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A treatment for Alzheimer's. That shit is terrifying.


This is my pick too. Watching my grandmother succumb to it broke my heart. I’m afraid my mom is next, followed by me or one of my sisters.


My grandma was also taken by Alzheimers/dementia. The utter lack of dignity was horrifying.


Same and same.


Watched my grandmother succumb. Now my aunt is dealing with it. I’m worried my mom might be having some early signs as well. I have a history of concussions, and talking and storytelling and public speaking is literally what I do. The thought of losing that ability scares me more than anything. Really hoping we continue to see great improvements before it becomes my time.


My dad had it. It's terrifying. I definitely don't want it.


>A treatment for Alzheimer's. That shit is terrifying. I'm taking part in a drug trial to find such a treatment which starts in four weeks. I want to stop it ripping through my family. You may get your wish.


Amen. Hope this works out. It's a horrible disease to witness happening to a loved one.


My Gramps died from Alzheimer’s back in 2019 and watching him slowly slip away before my very eyes is the cruelest thing I will ever know. The most terrifying/heartbreaking bit for me was that *rarely*, it seemed like the ‘old’ him would come up to the surface only to disappear again a few seconds later. He used to have one of those electronic picture frames in his room at a care home and whilst I was sat with him, the frame changed to a photo of me when I was a baby. He nudged my arm, pointed to the frame and said “that’s you.” Then his eyes glazed over again and I cried all the way home. Looking back, I think that was the last ‘real’ thing he said to me. He was in there, somewhere. Trapped in a body that was betraying him. I miss him so much.


My Mom got variation of very early Alzheimer's in her early 50s. That one is faster progressing and way more brutal. It was a hell of 7 years for the whole closest family. She passed away a year ago.


Hell yes. That shit runs in my family. If I'm ever diagnosed, I'm wandering off into the wilderness and die from exposure. I'd rather my family deal with that than The Long Goodbye.


I'd take the same route. It's not just the long impending goodbye, but the reducing dignity as the time passes. My grandfather built a huge successful business from nothing, was very well respected and feared everywhere, and was a force of nature. Yet when the dementia set in in his last days, he was a sorry sight and it broke my heart to see a man of that calibre reduced to that. I don't want anyone to see me or remember me like that. A Quick Goodbye it is for me.


I have Huntington's disease, it has been described as the worst incurable disease as it shares many symptoms with alzheimers, parkinsons, bipolar disorder, psychosis etc. and it affects several of my family members as it is hereditary. It destroys the brain and nervous system effectively turning us into vegetables with the mental age of a toddler tgat is incapable of controlling their own body. It is a horrible disease and like alzheimers it affects the people around the afflicted more than anybody else.


My brother in law is 50 and has had early onset Parkinsons since 35, so odds are alzheimers is coming. I'm terrified for his future if they don't figure out something.


An Armored car spilling a sack of money in front of me and not noticing


This actually happened in my city few years back. (Atlanta). They tracked down every single dollar bill that was lost and used the highway cameras to track down every person that pulled off the road to grab the cash.


such tight asses.. sheesh


Hmm yes I don’t see why that shouldn’t be mine now


All of my daughter's milestones in life. Until it's my time to go, I hope I get to see her grow up to be a beautiful smart caring woman.


Ditto for my two boys (except for the “woman” part)




An aurora


Only a few weeks ago it was going to be visible from here (north UK) Thick rainclouds all night... so disappointed.


Reminds me of a few years ago when there was a Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse, I got up at 5 am to see an overcast sky.


Apparently there's about 30,000 people about to descend on Exmouth in Australia for a total eclipse on 20 April (I'll be there - purely a coincidence as I'm on a roadtrip). Imagine though flying to one of the most remote locations on the planet from overseas just to witness it, and it's cloudy.


I once met a British couple who were camping in the Canadian Rockies for their 25th wedding anniversary. We had a few beer around the campfire. At some point the woman says the only thing she is a bit sad about this trip was not seeing northern lights. She always wanted to see one. We keep chatting and at some pont after a few beers, nature calls. I go do my thing and as I am out of the fire’s light I look up and see that great northern light dancing in the sky. Came back to the fire and took the couple away in the dark to show them. She was soooo thrilled So you never know when it will happen to you.


