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Get so high that I can't think straight and then lament the fact that I wasted a good day.


What does that feel like? I’ve only gotten properly high once and all I felt was that a cinnamon roll I ate was delicious. Another time I had a tiny bit of an edible and had refreshing sleep.


Everyone's experience is different. My mind races and I'm way more reflective. But the cost of being in my own head is poor social skills, so that part sucks. I smoke alone and don't ever do it socially unless I'm doing exposure therapy with social anxiety.


How often do you do it. I kind of want to try it once a month or something but I know it’s a slippery slope when it comes to mental addictions. Thanks for the initial reply btw.


Are you me?


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.


Same! I can’t do it with people. I become unable to speak. But when I’m alone I really enjoy it, I’m just not good in public.


Weed always makes me feel like I'm part of the collective. Like everyone is working towards making humanity better. This is with edibles though. I wouldn't say it's addictive, (I started in late 20s) but I do turn to it when I'm bored. 


Go to the gym 5 to 6 times a week, watch a show or movie w/ my parents or fiancée (I take care of my old folks, hard to move out in this country/economy), play some games if I'm not to tired. On the weekends I like to go out for food and drinks, maybe catch a movie if they're showing something worthwhile. PS: Taking care of your body IS self improvement my man, good on you. Though now I'm curious about what micro-needling is.


It's supposed to reduce acne scars. My skins not bad, but any improvement is improvement. Hoping by the end of the year I'll have kpop level clear skin 🤞


Right on! I should definitely go to a dermatologist to deal with leftover acne.


First things first, I jerk off. Sometimes then I fall asleep lol. But after that I usually hit the gym or go on a run. Once I’m done with that and showered I get high and play video games until my eyes bleed. I’m in a rec sports league but that only meets on weekends


So you jerk, then go to the gym for a clean and jerk?


Do whatever i can to just forget about work. 


Play videogames, sleep, loaf about the house, get high.


I exercise in the morning so mostly just making dinner and watching TV.


You probably masturbate too




Depends on the day. 3-4x/week I cook dinner, so I'll hit up the grocery store to find something to make, head home, give the wife a kiss, give the boys some love, cook dinner, and then have some quality family time. It's been a very long time since I just went home and zoned out with a video game. I'd like to again.


Usally walk my dog for an hour, cook dinner, get high af and play games. I Play frisbee golf after work like once or twice a week. I've been trying to go to bed early and wake up earlier to be more productive in the mroning and just relax when I get home.


Disc golf :)


3 kids. 4am- wake up. 5am- clock in. 2pm-clock out. 3pm- pick up middle from school. 4pm-daughters pitching lessons or softball practice. Cut grass or do other house work if nothing scheduled. 6pm-start supper. Wife gets home. 7pm-eat supper. Oldest son gets home. 8pm- sort out the day with wife. Plans for the next day. 9pm-shower. Maybe have a drink. 10pm-bed. Repeat forever.


💀 Atleast it gets better once they get older


It’s so bad right now.


I spend an asinine amount of time writing, recording, and producing music. I was in bands my whole life until my son was born, then stopped to go back to school and get a decent job that wasn’t the hellscape that is Guitar Center. Fast forward 10 years, have a good job, son is great, doing well in school. His mom and I aren’t together, but that’s ok. Something is missing… I’m not happy. I figured out that I kinda need to make music. Without it, it’s like I’m missing a part of me. I realize that you didn’t ask for 90% of this information lol…


Your username is a good name for a band


You’re welcome to it if you need! I have a different name I’ve been working under for a while now 🙂


Depends on the day, but either go to the gym or go train martial arts. Come home, shower, eat, check some personal projects, and then spend time with my SO. Sometimes it is watching TV, playing a game(currently playing through co op BG3 and elden ring) , or taking a walk.


Spend time with my wife, okay Xbox, maybe go for a hike, play pool, cook good food. Eating out 2-3 times a week sounds expensive.


It depends, sometimes it's just split a sushi party platter for like 25$ per person. 


That's $50-75 a week. Or...$200-300 a month.


Everything looks bad when you think about it like that 😂


That's not bad at all if it's within your budget. Perfectly reasonable cost of socialization in my opinion.


I mean you still gotta eat 😂 good food keeps me sane with the 50-80 hour work weeks


50-80 hours is nuts! My friends and I like to cook for each other. Completely curs down costs.


It’s brutal! Luckily I’m hybrid WFH, so those work from home days allow me to take a lot of downtime. If I didn’t have that I’d be very close to quitting. A lot of those hours are just when I’m required to be available For example I’m working this Saturday morning, I worked yesterday (Friday) night on top of my regular Friday shift. But earlier in the week on Thursday I worked maybe 2 hours and chilled most of the day because I knew I would be working through the weekend lol and I’m overtime exempt so I don’t feel bad The cooking idea is great, I might have to look into that!


