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I'd work an easy job, like at the golf course or bowling alley or something. Occupy my time at least. But I'd play golf, drive the country, enjoy life. Not sit in a room for 9 hours a day.


I agree on the 9-hour day. For me, it would be an easy and entertaining part-time job, and the rest of the business hours I'd spend taking fun courses or classes on random cool topics.


Ok imagine you're working at the bowling alley and some asshole customer gets in your face.  Are you really gonna put up with the BS from customers and your boss when you got a net worth of 10 million?  What happens when you want to take a month off to go travel and your boss says sorry, you only get 2 weeks vacation a year and the month you want off is already booked?  Can you go a different time? 


Right, like nobody worth 10M is working a regular job.


That is the power of fuck you money, you can do anything you want. Reply to the customer “Look, I’m doing my job here, there’s no need for you to be a horrible little cunt” then enjoy the whining to your boss who you can also tell to fuck off and stop being ridiculous. If you can’t get holiday then you simply leave and get another one.


I’d rather take up a hobby than work a job if I’m just filling up my day.


Focus on my body




Fuck my way around the world.


At least you're honest, I'm imagining all men thinking something involving more sex but not saying it


This does assume I am single of course


Exactly what I would do too


Set all my bills to autopay, get rid of every clock in the house, and sleep. Just sleep.


Throw 9 Million into a HISA roughly 5% return to live off for the rest of my life The other 1 million I would travel for 2 years straight and enjoy the advantages of being young


Fuck lol $450K a year in your sleep - good plan I will meet you in Egypt for a yugioh duel in the shadow of the pyramids though.


In case you guys are going to Egypt for y'all Yugioh duel, be sure to have it in the National Museum instead of the pyramids, that's where mummies (Yugioh)and gator mummy at! Pyramids are swarmed with camel shits, trash, and scammers.


Into a single account? Nah, what if that bank collapses? Too much risk.


Insurance. Ez


FDIC insured up to $250k


private insurance


that'd work if OP listed it, but they only mentioned $9mm into HISA and hoping 5% sticks forever and $1mm traveling.


Mhh true.


Small time farming. Some U-pick berries, pumpkins, little apple and pear orchards,  tomatoes, peppers,  onions, sweet corn. Also a few beef cattle.  Just putter away doing something productive,  and bot overly strenuous. 


Everything, it's not like you have to pick one thing. You can sit on your ass all day browsing, then if you're bored, fly across the world and stay for a few months.


Write, work out, rescue dogs and plant trees


Buy my own private woodland and build a man sized ewok tree village. Buy a house with stables for my wife and daughter and a full-size football pitch for my son.


Yub nub


ask my wife…


Well, she does the chores in the house and parents the kids if they exist, supposedly.


being a princess 24/7


Well, I hope she represents her kingdom properly as a monarch, tend to the treasury well and sign those executive orders!


I'd help children or a shelter somewhere. I'd cook for homeless people




First I would travel to Switzerland hike the Alps then I would head to South America to hike the Andes I would then travel to Thai land and Japan. I'm sure I could come up with a few more places but I would eventually return and work odd jobs that I could enjoy while going back to school for shits and giggles. Best part would be the ability to sleep without an alarm and start my day with a workout.


I would work for another couple months. The company I am at has been very good to me. I am their best at what I do, and I would try and make sure I train my replacement to be as good. Then I would disappear into the woods somewhere on 30 acres of land with a cabin with my gf and kids.


DB Cooper?


Haha. Not that kind of disappear. More like one of those off the grid IG accounts


I work at a non-profit and would make some kind of gift to give the people there a better experience. Then I'd buy a nice house with a nice garage, and stuff it with motorcycles. Learn to restore bicycles. Set up a workshop. Would also like to hire a personal chef and trainer. Set up a nice home office, build my own PC.


I'd finish up my current job (to completion of product launch) and see if I can transit to full remote, if not, I'd leave and just do consulting work. I'd buy a house with a big ass garage to setup a machine shop for prototyping and use that for the consulting /current job work remotely. 


I'd train dogs to give to disabled people. Dogs on death row at shelters


I'd travel, hang out in different places on the planet, learn a bunch of new languages. Meet different people and learn new perspectives.