Ah man, we get amazing 360 bright aurora in Montana some years and it gives you a weird sense of speechless awe no matter how many times you see them.


In central Minnesota they were visible a few times over the last few months


I've never seen the northern lights and have always wanted to. Last weekend there were spectacular northern lights visible from where I live. I was out of town.




That’s mine too. It would be so amazing to see a supernova light up the night sky for a few weeks.


It may have already!


I never want to see Betelgeuse go supernova for millennia. It's my favourite star. Supernovae are shiny for a while, but that's it. After that it's just a dark, non-shiny spot in the night sky where the star was.


Faster than light travel (minus any relativistic effects that make it impossible to come home to the sameish time etc). I know its weird, but I find the thought of being confined to our little solar system a bit depressing when there's a whole universe out there


Maybe if ai singularity really happens we might see unfathomable things in our lifetimes


Agreed. The Alcubierre drive is currently the most likely option, and even that one seems unlikely given our levels of technology


To see Halley's comet for the second time in 2061


Went out to see it last time. Couldn’t see it when my family could all see it so I faked it.


this for me. if i cant live to see Halleys( i should be 76) then id die happy knowing i get the total solar eclipse next year as my runner up


I saw it too in 1986. My father was a professor and my friends and I got special access to the university’s space telescope.


We'll be halfway there in December! I saw it last time, and if I live as long as my grandfather did I will see it again.


My grandmother got to see it twice, she lived to 92. I’ll have to make it to 102. Here’s hoping.


First contact


Sometimes I think I'd like to see that too... But the way the last few years have been going, we'd expect the Vulcans and get xenomorphs instead.


Or The Vogons.


Somehow, I suspect that this is how it will actually pan out. Worse, they'll approach the worlds governments not with technology or diplomacy, but by asking them to fill out 893 different forms in triplicate, never explaining why the need them, after which they fly off with no further explanation.


It’s time for some horrible poetry


Well at least it'll only be the third worst poetry possible


Realistically they're just going to be a clump of bacteria when we finally find them


Haha an interesting idea, (complete fabrication) is what if the species has died in route and all that shows up is a space craft with an ai without a purpose. Complete nonsense, but intriguing nonetheless


This is a fun idea. I would like to see something like this that is more on the walk and talk sci fi side rather than an action alien attack film. Something similar to Arrival but with your premise at play. I have often wondered how long would the earth stand still when an alien ship hovers above some American monument (because thats what they do). Say the aliens don't even show up because like you said they are all dead, so the ship just idles in our atmosphere for days or weeks.. how long until we all need to go back to work. Would you go back to work or any of your other life routines. Would you try get to where the aliens are because it's so exciting?


I like the idea of a series of books that covers the rise and fall of civilizations because of “The Object.” The premise has so many possibilities. In the beginning, the world could unite out of fear from a common threat. They could then divide over disagreements about how to deal with the situation at hand. After 500 years have passed, aliens show up to collect their damaged ship. What was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission to observe a primitive society undetected has failed. A review of the ghost ship’s automated monitoring systems show how its presence disrupted the natural evolution and development of society on the planet. The aliens are forced to report this incident to an intergalactic council who now must decide on how best to deal with Earth. Do they simply leave with no explanation? Do they make contact? Lot of possibilities to explore.


Nah. Our movies always portray us as the defenders from an aggressive group of aliens, when our history and nature says reality would be very different. I think it would be a total mess and I hope that mess happens after I die.


I mean.... Our history is of the strong taking whatever they want from the weak. If aliens make it here, we are definitely not the former. We can only hope they are so advanced and post-scarcity that they have no reason to harvest our planet or feel threatened by us and our puny nukes. Best case scenario is that life is so rare that the aliens want to keep us around, and help us flourish. Not out of logical benefit to themselves, but sheer curiosity. I don't think humans are special in the atrocities they commit. Every living organism on earth will do whatever it takes to further their own survival (except capybaras, they're chill), we just have the power to do it at scale.


I have no hope of the aliens not being as fucked up as we are. We thought we were stepping into a Star Trek Galaxy, reality is it's probably closer to Warhammer 40k (aka. Everyone, humanity included, fucking sucks).


Depends. The human race's track record in general isn't great. First contact could be a real shitshow. Imagine the dumbest person you know being the first person to greet extraterrestrial visitors.


