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Kalimera 👍🏻


A bit too late for that.




Kalispera, we never greet someone with "good night".


Oh it’s like Italian! Do you say goodbye with goodnight though?


They are cool, went to Mykonos and Athen 👍 Cultural and historical rich


Honerary Middle Eastern


You used the wrong version of the flag 💀


It's the junta flag right




yeah, the right version is the white star and moon with red background. /s


Dont forget the cyan and green stripes .raaaaaaaaah 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿


Νταξ καταλαβαν την ερωτηση και στην τελικη δεν παιζει να το καταλαβει αυτο κανενας νορμαλ μεσανατολιτηδ οποτε κλαιν μαιν.


I love Hellenic culture of late antiquity Χαιρετε


Boy they hate turkey


I don't hate Turks but I agree, I felt like I grew up in anti-Turkish indoctrination camp


You aren’t of the generation that is salty over the whole Cyprus conflict. I’ve met a few Greek folks who were from there and God knows it is a deep anger.


No, not really. I did my own research, learned Turkish and studied Islam, just to understand the Turks perspective, read books and only one book really stuck in my mind. It made a lot of sense and it was the Memoires of Hempher (a British spy). It says in the book, "I now had more confidence in my State and I knew for certain that the plans for demolishing the Ottoman Empire in time shorter than a century had already been prepared... The following are the talks that were held in that conference. Hemphers, mission comprised of these two tasks: To discover Muslims’ weak points. Indeed, this is the way to beat the enemy. To use these vulnerable spots to sow discord among Muslims and set them at loggerheads with one another. Only by means of such instigations would they have been able to demolish the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, how could a nation with a small population bring another nation with a greater population under its sway? Therefore, his first duty was to instigate the people against the administration. They infiltrated spies into Al-Az-har, Istanbul, Najaf, and Karbala. They opened schools and colleges for estranging Muslims from scholars. In these schools they educated Byzantine, Greek and Armenian children and brought them up as the enemies of Muslims." If anyone is interested, you can find Confessions of a British Spy/the Memoires of Hempher here (it's in English) https://www.hakikatkitabevi.net/book.php?bookCode=018. Page 50-63 looks like the state οf MENA just as they planned.


Divide and conquer; literally.


Yes. They're playing us all off against each other


holy shit what the fuck your avatar and background of your profile are😨


What do they say? (Assuming its mandarin)


it means "fuck"😨


Wait,he is cursing? On Internet?? The fuck is wrong with him?


or some more elegant expression………"intercourse"😓


Fancy sex ⁉️


Ok that's enough mandarin for today


Not enough😡I command you to learn more worthy instead of this shitty slang😡


Starting to learn my fifth language so not anytime soon, unfortunately 🥲


What is wrong??


translate the hanging into Arabic😓


Can you translate his pfp and banner??


操你的命(ming)—操你的妈(ma,similar Pronounciation in Chinese)-fxxk your mother


Oh shit Call the morality police, NOW!


😨so serious


No we dislike your government but we’re fine w Turkish people


Government changed something like 67 times


The current leader Erdogan - we find suspicious and untrust worthy. The media like to air daily clips from him to get people mad. But we do like the Turkish people or are at least neutral. I have never heard any Greek, even the older people complaining about Turkish people. Erdogan all the time, The borders, some island that can’t be lived on, yes, that church in Constantinople that was changed into a mosque. All the time complaining . But never have I heard anyone curse the Turkish people.


Which governments (or years) did you like most?


But why do Turkey and Greece hate each other?


Have you ever read, Confessions of a British Spy and British Enmity Against Islam? It was first published in 1868 and It outlines the British plan of how they were going to demolish the Ottoman Empire and carve up the region. It says British spies were sent to Istanbul and Hempher was trained in Turkish, Arabic and the Qur'an. They were going to raise Greeks and Armenians to be their enemies. In fact everything in that book has happened and is happening now. Truly eye-opening read.


Many wars and territorial changes between the two.


