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The only PLO I like is poker 💪


They already had that fight in Syria back in the day. There are other political there as well, but according to Palestinians no one is really good for the people.


That's not neutral buddy. We should have given Jews some land but to be honest if they do manage to get a state it's probably gonna turn into Adolf 2.0 scenario with changed roles of who gets burned by what kind of killing tool....


117 comment in just 2 hours💀


Wanna some 🍿 while scrolling through the comments?


I don't have any thoughts on Palestinians because it's an extreme generalization. You can't have coherent thoughts on an entire population because that's a gross oversimplification. As with any people, there are some good people and some bad people. As for how they are viewed, it depends, I'd say most young people follow the general trend of being more sympathetic while the older folks have a varied opinion depending on what kind of channel they get their news from.


> I don't have any thoughts on Palestinians because it's an extreme generalization. You can't have coherent thoughts on an entire population because that's a gross oversimplification. Let's import millions of Palestinian refugees in your country and see how you will hold this view.


Racist edgy Turkish kid strikes again!


My heart bleeds for the Palestinian people, but fuck do they have an evil leadership.


There have been a few pro Palestinian protests in Albania. But overall most Albanians Muslim or Christian are neutral. The more devout Muslim Albanians would obviously be pro Palestine. And a lot of secular Muslims and Christians being wary of Islamic fundamentalism probably support Israel…just not its tactics. But overall I’d say 60-70% are neutral.


I think most people here in Turkey confuse defending the rights of innocent Palestinian Arabs with supporting Hamas. It is disgusting that Erdoğan has taken openly an terrorist organisation under his wing. One of the worst things he's ever done. I also wish that Jews, Druze, Arabs, and many other peoples in the region could live in peace, but if there is a terrorist organisation on the other side of Israel that aims to massacre all Jews, I would like Turkey to remain neutral while condemning Hamas and making mediating efforts. Certainly not to harbour them in he country.


>think most people here in Turkey confuse defending the rights of innocent Palestinian Arabs with supporting Hamas. Not ture, we just don't like Arabs.


I said this for the Turks who support Hamas, I was talking about Erdogan's followers. These people see Arabs as a sacred race, I think they definitely do not hate them.


Most people I've met IRL in Bulgaria have been neutral on the issue. It's seen as a far away conflict that we as a collective have no stake in.(though I'm Pro-Palestine myself)




It's a neutral thing I believe. There are supporters of each side here in Greece but I personally believe that the situation is very complex for outsiders to side firmly. Generally, Palestinians are the weak and the obvious choice is to support them. Then again, the Jewish people have been "homeless" for centuries and deserve their own land. The real solution is to mutually leave their religious differences aside and live together in harmony.


I generally agree and I would like to add that extremists and fanatics should step out in order to have peace established.


Bulgarian here, I think my opinion is kinda unpopular in my country but: * I support the Palestinian cause * I condemn Hamas * I think Israel is committing genocide * I think Netanyahu should be considered a war criminal and trialed for war crimes


I think it is quite popular actually. We mostly support the existance of the palestinian state, while on the other hand do not support the actions of either HAMAS and Israel.


Thank you too, other kind Bulgarian


Another Bulgarian here, most of my circles feel this way so you are not alone.


Thank you for your view, kind Bulgarian.


Normally most secular Turks were pro-Israel, because we thought that it is the only progressive democracy in the region. It was viewed as a more “western” country in Middle East. We somehow also thought that it will contribute to the enlightenment of the region. The more you look into how Israel practicing apartheid and oppressing people there, most secular Turks became pro-Palestine. The few who are supporting Israel mostly think that Palestinians cannot be educated and if left alone terrorist organizations will pop up more amongst them. Hamas massacring people in the festival for example actually lost so many supporters for Palestine.


I find it weird that CHP is pro-Palestine, but their supporters on twitter, Instagram, Discord, and reddit, call them out for being pro-Palestine.


