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Fun story when my girlfriend and I were first planning to have sex, she got her period that morning. Previously, she had only been with one man for about 12 years and he wouldn’t touch her on her period. So she texted me absolutely beside herself despondent That our plans for sexy time had been ruined. When I told her that I couldn’t care less and it doesn’t give me any pause whatsoever, she almost couldn’t comprehend the idea. Lay down a towel and have at it!


haha you guys are so cute!


I legit just have issues with blood in general, i think there’s some PTSD or something associated with it. It makes me freeze up. I don’t think periods are disgusting, i think blood is disgusting lol


I guess it's human nature to be afraid of blood lol


It was never really a problem for me. She gets really bad cramps and says it helps out with her pain, so I consider it a good deed in that sense.


Put down a towel and ride the red tide.


My ex used to say it helped with her cramps and I have no problem being helpful.


Yeah it turns out that period sex is beneficial for women if done properly


Cool! pleasure to be of service then.


If she says it's OK it's OK.




Respect everybody's preference :)


It doesn’t bother me one bit but neither of my two partners have been willing to have sax while they’re on their period


its a messy business but sometimes has to be done :)


Gotta earn ya Red Wings


My gf gets super horny when she's on her period, so I decided to give it a go. I was going down on her and she was enjoying it a lot so I figured I'd keep going and maybe we could have sex. So I'm going to town down there and I think I'm doing a good job. She suddenly grabs my head, looks me in the eyes and says "you're like a fucking harmonica". I was absolutely dying of laughter and needless to say sexy times were over for the night.


Lmao what a memory to have


Wait, wouldn't she be the harmonica? And you be the harmonica player?


My wife absolutely hates the idea so never tried with her. I had an ex who got horny during her periods so I'd do my duty and help her out. Just had to shower afterwards.


No problem having sex while a girl is on her period but I can't give head during that time. I don't find it particularly gross or anything I just don't want it in my mouth, that's my only hang-up.


That's where I'm at.


I have a couple of those special non-absorbing blankets. We're good.


It’s not my favorite time, but I’m usually game. Honestly, most women I’ve been with aren’t really in the mood then anyway, except maybe toward the end.


Been there, done it. I've even gone down on someone when they were on their period. Neither of us regretted it.


Haha glad you have an awesome experience


I find it disgusting and hate doing it.


Not a fan, but have done it when supremely horny.


I just don't like the smell to be honest, I did routinely have period sex with an ex but was never really into it.


Everybody is different :)


It is a little extra slippery. Other than that, no problem.


I don't mind but, I am reliably informed that, if I ever again take advantage of the opportunity to give oral, wrap the bedsheets around me as a cape and do a vampire impression on the way to the shower, I will be emasculated, forthwith and with extreme prejudice.


*shrug* no big deal.  This survey seems to put way more thought into it than we ever needed.


We really want to collect people's experiences about period sex since this topic is not widely and openly talked about :)


On my end its more that there's just not that much to talk about.  Barring one girlfriend who was a little skeeved out about the idea, maybe putting down a towel or old blanket and some extracleanup after there's not much to do or say differently from my end. Only if she needs or wants something.


Good survey over all, but did you mean to list "transgender" as a sexual orientation?


Thank you for the notice :) Sorry for the inconvenience, we are currently fixing the problem!


Period sex would be OK if not for the fact that menses tastes bad and not sexy and it itches, especially when drying. Sometimes it's really itchy, to the point where I wonder if I'm having an allergic reaction on my crotch.


Maybe sounds gross, but I kind of prefer it. I like the texture of the lubrication. And she seems to be more responsive and easier to orgasm. I usually avoid the heavy flow day though. That can just get too messy. And there's less foreplay.


from the articles I have been reading about this topic, they call it natural lubricate :)


When I’ve been in serious relationships I don’t care AT ALL, I’m all for it. I won’t do it with a girl I’m casually seeing or hooking up with though.


We probably have most of our sex when GF is on her period. That's the time she gets turned on. I prefer sex off period, but a true pirate sails the Red Sea.