Traditional rivalry. From what I understand the Ottomans and later the Turks kicked out a large number of ethnic Greeks from the area now known as turkey. Also in 1974, Greece encouraged a coup by the ethnic Greek on the island of Cyprus. This was followed up by Turkey staging an invasion of the island to “protect” the ethnic Turks. There ensued an ethic cleansing by both sides amounting to the island being divided. The island is basically cut in half. A lot of ethnic Lebanese Maronites were also driven from their homes. It was an epic Shit Show driven by testosterone laden Meditarían types with small dicks, both Greek and Turkish. The place was a fucking paradise and money was being made. Now it is (iirc) a major sticking point for Turkey joining the EU and NATO allowing European counties like Sweden to join.


I’m not sure it’s right to say there was ethnic cleansing on both sides. As far as I know there wasn’t an official government policy to force out the Turkish Cypriots who lived in the south, though there was pressure to leave due to some targeted violence during the war and a sense of fear, uncertainty and vulnerability. Also the the coup was backed by the right wing dictatorship government in Greece at the time, the Junta which itself was backed by the CIA and was only supported by the Greek Cypriot right wing extremists who made up a minority of the Greek Cypriot community as a whole. Most Greek Cypriots did not support the coup and a number of them died fighting the coupists. The Cyprus issue is much more complicated then it’s often portrayed to be. It involves the rise of nationalism in both communities, the history of conflict between Greece and Turkiye and the impact those conflicts had on the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities, British colonialism (divide and rule) and American imperialism, the Cold War and keeping Cyprus away from potential Soviet influence (Cypriot president seen as the Castro of the Mediterranean by the Americans), the targeting and violence against left wing Cypriots by the more extreme nationalistic right wing elements of both communities. And finally Cyprus’s strategic importance to Turkiye, Britain, America and to a lesser extent Greece (mostly during the Junta years). Really tragic that the Maronite Cypriots were dragged into the conflict and affected so badly after 74, what with their main villages being in the North of the country. Thankfully now since the borders have opened they’ve been able to travel north and access their homes and villages again, some have even moved back I believe.


So we came and then we took their lands, that was over 1k years ago mind you. They are still pressed about it.


Understandable when you look at the history


I've heard (from a Greek person) they hate Muslims in general. Which is pretty common for Europe these days.


We're getting closer to this century's 30's and 40's, hopefully no concentration camps reheating for the other semitic group now.


Beautiful civilisation and country ![gif](giphy|9Y5lm2gIQKADetWVa3)


AC Odyssey is my most positive experience with Greece. Masterpiece imo


Best game if it wasn’t assassin’s creed. Should’ve called it something else completely.


I actually took a course in college about Ancient Greece , half of the course’s material was covered in AC odyssey and I was midway through the game at that point , I stunned the lecturer with my knowledge and he was like “where do you know all of this, are you really studying that hard” , me : “nah, video games” from that point on the lecture was basically “yo mohamd, what does AC say about this stuff?”


I love greek people, I used to live in greek town. Their food is awesome, their culture is great. Beautiful people with great history and civilization... The greeks I met are knowledgeable and respectful of Mesopotamia and Iraq.


Strong sperm 💪


How do you know


Greek god, Greek god


Bruh You don't watch sperm Olympics?


Iraq beat Azerbaijan last time


Revenge is a dish served best with pineapple


There’s always a good beating in the run up to the Sperm-lympiad..


Life is a mystery my man


Care to elaborate???


A popular meme about a debate between a Greek and Turk : https://youtu.be/HfFx5UvzSxc


I love it, I wish I would visit it one day


Ah a copt also known as Greek diet version


They are Christian Turks. That means that they are technically Arabs since Turks are Arabs. 


r/balkans_irl leaking


I absolutely love the user flairs of that sub


As a turk, no, actualy we are muslim greeks


Bro would rather say he’s greek than arab💀 boy i love the beef going between turks and arabs


i wonder, whose side are the phoenicians on?


There’s no good guy in this tale.. I’m on the side of the Aegean sea


The side that has more inflation


it's so true tho for western Anatolia and Trapzon


I'm the greekiest greek who ever greeked


Can confirm.