They are mostly young few who are very vocal in social media. The more Israel continues their “operations”, the more those voices are actually getting lower and lower. My actual problem with the situation is, under no circumstances, Israel should shake hands with Hamas. I see it as a terrorist organization and nobody should give in to the demands of terrorists. It sets a presedence. Only deal should be done with Fatah/Mahmoud Abbas. I support Palestinians and their cause, but not the terrorists. I cannot imagine Turkey shaking hands with PKK for example.


>Only deal should be done with Fatah/Mahmoud Abbas. I They don't have the majority in the Palestinian parliament, and they are viewed negatively by the overwhelming of Palestinians, unlike Hamas, who is viewed positively by most Palestinians. I also I am kind of surprised to see a Turk defending Fatah. They are very supportive of PKK. In fact, they are the ones who trained the PKK.


I only mentioned it because of its status as a representative even if it is not the majority. Not that I like Fatah or Mahmoud Abbas. Imo it is better than Hamas.


Nope. The Secular Turks were still Pro-Palestinian [https://x.com/WJ\_Armstrong/status/1717072022755295293](https://x.com/WJ_Armstrong/status/1717072022755295293) Support even for Hamas is higher among secularists than is support for Israel


bro turkey is one of the most anti israel countries on the planet. at least 40% of turks are secular asf and there were polls done in turkey and positive views of israel was only marginally higher than the views arabs have of israel 


I think a Turk knows that better than a westoid


That's rich considering what 🇹🇷 been doing to the kurds


What Turkey doing us buddy


Just last election Palestinians were elected to a coalition government with the then-ruling government. Not an apartheid.


And west Bank?


[Why Israel is an apartheid state](https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2018-03-18/why-israel-is-an-apartheid-state/)


As a secular Turk, I don't know a single secular Turk who supports Palestine, In fact, everyone in my university I talked with is pro-Israel and they hate Palestinians and Arab in general.


random question but why is almost every turk i see on youtube/instagram fanatically pro palestine, while on reddit the opposite is true?


Which uni u go to? In my university nearly %70-80 of the people are pro-Palestine.


8 upvotes - 131 comments 💀


A lot of people here don't seem to like Palestinians


yeah well, not really unexpected is it


I am totally shocked to see that there are any pro-Israel Turks at all. I wouldn't expect any Muslim to be pro-Israel at this point and if there are any, they must be heaavy outliers. As for Bulgaria, most people don't really have an opinion on this conflict. I assume there would be casual lite Islamophobia among most people (500 years under Ottoman yoke simply can't go without some reflection on our mass culture) but also many russophiles see Palestianians as an oppressed nation and a brotherly people. On the other hand, there was never big presence of anti-Semitism in Bulgaria, we saved our Jews in WWII and this sentiment is foreign to our nation. But there is also light anglophobia and Americanophobia among many people and since Israel is seen as an extension of America, many people hate it too. So, as a rule, I assume there is a big correlation between people's opinion of USA-Russia and Israel-Palestine. But that's just a guess. I have a friend who is pro-Russian but also hates Muslims which is why he's also pro-Israel. And also another one who supports Ukraine against Russia and also Palestine against Israel. So I guess there are people of any kind but generally people don't care and want to be left alone.


> I wouldn't expect any Muslim to be pro-Israel at this point and if there are any, they must be heaavy outliers. Kosovo is pro-Israel and doesn't recognize Palestine despite being a Muslim-majority country.


Goverment controls country, not people


> I am totally shocked to see that there are any pro-Israel Turks at all. There are many of them, but this is more to do with Erdo's foreign policy, as well as general anti-Arab sentiment.


we prefer israeli people over palestinian people for being more civilized. but on state level we condemn israel for being oppressors and trying to justify their horrific acts, we also condemn hamas for being literal terrorists.


I am very sorry for what’s happening and innocent people shouldn’t pay for politicians mistakes especially with their own lives. I am not sure what can happen with the conflict even the greco-turkish one to be solved to an extent came down to spill blood. I know that jews and muslims since ancient days are on not good terms.


That is not true, Ottoman Empire was a safe haven for Jews when they were heavily persecuted in Christian majority Europe. 