Volunteer at an animal shelter or if I had the money start my own


Bro you'd have 10mil to start so many animal shelters


Travel. There's a lot of the world I'd like to see and experience if I had the means.


I'd probably be in the forest all summer long playing pretend caveman. Heck, I would probably participate in a neolithic reconstruction project for archaeology if it was available. Either that or go back into material engineering science, but the money is ridiculously bad, so I ain't wasting my time being a dance monkey for money.


Travel. All over the globe.


Travel the world, write, perform stand up, give gifts to people.


I'd probably devote like 1 month/year to traveling but I don't see myself ever becoming a full-time nomad. I'd get tired from not having a home base and spending time with friends/family. For the other 11 months, I'd maintain a low profile lifestyle and pick a local charity to donate my time and money to, like a food pantry or homeless shelter.


Read a lot of stories Write a lot of stories Make music with my modular synth Run a short story club and creative writing workshop at the state prison Run open table RPG games Study biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and early modern history like I was in school Write and direct a play in VR


Start a business of some kind let the money grow. May take $300,000k and fly around for 2-3 years. Honestly people who say a million for 1-2 years traveling I have no idea how you think you spend that much. Like think about it you could live comfortably $60k a year. $300,000 is luxury for a while in a lot of places unless your trying to go see a high end restaurant everyday. If business fell recoup my losses best I can and work and go back to maintenance and buy a home. Or go to college a bit.


Either something to do with rescuing wolves or I'd start a medieval fantasy inspired pub.


Smoke weed and travel more


I’d still work, it gives my day structure. Although If go back to university to then work in a different field.


Do something with transporting specialty items whenever I feel like it. Maybe build motorcycles or something like that.


I would quit my job. That's enough money to pay off the house and live off the interest. I might take the odd contract. I like what I do and it would help me to not get bored. But it would be only stuff I find interesting and only when I want to work. Otherwise ... Take my kids to see our whole country. Put their feet on every continent, too. Bigger and better vacations. A lot more gardening. A much bigger garden. Maybe try to get together with neighbours and make a big community garden. Fresh veg for all the gardeners, and a portion of the harvest for the homeless shelter. Build a bigger wood shop. Do more carpentry. Sell enough of what I make to pay for materials and tools, give away the rest. Plenty of people around me need stuff. Take more pictures. Longer and better photography outings. Similar to the carpentry, sell enough photography to pay for new camera glass from time to time and good photo editing software, and whatever with the rest of them.


I hate apartment life, so I would probably start looking for a house that has a nice porch. Chilling on a porch with a beverage is just the bee's knees, in my opinion. After acquiring a house, I would then adopt a dog and probably find a new hobby.


Build stuff. Landscaping on my acres of land. Woodworking.


Pay off any debt me and my immediate family has, invest at least half of what's left then open a wargaming/boardgaming store.


I would travel and then find someone to settle down with. I might start my own business buying and selling cars but that would be just for my own fun.


I would sell motorcycles, import stuff and sell it, read books, watch documentaries, spend more time with my family, travel.


Id intern at a body shop to learn how to paint , after that i performance shop to learn how to build race engines and transmissions


Live at the lake, fish, boat, float, and go to concerts.


Workout, hang out with my kids, and work maintenance at a golf course part time.


I'd want to teach and mentor kids and teenagers. Travel, workout and cook more elaborate meals sometimes.


Full time coaching and writing




Play music and spend time with friends, family and pets, get outside every day, camping, hiking, swimming, gardening and write more.


Plant trees where i could


My life wouldn't change drastically. I'd still "work".


I WOULD work, but focus on work that I find rewarding rather than paying.   First thing I would do is to help others.  Paint needed on your house?  Done.  Fix a gutter or drain? No problem.  Help a small business by volunteering? Let me know when you need me there. Probably start a YouTube channel or some other social media with the goal of helping out and showing what skills I have. Good question OP 🙂👍 Thanks for posting this 🪻🥀


Thanks for the genuine reply 😊


Buy a Volkswagen bus and cruise the US.


I could probably quit my job tomorrow as I’m pretty close to hitting “my number.” But I’m not sure what I’d do


Complete my bucket list then get marreid and both become full time parents.


Travel the country for a couple years, figure out where I want to live long term, then buy a 1,000 plus acre property/compound out in the woods in that state. I’d then do redneck things until I die.


