling


Ooh off for a deep dive


Oh dear god. Thankfully they’re looking to be several thousand km away from me because I can already see them being a dumpster fire to deal with in a hospital if/when they become an RN. Can’t wait until they realise our NP process is significantly more of a challenge than the street to NP pipeline running in some parts of the US…


you never know they might also finish pharm tech, med school and paramedicine school in the same year and not ever need to find out


Christ. Florida nursing schools have gotten a lot of critical examination after a number of huge degree mills were discovered operating down there, and this guy sounds like a prime candidate for that model of teaching...


I’m thanking our lucky southern cross stars for stringent NP regulation


I don't know why there are such negative comments about Melbourne weather lol. It would indeed be very different to Florida as it isn't tropical. But if OP is looking for a complete change, then they would get that there. The heat in summer is mainly dry heat and the winters over the past 6-8 years have been mild. Spring has cold mornings but clear sunshine days. Yes it can be unpredictable at times, hence the "all seasons in a day" reputation, but you definitely get used to it. It's not for everyone, but it's not awful. I could never cope in QLD personally. I would spend most of the year sweating like a farm animal and running a/c most days 😂


If you’re after a slower pace, consider Adelaide & SA Health.


Have you considered Adelaide?


I live in Brisbane, we have a chronic shortage of trained nurses in all states of Australia. Brisbane weather is the same as Orlando (just switch summers & winters around) Melbourne is more colder. You can check out this link for getting your qualifications recognised in Australia. [https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Accreditation/IQNM.aspx](https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Accreditation/IQNM.aspx)


Western Australia is absolutely stunning, and Perth has a slower pace of life compared to Sydney/Melbourne that you may really enjoy. If you like gorgeous beaches and landscapes, I’d strongly consider it. Wait until you get permanent residency before buying property though so you aren’t slapped with extra tax (an extra 4% on top of the regular 4% we all have to pay anyway).


You will be good if you have enough to buy a house when you arrive. Otherwise, be prepared to join the rental hell especially in metro. Brisbane is better than Sydney and Melbourne for cost of living and rental. Sydney is unaffordable for most people. Melbourne is in the middle but more towards Sydney in terms of affordable and cost of living. Weather wise, Brisbane is tropical hell, Melbourne is wet and cold, Sydney is in the middle. I would suggest Brisbane if Brisbane, Melbourne and, Sydney are the only places you are looking at.


We're loving the sunshine over here in Perth!


I love the tropical hell haha. It's really not that bad although air/con is a must for the worst of it.


Brisbane historically has a reputation of being cheaper than Melbourne or Sydney, like due to the boringness. I’m not sure how the CoL is going there these days with how the rest of the country is going.


Houses in Brisbane have recently overtaken Melbourne as second most expensive city in Aus


Houses in Brisbane are cheaper than houses in Melbourne. Apartments in Brisbane are cheaper than apartments in Melbourne. Average dwelling sale price in Brisbane recently overtook Melbourne, because they sell a greater % of apartments. But the gist of us no longer being at a large discount compared to Melbourne is true. We are pretty comparable now.


Is their nothing to do is Brisbane? Does it have good transport?


Brisbane is fine. It's definitely more laid back than Sydney or Melbourne, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty to do, depending on what you're into. If you like nature etc the area is amazing. Transport in Australia in general is a bit shit compared to many places around the world and is still quite car dependant. That being said there is an ok train and bus network and hospitals tend to be pretty easy to access.


He’s from Florida. Queensland Rail shits over anything the yanks have.




Fair enough 😂 Also the weather in Florida is closer to Brisbane from what I understand


Melbourne has the largest tram network in the world! I moved from overseas and was blown away by public transportation in Melbourne! Didn’t have a car for the first 6 years, just didn’t need one. I now ride a motorcycle for fun


Melbourne is fine (I never bothered driving in Melbourne), but other cities...not so much


Is it like london transport? In London I didn’t need a car although I did buy one and drive it most of the time 😅


I haven’t lived in London, but I’m staying at a friends place in Brisbane at the moment, so I asked her; The thing that Melbourne has over London (apparently) is that London has a much bigger population, so you sometimes couldn’t even get on the train platform. So she thinks Melbourne > London. She also said if it wasn’t for Covid and having to return to Brisbane (couldn’t afford rent in Melbourne and a mortgage in Brisbane), she’d still be living in Melbourne We’re also both nurses


So do you feel as a nurse you are living comfortably?