Well ottomans are not the case here, we are talking about the land in israel/palestine. The jews and arabs there are certainly not on good terms


Well you didn’t say that in your og comment though you said Jews and Muslims. Ottoman Empire was Muslim. So I’m saying that’s not really true. 


I think it is pretty understandable that we are talking about that certain area. But sure misinterpretation happend


You guys remember people talking how US is controlled by Israel? Now Biden voters are protesting Biden and collages for being on the side of Israel, while being attacked by rightists Trump voters.


am*rican politics is more braindead than the politics here and idk how anyone can keep up with that circlejerk and still have a fully functioning brain.


yeah, atleast our politicains are relativly level headed. (Corrupt, yes, but still somewhat level-headed)


true lol


Makes sense because in the end, Israel actually controls US politics


idk about conspiracies like that but it is a hot steaming pile of sht lol.




sounds like both party are established nationalists of israel




Bipartisan politics are like that. Biden voters aren't protesting anything, American far left is (those vote for Biden just because they dislike Trump more, not because they like Biden). American MAGA are protesting them, because they're fighting the police, and they have a fetish for anything unfiormed, violent and with a gun. So it's not about Israel controlling any side, it's about Americans hating each other and being dumbfucks or rednecks.


Or just Israel controlling both Republicans and Democrats. Also to make things more funny, Israel invests into Democrats alot more than Republicans, and Republicans still lick their ass


Republicans lick their ass because they fetishize their military (quite literally, look at the pretty girl IDF tiktoks), they are killing Muslim Arabs, and are a highly militarized and armed religious whackjob country, literally the dream of American hardcore right (just replace Judaism with Christianity). Democrats are just paid off lol


Well, depends a lot, in my point of view, Europe is closing its eyes to a massacre, most people in Romania don’t really have a side because it isn’t discussed in media that much. Maybe I’m biased as i had some business interactions with Israeli people and i dislike them a lot.


People from my country generally have a hard time picking a side as they have to balance their islamophobia and antisemitism. I guess it depends on where you ask but most that care generally tend to sympathize with the Palestinian cause


They were definitely wronged during the founding of Israel, I can acknowledge that. But they've spent close to a century now burning all traces of everyone's good will. Terrorism, even against civilians of completely unrelated countries. Coup attempts and armed factions all around the region. [Black September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September) is hard to stomach. There's something particularly despicable about attacking your hosts as a refugee, because they didn't support your cause enough.


I don't know why this is the new narrative regarding the arab countries. that they were good allies to the palestinians and got betrayed.   those arab countries in the 20th century (egypt, syria and jordan especially) were so idiotic and blood thristy that i completely see why someone would side with israel over them. especially the jordanian monarchy that took advantage in 1948 to get more territory ( they also ethnically cleansed the jews there)!and unleashed terror on its people and occupied the palestinians until two years earlier when israel was able to defeat them and occupy west bank.  i don't understand how anyone defends their actions.  most of the people living in jordan supported the coup and detested the monarchy.  anyway but those days are gone. the palestinians really don't have any other choice. they're so weak and politically insignificant that israels policy is kicking the can down the road with regard to stateheood with unreasonable concessions (such as the ezz, airspace and refugees) until they can slowly annex the entirety of west bank and force a resolution of gaza with egypt 


I'm asking this because I was browsing r/Turkey, and I was surprised to find that sub is very pro-Israel and loves to dehumanize Palestinians.


Turkey irl is mostly pro-Palestine tho. For example I always see pro-Palestine posters and writings on walls but never pro-Israel ones.


Yeah, that's why I asked. Turks online are anti-Islam, pro-LGBTQ+, and pro-Israel, which's nothing like most Turks in real life.


r/Turkey basically dehumanizes everyone, in an effort to point out 'see guys, we're not those *Arabs*, when in fact, most of Europe considers them the same, so it's basically a massive coping mechanism through putting them down.


Half the people there are genuinely stupid




They do that to a lot of nations I’ve noticed, long time ago on an old account I posted about a video of a Pakistani blogger in Turkey. My god… the comments bro.


dont let this guy see KGBTR 💀




What do Syrian refugees have to do with Palestinians killed by Israel?


