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Unkindness towards or about others.


This. I would take a date out and see how she treated the wait staff. There was many a no second date.


This. Also being judgemental. And swearing like a rock driver. (No offense to truck drivers, mad respect for your work)


Please keep the typo. I like it


What if someone is swearing like a truck driver because they were raised by one? Like... let's say my friend.


There have been multiple women I've dated and got along with well the first date or two. Then the first time I would be invited to their place, its a mess. I'm not talking about the place needs to be vacuumed or it looks like it hasn't be cleaned in a couple weeks. I'm talking about dishes that have been stacked in the sink for months, to the point that the sink is unusable or there's dog shit on the floor and the place stinks. There's a stereotype that men will fuck anything, but if I can't feel comfortable in your place to the point that I don't want to take my shoes off, it's going to be impossible for me get into a sexual mindset and want to do anything sexual with you no matter how physically attractive you are.


I'd be so embarrassed to have anyone over when my place was a mess. I guess some people aren't too concerned about it, though. Lol


My wife cleaned the whole house because the exterminator had to come inside for 10 min.




If you didn't clean it first, the cleaner would only do a cursory cleaning. Basically putting things away and a iittle surface dusting. If, however, he/she walks into a room pretty much in order and surface cleaned, you'll get a real deep cleaning for the same time/money.


That sounds like something I'd do too 😆


This a definite deal breaker. I had an ex that almost had seagulls hovering above her sink from her constant landfill of dishes and the rest of her house was no picnick either. No sheets on the bed, just a stained matress. Animal fur from her dog on everything and the bathroom sink was always caked with dried toothpaste spit and hair. But the thing that killed me the most was how her bathroom floor was always sticky any time i walked on it barefoot. Disgusting.


Yeah, that's when you start losing their number. It also depends on how good the sex is. You'd be surprised at what men will tolerate just because someone with boobs touches their pee pee. For me personally she's out. Most men don't have any standards though. It's bad enough that they barely get noticed by the average chick let alone a baddie.


Like what age? Because from 16-23 I was a lazy slob. Once I hit 24 & had a kid then I started cleaning my house every single day. It's always spotless now, but in the past it would be piled with laundry & probably some dog turds lol. Some women, just like men, take a little longer to mature & learn how to properly care for a living space. Also, keep in mind some people struggle with depression & that often can be a cause of a dirty home. I know I catch myself judging people for living in filth, but sometimes it may be something deeper than just being lazy. Edit: changed houses to house, bc I definitely don't have multiple homes lol


For me it was any age I remember when I was younger I was dating a girl and after the concert we went back to her place. It was so fucking filthy empty pop cans all over dishes in the sink and next to the sink. Garbage overflowing needless to say nothing intimate happened, I made up an excuse to leave and let her know that we are incompatible.


Woah, how many times has this happened?!


Yeah I have known women where you can't see their bathroom sink. Clothes everywhere even in a huge closet. On the bed. On the floor. I don't care you live by yourself. No wonder you are single. This was just a friend


be very uninformed on the world, be arrogant, have no real interests or hobbies. Those 3 things eliminate a lot of people


I’m not the cleverest but some people ASTOUND me with how little they know of the world


Its jarring when you talk to someone in person and you start realising that they come up short on everything and are a little bit simpler than you, really freaks me out sometimes thinking about what their life experience must be like.


A scary number of people astound me with how little history and general knowledge they know. Not everyone is a massive history buff, but you should really be at least aware of the key events and figures of the 20th century. It honestly blows my mind when I speak to intelligent, university educated people who aren't aware of key historic events or people. Only the other week, I was talking to a friend who had no idea what the Berlin Wall was and looked at me with a blank expression when I asked if they knew who Mikhail Gorbachev was.


So I heard someone blasting the USSR national anthem. I said to my buddy; “Be careful, your drapes are about to turn into an iron curtain.” Flew over his head. I thought maybe he didn’t like the joke. Actually, he didn’t get the joke because he was clueless about history.


Univercity educated doesnt mean that much anymore. To many useless majors that dont teach you anything of value.


