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Stand awkwardly hiding behind their beer or drink nodding their head nervously until they leave the club and talk about how that chick was totally into them.


How to avoid this?


Leave the club earlier


Stay at home and play videogames.


Go to the club, have drinks dance and have a great time


This is exactly why I stopped going out lmao. Shit got so repetitive and the drive home was always the same “did you see that baddie, she was so into me”


It is possible to get good at meeting women in clubs, it just takes a lot of work and courage.


This was my first year out of college.


Its all so much easier in college. Better parties and prettier women with lower expectations.




Cola can be very refreshing indeed.


I prefer sprite when clubbing with buddies.


Im talkin bout nooooose candy.


I tried snorting coke once. I didn’t like the fizz.


The true cock-blocker.


Hey I respect it, keep sober with soda while you're out with your pals so you can reign 'em in.


Don't mind if I do!


So I can work harder


Try not to get the seal guts on each other.


Posts like this make me wish they hadn't removed the AWARDS feature. Consider yourself gilded with this cheap emoji at least. 🏅


Omg just noticed, why'd they do that??


Out on a night with “the ol’ hackapik”. The guy who goes for gold but probably doesn’t finish the job


The seal guts?


A baby seal walks into a bar. The bartender ask ""What'll ya have to drink?" The baby seal says "anything but a Canadian Club!"


I ♣️ Baby Seals.


But that's the best PART!


Hit on women and dance with them or just hang with the guys and have a good time. Depends on a number of things are we in a relationship are we loyal are we even interested in meeting new people that night etc


I don't really go to clubs, but I do like to support the local music scene. There is an awesome Led Zeppelin tribute band playing at a local brewery this weekend that I am looking forward to. My group of guys are very social and mix and mingle with the crowd pretty easily. I go by myself half the time because I never wind up alone - there is always someone to talk to and party with. I do notice some people prefer to stick with who they showed up with, particularly the ladies which is kind of a bummer. But I still always have a good time.


It's so cool that you get to see Greta Van Fleet this weekend!


Us men like to make out with each other before the women arrive.


Drink beer and discuss the Roman empire.




Plan how to encircle the seals, and I usually take the left flank.


I usually take the right flank while my best bud takes the other. Frank, is that you…?


To a club? Try to get laid. If they just want to hang out with their friends they'll go to a bar or to a music venue.


Ice houses and beer on tap. No better getaway from a gf than 4 vodka sodas and some fries while flexing on each other with our max IV pokemon on pogo.


Funny enough rarely anyone gets laid at a club while that's why everyone goes there.


Not true. It's still mostly to get wasted.


I can get wasted at a pool bar or my buddies house, and I won't have to pay for overpriced drinks or potentially have some meathead try to start a fight with me there.


You can also get wasted at home with your pals and pay even less! What is your point? Assuming the the only reason to go to a club is to get laid is just plain wrong generalization


That's what most young men are there to do. Hate to break it to you. That isn't to say there that's the only way to enjoy it. I've gone to the club plenty of times where I didn't even talk to a woman and I still had a good time.


Exactly my point.


Nah me and my friends go to have fun


Dance. Seems obvious to me but from the answers here... otoh to be expected considering how consistently I notice other guys in the club just going from girl to girl. I just need to let off steam every now and then so I go dancing at 3am after work Saturday night and don't stop til I've completely sweat through my clothes pretty much.


In the clubs I've been to, there were maybe 2 guys in the whole place who looked like they're genuinely there to dance, just tearing up that dance floor. Most of us are there to try to convince ourselves to talk to some of the women, while pretending otherwise... 😅


Same. Weird how many people see going clubbing as something completely different then me. I just like to dance with my friends until morning and letting of steam from the week.


All male clubbing experiences are basically awful (I and used to quite like clubbing). The only times I’ve had fun in clubs is in a large mixed group when everyone is basically doing stupid moves with their friends and no one is trying to pull.


Lol, men only go to clubs if they're dragged there or trying to get laid.


You’re 100% correct. We aren’t talking about “music shows” - we are talking about random clubs. There is no reason to go there outside of what you mentioned..


I have never been explicitly to a club to get laid. I'm there to dance, have fun and maybe meet some new people. If you go there with the expection to get laid, you're not going to have a fun time, at least in my experience.


Well I agree with you on the outcome / expectation 😂


lol maybe there's no reason for you to go..people go to the clubs every weekend to dance and have fun


Not your average dude .. What guy has ever said let’s go dancing to his buddies? Yeah .. never


idk where do you live but that's normal where I live..something like 10 of us drink in the apartment before, both guys and girls, then we go out and dance because we go to electronic music parties where everybody dances and loves the music thats playing


No? I go to clubs when there is a very promising music festival or show, specifically for underground EDM and Dubstep because here in the UK they mostly only do DnB shows. I go with my mates ocassionally and it's a lot of fun even though it can be hastle to plan around the whole thing because I gotta take ubers, busses and trains but it's worth it. Haven't been in a while tho.