It’s going to be less Star Trek and more Spanish conquistadors. First contact should be avoided at our current technological level.


Do we have a choice in that meeting?


No and that’s why we should be worried.


Cure for cancer developed.


I was gonna say a cure for baldness but a cure for cancer would be fine as well.


“fine” haha


Cancer is a catch all. We have advancements and cured some. But each type has to be cured separately.


Yes, that is what they are saying, they want all cancers to be cured.




$1,000,000,000 US dollars in my bank account.


with the way inflation is going . . .


That'll be enough for 3 eggs.




Me too! With the way its going though, I doubt that'll ever happen.


I hope to witness the day when autocorrect finally stops turning 'Fucking' into 'Ducking'


Choose something that's realistic


What if it goes on *both* directions? You may read someday read "*The Ugly Fuckling*" to your children as a good night story.


haha well i think the word ducking rarely applies to water fowl. i think its more commonly used to describe an action people take when they are trying to avoid a projectile that may collide with them.


It's called move ducking from your word library and add fucking to your library. It is possible. 👍


Don't reveal our secret of power


My bad.


I was told of a fix where you set up a contact as Fucking and it won’t change it to Ducking. It worked for years but seems to not work as well now? Worth a try though.


i know it’s so ducking annoying


Right..I hate that


To see the Pacific Ocean, early morning, crispness to the air, wrapped in a blanket, sitting alone on the beach.... ​ I am in central KY and this seems so far away to me, I can only imagine what the peace and tranquility would be to star out and see nothing but water, clear to the horizon.


I'm from central KY too. Packed my 98 Corolla with a dog and some clothes and moved to LA in 2007. Never looked back.


Just go do it, you won't regret it.


Seriously. Like, California is a bit of an unlivable hell scape right now (I say this as a proud native Californian), but there’s tons of spots on the Oregon and Washington coast where you’ve still got reasonable cost-of-living. Better get used to not seeing the sun for months at a time, though - this California boy couldn’t do it.


You should do this for Atlantic ocean instead so the sunrise will be over the ocean, I saw so many beautiful sunrises over the ocean while in Florida. On the pacific side the sun rises behind you so not quite as majestic, but you’ll get the nice sunsets instead.


I agree-Atlantic for sunrise. Pacific for the sunset. Please come out to the West Coast, you won’t regret it. Lived near the ocean my entire life and it NEVER gets old, it’s always moving to watch the changing colors as the sun sets. Depending on where you go, the beach will be different and add to the beauty. Ocean Beach in San Francisco, Glass Beach Ft Bragg, San Diego, Santa Barbara to name a few


A cure for dementia and Parkinson


for man to walk on mars


Yeah, it's surprising we haven't gone back there since the Mark Watney incident.


You guys haven't seen the documentary For All Mankind? We've already established a colony there.


This times a million. Even the moon, I’d love to see that during my lifetime


Not too long to wait for the moon [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis\_3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis_3) Mars is a bit more of a long shot but we can hope


I followed the Artemis 3 stuff for a little while, but I thought it kept getting pushed. So I’d love to be excited for it but it seems timelines aren’t going great


I am working on Orion for Artemis III right now! It’s going to happen! 🖤


Yay!! I’m so glad to hear that and thanks for what you do! I think the space industry is severely under appreciated and I’m so happy it continues on. How do you like it?


I love it! It’s super interesting developing and testing for different problems that may arise. Plus, everyone I’ve worked with absolutely loves coming into work and really believes in the mission.


People have walked on the moon. They even want to put internet there later this year


A US President from a third party.


what truly happened to flight mh370.


It’s going to be far less exciting that you’re hoping ..


I'm pretty sure it will appear back on the radar in 10 yrs and none of the passengers will have aged or be aware of the time jump and Stephen King was the reason for it all.