It's truly amazing how many people have no hobbies, and they always say they would hate to retire because they'd be "bored". Big red flag in my book.


I have no time to do my hobbies. It honestly sucks but in today's world, hobbies are extra expenses people can't afford


Out of curiosity, how common do you think it is for women to have "No hobbies". I was talking with a friend of mine and asked her what her hobbies were. She admitted that she always found the question terrifying, especially when dating because she doesn't have any and would worry about it making her sound boring. She admitted to me she just works, goes home, does chores, sometimes goes to the gym, watches a show or something, then goes to bed (Apart from when she goes out with friends).


Very common. If she has the self awareness to be self conscious about it that is at least a plus. To some extent people also just don’t count certain things that occupy their time. For example, she watches TV. Many people would not accept “watching reality TV shows” as a hobby, but if you were watching obscure art house films then that might count. Likewise if you read 10 minutes before bed, is readying a hobby? The occasional trip to the gym for a light run on the treadmill - not a hobby - but for some people they would definitely list fitness as a hobby just because they spend more time on it, research techniques or talk about it online. Some hobbies are just extensions of what others would call chores (eg cooking or gardening or DIY). It’s quite hard to define a hobby IMO.


Tried to tell me that "farms are stupid" and need to be turned into suburbs, because "we get our food from grocery stores now".


that is real stupid


I’m so thankful I’ve never met someone this idiotic in person. I have a hard time even browsing Instagram because of all the idiots but this is a new level.


Nothing more off-putting than a sense of entitlement. I used to work in a bar and attractive women would often push their way to the front, squeeze their tits onto the bar and wave to get my attention in the hope I’d go puppy-eyed and drop everything to run and serve them. I’d make a point of explaining the system of a queue and how they’d have to wait like everyone else in the bar, the LOOKS I’d get…


Music to my ears, ❤️


The high school I went to was full of rich kids who had “daddy’s money”. Like really rich kids, one I knew drove a Porsche Macan Turbo. It was filled with entitled people in general, but the girls seemed to take it to another level. Really skewed my perception of what women are like for a while.


"No man has been able to handle me" "I'm a boss babe" "I'm a bad bitch" "I'm a boss bitch" Those can bring a "10" down to "EXIT THE CONVERSATION AND BLOCK HER ASAP"


1000% this There was a woman that I really liked, and when she came off with that attitude "I'm a bad bitch" that soured everything I liked about her.


I (am actually super ashamed of this now) slept with a married woman who was a self proclaimed "boss bitch" We worked together and she had a habit of teasing the shit out of me all day and then changing her mind when it came go-time. Turns out she was intentionally trying to make me angry because she wanted to be hate-fucked. When I told her that wasn't cool, she freaked out and threatened to tell her husband who was a foot taller and had 100 pounds on me. At that point I just stopped talking to her outside of work and talked to her as little as possible at work. Lessons learned. No more "boss bitches" for me! I did, however, get to fuck the girl of someone who was literally named Chad. I fucked Chad's girl. While I consider the act to be shameful, there is a part of me that revels in that.


Aren’t you nice sleeping with women in marriages/relationships


When she says she's a bad bitch: "No you're quite good at being a bitch without even trying. Work on it a bit more (with somebody else) and I'm sure you can become among the true greats"


Ignoring me in front of our peers, while showing interest when alone. Also, another one who showed no interest in conversations with me, as she never had anything to talk to me, not even when I'd ask about her interests and hobbies. And one who said her future husband would have to accept what she'd decide, or leave, on the first time going out as friends.


The ignoring in public and showing interest in private can be that she’s nervous if she’s interested. I tend to do this around men I like because I get shy in public around the men I’m into and it’s just easier for me in private until I’m super comfortable. Not everyone is like that though so I get it. Just something to think about.


Yeah, I thought the same. Until she appeared with a boyfriend, and a crush, and I decided to ignore her back and don't be part of it. But I totally get what you're saying...


Yeah that definitely sucks. Sorry about that. Some people are just awful.


Sent me a video of her getting fucked by another guy


Who are you guys talking to.