I work 4 days a week. I rent a 2 bedroom apartment that’s only 15 minutes ride away (could get public transport, but I love my bike) that has a nice covered balcony, secure parking for my bike and walking distance to everything I’d ever need (tram/bus stop, supermarket, liquor store etc) It’s also walking distance (about 10-12 minutes) to the longest continuous shopping strip in the southern hemisphere


NO! London has reasonable public transport, Brisbane has so so PT. Melbourne has good PT, but bad weather and high property prices, Sydney is between the two, but insane property prices. Best option is go rural and reginol more money, cheap property .... not all rural and regional is remote, small towns up and down the coast, fairly large inland towns count. Some are very wealthy. Have farms, mines, industries like abattiors ....why not travel around and do a few months in seaveral different places before deciding. This is what all the Irish nurses seem to do. Also work for a company in a company town, like Mount Isa, a mining town. Very well paid and a male nurse would be most welcome, it's a male town. I know a female Irish nurse who worked there for 3 months and never paid for a meal or a drink.


Complete opposite to London , London Tubes and buses every 2 to 4 minutes. Brisbane hourly or 2 hourly


It has great transport and there is plenty to do here between gyms, climbing clubs, nature hikes, live music, arcades, food, and beaches. If you're willing to travel an hour north or south on your days off to the Sunshine or Gold Coasts, there is that much to do again.


I live in Brisbane in an inner city suburb and don't have a car. I moved to near a busway so PT is great, there's also a train station about 8 minutes walk. You can easily live in a nice suburb that's not hectic, but still close to get anywhere like bars, sports events, at galleries etc. It's a city of 2.5 million, so it's definitely not boring, and there are plenty of things to do. I've also been to Florida and found the weather and the plant life very similar to here.


That depends on what you like to do. Google What's on in Brisbane or something like What to do in Brisbane and some stuff will pop up. Public transport is decent enough if you're in the suburbs, but supposedly better the closer you are to the cities. I don't live close to the busy cities, so my experiences are outter suburb based. I've found it's best to aim being 30 to an hour early at places you've got to be when taking public transport from an outter suburb. Helps schedule in potential late arrivals along with added traffic risks that can take up the extra time.


It's great!! I love living here, benefits of decent sized city 2m + population, just less crowded than Melbourne or sydney and all the associated problems like traffic. Good weather, it's sunny most of the year and warm, summer gets hot but everywhere is air-conditioned. And there's great beaches 1 hour north and south. Mountains and rainforest only a short drive, great waterfalls amd hiking trails. Great cycling infrastructure. Most good apartment complexes have a pool. Public transport is OK, better if your based near the cbd.


Our transport is good, if you want to have easy access to both the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast and want a relaxed lifestyle with plenty to do, then Brisbane is perfect for you ! We live bayside and are always out enjoying the water, catching the ferry over to Stradbroke island or just enjoying the city or going for a drive to explore the scenic rim and its cute little villages. You’ll never be boarded here, and the weather is amazing year round !


Buses and trains are all good.


Consider some other places too, like Adelaide or Newcastle


Compared to Sydney, Melbourne, London, LA, Miami, NY, etc transport is absolutely hideous. Especially on Sundays and every night


One word: YouTube


Not hard getting a job, BUT hard getting paid what you guys deserve..nurses are crucial to society and put in the hard yards to be shat on by the government.


