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No tour will really break the tourist mode. That being said, you're tourists! Definitely the Free Tours in Foot voodoo tour with Robi. Hands down.


Is there a link or anything that will connect me with Robi?


Yep! https://freetoursbyfoot.com/new-orleans-tours/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb Scroll down for the voodoo tour and schedule one that Robi is leading. They have a lot of other tours as well. You don't pay until after the tour, and you pay what you like, so be sure to tip well!


Thank you so much this. I have just booked the ghost tour.




The tour was great. But the streets were packed with all of the different tour groups telling their variations of the same stories of the same places.


Oh that sucks. I remember one night we were just walking around by ourselves and there was a group everywhere we turned. At one point we were trying to take a picture behind the cathedral of the statue and one rude tour guide took his group right next to us and basically shoved us away. The voodoo tour was nice because there were no other tours at all where we were and it was early in the day.


I always recommend Hottest Hell tours while people come visit. I haven’t received a complaint yet


Go with New Orleans Secrets, they limit their group size to under 10 and the smaller the group the better your experience will be. Haunted History, Witches Brew, and Hottest Hell are all popular but their groups are big and packed with drunk tourists.