So like the series manifest


Probably... but I imagine a whole lot less sexier (I assume it's a hot CW type show) and everyone is their own main character! I feel like there are a million movies and shows out there with this premise. Main characters usually consist of Military dude - when he lands in the present day he discovers his whole squad was killed in war and the only reason he survived is because of the spooky plane. He goes to his wife's house and she is pregnant.. he gets excited for a moment and she has to remind him its been so many years... Bummer. Young teen siblings - They come to discover their parents figured they had died and had a funeral and everything for them, they are greeted back into the family but it doesn't feel right so they take off in the night to unlock some clues The hard single parent mom - when she gets to her family home she is met by her son who is obviously much older now and his wife and kids... But he isn't so shocked by all of this and he has been researching for clues ever since they went missing.. he always believed she was still alive. The criminal - He was sentenced for life and now his time is up but he only served 1 day in his mind. He is a free man now to the new world he lives in, but does he want to go back to a life of crime or does he want answers...both! Oh and The Pregnant women - Her babies weird and holds a lot of answers to what happened... But it's just a dumb baby so we gotta wait a few seasons.


Manifest is Netflix , Better than 2 siblings , it’s twins and only one was on the plane so one aged and the other didn’t .


I legit looked this up last night to see if there have been any advancements in the theory or new evidence. I hadn't thought about it in a couple years. (I know that I'm lucky to not think about it all of the time. There are so many poor families that don't have this luxury and they still don't have concrete answers which is heartbreaking) I'd have to agree with you on this!


When people ask me what cold case I want to be solved in my lifetime I always say this!


People ask you this?




Would you settle for a Chevy Nova?


My parents getting married :D They’ve always lived together and call each other husband and wife but they’re not actually married at all. They’re in their 40s and 50s but I’d love to see them so happy and dressed up finally getting those vows down :>


This is so sweet!


I love this!


Universal healthcare in the US


Its freakin crazy. I'm in Australia, I have been in hospital for 7 says with gout, I have had surgery, loads of meds, fed and in my own curtain room and looked after 24/7...and I'm literally saving money being in this situation. The pain sucks but it's wild to think I'm saving money while stuck in hospital.


I’ve had Americans try to tell me how it’s a scam and the government uses it to control us and how it’s basically a form of communism like lol if I don’t get the 10,000 dollar bill then fuck it I’m a commie


$10,000???!!! This would be a gift in America if the hospital bill was $10,000. I have birth in 2022 and I have good health insurance, I am a lucky one. The bill before insurance… $35,000 for me. And then $35,000 for the baby. Standard birth, 2 day stay. I was very confused about the double bill for a while, then realized they bill my baby separately the minute she is outside of me. It makes me sick to my stomach. I paid $1200 for my bill, then $1200 for my baby after insurance. Again, I am one of the lucky ones… this country makes me so sad.


$3000 is a great deal for that. And that’s exactly what you get with insurance in the US


I had crazy good insurance at one point. Two multi-day hospital stays were $100 each, inclusive of all medical services and hospital fees. Ambulance ride was no charge to me. This should be standard for everyone and not just for employees of Big Tech.


Hopefully someday we will decide that human life trumps corporate profits, someday.




The election of an american president younger than grandmaster Yoda.


Obama was 47. Age doesn't matter as much as electing someone who isn't bought by corporations


We've had that a couple times already.


Gen X is approaching 60 years old and Kamala is the only representative in the executive branch so far.


The middle class, working class, and poor realizing that they have more in common than the Upper class and super wealthy.


The middle class working class, and poor taking over the world


Star Wars Battlefront 3


StarWars battlefront 3 continuation off the early 2000's SWBF2


Contact with aliens, or at the very least, physical proof of Bigfoot.


I hope we never find a sasquatch. We'd just capture, and torture them. If word ever got out trophy hunters from around the world would be relentless. It would be so sad.


Love that you place these in the same category... obviously aliens don't exist /s


The discovery of alien life.


The United States abandoning for-profit healthcare and private prisons


As long as there’s money to made that won’t happen


I want my grandma to hold my children. I don't have kids or plan to soon, but I hope my grandma's still around when I do :)


Affordable housing ???


- MH370 case being solved - the US of A electing an even remotely decent president - mankind transitioning away from oil and gas as energy source


4 day workweek as standard


Aliens and or colonizing another planet, I love space


Though I like the idea of us colonising another plant, I feel we should think of them as pets. Until we can look after the one we have, we should not be getting another one.


Someone landing on Mars, a return to the moon (though unlikely), a Halo 3 remaster, and independence for my neighbor across the sea, Scotland.


My retirement


Everyone having a home.


Everyone having their basic needs met




World peace


War is far too profitable for that to happen


The downfall of my enemies


You have enemies? Why do you have enemies? There are folks I don't particularly like, but I don't think I have any *enemies*... ... Wait, did I just make an enemy?