I have never understood why someone would do that


Does this really happen?


It’s true. I was the phone she sent it on.


Can confirm. I was the bed


"My bisexual friend wants to watch"


Loooool no way!


She approached me cold at a surfer beach. Him.behind her. She even assured me he would not touch me.




Yea too much to ask for an encore.


Sitting next to her at a bar (Sunday during Golden State Warriors game, 99% of the people there were drunk) She: That's my co-worker over there. And that's her husband. She seems really upset. I should go over there and tell them this isn't the place to have a personal discussion. Me: Goddamn Karen (said to myself)


I was in a study abroad group one summer and one of the girls was cute. I was not interested in her but I didn't actively dislike her. We just hadn't spent much time together. One night she got drunk at the bar and told me that I was not a real man and I would never be able to get with her. What was so weird about that was that I wasn't even talking to or lookin at her when she decided to tell me this. She got my attention just to put me down. I told her I wasn't interested so it didn't matter if I could or could't get her. She just kept yelling at me that I wasn't a real man. I was just sitting at a bar in a foreign country being berated and insulted by someone I had no real relationship with. I turned to one of the guys and did my best to start a conversation about anything else. Two days later she apologized to me for it. It took two days because she didn't remember doing it and someone else had to tell her she got drunk and harassed me for no reason. I told her to fuck off and she was shocked because that was probably the first time that her looks weren't able to overcome her bitchy personality.


She probably liked you. Yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but I've been in this kind of situation a few times and every time it turned out the woman liked me. Of course I didn't end up liking them back because no normal person responds positively to verbal abuse.


you did justice


The occasion that sticks in my head happened just as I was starting college. There was a guy I had met recently and got on well with. We weren't quite friends yet, but I had learned enough about him to like and respect him. He was a little soft-spoken but a genuinely good guy. I went to some event run by Campus Activities, and wound up talking to a girl there. She was cool and gorgeous, things were going well between us, and I was pretty sure I could get her number. We mingled with other people in between our chatting, and the guy I mentioned before came over to say hi to me. I talked with him for maybe a minute or two before we parted ways. The girl I was with was polite while he was there, but as soon as he walked away, she said something to the effect of, "I don't like him, he's weird," in a clearly judgemental tone. My interest in her evaporated pretty quickly after that.


"Other women are intimidated by my sexuality". It means she's going to cheat.


Woah lmao who says this?! Lmao


I'm also like 90% sure she was trying to baby-trap me.




She was definitely over the line and well on the other side.


Other women? I am confuzzled, but i am not that bright either.


"Im smart, attractive and people chase me." How dare you wave that red flag this early 🤣


She broke down crying because her male roommate said he wouldn't fuck her. She asked this in front of her bf (me) and his sister. After that breakup they inadvertently came to the restaurant I worked at... they were fucking within days of the breakup. Sometimes people show you who they really are. Best believe them.


She didn't deserved you bro...


Acting like a child, speaking in a little girl voice, everything she said/did being attention seeking


“Cheating is such a Western, colonial concept. Free love dude. So can I fuck another guy” - Blobs ex, 2022.


My brain hurts from reading this, can’t imagine hearing it. Good think she’s an ex


You have to imagine: we were not surprised when she cheated. She is smart but she was just constantly looking for a justification. Her last one was:. “You are going on a two week trip for your studies. So I can’t fuck. You did this to me. Oh you don’t respond for a few hours [battery died, informed her beforehand it might happen]? Well you forced me to cheat. So in some sense you cheated on me”. Anyhow, we are all university students in the social sciences. We had a bigger headache from this than from any test or party we ever had. It was time to let her go.


Was she aware sex toys exist?


Well she got an explanation for that one too. “Masturbation just makes me lonely and sad and I will cry”.


Umm yep, not really possible to date anybody that selfish.


She bragged about how attractive she was. Arrogance != confidence


Saying she doesn't believe in the holocaust. Her point was that it's impossible to kill millions of people. I was like wtf


I'm over here asking women if they'd like to go on a date to the Holocaust museum with me, which isn't working either.