Haha it's great to see you being considered toward your partner's needs! :)


Wow that’s a long ass survey


lol it's mostly simple and multiple choices questions, took maybe about less than 10 minutes to finish :) Thank you for taking the survey btw


Meh, have done it when my s/o started early (spotting)... I hopped in the shower... then we cuddled. I mean, she chokes on my dick.. I owe some payback.


We save it for the shower. 


Ive never had a guy care yet. Only one guy was really hesitant. I notice that those guys also just consider it another time to be intimate and close. They don’t care about the blood. I don’t typically smell either so that’s a plus


I guess it's about meeting the right person with the same view :)


Not for me at all. I respect a partners privacy and need to take care of bodily functions. I’ll run to get her tampons or pads with no issues if she gets caught without. But it’s just not sexy to me.


I’ve had fun having sex with a partner on her period. The only issue I ever had was when one said she basically just wanted to do it to relieve her cramps. The utilitarian approach just killed the mood for me


You gotta earn your wings.


Everyone is a little different. Personally I like to wait a few day past the heaviest time but my lady gets super ready to go so I oblige.


But the blood


Are you going to share the results later?


Yes sure! If you guys are curious about the result I can definitely share it!


Yes please!




Wow what a lovely experience :)


I will throw up. Nothing I can do about it.






We occasionally do it with my wife but she's usually too uncomfortable during periods (cramps etc.) that she isn't in any mood to have sex. But when she is I don't mind it at all.


I tried it with a towel thinking no big deal of it, so the lucky lady was ready to go to town... At first I had to stop because I thought I had punctured something because of all the blood that painted my love sausage. I saw her lack of pain and reaction as a green light to continue but I was sweating for a minute at first.


Put on a towel and get some wet wipes cause it ain't gonna stop me. I hear it helps deal with your cramps so there you go.


It’s not much deeper than I don’t want to be around blood in anyway, so I avoid it when I can.


My husband doesn't mind it at all. We were long distance and it just seemed that when we could meet up I'd be on it. He just showers after.


I've had partners on both sides of the fence. I do not care at all, and actually enjoy sex on my period. My current partner doesn't like it, but I've had a couple of past exes who didn't care at all. To each their own.


We have done it at the very beginning of my period and used the opportunity for him to cum inside me without a condom. It was a bad idea on hindsight and I spent the next few days worrying about pregnancy until the bleeding finally started.


Well can’t go down on her because that’s a bit too messy but everything else is fun. The blood makes things a bit slippery for a while! Gotta shower after though or else blood will dry and you’ll have weird smelly sticky balls in the morning


Blood is not a great lubricant. It doesn’t feel as smooth. Also a bit messy. I’ve done it and I’ll continue doing it if she wants it, but I’d be lying if I said it was better or on the same level. Also, it’s more likely to hurt if I’m not careful due to the uterus being lower during those days.


Very interesting insight from you :)


I'm usually squeamish about blood ... Turns out I'm mostly squeamish about wounds and injuries. I still won't go down on someone if she's on her period, but fingers and penises are completely fine. My most recent two partners both used a cup they kept in until basically the last moments, and unless I fingered them quite deep I would also not notice much at all.


Honestly blood just freaks me out and makes me nauseous I don't know why but it does so that's my reason


True pirates aren’t afraid to sail the Red Sea


There's a reason we own several black towels.


I mean. Been married for 11 years. I won't go down on her but I'm fine using my hand to get her off and I have no issue with PIV other than I'll wear a condom for easier cleanup with a towel down. We usually stick to missionary during her period because the cleanup is easier.


I've never known a woman who would even consider it -- I probably wouldn't mind in the least




Fun to see you are willing to try it out!


Mhm seasoning 🥴 omnomnom


I have absolutely no problem with it. Yes it's messier, and there certainly can be a scent on the air in the wake of it all...but what the fuck ever. Bodies are bodies, and in my experience, many women seem to enjoy/find relief in sex on their period.


Fun fact during menstruation women tend to have a higher chance of climax and a higher sex drive




If done properly, it shouldn't feel painful from what I know :) During menstruation, it can be more sensitive so you shouldn't do it too rough


Little bit of blood on the blade doesn't hurt


A real warrior isn’t afraid to get blood on his sword


No thanks. When my dick gets covered in blood I feel like I’m in a horror movie and about to be murdered.