Seems accurate


That’s stupid Turks aren’t Arabs


As an Alexandrian I feel we are the same with a different language ( mediterranean sea culture )


the greek god this is the greek god


Christian eygptiens


There are literally millions of (Christan Egyptians)


My bad European Christian eygptiens


Generally, Greeks are very funny and cool but they have a high imagination. Baklava and Turkish coffee are ours man. :)


If the only thing you fight over is food it's fine


F.ck politics. They are my komşi :)


Coffee is Yemeni


The only correct answer


He’s referring to the Turkish variation of preparation, Turkish coffee, which is distinctive from Yemeni and Arab coffees. He’s not claiming that the original coffee drink originated from Turkey. 


Ah ok I understand


Well baklava are ours as Arabs Turks and Greeks it’s a shared thing dude you can’t just attribute it to one country


Might be my favorite eu country, their food their islands their culture it’s amazing 🇹🇷❤️🇬🇷


Goated country, lived there for 5 years


Since you lived here would you say there is racism here against muslims and middle easteners?


As a Palestinian, I barely found any racism directed towards us and instead a lot of Greeks became really happy when they knew I was Palestinian. However if we are talking about Middle Easterners and Muslims in general, I found there is rarely any racism directed towards Middle Easterners, or rather far less than other European countries.


Greeks have a lot of respect for Palestinians for some reason


greeks seen less anti arab than other parts of europe






im biased cuz of socrates


Good food


Love em


Love them


Sexy borders


I'm an Arab Greek.


Δλδ μισος Αραβας μισος Ελληνας;


Στο αίμα Άραβας (γονείς Άραβες, γεννήθηκα σε Αραβική χώρα) αλλά ζω στην Ελλάδα όλη τη ζωή μου


Καταλαβα. Ερωτησεις: 1) Γνωμη για Ελλαδα; Πως συγκρονεται η ποιοτητα ζωης εδω σε σχεση με την Αραβια; 2) Νιωθεις πιο πολυ Αραβας η Ελληνας; 3) Καμια προταση για τουρισμο σε Αραβικες χωρες; 4) Πας συχνα Συρια; 5) Που εχει πιο ωραιες γκομενες🤪;


They are a grey area between Middle Easterners and Westerners. They are not as disorderly as Middle Easterners and not as rigid as Westerners. They have great food. They are a nice people. They're the birth place of Western philosophy.


Fabulous country, splendid mythology and rich history.


Love it❤️


Are Turks just Muslim Greeks. Or are Greeks just Christian Turks


My father visited it once and described it as the most beautiful country he had even been to


Culture is more Middle Eastern than European


Yeah man, Iraq and Syria feel so much more familiar than Albania and Bulgaria🤦‍♂️


very neutral




Also they're the east of the global west. Very eastern value system. Most are very friendly.


We're not western .


Hence proved... As i said the east of the global west .. my nicest greek friend told me the word greece actually means east?


Beautiful country. Nice food. Nice language but hard to learn. culturely (not religously) close to middle east in away more than the culture of Northern Europe or Central. But there is racism makes me think twice if I want to live there beside the corruption.


The west imagines itelf as related to Greece, make no mistake, the west is Germanic and Frankic, nothing to do with Greece or Greek culture.


Without Greece, I wouldn't be playing God of War


Greece is turkey 🇹🇷 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺🐺🦅🦅🦅🦅🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺


Kinda suprised as to why Arabs are all Buddy Buddy with these lot (especially on reddit) when if you just look at any european Forum (r/europe, westerneurope or a collective europe subreddit) they go out of their way to show their hatred of arabs and Islam usually overcompensating to please western europeans Due to their geograpgical location near the Mid East .


So they're just like Turks/Arabs/Iranians


greeks are definitely less chauvinistic than western europeans and italians


because Arabs have a common hypocrisy culture , when someone asks you directly what you think about them you have to say sth nice even if you hate their guts . But to be fair Greece is irrelevant why would anyone care to hate them


reddit (or any social media) are not good representations of anybody


weak sperm g🤢yreece jealous of THE GLORIOUS TURKEY🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳AUUU🐺🐺


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


They eat Moussaka, and they share the same mentality as MENA


Christian Turk


Hellenized Arab Christians


Sidi Bous3id 2.0


Strong sperm


For someone from the Arabian Peninsula, our cultural, historical, and even political ties to Greece are limited (for the most part, with the exception of the Islamic Arabian Peninsula's expansions). It's possible that our neighbors have more bonds and ties to Greece than we do (especially, Levantians, Persians, and turks). I really don't have any strong opinions regarding Greece other than the fact that it is just another religiously Christian nation in Europe.