“I’m toxic”


Baby Talk….


The time I tried to get her to stop calling my family white trash. She refused. She got so ugly on the inside by the end.


Why would she say that? Omg people have no respect


She was the first wealthy person to ever make me feel poor. And we were not destitute. Just not rich enough to be respectable. Her mother also described me (a white male) as the N word the first time she met me, if that tells you anything.


Boasted about her masters education, then thought it was ok to drive home after we visited some bars. Dropped her like a rock when she called me a bitch for not getting in the car with her. I hate that drunk driving is socially acceptable, but Say it with me folks: Education *never* equals intelligence.


Just a funny not a drunk driver One of best friends is legit Mensa, idk he’s legit smart AF…. Lost 3-4 fingers almost all the way to the hand, trying to unjam a snow blower. 🤦‍♂️


"All the men I have dated are so insecure... bunch of limp dick loosers" No need to explain that red flag


Told me I had small dick energy. Then said if I ever became rich I might have a chance at her. Fast forward 20 years. Her husband works for me as a middle manager. He appears rich but in debt over his eyeballs and over his head and her head standing on his shoulders.


Have you interacted with her at all since you became his boss if so how’d she act


At their wedding. She looked shook, but then turned on the charm, which is fine because it was her day. At a company dinner as well. She was drunk. I was stone cold sober. She brought it up. I really don't care. But I did thank her, I told her I would have hated myself if I had wasted my time with her and missed the opportunity to fuck my wives brains out whenever I want and build a empire along side my soulmate. I ordered her another drink and walked away


Losing her temper, or seeming to have an explosive temper. A "hair trigger" temper.


I dated a girl once who would stomp her foot and punch her hands down by her side like Veruca Salt if something didn't go the way she wanted it to. That did it.


I would laugh in her face lmao


Dude, the first time she did it was at a waiter in a restaurant because she didn't like where we were seated. She stood up out of her chair to do it. We both thought she was kidding.... she was not.


Women talking like thugs. Doesn’t happen very often but holy crap it’s unattractive


The moment she opened her mouth and all that entitled princess crap started oozing out of it.




this comment somehow made me feel real good about myself knowing I'm not anywhere near any of these girls (including being attractive lmao)


That drama Queen shit 🤮. That could be idk , J Lo, Scarlett J, name the hottest women you can think of, to me that manifested drama is death to attraction.


Do you like my Fendi bag


I’m a woman and every time I see a beautiful woman post on Reddit she is ugly and wants everyone’s opinion. I feel it devalues her looks because she’s only looking for compliments. I can’t figure out how to make those subgroups stop appearing in my feeds.


self pity designed to attract sympathy


I commented a black woman on tv was attractive and she replied “ooo! You like n-words?” Although she wasn’t that attractive to begin with.




Where should she have put it?


an ashtray.


I saw this show once in Mexico…


cigarette -- instant turnoff. No woman is attractive enough to overcome that smell.


You must not be European 😂


Go raw I’m already preggers


What the actual fuck


She wanted me to remove the condom because she was already pregnant.


The slightest mention of zodiacs or crystals


Talk like a rapper


You should've added some beats and released the song🤣


Either being unnecessarily rude or showing a "my shit doesn't stink" attitude.


"like, ew"


“I don’t like animals” Bye.


That’s a long list. Most women went right in the bin. The funniest one was a totally normal looking college girl who started telling me how much she liked “Ice”. Noped right out of that.


Sounds like a fun lady.


She's a juggalette. Bye 👋




Haha I like it!


My soon to be ex-wife. Mercilessly abusing her own daughter frequently and consistently without any provocation. 9/10 looks, she’s now a 0/10 in my book.


talking about men as if we are pieces of meat


I haven't read a book since high school.


Once a super hot girl told me a story at the bar about how she’d hooked up with a very prominent professional athlete. It was a one night stand and “he could’ve had anyone he wanted that night but chose me!!!”. Dumb. There are only thousands of other girls he’s chosen for one night I’m sure. You’re not that special.