I encourage you to! Last month we drove to a friend's house and went grocery shopping with her (fun). Then we made a recipe none of us had tried. The whole thing cost us $15 for the 3 of us.


Y'all could start cooking for each other. You get more out of your rent/mortgage that way too.


I usually go for a Chinese meal. But this one time, there was a bit of a misunderstanding with the authorities [Charles Dozsa: eating a meal... a succulent chinese meal... (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU)


I do a few things depending on my mood. I get out at 9:30pm and don't feel like going out 98% of the time. I'll either watch Youtube, play video games, watch a movie, listen to music, or just sit in the dark and think. Sometimes I'll tinker with my RC cars but that can get a little grubby so I do that mostly on my days off.


34M single. This week was: M: Volleyball league T: Volleyball league W: Date TH: Twolves game with clients F: Date S: volleyball tournament followed by bonfire with friends S: sleep in, workout, weekly chores to get ready for next week.


I do 2 12h days, 2 12h nights, and then 6 off. After day 1, go home, eat, brush my teeth, prep the coffee maker for tomorrow, and go to bed. After day 2, go home, eat, brush my teeth, and nap. Wake up around 12 or 1AM, go to the gym, come home, shower, prep the coffee maker, brush my teeth and crash around 7AM. After night 1, see "after day 1". After night 2, go home, eat, brush my teeth, cook dinner for the next couple days, clean the kitchen, get a load of laundry ready as needed, mop the floors, and then nap again for 3-4 hours. Wake up early afternoon, throw a load of laundry in, nap, turn the laundry over, nap, take the laundry out, put it away, shower, get my shit together for the gym tomorrow. The next 4 days is whatever tf I want plus getting up at 3AM, going to the gym and coming back, going back to sleep as needed. Day 6 I will get up and go to the gym at 245AM, make lunches for work for the next 4 days, and do all household chores and tasks needed, then go for a walk, shower, and get my shit together for work for tomorrow and crash by 5pm. Rinse and repeat.


Walk my dog first. Make some dinner. Hang with wife and watch some tv together. Play with the dog a bit. Usually wife heads to bed and I smoke some weed then watch NBA, YouTube, tv shows or play videos games. Play basketball once a week. Usually visit my parents once a week too.


I go to work after work. Then get a couple hours of sleep and get back at it. Gotta provide for the family as a "single" income household.


Every 2-4 days I make a YouTube video hoping it’ll save me from the 8-5 misery, workout 5-6 times a week (all my workout gear is at home to save time) make food, get takeout if work was particularly shitty, go on a walk for my mental health, stay awake watching YouTube lamenting the fact I have another 10 hour day at work tomorrow. The usual


5-6 do something productive around the house. 6-7 Dinner. 7-9 is either a movie, gaming or doing something productive.


Just gym and home nowadays. If it’s nice maybe beach or park. I go out with friends on the weekends. Could use some more socializing but it’s all good.


Have a wank, get high, do a few chores, get fucked, watch a movie or sporting event.


Come home, change out of my work clothes, eat a snack and either watch some TV or game a bit until I decide ti make dinner.


Damn you guys are all better than me. I work like 10 hours a day. After that I don’t do shit but chill


Train BJJ. It’s a pretty fun type of workout.


Realize I'm tired, sleep, order food, hit the gym while the food is being delivered, crash and watch tv, intrusive thoughts start popping up, get high, silence the thoughts, open a dating app, message some of my matches, maybe get a conversation going, and then I sleep again. Really, at the end of the day I'm just stalling until the weekend so I can spend time with friends. 


I walked to the gas station, got a pizza, wings, and honey buns. Walked back, ate it in my room


Sleep until the evening, go to a brewery with my dad to catch up, eat hunched over the dining room table, beat off so hard I’m lifting off the bed, pass out and wake up at 2am


Play the guitar, read manga, ring my family, make food.


I work 12s, so usually get home, prep my lunch box and drink a beer, maybe cook some more food. Then maybe spend like 30 min watching TV or scrolling before passing out.


Gym/ cook from scratch as best I can / clean and keep up on chores or sometimes work overtime if I know I haven’t got much else to do. I try my best to make my weekdays just productive. Might seem mundane but just trying to grind since I’m only 24 and my biggest fear is to not be financially secure. Also trying to push for my career to keep ahead of everyone else. Can be very hard work since I have very little people around me with a similar mind set


Hang with family, work out and/or develop side hustles


I hit the mall, weather depending I'll take a walk at the local park, play some video games, watch youtube or do a podcast.


There are many different things I could be doing, but usually once I come home I immediately take off with my sister to play Pokémon Go. Other things I could be doing is going to the gym (4 times a week), read a book or put on something to watch.


smoke weed and hang out with my dog


All my time goes to my kids and wife.