Go see mt family a whole lot more.


Teach Martial Arts and Host an open Mic.


Pay off debts. Travel, see the world, go to more conventions Move, I imagine I would need to transplant because of friends and acquaintances asking for money, get a place with a nice garage to work on and modify cars. Learn to ride a motorcycle. Rally racing school. Put a third into government bonds at 4% yield every 6 months to have a nice cushioned quarter million a year for the rest of my life Buy those mailed assembled healthy meals that cost alot to get into a healthy diet and get a personal trainer at a nice gym to help get back into shape (but on occasion I would go to a REAL steakhouse to get a nice filet mignon.) Get a job that I enjoy that doesn't need to pay much so I can stay busy Honestly, I'd probably go get laid since dating is a nightmare and real companionship feels rare


This is me. The answer is gardening, errands, reading, video games and occasional exotic travel.


Honestly I’d work out, have an elaborate garden and putter around that a decent amount. Make wine and just have an eclectic whack of interests as well as travel often


Play the drums, watch movies, go to the gym, and travel.


I would still work in the industry I’m in because I feel like I’m not quite done learning and it’s a whole lotta fun. Plus I meet all my friends out at these jobs


What is life with no purpose?


I'd spend the rest of my life "working" at the things I enjoy, ie. basically writing fiction and film and music reviews


Spend more time with my wife and daughter. Ride my motorcycle more recreationally and play more video games.


Firstly pay off all my debts. Then give a lot to my mum and my partner and I would stop working. We'd have a nice house and no worries only time spent with the kids and together enjoying life! And I'll actually have time to not be so tired I can't do things I like to do such as read a book, write a book and play video games!


Focus more on improving my physical and mental self


Play some golf. Get a hooker or two on retainer. Eliminate all the assholes from my life.


First, pay off debt. Second, put the majority of it into a compound interest life insurance policy. Probably keep about 1 mil. Third, get the easiest job I can so I'm still earning money. Then I'd get a decent 1 story house, give my mom 50k, and have my girlfriend move in w/ me so she can chase her dreams. Buy the ring too, save it for the right time.


considering i already have a brokage account setup and trading monthly.. 10 Million would be a HUGE blessing, i would literally divide it up: 1. 5 Million into dividend ETF stock that range from 3-5% APR (Yielding me roughly 200k a year) 2. 2 Million into Bonds for long term, safe returns 3. 2 Million into Estate / Business / Asset - investments hard assets, being a stakeholder 4. 1 Million into personal accounts, for liquidability, for major life things with my family for the next 10-15 years of fun, with no job or anything. Essentially i would be making money every year without doing a thing, and be a millionaire with nothing but fun and smart investments for the rest of my life, that i would pass off to my kids for them to learn how to enjoy spending the interest money, reinvesting back into the principle (yielding more interest), taking loans out from family account, and not banks. adding life insurance payouts into the accounts as well. just constantly adding to our family wealth. My goal is to try and have a rough outline of this before i die, to pass on to my smartest kid who's doing well in life. so they can keep it going, and grow on it, and so on.. eventually hooking up my grandkids and so forth with a wealth that doesn't go away if managed properly, giving financial security forever to my legacy.


If I had money like Henry Ford, lord I’d have me a women on every road. I’d pretend to be broke. Dress in regular clothing and laugh at all the people who try to act all superior. Wire the money to some sort of foreign account so I’d be considered poor in the eyes of the government. I wouldn’t even own a car or fancy possessions. I’d stay low key and under the radar as to not get any unwanted attention. I’d walk everywhere. Basically act like that money never existed. My reasoning behind that is that you know for a fact suddenly everyone wants to be your friend when they know you have money to spend. Id give some away to people who actually need it. Maybe start a business and provide jobs for people. Or invest. Live the rest of my days in a cave as some wise hippie hermit and when I die donate it all to charity. Don’t leave a single dime for friends or family.


I'd tutor, like I do now. I'm a pretty boring guy.


Keep my family happy, healthy, and safe as I do now. But if I hadn’t found my SO I would have died on a fish boat off the coast Alaska like 15 years ago.


It's time to build my post-apocalyptic shelter.


Keep my job through November of next year for some benefit related items, but focus on portfolio setup.


Already in that position. I’m working because I enjoy my work and it’s one of my self care activities.