She opened her mouth and said something. She sounded like 50 y.o. chain smoker lmao.


Was her name Miley Cyrus?


I thought it, you said it 😂


The way she spoke down to a wonderful staff member that was an amazing server when we were out. My jaw hit the floor, totally shocked. We always have separate checks so I tipped the waitress an additional $50.00 and apologized for her behavior.


Anything she says that is unfair and Hateful about men as a whole. I've said this like 100 times on here but on tinder. I matched with this woman who messaged me first and when I took a glance at her bio. It said "I think all men are assholes. Be the one to prove me wrong" and I immediately unmatched That's like me applying for a job and then saying in the application statement "I think all employers are assholes. Hire me to prove me wrong" and then expect to get a job or at least a good one. Or the one on POF that said she thinks men are gross whilst also saying she is seeking a man for a long term relationship. Which makes absolutely no sense. Imagine if I said this towards women on apps and thought women would find it attractive 🤦🤦🤦


Claimed to be a feminist and had zero idea what that meant, instead blindly thought that meant hating an entire gender. If you want to hijack a movement at least understand what it is.


“I’m an empath” Then spends an hour hating on people who don’t think like her.


Burp and fart unabashedly. Like doing it and trying to be one of the boys.


*lesbians all taking notes to turn men off* 😂




So, i met this girl in a "festival" (i don't know how to call it but people who know Forte Prenestino in Rome may understand the kind of night). 8/10 tall black chick with long curly hair, we've been talking all night, made out, and later on she gave me her number. We dated a couple of times and things were going pretty well, i liked her and she was really fucking hot. One time we decided to go eat a pizza, a beer slipped from the waiter's hands and break on the ground. I was ok and about to confort him because i know that this kind of stuff happens, i'm a waiter too after all. She started yelling at him and insulting him in every way possible, she also called him "stupido bangladino di merda" which means "stupid shitty bangladeshi", pretty fucking racist for a girl from Ghana. Anyway, i was sorry for him, he was a young guy so i went to him, told him to not care about her and that he was doing great, i tipped him 5 euro and after dinner we left. I refused to take her back home, she didn't really live nearby but i didn't care, it was her problem at that point. She got mad at me aswell for this and she kept texting me shit until i blocked her


Holding her knife and fork in her fists and stabbing and slashing at her steak. I almost screamed in terror.




Anything that indicates she is stuck up, entitled, or insinuating her time is more valuable than mine so she deserves something for it. Oh, and "I'm a single mother" That's more of a personal one but I didn't have kids for a reason. I sure don't want to be raising anyone else's. Plus I always make my love interest a priority and I don't get that in return dating a single mother.


Unless she’s a terrible mother, which is also not a great quality. Lose/lose.




“I cheated on you.”




Judge. Unnecessarily judging those seemingly lower than her.


Overuse of slang or text talk.


can you pay my bills so I can buy shoes and clothes.


Jealousy and being uncaring (e.g. not asking about me when I say I'm sick).


“I can’t stand to floss my teeth “


Chewing with her mouth open.


Telling me to worship her feet and kiss them


One man's trash is another man's treasure. xD


Told her my dog was dying, she replied with "I don't like dogs". Dog survived for a few more years after that, died about 2 months ago unfortunately at the age of 18


"Get away from me your weird." Hurts every time.


Started smoking a cigarette. No matter how hot she initially looked, the instant she starts puffing on a cancer stick, she becomes foul to me.




She might be lying BUT herpes can definitely remain latent in the body for years before showing up. So you could have gotten it from people before her.


Even if herpes is latent in someone, they will still test positive.




Many people are asymptomatic and never know they have it unless they test, however testing for herpes is not included in standard tests and has to be asked separately. Now think of someone who never had an outbreak, they might not be educated enough on this topic to ask for this test without any symptoms. Many doctors don’t recommend testing for it unless you have real symptoms.


Asked me not to talk to anyone else after just one date.