Universal Healthcare in the US.


C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.


People genuinely coming together for the common good, and not dividing into hateful cliques.


$1,000,000,000 US dollars in my bank account.


Be careful what you wish for. We don’t want Zimbabwe levels of inflation !


Democracy in China


Considering Xi is now president-for-life, we’d have to wait for him to die, at the very least


A relationship


Effective solutions to combat climate change; I want to see the planet thrive and humans as a whole take accountability and make changes that, while probably won’t ever undo the damage, will most certainly be beneficial to prevent it getting worse.


a meteor shower would be cool


There's a meteor shower pretty much every month. Just go outside (away from the city) and look up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_meteor_showers




Encounter with aliens


Humans on the moon again


Common sense amongst people


Man on mars Permanent base on moon/mars Manned exploration of rest of solar system Financially practical/operationally feasible fusion power Cure for cancer Practical healthy life extension tech Realistic VR world/ games AGI / Tech singularity Significant further understanding of universe/physics Identification of habitable planet outside of solar system ...expedition setting off towards it? contraversial one: collapse of civilisation/ apocalypse - i dont really want this one but if nothing cool is going to happen then at least it would be interesting and i'd get to put all of my survival planning to use.


Universal healthcare in the US


America fixing their ridiculous gun situation.




Kardashians retiring


An end to Hunger & Homelessness. A stop to all Wars. Prosperity & good health to all.... Then I woke up ! I was only DREAMING out LOUD ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_NWjehpGSO0&ab\_channel=SocialDistortionVEVO


Technology which will allow me to start my life again, but from an earlier year and different country I hated my childhood...


Commercially viable and safe fusion power.


Cure for all cancers. Cancer fucking sucks! It’d actually be nice to hear my mother-in-law bitch at me one more time, or grab a drink with my uncle again.


Humans landing on Mars. Nuclear fusion becoming a viable power source. Breakthrough Starshot, sending probes to Alpha Centauri. And a reason for humanity to work together as a whole... though honestly I feel thats less realistic than anything else I listed.


A fully grown Blue whale




The original JFK files were sealed and locked away for 75 years, even though to this day, they still claim Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Okay, so if that's the whole, entire truth, and I don't doubt he did fire \*some\* bullets from the depository building, even hitting the president.............then what the hell needed to be sealed for 75 years? and WHY 75 years? why not 10, or 20, or 50 or 100 ? why 75? Because 75 pretty much guarantees that anyone alive in 1963, who might have been involved, will almost assuredly be DEAD by then.....(assuming they were old enough to have some sort of role in that day. ) So the question begs...........WHATTTTTTT did they need to conceal for 75 years........so that person will never have to answer for it, or be interviewed about it......... or be able to talk about it? The records Trump made a big deal about releasing were just a heavily redacted version of a REVIEW of the original investigation........which itself, was heavily redacted...... so it was just regurgitating what was already made public, which wasn't much. The Original sealed documents, remain sealed for 75 years. Until we see the ORIGINAL sealed, UN REDACTED documents.......we will never know the whole entire truth. Sealed in 1964.......they could be finally opened and released in 2048. I hope to live that long to see that day.


Solving global warming and climate change.






The GTA trailers are released like they’re a film themselves. Both the Vice City and San Andreas trailers were excellent in making you think you absolutely had to buy that game.


Haley’s Comet


Discovering life outside of Earth that has not originated from us (like microbes moved on a rover or similar), even if it's just single-cell organisms.


The return of supersonic flight


Humans on Mars


A cure for cancer and first contact.


A cure for all forms of cancer.


Universal Healthcare in US, fair pay and most cancers being curable. I say most because so many cancers are unique, there won't be a blanket cure.


trump actually going to jail


Haley's Comet


A flying saucer.


(Picks up small dish under coffee and throws it into the air)


A natural death




Climate change and the nitrogen crisis being resolved


Take a shuttle up to the orbiting space complex and have dinner and a view...


My grandbabies first steps. If i ever have children and my children ever have kids, im gonna spoil them, and im gonna be around to watch those first steps, first words, etc. Thats a bucket list goal of mine.


The government getting exposed and/or wealthy selfish ppl of power getting exposed and dragged