Nice try, condom company. Sneaky market research trying to get past the mods.


no unfortunately not a condom company, we are doing research and collecting data for our project for a contest :)


I don't want my room to turn into a crime scene


I had the idea that it's harmful to the woman but if it's not...


Apparently, if done properly, it can bring back lots of benefits both emotionally and physically for women and their partners


That’s gross. I’m sorry. I’m only one data point.


You should honestly not be asking the guys this question. Nearly all the women I have ever been with were repulsed by the idea and or too uncomfortable and did not want to be touched in any way. I've never had any problem with it.


It goes both ways from what I know, from my own personal perspective and where I'm from, men tend to have negative feelings toward this idea. But seeing how most of the men commented on this saying that they have no issues with period sex but their partner is, I find it interesting when they have the opposite problem!


Personally I love it, but most women try to shame me about it so I don't bring it up anymore. If I am in love with someone I try to make them as comfortable and satisfied as possible every day of the month. If all you want is cuddles or even to be left alone that's fine too.


it's great to see people being attentive toward their partner's needs! :)


We do exist.


I think women know when they have their period and when they don't.


It's gross. I did it one time with my ex-wife, and when I finished and pulled out to a dripping red frothy mess, I though one of us had something explode in them. I had no problem getting her off on her period, since that was when she was at her most horny, but I'm not sticking my penis in that nightmare fuel a second time.


oh gosh...


We live, we learn what we do and don't like, we move on from there.


I have had 68 women partners. at least 10 were relationships that lasted for more than six months. You asked for my opinion so here goes. Period sex I.E. PIV is really not an issue for a lot of men. For one its a different level of intimacy and it also can relieve some discomforts that some women have to endure monthly. Here's the rub though. With the advent of hormones in all dairy foods and other GMO foods and some other reasons which I am not aware of ( antidepressants? starbucks?) I have experienced at least half of my partners who have clear repeatable psychological changes in their behavior at recordable and consistent times during their cycle. Some are pleasant like getting really horny 3 days before or for a week after their periods. Some are fucking psychotic and harmful like raging anger, OCD complaints and crying jags over what appears to be nothing. Don't get me wrong my heart goes out to any woman who has to ride this roller coaster monthly. What I want to see is older women with such experiences owning it and acknowledging that it exists and then TEACHING this knowledge to younger women coming up. Men are witness to these situations and are almost always left standing there saying " what the fuck did I do" with no rational path to help or understand other than "be a better partner". We love and care for our women, its what men do. Asking us to accept irrational behavior and moods with zero insight or forwarning from our partners is NOT ok. We men have to own our agressive natures and our anger, its sucks and is a real issue for most men. You want period sex and intimacy at times when you are emotionally vulnerable? No problem, if you can understand whats happening and cut us some slack in at least meeting us half way. I have seen this be a big issue in almost every couples relationship I know about for decades. If you are a woman who doesn't ride this roller coaster, consider yourself blessed and good for you. but there is no denying what I have described here is a real thing a lot of couples and women have to deal with. Cant tell you how many men I have discussed this with who want to help but are unable to because of issues we dont control.


hey! very interesting insight from you :)


Thanks for your positive feedback. Hope your research yields something good.


Be careful who you have period sex with its blood magic. There’s accounts of men and women becoming obsessed after the act. Some women purposely do it or try to feed their SO their period blood. Stay safe out there


This being Reddit, I can’t tell if you’re being serious…


Surprisingly from the survey, I received a lot of answers saying that they refused to engage in menstruation sex because of superstitious/ spiritual beliefs :)


Just another example of the damage these things do. 


Yum yum yum love me a [Cake Of Light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cake_of_Light) But seriously, while there’s a grain of truth in menstrual fluids used as magic, it’s hardly gonna crop up in most peoples lives unless they’re running with a really freaky scene. And If you’re with someone and they’re doing sex magic with you without your consent that’s not cool.


If both parties are having a banging time, who am I to judge?


haha true


Well sex is so rare for me that wouldnt be a reason to decline