Sure, it is kind of a hobby of sorts. But there is more to life so that is why I retired early. So what do I do with my free time, learn and experience life by applying what I have learned to enrich my life and help others when I can. As others have done for me all through out my life.


Pursue an actual career.


Id still probably work


I think you’d have to add another zero to that $10m but I’d buy a small farm with animals and some plantations that would certainly keep me busy 365 days per year. I’d be that old neighbor who shows up with 3 dogs in the Land Rover with a case of organic veggies every now and then, stops for a coffee and actually listens to what you’re saying because he lives in the moment and has no worries in life. I’d also have a shed with some interesting old cars to wrench a bit, dirt bikes / quads to ride around and etc.


“I go to Tiffany’s. But not for the vault or jewelry. I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.”


I would go hiking and cycling as much as my body could manage.


I'd spend 8 hours a day on reddit.  Oh wait, I'm already doing that. 


I'm 54 I would wave goodbye to my job immediately and never work again. I am tired and I just need to spend the rest of my days enjoying having a life. I would spend my days just doing things that I have not had the opportunity to do. I would get a wash and a blowdry every week, a massage every week, I would get my nails done when they needed it not just on special occasions. I would paint and create art. I would go and experience things I haven't been able to. Go to places I will never be able to afford to see. I would live not just exist


Buy some good weed, play video games, and spend it all in a haphazard way. I’m not into the hookers, drugs and party vibe. I like to think I’d give most of it to actual charities that don’t reallocate the money or are in cahoots with the FBI in the US, but I probably wouldn’t or it wouldn’t be close to the full sum.


I'd retire. Maybe on a ranch where I can just sit and watch the animals graze and have fun. I don't have to work, because I'm retired. I also am on a ranch where I can just sit back and watch the animals. Unfortunately, I spent the first three days of this week on a tractor cutting hay. The next three are spent baling it. I've also fed some, had to make sure there was enough water for all, doctor one, and had to fix some fence. It's now 9:30 PM, and I'm about to have my evening meal. Shower, then bed. Fortunately I don't have to start again, until around 5 AM. Yes sir, retire, buy a ranch and relax they said!! 😁 But, even at 73, I'm not about to trade it for anything!


If I have unlimited money, I would travel and live everywhere.


Buy about 10 acres in the countryside, build an orphanage that’s connected to an old folks home. Have a farm, with non violent/deviant felons as workers, build barracks style housing, with the potential to upgrade to single/family housing. Sell the produce/meat wholesale to the local community, like buy & butcher a cow for $$ type stuff. ofc i’m collecting the government subsidies for all this too.


I am retired and live in a 55+ community. You would think that I would be having the time of my life, but in fact I am just keeping to myself and tending to my children, granddaughter and pets. It’s as though my last 30 years of working annd caring for my kids while my ex traveled for his living exhausted my spirit.


Hobby farm. I’d just own a nice pasture and raise some animals, kick it. Grow some food. Enjoy life




I'd find a great location in the states and buy a nicely designed home. Not too expensive though because property taxes are no joke. Next, I'd look for a nice property in the South of France, Italy or Spain, or Greece. Choose one location and buy a nice home not too expensive. Then, just do whatever I want daily. Go for a walk. Go for a bike ride. Play some tennis. Listen to music. Read books. Stay up late and sleep in. Take a short road trip. Travel occasionally but not like a jet setter. Of course, before all this I'd take care of setting my one and only child up so money is not a stress. Meaning a trust account where they will receive $150K per year for 20 years when they turn 25. The US home would be for times when I would return to the US. The overseas home would be my primary residence. I would also help my child with life decisions if they need my advice. One thing I learned watching other people retire or not need to work is that we all need purpose in life and to stay active in living. Can't just do nothing all day.


Blacksmithing, beekeeping, and writing. I do a bit of writing already, but my current situation doesn't allow Blacksmithing or beekeeping. I've wanted to do both for years


Give advice on r/AskMen


Reinvest, spend more time with my family, build an art studio, and a full service garage. I'd sculpt and paint with my kids, and build bad-ass cars til I die. Maybe have an indoor pool...


Sleep more.