Finding out she had a train ran on her. Never personally heard this but would be an instant turnoff if I did hear it


Said she hates dogs


Something racist.


table dancing at clubs/bars


“Sarah Palin isn’t dumb, it’s just an act”


«I hate kids» unpromted, was just chatting and having a good time, and she just slipped it into a random story. I have no problem with women not wanting kids, or Even liking kids. But man it just felt wrong for so many reasons.


Hate is a powerful emotion and kids do absolutely nothing to warrant that hate. Sure, kids can be very annoying and stupid but that's just how they are. They are still developing on how to be a human and learning about life. When I hear anyone say "I hate kids".. It disturbs me. WTF have kids done to them? Teenagers.. I can somewhat understand as teenagers can be violent mouthy know it all little shits but even then. Still a bit too far and they are still trying to learn how to act as a civilised adult.


The moment you get that whiff of their shit don’t stink.


She took a favela/slum tour. Tourists will tourist, but I can’t respect people that see other humans as a zoo attraction.


Never dated a smoker or someone who wears expensive clothing.


By expensive clothing, do you mean stuff with name brands plastered on it? Some “expensive” clothing is just good quality and it wouldn’t be obvious unless you had an eye for it. I know I have a couple of expensive pieces, but I’ve had them for years at this point, and that’s why I splurged on them in the first place. …. Not sure why I care since I’m happily married lol So your answer won’t offend me either away. Just curious.


Sometimes when you meet someone through friends or work you can read someone writing you off at introduction. Could be a million things in their mind like ".... I'll never meet this person again" or any innocuous reason, but you can kinda feel them placing you as a B-character in their movie of life, as an NPC, or whatever term you'd use. I've had a couple times where I picked up on this and my brain just follows suit and writes them off too. I don't treat them badly or anything and remain cordial, but it's a definite signal. I recall it happening when I was in college a bit. The show Big Bang Theory didn't do us physicists any favors. Get introduced as a physicist and watch the eyes glaze over. Half the time they'll even take 2 seconds to give you the old "don't be a Sheldon haha" before immediately leaving. That was always a trip.


Cursed out loud like a drunken sailor. Smoked.


She used chewing tobacco and watched NASCAR.


Vaping / smoking


Called me "bro". ​ I can't stand women who talk like they're "one of the guys"


Calling me “sweetie”


Unexpected anger/hate speech.


After 3rd date asked me when im i going to start giving her girlfriend allowance. I couldnt ghost her fast enough


A vapid, empty personality. Always a deal breaker.


Foul mouth


Smoking cigarettes


I was about 40 and a 22 yo in a bar asked me for a one night stand. She was a strong 8 and Whilst a bit flattered, she went on to explain that it was just sex and didn't mean anything. Which to me, it does, the emotional connection can be very important, so I declined. Plus her Dad was drinking about ten feet away.


I went on a date with a woman about a year ago, she was so attractive but she spent the entire night complaining. About anything snd everything. I never saw her again, it was a terrible time.


Going to the barber, cutting of her long hair, getting blonde spikes and some other different colors.


Told me she wanted to hang out and I should text her some time, I text her and took 3 days for a reply safe to say fk that, lost all notion of finding her attractive


She's an enthusiastically huggy and touchy person, and when I initiated what was going to be my first ever hug with her, her reaction was, "uh, okay?"


This sounds stupid but there was this girl who I was lightly chasing after. One day she goes “NotZach, when are you going to fuck me?” Some would say this would be a dream come true. The girl who you’ve been crushin on just falls into your lap. Something about it though just rubbed me the wrong way. Lost all interest. She ended up getting married about 3 months later to a dude she was dating for 2 months. This was in the military so it wasn’t super unheard of.


Introducing me to her (male) best friend.


Two words She's promiscuous.




I watched a 10/10 woman my age put a big fat dip in (chewing tobacco) and she instantly dropped to a 4/10. Still would've, in case any were wondering.


"hahaha, so like, what's your sign??? hahaha"


She told me she was vegan. Or she told me to follow her on intsa. I eat meat and don’t have an instagram account. So neither one of those is for me.


As a female I didn’t know other females did half this crap! A girlfriend allowance?! Wtf