Good luck buying a house, but getting a job in nursing should be easy. We have much stricter medication check rules than the US though and our autonomy in practice is pretty shit, but we developed the flag system for patient deterioration so there's that. 😉


Housing is expensive in Brisbane and the Gold and Sunshine Coast. Cost of living is high but our wages kind of keep pace with it. Brisbane is hot and humid for four months over summer but a lovely climate for the rest of the year. Beautiful beaches and hinterland only a little over an hours drive both north and south. Great public hospitals as well as both the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast as well. Nurses are always needed as many left during Covid. Melbourne's a great city as well. Similar cost of living issues. The climate can be cool and winters tend to drag on longer with less sunshine. You should save at least six months support funds to help you get established in jobs and for rent in advance. Australians are into lots of outdoor activities so if that's your thing, you'll enjoy it.


Ty I’m looking into Melbourne as I hate the heat. This is kind of why I liked London. It was cold and rainy all the time. Loved that depressing weather 😅


Brisbane house prices are insane right now. Be prepared.


Nursling jobs are very much in demand. Fifo Nursing more so. You'll be fine finding a job


Make sure to check out r/nursingau !


Go rural/regional Queensland. Not the big towns of tens of thousands. I mean the smaller ones. Real estate is much cheaper, usually crime is less (negligible in our town). You get to know the people/patients. Good place to bring up kids too.


There are nursing job everywhere. Especially in Age Care. And you will be welcome with open arms everywhere because we are screaming out for good nurses. Coming from Florida you may find Brisbane and surrounding areas very boring and dull. Brisbane is still like a big country town with really shitty public transport. 8 to 10 hr drive to Sydney. 24 hr drive to Cairns. Some ok hospitals.


It is absolutely not hard to get a nursing job, they’re borderline getting people off the streets at this point for staffing. Have staff with next to no experience caring for sickest patients in the country. Any experienced nurses will be very sought after!


Oh my days sounds like London a&e I don’t miss it 😂😭


Transport is terrible in Brisbane.


Move to Adelaide. It’s the best.


Queensland has the highest nursing pay out of all states. Lifestyle is cheaper as well. Your only enemy there is the constant flooding. Also, it's pretty much the Florida of Australia.


What visa are you moving with?


We were getting skilled worker visa but the immagration lawyer said we qualify for permanent residence visa because we are nurses from USA


Look at the Central Coast. Great hospitals and nursing jobs everywhere. One hr north of Sydney but so much cheaper to live. No paying for parking anywhere. Beaches everywhere. Affordable housing. One of the world's most scenic train trips from Cenny Coast to Sydney = 1 hr Brisbane is hot and if no air-conditioning it's awful. No older style house have air con and have plantation shutters and windows to direct the wind but these Queenslanders ( style of house) were built a long time ago and the weather is hotter now and it's no where near the sea so no breezes like it use to have.


It is not hard to get nursing job here. Severe shortage. Housing is not cheap but with both of you working full time as nurses it will be easier to get a mortgage. Brisbane is better than Melbourne and Sydney from a cost of living perspective. Qld is a beautiful state as well.


Wow! thanks for your question! I moved from Brisbane three and a half years ago to care for my Mum and got to experience the health system from the other side in the ACT. I noticed that the nurse patient ratios were better in Qld, they didn’t have digitally based health and housing was much more expensive. That being said Queensland is less expensive generally, but you might want to check out relocation bonuses, and salary sacrifice incentives


You’d better have money ready to buy. You are in for a nasty shock. Don’t even think about coming without a place to stay first either. Bring MONEY.


It’s easy to get a job but your experience is unique and all employers may not be looking for that.


What do you prefer. Cold or warm weather


A mix I prefer to be cold than hot but I don’t want to be cold all the time


Melbourne is for you


Australia is screaming out for nurses right now, you'll have no trouble.


New hospital in Tweed Valley south of Brisbane opening next month and desperately looking for staff. Rentals are hard to find and expensive though.


Have a look at state government health websites for jobs, salaryies and locate where those jobs are and check out the population of those areas as well as the cost of buying and renting a home on real estate websites. ie: [realestate.com.au](https://realestate.com.au) Country jobs also have financial incentives.


Brisbane is a great city (I live in Adelaide) and would be cheaper than Melbourne or Sydney. However, be aware that Australia has a housing crisis so finding a rental could be difficult.