Build a basic yet functional cabin, create furniture using joinery, garden




Yes, I would still work the same way I do now. It is like a hobby to me =)


Nope, buy a stockpile of vinegar, salt, ethanol, gunpowder, a reloading bench put it inside a Jurassic Park/SHTF self sufficient military a/t rv with amphibious capabilities and travel the world. Then live out my life traveling between Scotland, Ireland, Pacific Ocean, Midwest/Northwest US, Southwest US and The Rockies. Have really good satellite or cellular Internet/hotspot just to download media and occasionally keep up with current events and a CB radio. Throw in a self renewing hydroponics/fish farm and small green house, boom self contained ecosystem that allows me to stay the fuck away from any government system. With some inert explosives/ied for perimeter defense and hot as piss 10mm, 460 Rowland, 30-06 hand loads and I'm a happy camper. (My family is from Cuba and I despise totalitarianism/ authoritarianism)


Basically whatever I felt like doing in the moment.


Is build a shop and fill it with sweet tools. I like to build things guitars, guns, cigar box guitars and amps. I also like to meet new shit. Don't care about cars or choppers, but I think it would be fun to try and build one. Just a big garage full of shit for me to fuck with.


Cloud Watching, Surfing, Hiking with my Dog, mini golf marathons with fiance, make birdhouses, build shit, landscaping, you name it.


going to places, playing games, paying people to build my neighborhood (places for people to just zone out, sanitation, play area, bike racks, etc), paying people to make me even more money (or just invest in "safe" stuff), etc


I would stay home and home-school my autistic son and make sure he had the best, most loving care possible.


I’d be so jacked.


Nap. Hang out. Give hugs. Wear Crocs.


Lots of traveling, hiking, exploring, doing a whole lot of nothing, checking out nice restaurants, and just generally having more fun without feeling like i need to hustle to survive.


Get gastric bypass surgery, consult a dietician, but some land and build a regular house but with the things I want like a basement and garage, learn how to ride a motorcycle and buy one. I'd continue working my job but take significantly less shit from management and coworkers. If I had family I'd want to help them some too.


Go go work.


nothing, play pc games, buy some properties so they can work for me. I dont want to work. 10 million would propably be enough to keep myself alive and happy for the rest of my life ( 33 single no kids )


Education. I'd be at the university amassing degrees like they're PoKéMoN. Business, law, medical, IT, you name it, I'd have it.


Invest half of that money and use the other half to buy out a business and become an entrepreneur.


Write full time and go hiking through the forest more often. I'd also take up painting and adopt a dog because I can actually take care of it instead of leaving it at home for 8 workhours + travel time a day for 5 days a week.


I think working for my company gives me happiness, also its my hobby messing with computer. So I will work.


Study mathematics, get a PhD, and create a tutoring center, implementing my own personal philosophy surrounding how best to view and learn mathematics, all while conducting my own research on the side. So many kids get mind-broken early on by bad teachers into thinking they're shit at math, or they think it's just a set of mystical, arcane cranks you turn to make a number magically pop out, and as such give up on any future in STEM. It would be awesome if I could pursue fixing this without financially dooming myself and my family.


I'd live in a simple home and work my freelance job. No need to spend currency on expensive things I won't ever use. I'll get things that I will actually enjoy and use over time. No need for a big gaming setup when I am happy with my current one.


Start a business and turn it into 100mil


I work so fucking much now that I would absolutely take a year off but then I would find a lower pay but more rewarding job. Like math teacher or social worker or non profit or something. But would want at least 4-6 weeks off a year.


Moto trips around the US and Canada.


I’d continue working most likely. I like being a geologist.


I’d work but not be hammering overtime and just save the 10 million up for when I’m really just wanting to be alone


Travel. Spend 2 months in London, 2 months in the Caribbean, then 2 months in Greece. Then live on a boat in the Caribbean for a year.


I'd probably start writing full time, finally start doing my pottery hobby, get myself a forge just to learn how to make cool looking swords, jewel and accessories, and maybe even gem cutting.


Be a stay at home dad. Raise my daughter. Once she starts going to school, look at doing some chairty work 3 days week.


Work in the arts again. I’d only have to take the gigs I like and not care about “building a career” or taking those shitty gigs because they pay. Only do the ones I like.




OPs mom.......


I’d edit videos for people all day. It’s a neat hobby.


use that money to finance a movie of me aka work


'Didn't have to work' is a spectrum. What exactly do you mean?