They’re both Arabs


Isn't saying this like putting all Turkic peoples in the same category? Yes, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and others have the same cultural heritage but are separate peoples.


Probably. I don’t have that mindset tho. But I believe if a Turk hates Palestinians because of Syrian refugees in Turkey ig it’s because they hate Arabs.


All four of those peoples speak different languages and have different albeit similar cultures. Syrian Arabs and Palesinian Arabs have very little differences.


Yes actually you're right on this but I couldn't think of a better example. I still think it is not a very logical idea to keep all people whose national language is Arabic the same.


It's not representative. Ive been to Turkey many times. its one of the most pro Palestine countries on the planet 


R/turkey are probably western Turks that want to adhere to western ideals


sub reddits are circlejerks by design and very few can withstand plurality of opinion. mods with an agenda and of course the downvote feature 


I guess it depends . I have bad opinion if they support terrorist or hateful or Islamist ideologies like Hamas or Palestinian Jihad (or support similar) or PLO since they supported Erdogan turning Agia Sophia into a mosque, but I have good or neutral opinion if they are peaceful and they are against such hateful ideologies or aggressive organizations etc.


People in Kosovo hesitate to support Palestine because of their overt support for Milosevic in the 90s. While sympathetic for the civilians, people are skeptical of their political leadership. It is clear that Hamas is deliberately agitating Israel as to heighten their indiscriminate violence. That is the tactic they use to win sympathy and Israel falls for it. Furthermore, Israel supports Kosovo’s independence among other things - that is a big factor in how people think.


I love them as one of my own. I lived with them for many years. I’ve heard some horrible stories from West Bank and Gaza both. Generally speaking I don’t really like Arabs, especially gulf states, but Palestinians and Algerians are bros.


Palestinians it's original arabizer jews, now they're pseudo-arabs


In Turkey I can say 50-50.


Most accurate answer here.


Everything is 50-50 in Turkey 🤓🤣🤣


Yes. Perfect polarization.


I never forget a word of an old man 18 years ago.. > "There will always be war there because Christ was crucified in this place."




Least racist Bulgarian.


In a matter of fact I don't like any terrorists.


Am I a terrorist to you then? Trust me, I didn't choose to be an Arab, I hate being an Arab, I would rather be anything than Arab.


Not the person you’re responding to but it hurts my heart to see you say this about yourself. I am a secular atheist, anti theist, and I don’t think you need to hate who you are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Arab, it is not something you choose and it’s only your mentality and your actions that matter. Keep good aspects of your culture and discard the bad, that’s all one has to do. And this applies to any culture.


Try being South Asian


Have you recently shoot or blow up civilian people because are not of your race/religion/political views?


So all Palestinians blow up civilians to you? How? Half of their population are children.


Of course not. Palestinians that do not support terrorism (surely not only) are abroad for a long time. I have some palestinian coworkers and they definitely do nor approve HAMAS (and are abroad because it is not tolerated there).


Then why did you called them brow terrorists an hour ago?


Because people in the middle east are brown. And this actually does matter as balkaneers care to know about the middle east (and therefore make decissions on who is right or wrong) just as much as middle easterners care to learn and decide for the Balkans (the war in Yougoslavia for instance) or Tavria (I dobt if many of them even can point it on the map).




Explore Phoenicianism and Berberism


Because apperantly some serbs are interested in Middle East more than their home country and got triggered by "brown": I don't like any terroism, being brown, white, green or whatever. "Brown" because balkan people usuially are just as informed about who is who and what exactly happens in the middle east as middle easterers about the conflicts in Ukraine or Yougoslavia. Something bad happens there, but we are not that informed about about all the details and history make an actual decission who is good and who is bad (generally at first side both sides are). Pro-alestinains (rarely actual palestinians) are recently just a lot more irritating.


I have no special love or affinity towards the Palestinian people, but it’s clear as day that the Israelis are committing genocide on a very large scale and are facing little to no repercussions for it. Very disturbing. Fuck Israel.