Yiannis varoufakis , such a great dude you have there.


Favourite komsu❤️I LOVE GRIK🇲🇰


Had to put that flag huh?


I like their salads


i love greece, their culture, language & food is amazing probably one of my favorite european countries second to spain


Our cousins


Overall decent people that cling to an ancient civilization caché to justify their superiority complex to neighbours (turks, balkans, slavs, caucus, arabs) thats are VERY similar to them culturally.


We inherited the superiority complex from the Byzantines…


Brothers and sisters in a shared Hellenistic heritage, we stand united by our common history and culture. Levantine Christians are all descendants of the great Hellenic civilization, woven into the fabric of our collective identity.


I don't hate the Greeks. But they are bitter and full of hate. In ancient times they were a glorious nation and they have a glorious ancient history. But now it's just a small, poor country. They lost so much. They suffer from some kind of mass trauma. Unfortunately, they blame all that trauma on the Turks. A Greek person here in the comments said growing up in Greece is like growing up in an Anti-Turkish indoctrination camp.


the internet is very different than real life, in real life I went to Greece as a Turk and everyone was kind




there was only some stares probably not because im Turkish but because I look kinda brown


The peak of Greece was during the Middle Ages and Byzantium.  Ancient Greece was not more notable in influence and advancements than any other advanced Mediterranean society. The Byzantines popularised that myth during the Middle Ages.  Your conception of Ancient Greece is the result of Byzantine propaganda. For example, the Parthenon is considered a historical monument because its importance was elevated to a ‘national symbol’ by the Byzantines. 


You thought me something new


Don't take my word for it, see for yourself. Look up the origins of the enlightenment, and the Byzantine view of the classics. It makes sense that they would play themselves up in importance.


>your conception of Ancient Greece is the result of Byzantine propaganda. Can you cite any sources for your argument or actually present some evidence? Here is some evidence to refute your claim: Ancient Greece was famous for many significant contributions that had a profound impact on the development of Western civilization. The Hellenic world, referring to the Greek-speaking regions of ancient times, was a powerful and influential force in various domains: Philosophy: Ancient Greece was the birthplace of many influential philosophical schools and thinkers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Their ideas laid the foundations for Western philosophy, ethics, and logic. Democracy: The ancient Athenians pioneered the concept of democracy, which involved citizens participating in decision-making processes through assemblies and voting. This system, although imperfect by modern standards, was a significant departure from the monarchies and oligarchies that dominated the ancient world. Literature: Ancient Greece produced epic works like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, which have had a significant impact on literature and storytelling traditions throughout the ages. Science and Mathematics: The ancient Greeks made noteworthy contributions to various fields of science and mathematics. Scholars like Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, and Ptolemy laid the foundations for modern mathematics, physics, astronomy, and geography. Mythology: Greek mythology, with its pantheon of gods, heroes, and legendary stories, has profoundly influenced art, literature, and popular culture throughout the centuries. While the Hellenic world was not a single, unified empire, it consisted of numerous city-states and kingdoms that exerted significant cultural, economic, and military power during their respective golden ages. The city-states of Athens and Sparta, in particular, were major powers that influenced the course of Greek history. The Macedonian Empire under Alexander the Great also achieved remarkable military conquests, spreading Hellenic culture across a vast territory stretching from Greece to parts of Asia. The legacy of ancient Greece has been enduring, shaping various aspects of Western thought, art, and civilization, and earning it a reputation as one of the most influential and powerful ancient civilizations in human history.