I am not British. I can only speak to my own experiences and what I've seen in the US. So if I'm wrong, mea culpa. In general, I see guys in bars or clubs either posted up waiting for an opportunity that's not going to come. Being out with friends (dragged along) or being depressed in public. Very few people go out for anything else than that. Maybe a date, but that's it.


I mean I'm sure there's people like that because I seen them but as a person who been to multiple shows like that if you take out all the draggies and the druggies, there's still quite a few people who are there to socialize and listen to live music on the best equipment possible for groups of people. It's not something to do on a very regular basis but every now and then, if you can go with an enthusiastic group of friends, it's well fun. Make sure you are well prepared though.


You know some weird ass people. Young folk go to a club every weekend.


Young folk try to get laid every weekend.


The fuck are you on about ?


Check the weather app


Drinking for pleasure


That's right. Drinking enough water is always great. Give your homies a glass to fend off dehydration together.


I hold a beer near my chest and vibe with the music all night 😂


Just get drunk and pretend to be bad asses


Drink, chat and make jokes with friends, dance, hit on girls, drugs. Pretty much the options and you don't have to do them all and just cause one member of the group does one doesn't mean they all do.


Get drunk, listen to music, dance and hookup with women? What else would we be doing?


Two steppin and giving encouraging handshakes every 10 minutes because I'm probably tipsy


Clubbing obviously. Back in the day we clubbed baby seals. Now I don't know what the kids club.


Drink, dance, listen to favorite bands, maybe try to get laid or meet people. Well...the ones that like it, anyway.


drink and wonder why tf am i here i hate this?


Dance, as long as the DJ spins good tracks


I hated clubbing. I only went because my friends wanted to go. I look back at it and what a waste of time


Best post ever .... well reading the responses.... 1. Seal hunting 2. Coca cola 3. Discuss the Roman empire while drinking beer 4 . I don't go when I do... but all of the above 🤣


All men? Every man? Depends on the man OP. We don't exist in a hivemind.


You are dull. A boring dude.


It's like looking in a mirror, eh?




Downvote this guy as much as you want, but the cunt has a point.


Dance by myself in the corner.


Wonder what the fuck I'm doing in a club surrounded by dickheads and look for the exit


And then head to a bar with better music and cheaper drinks.


Sit in the corner and read a book. I did this once because I genuinely wanted to read a book, but was surprised by how many women approached me.


You must look like a model


Sure, from the neck down.


Suck each other off before and after getting there, sometimes during lol


Make guitar player faces at the guitar players.


But over priced, poorly made, drinks and listen to music that’s too loud. That’s why I stopped going when I was 23


IDK nowadays, pickup girls? Drink? Dance with the picked-up girls? Fight? That’s what we did in the aughts.


Drink talk once we are slightly drunk go and dance lol


They'd never seen anything like it. They said it was like a trolley dash. I had two hammers, steel-toed boots, I was taking four at once! \-Sean Lock


Stay home hahah


Looking to rizz some baddies (standing still and doing nothing)


I dance like a spa while my friends stand awkwardly in the corner


Round up more baby seals


Bob and jig. I’m going to have a good time Regardless


get ludicrously drunk and dance


Find a quiet corner and play chess, stopping only to tut at all the silly people spilling their drinks.


I don't go clubbing. When I did I used to get drunk and/or high, listen to the music. Sometimes I'd dance.


Went "clubbing" once in the 90's. Hated it. Never went back. Watered down drinks, music so loud I couldn't hear for a week, and crammed in tighter than a sardine can. It was a nightmare to which I never wanted to return. So I wouldn't go clubbing, nor would I be friends with someone for whom clubbing was considered an option for a night out.


Wonder why they went, wish they were somewhere else, think about what they could be doing if they stayed home, question whether their "friends" really deserve to be called that if they made them do something as stupid as go clubbing


When I went to clubs with other guys, it was for the sole purpose of picking up women. If we just wanted a beer, we'd go some pub or stay at home.


Drink enough to forget you're in a nightclub


Usually stick fights. Not clubs.


Talk about all the pussy they used to get when they were single


I dunno I’m not gay


Usually get black out drunk


Guys almost never go by themselves who wants to fight their way into a place just to get ripped off and go home alone or with STIs?


Your chance of an sti from a hookup is like, 1%, and most aren't at all bad anyway?


nah dude, 70% of everyone I've hooked up with in the last 5months wanted to go raw at least once ( and I indulged) I've been lucky but man is it just a matter of time, and I don't wanna keep thinking with my dick




Wait for a relationship. It’s worth it, I promise.


You need female friends that you aren't actively trying to fuck so you can hangout with them. This will help you overtime learn how to interact with women, understand them, and understands where they're coming from. ​ Like any other skill, hooking up or dating needs practice. I say take what you can get now, and get pickier as you get better at it (what I did). If you wait for the perfect match you may end up waiting forever.