Do Kosovoans hate Palestinians? Kosovo is the only Muslim-majority country that doesn't recognize Palestine as a state because Palestinians supported Serbia and voted against Kosovo sovereignty.


We are Albanians and not Kosovoans. Palestine invited the Serbian Hitler for Christmas, 4 months after the Kosova war. On top of it, Palestine holds a hostile stand towards Kosova since its Independence. Palestine vetoed Kosova in various international organisations such as UNESCO.


Also, Kosova has its Israel embassy in Jerusalem. Speaks tons of what we think of Palestinians.


Considering the number of war crimes committed in this part of the world, anyone backing the Israeli genocide is either an idiot or wilfully ignorant


The human take I wish we all had. I cannot understand how people can watch thousands of innocent children be slaughtered and feel neutral




I feel sorry for the innocent Palestinian civilians who have suffered atrocities and oppression from Israel for 70+ years. That being said, Palestine got themselves into the current situation. Consistently rejecting two state solutions and waging wars to destroy Israel obviously didn't pay off. Instead of getting 50/50, they got [0. It](http://0.It) is also important to remember that Palestinian "refugees" were responsible for Lebanese civil war that claimed 100k lives alongside the Jordanian civil war.


This is the way.


>Are they viewed negatively or positively in your country? Guess. >What's your thoughts on Palestinians? Well it depends on who you describe as 'Palestinians'. But it really depends on the person, I met good and pure-hearted Palestinians and I met bad and dog-shit human beings who happens to be Palestinians.


r/Israel claims that Israeli Arabs are viewed positively and treated well, but I never met any Arabs that lived there who thinks like that.


Being viewed positively and being treated well are 2 different things. They can be viewed positively and being treated horrible. I don't see how it is conflicting. Being treated well is a really very vague thing. Arab-Israelis have equal rights but rights don't include these 2 things: 1. equal oppotunities 2. societal approach. So Arab can have equal rights but still not feel like they are being treated well. I don't deride any Israeli-Arab personal exprience. But Arab-Israelis in elections have voted [between 25-35%](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond_zionism_4547jsp/) to the 'Israeli National Parties' (or 'Zionist') which mean that at least a big public of Arab does think they are being treated well. But it is a matter of a point of view, I don't think Yoseph Haddad is lying when he is saying that Israel treat them well, I don't think Iman Khatib-Yassin is lying when she is saying the opposite.


How can someone be viewed positively but not treated well? I’m not sure I fully understand


"I like \[this certain group\] but \[this certain group\] are treated badly". It's honestly not that hard to grasp, you can view Black-Americans postively but still recognise that they are treated badly by the police... One is perception of a group and the second is perception of reality.


Oh, that makes more sense when you put it that way. I was thinking you meant that governments liked groups yet still punished them.


Most of them support Palestine, others don't really care.


Here in Albania the people are mostly neutral to the conflict. Although lately there is some movement amd demonstrations of solidarity, especially among the young students and the Muslim community(with the Palestinians that is). We do see the parallels with the conflict of Kosova, and we empathise, but we are not particularly versed in the acts of protesting and demonstrations, sadly.


Ask yourself why no one wants them


I stand with Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son of Hamas, when it comes to the Palestinian state, before they want a state they need to be responsible and get rid of supporting terrorist organisations and blame everything on the jews, Israel is not the greatest state and they did their mistakes but without a doubt they are not committing a “genocide” or an “apartheid” state when over 20% of their population are arabs, while trying to evacuate civilians and Hamas trying to put them to die to make an image.


Very negative, equally bad as Israel. But nobody deserves being subjected to genocide no matter what.


**As an Albanian Muslim, I can proudly say that I wholeheartedly support the state of Israel!**


Sometimes I forget Albanians are Muslims, they are very secular.


Albania and Kosovo are essentially american protectorates 


Tbf, the west was on their side during hard times while Arabs supported Serbian against them.