I clearly did not deny any of the achievements that you have listed. I merely said that the reason you know about them is because of the Byzantines, and that many other ancient Civilisations did similar things to them, but are not as well known. This is due to one simple reason. Greece survived into the medieval period in the form of Byzantium, and with them, the cultural memory of the Greek past. ( Phoenecians were completely destroyed, Egyptians were nearly hellenised etc.) The first misconception Is that ancient Greece marks the beginning of 'western civilisation' which is the group of cultures which make up modern day western europe, along with all of their advancements. Greek civilisation is separate, even if they had intimate contact with the west during the middle ages. As you know, there is no cultural continuity between the Greek city states and modern day Germany. The Byzantines had their own ideas about their relationship to their past, as they claimed direct descent from the Roman Republic, politically and culturally, as well as the Ancient Greeks as their Legendary ancestors. They knew full well of their pagan past. Philosophers like Plato rose in importance during this period as the society was shifting to monotheistic. Philosophers who had monotheistic leanings rose in importance as an attempt by the Byzantines to appear always 'christlike' and 'civilised.' This was the narrative of the Medieval Greeks, one God, one empire, one civilising force, descended from noble pagans who before christ himself, were quite 'christlike'. This is what I mean by 'propaganda' not that the achievements of the Ancient Greeks didn't happen, but that their importance is overstated due to Byzantine narratives. These narratives entered the west during and before the Renaissance through contact with Byzantine merchants and scholars. Even after the collapse of the empire, many Greeks fled to Italy where their worldview entered the Western consciousness. This narrative was through the centuries modified into 'The Ancient Greeks are the birthplace of 'Western' Civilisation' They just took the narrative directly from the Byzantines and copied it onto themselves. It is not surprising that Greek literary tradition originated from , you know, Medieval Greeks. Socrates did not time travel to 1400AD Venice to teach them Greek and the Iliad. Contemporary Greeks did that. The medieval Greeks had a literary tradition which stemmed back to Homer which they introduced to Western merchants. In the coming centuries Frankic legal systems would be compared to the fistful of Greek democracies that existed for around 200 years 2000 years prior, as justification. As there is no continuity between ancient Athenian institutions and any Western insititution. Many Western scientists learned many things from Greek scholars both contemporary and ancient, and they learned a lot of mathematics and science from Arab and Persian mathematicians as well. As the west became more mercantile, naturally, Byzantine, Arab, and Persian, (civilisations that were far more advanced than the West at the time,) knowledge flowed into the West through trade. Somewhere along the way, Byzantine historical narratives also entered the west. The Ancient Greeks were advanced, for their time, but they were not the only ones, and due to Byzantine propaganda, their importance is overstated. It is funny how intimate the contact is portrayed to be between Ancient Greeks and Westerners, while ignoring the 1000 years of Greek hegemony in the Eastern Mediterranean. And ignoring that there was no 'West' until the 9th century. Citations: Ciccolella, Federica. (2019). Through the Eyes of the Greeks: Byzantine Émigrés and the Study of Greek in the Renaissance. 10.1515/9783110660968-002. Rosenberg H. Interaction of the “Sibling” Byzantine and Western Cultures in the Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance (330–1600). By Deno Geanakoplos. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976. $29.00. *Church History*. 1979;48(2):206-207. doi:10.2307/3164886


Do you hate tourists?


No, why would we?


my favourite land of femboys, i wish to visit them one day


birthplace of mu3tazilah and asharis


not a middle eastern, but greece is stereotyped to be gay. i assume the lebanese must have a good opinion of them.




Great people. I just want them to stop claiming shawarma as their own 😡😡


Bro, most of us have no idea what "shawarma" is....


Ok I just looked it up and it’s very similar to Gyros though apparently more spicy.


It’s not spicy at all, I’m basing this comment on the few encounters I’ve had with Greek people in MENA.


Δεν νομιζω να το φτιαχνουν με χοιρινο στον Λιβανο.....


I have greek friends Best people out there


Christian turks


hella gay


Comrades and brothers.


it ok


we have some old scores we need to settle with the descendants of the alexander the accursed , we hope for cooperation from Greeks in our final invasion of north Macedonia in revenge for them burning Persepolis


Nothing but positive sentiments towards Ellas!


I like Greece because they part of my country🇮🇶 history and because they hate 🦃🦃🦃


great food


White shield 🛡️


Not to be rude but imo most middle eastern except for Turkish people don't know where it is on the map


Visited Athens, vibes were similar to Tehran where I grew up. Felt really chill and cant waitnto go back.


I love the yogurt


Cool mythology


Im iranian but lets say good things about greece not the ancient wars😂


I don't like them or hate them idc about them