Nurses are in demand, you'll find work easily. Pay will be low (nurses are just paid fuck all here) and cost of living is extremely high. They're doing some funky stuff with super low deposit mortgages atm, so not sure what buying a house will look like in 2025, buy id plan on spending at least 1mil for a house by then. Gl.


Hey? Nurses are extremely well paid in Australia.


Nurses are well paid and have better conditions than doctors because they have a good union. Doctors routinely miss breaks and do unpaid overtime and that’s just expected of them. If a nurse misses lunch and doesn’t get paid they can go straight to the union and complain .


Nurse here, ha ha, I can’t imagine going to the union each time I missed a break or got off late. That’s not how it works.


Well my bosses are terrified of the union because I get reminded regularly that my nurses need to take their breaks on time. They’re not allowed to keep working. Maybe it’s a Queensland thing. If they don’t get paid for overtime they go straight to the union and they put pressure on bosses to pay up. I mean, rightfully so, they should be paid. There’s just no similar pressure for clinicians.


I worked metro Brisbane, and they were very strict about taking breaks, or otherwise being paid for them. That was in the public system


The nurses union is extremely corrupt and full of people pushing their own career at the expensive of nurses' working conditions country wide. They've taken pay cuts instead of pay raises (pay increase was less than inflation) for several years in a row recently, unpaid overtime and missed breaks are a extremely common occurrence, to the point that if it's not daily it's damn near close to it.


Really? Im nearly 4 years medically retired from Qld Health, and it wasn’t so then


When we checked it said nurses were paid very well In Australia the salaries we seen range from 80,000-140,000 I believe that is a good wage?


Yeah.  Nurses are paid well.  


I don't know a single nurse making more than 85k, and that's with 20 years experience in a senior position. You may get more working in a private hospital, or in a care home, or even as a private personal nurse. But unless you're literally the lead nurse at the hospital you're not getting 140k.


I don't work in hospitals, but make around $146k ($162k with super).


What State? Someone's just let me know that the minimum wage for nursing is almost 50% higher in QLD compared to VIC.


What? I was making 95k a year part time, in Qld- and that was just before I left six years ago. Different states have different pay rates for nursing staff.


Yeah, someone's informed me QLD pays almost 50% more than other states, i'm in the process of letting people who might be able to move know. That 30-50k a year difference would make a huge change to their quality of life now they're getting to the end of their career.


Check nursing awards online before you get too excited. It wasn’t that big of a gap last time I moved state, but that was over ten years ago, so who knows? Could be worth checking what other states have to offer, as well.


Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll be doing research about it all day.


It shouldn’t be hard to print out the tables in the current EBAs. Remember to factor in shift allowances.


With current CoL, that would be a comfortable wage for one person, but with both of you, you'll be doing well.


No they're not. Nurses are paid barely above minimum wage. They're paid like 28-32 an hour, they're not even making 6 figures. This idea that nurses are paid well needs to well and truly die out. Nurses are paid like shit, for absolutely gruelling work in a dangerous environment.


I’m an RN in Queensland and earn over $100k a year


Maybe QLD is better paid than VIC, all the nurses I know work there. Senior RN working in a specialised facility doesn't even cross 100k with overtime.


It is. Queensland is the highest paying state for nurses and most earn over $45an hour MINIMUM


Tbh I'd like to see that go national, much fairer of a wage.


There’s a few industries that have state by state awards. We only got national rego 15 years ago, don’t rush us. The fact is that hospitals are a state responsibility, so it makes sense for it to be a state by state thing .


If you're looking to start a family, I strongly recommend taking out private health insurance as soon as you land, as many providers have a 12 month waiting period that will need to be served before you can use it for gynae or pregnancy related healthcare. This won't be tied to your employment in any way.


The cost of living in Australia is out of control. I'm an Australian citizen and I just returned from working in LA and NYC for 13 years and I cannot believe how expensive it is to live here. Housing is OUT of control (and I lived in NYC). Food is OUTRAGEOUS. Electricity is CRAZY expensive. There are two of you, so that will help, but I'm doing much worse here than I was in the US.