That’s not why people are secular here. Religion is not important to us as much as our ethnicity and ethnic culture. People here don’t feel compelled to support a side just because they are muslim. We do not have a shared religious identity in that manner.


that would be the communism. the support for israel is what i was referring to 


Its not communism either. Religion was insignificant among Albanians even before communist times. And no. The support for Israel stems from their support for Kosovo, and a disdain for Palestinian support of Milosevic.




about 10 years ago i lived in a hostel in istanbul for couple months. back then we got tourists from all around the world. i met like 10 palestinians. all they talking about was how much they hate israel. they literally connect every topic to this. after a while it became too annoying and i pretty much stopped talking with palestinians.


I hate Arabs in general


I support Palestine and you can find Palestinian flags around in Bosnia


Absolutely nobody cares about them. Even with the massive online troll campaign by Russia that's been going on, still they're a non-issue for most people.


lol if you think russia is behind the palestine support 


At least when it comes to Eastern Europe, it most certainly is.


The more I learned about the subject, I have become more anti-zionist. Although I pity Palestinians, I don't and won't support them. They are a nation who were chasing short term personal gains over freedom. By doing that many years they were radicalized and left to ignorance. They were systematically became ignorant and extreme. Right now they were reaping what their grandfathers sow. It is a great example for our countries though. All the imperialistic nations cannot be trusted and our freedom cannot be delivered to their hands. Whatever the Israeli atrocities are, there are lots of Jewish people who are against them. I salute those people. I wish every nation has people like them. The Israeli soldiers who are doing tiktok dances in front of dead children can rot in hell.


love 'em


That they live in an apartheid state, led by convicted terrorists like Itamar Ben-Gvir, minister of finances Smotrich who praises Hamas, and prime minister who stated how it's imperative to keep Hamas strong. They butchered tens of thousands of women, children, and civilians under the patronage of USA and their obedient bitches from EU, including us. In my country there is absolutely no sympathy for the horrors Palestinians endure, mainly because of systemic xenophobia and hatred towards Islam and absolutely zero clue of historic context of Palestinian colonization. Countless time on our national sub I encountered apologists of murdering children and civilians jusifying it by morally bancrupt statements like "they asked for it", "they don't have western democracies", "there are no civilians in Palestine" and similar disgusting variations of it.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted when you’re simply stating facts. Israel is an apartheid state currently committing genocide in Gaza, aided and financed by the US/UK and EU. Israel is the oppressor and Palestinians the oppressed.


Combination of hasbara shills and just xenophobic racists. There are no bigger hypocrites than Europeans when it comes to relativizing suffering.


i hate them




Turks hate Arabs


The Palestinian flag was a war flag used against the Ottomans to secede from the empire.


It’s still totally stupid to be anti-Palestinian and support Israeli mass murder because of that. Imagine being sentenced to death because of something your grandpa did. The vast majority of Palestinian people see Turkey as allies today and hating them because 100 years ago some people revolted who are all dead today makes no sense. Why do children deserve to be hated and to die because of something that happened 100 years ago? Nobody calls Germans Nazis anymore because they are clearly past that. But some people still hate Palestinians and support Israel because of what happened 100 years ago even though most Palestinians see Turks as friends today. Makes no sense to me. The people who revolted 100 years ago are all dead while today’s Palestinians are just civilians who want to live a humane life without fearing that their entire family might be bombed tonight.


You are just ignorant. Who trained PKK terrorists in Bek'aa Valley? Who shielded ASALA terrorists when they were on the run? Who supported Armenia in Karabagh conflict? Israeli army is doing genocide right now. I feel terrible for them, but Palestinians were and are hostile to Turkish people and their interests. They do not like us at all.


Indifferent. I only care about my people, everyone else is just kinda there, if they don't bother us I'm indifferent toward them.


The people are ok... nutral opinion like most people I don't have much experience with. But hamas... I fucking hate hamas, not sure who's worse the Israeli government or Hamas.


Usually most people don't know anything about them. That said, the usual response I got when asking "Did you hear what's happening in Palestine?" was "Those poor souls, I can't even think about what horrors they face." (while having the saddest face expression). Then you have pro western bots who are doing mental gymnastics and going for the western narrative (both sides crap), but I assure you, those are a minority in real life, and are mostly seen online. For reasons unrelated to Palestine, they will avoid sharing their stupid opinion in face to face conversation because most people would shun them, or worse.