Facebook groups for sports, hiking, social events, any kind of outside hobby that isn't male dominated (smaller)College classes for adults or some kind of program Festivals Gym can work but its been a bit more demonized by social media recently




dude not true about the hobbies part women dont just sit around and do nothing maybe try a salsa class? Also get rid of that doomer 'woe is me ill never get anything' women can smell that lack of confidence from a mile away


If there's a good live band playing there, drink and have a great time. Else, it's to meet hot singles in their area.


Talk about DnD, music, etc. Dance. Maybe pool. Goth clubs are fun places.


Me and my voices will go outside and get high, and usually listen to music.


Get absolutely wasted, public urination, vomit outside perhaps, then get in the car and speed down the road yelling things at people and other cars. Perhaps have a brief scuffle with eachother. God i miss hanging out with the boys


I used to go to see the dj and enjoy the music but it’s been a while since I’ve been in a club. Also mdma if the mood felt right


Get Drunk, talk, dance with women, play video games. At least that’s what I did at clubs, and yes a local club had arcade video games and Sunday night would be spent getting drunk and racing on Daytona 500.


I'm 55M, and I have NEVER been clubbing. Closest, I think I've been is an old Country Bar that had line dancing.


Drink beers, entertain each other with funny stories, check out the odd woman deserving of the visual appreciation and mostly drink beer and enjoy each other’s company.


I don’t go to clubs and I don’t think any of my circle of guy friends go either 🤷‍♂️


I guard the handbags and drink while my freinds dance.


Get smashed, smoke a joint and go in the mosh pit for the rest of the evening /m/


Don’t have friends, never been clubbing.


Cocaine and pool


Drink and dance?


Drink a lot, smoke a lot, doing drugs like MDMA and other stuff. Without this, clubs are not my thing, but i have to admit when i'm high as fuck, it's great. Same goes for goa parties, i like a "candyflip" there, that's MDMA combined with LSD.


Man who goes clubbing with their friends? Those poor seals.


Dance with each other.


Drugs, lots of drugs and dancing, usually followed up by more drugs. When I got clubbing with my girl we still do drugs but it is usually more chill and more dancing.


I haven't been clubbing ever. I was never a clubbing kind of guy either. But the few times where dancing and drinking were involved, I'd been drinking.


drink, sing along with and dance to emo, pop, classic rock bangers. sometimes make a new friend for the night, sometimes meet a girl. Mostly there to enjoy the songs with friends though, or to try to meet new people


Clubbing is for losers and degenerates.


Baby seals.... /s 😬


Drinking duh and rapping on hoes


Fuck that I go to the local dive bar or music venue. The club has never been my place.


Let’s Dance! - David Bowie


Dance and drink, depending on the day it will either be with women (if we’re lucky) or sometimes we just party with the bros


Fucking lurk


Drink beer mostly, i prefer to dance with women.


I don't




Dance with the lads


Avoid clubbing entirely.


I like laughing at all the pretty peoples shiny shoes and plastic smiles.


Drink dance and hope to get laid at the end of the night


Usually stand in the corner with the other men and look at the women dancing. Then also spotting that 1 person where there age begins with a "3" and remember the joke from Chris Rock....once your age begins with a 3, you are not old....but you are too old to be in the club, and every club had at least one woman and man that does this.


I used to go out to a bar that had bi-weekly dance parties. Probably not the same as "real" clubbing but it felt close enough. I'd usually just drink with friends, dance around a little, go out to the patio in back and chill, repeat. I always felt weird trying to "go home" with some stranger I met there. Usually, if I was lucky enough to have that kind of fun afterward, it was with a friend I went with or someone I knew from past flings that just happened to wander into the same place.


In this day and age of Chad-chasing feral clubskanks? My and my crew go shooting or off-roading or to the gym. Clubs are just torture chambers where men go (for no reason whatsoever) to look awkward, stand around, and get repeatedly rejected by Chad-chasers who have 2 roommates and 3 kids hidden back at the apartment.


When I used to go, it would be to consume egregious amounts of liquor, stand in a circle and bob my head, while watching my friends attempt to talk to women. Also the occasional argument would break out and almost result in a fist fight. Bouncers removing you from the premises was another part of the routine. I stopped clubbing.


Pick up the dead seals.


Wander about, see guys you went out with halfway through the night , bathroom for a cheeky line


I dance and try to do small dance battles with others. Then I take a break after and 30 min and drink some water while trying to keep my sweat together, I sweat a lot...


Feel out the vibe and just dance. Don’t look around cause that won’t help with self confidence. Do what you want to do there. Also if you see a cute girl just talk to her.


Based on what I've seen, they either stand around with their backs against the wall eyeing everybody with their coctails in hand, or they dance awkwardly together in groups. LOL at the nerds out there.