Polls show that most palestinians straight up support terrorists. Also they are radical islamists so there definitely something wrong with those dudes.


I kinda admire how the entire muslim and arab world unites when it comes to supporting palestine and hating Israel


What are you talking about, isnt like egypt blocking one side of gaza? Turkey Azerbaijan and and Jordan being on Israel side? Saudis being 'neutral'. Only ones that do something in regards to palestine is iran and its proxy but they dont do it for them. So I dont really see who is doing what


you just now discovering that half of the middle east is ran by 16th century style kingdoms and the rest by brutal dictators? where were you during the arab spring.  the middle east is by far the least democratic region on the planet. if they had a democracy the entire arab world would force israel to come to terms.  the only slightly democratic countries turkey and iran have way more hardline stance on israel 


You are mixing pro-western regimes and people.


i am talking about the population not the goverments Azerbaijan is an exception


So united that nobody wants Palestinian refugees.




but those are all refugees from the 48 war, they have excepted almost no new ones since.


the governments arent democracies. they are ran by literal monarchies most of which are puppets of the usa. 


What out of coursity? Why do you like Arabs so much? There's wrong with it , but half of your post history is about Arabs despite the fact that you are Greek.


Ironic since they killed more Arabs than Israel did in its entire lifetime and no one gives a fuck.


muslims’ hatred for Israel and Jews overlooks all differences they might have with one another, im not here to discuss the war, but I worked with a few Muslims from various nations, all nice and bubbly at first, till they go off about Israel and Jews and how they wana kill them all and rape all their women. scary asf ngl.


Specify which muslims from which countries. Don’t generalize and put us Balkan muslims in the same boat with those nutjobs. You make us look bad.


I completely missed this comment idk why I didn’t get a notification. Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East, not Balkan Muslims, sorry I didn’t specify, which tbh the NA Muslims I worked before with criticized heavily lol.


Cigani lol


negatively, when I visited Israel all the Palestinian children and "youth" reminded me heavily of certain youths in the USA in the way they acted aggressively and rudely everywhere


The question is worded wrong because for some, being viewed negatively would give the Israeli army and government the right (or have a role in the decision) to genocide.


Here in Sweden its kind of neutral? I have seen many swede and bosnians (i am a bosnian-croat) hate the palestinian protests and their demonstrations. I mean i hate that as well and i find it super funny and stupid. Why? because what will Demonstrations and protests do for Palestine? NOTHING! If they want to support their country they can go to hamas and fight for terrorists


I don't know any, but being a muslim country makes me think that country is not somewhere I'd enjoy to be. I really hope the war ends in their favour though and they get to be free, no one should have to suffer like that. 


3rd world muslims


They are arabs so I don’t like them. (It doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t condemn the massacre against them)




I've never heard anyone in Albania talk about them. Here in Sweden people do talk a lot about 'em though.


Its nice to see that Swedistan supporting their Arab brozzers.


We are not your brother


strongly dislike


Most of us see them just as how we would see any other predominantly Muslim ethnic group, which ranges from "scary terrorist" to "kind and hospitable people".


I personally support Israel, but I think no people should suffer, may the deceased rest peacefully. *I would also note that the average romanian might not have an opinion, and if they do, they would probably support israel, but not because they like israel in particular, but because of the hatred for islam


I think Palestinians should be treated as people from any nation. As in, there are good and bad apples. However, what is occurring right now in Palestine is an active genocide, there is no doubt about it and this systematic violence has been occurring for 75 years.


Pro palestine


Albanians who support Israel are some of the most pathetic miserable cowards ever. How can you see the thousands of murdered children, the innocent people getting shot, the settlers blatantly and openly stealing the lands and homes of Palestinians and even for a second think about giving a single shred of support to Israel? I could not give less of a shit if they "support serbia" (and for the record they don't, mahmoud abbas is a puppet leader and palestinians hate him), because its not a question of who supports who, its a question of whether you have basic human empathy or not.

