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For a long time, I just had the mentality of just keep going and eventually you'll get there and it's worked out pretty well so far, but the older I get, the angrier I get and the older the world gets the more evil is revealed. Evil that needs to be fucking wiped out. Evil that needs to literally be erased from the face of history.


By the time that happens the universe will be gone


Unfortunately, I'm inclined to agree. People need to wake the fuck up and take charge of their governments but nobody will do that, because most people are ignorant and cowardly


That second half lit a fire in me. That's the shit that keeps me going.


I pick my battles. I don't sweat the little things. I find humour in mundane things. I have hobbies and things that keep me entertained. I help others. Porn.


Thank god for porn... If i didn't get my little window of being a little shitty and pathetic for a bit, i would find it much harder to be so kind and nice other times.


Learn to be stingy, dont spend a lot of money on fashion But never be stingy when it comes to food and health This way you will learn to prioritise things and will save a lot of money, half of the problems will vanish when u have no financial problems Never compare yourself with other successful friends, just never do that Prioritise sleep and go for a morning walk Always smile and enjoy every moment of your life


It's literally impossible to enjoy every moment of your life, that's the thing. How to stay positive when life is not enjoyable is what people struggle with.


By focusing on gratitude, kindness & surrounding myself with positive people.




Yeah same here, I’m stuck between being kind and getting taken advantaged of and being assertive and getting called out for being an asshole for putting my wants above there’s. I can’t win.


Maybe you are just trying to make people like you instead of actually being nice? Speaking from my own experience, you can appear as nice to other people but your motives are not genuine. That makes it not long lasting. Then you are not listening to your needs, you are just ignoring them and putting other people before yourself and then you get exhausted and you can no longer keep up the appearance. To fix this you need to learn to listen to your needs and then you can act as equals with other people. Learn to recognize and name emotions when they happen. Only then you can be little less selfish because you are no longer serving your ego, but you are in tune with reality, with what is happening, instead of your fabrications.




Positive people ie financially stable kids of rich parents


Not necessarily, you can find positive paycheck to paycheck to people as well. Positive people are able to manifest positivity within themselves regardless of their life situation, they are masters of life, and we are better off learning from them about how they do it.


This is a painfully juvenile take


For real, why does everyone have to be cynical about goddamn everything? If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoe.


Gratitude and being thankful are huge ones. Realizing the things you *do* thankfully have is a really important part of making life better!


Yeah….Fuck that. Knowing that I get to order whatever I want for dinner keeps me going and happy.


For how long is that alone going to be enough for your happiness, if you make a life time of happiness from just being able to eat whatever you want, then sir you have figured out the secret to life, because for most people in the world that is not enough. This is why most rich people are mean minded and not very kind. The kind people of the world barely have any money, and its impossible to be kind without being happy first. So if you want eternal happiness start by creating eternal kindness within.


You live in a different world than me amigo


A fun little place called delusion


How do you surround yourself with positive people, I’m not allowed to cage them where I live


by not looking at the news


Literally could not recommend this more! The news has become like phones and social media, it's more about grabbing your attention and pissing you off then actually reporting stuff. As Lucas Nelson put it "Turn off the news and build a garden" Edit: I'm stupid, phrase is "literally could NOT recommend this more".




Changed it, thankyou! I can be slow sometimes lol


it's hard, when you're Ukrainian 🫠


"News" is a strange word for what they are selling. That's why turning it off is so important




You can still be informed just read ur news, ignore all the useless information stories like school shootings and other things that are purely negative and don’t add any value to your life.


Embracing irony and absurdity.


The knowledge that my cat loves me in the deepest and most genuine way possible keeps me positive during times I'm feeling shitty and down on myself/the world








That makes you cynical towards cynical people. Turning you into a person like 'that'. If you need other people to be super positive around you for you to be positive, it means you are leaching off their vibe. A truly positive person is unbothered by the cynic.


I don't.


Focusing on what could right instead of what could go wrong. Ruminating on memories with good energy and not bad. 💯


"That's the neat part, you don't!"


It is always easier to complain than praise. It is always easier to be negative than be positive. Because it is easier, many people just do it. It is really hard to break that cycle because it becomes part of who you are. My life is so much better now because I have eliminated a bunch of people from my life due to them being unbearable through covid .Unhappy negative people want everybody to be just like them. I refuse to have people like that in my life. If you feel you are negative, then change. It is up to you.


I stopped watching the news.


I try to keep things in perspective. I remind myself that I'm awesome and that I can do anything. You are awesome OP!


Focusing on making things incrementally better and celebrating minor victories, rather than agonizing over being unable to fix too much in one fell swoop.






Yea, that is my second choice after going for a walk and isolating myself outside


Opening my eyes in the morning and seeing the most beautiful women on earth next to me - realizing that happiness is right there and be thankful for that


I don't. I just also don't also dwell on the negative for longer than necessary. I am neutral most of the time, and I don't need to ascribe value to things I enjoy. I get not wanting to be sad all the time. But I'd argue the need to find "positivity" is different. It becomes a weird song and dance about enforcing social norms and rationalizing why not being informed or realistic is actually a good thing.


- Focusing on the little things that make me happy/I'm grateful for. - Rely on history, what was shit, eventually improved. It may feel like shit now, but it won't forever.


Do things on your own terms, and for your own happiness. The world is going to be more or less the same no matter what you do, or worry about. About a year ago, I became so stressed out and angry to an almost obsessive level about everything happening in the world that it was creeping into my daily thought process and creating this constant sense of dread and negativity. And rightly so, because legitimately bad stuff has been happening. But for my own mental health, I decided to spend a series of months completely ignoring the news, especially politics, and completely stopping watching tv. In my leisure time, I listened exclusively to comedy podcasts that made me laugh and getting back into video games, and playing a bunch of games I'd been meaning to check out. It made a huge difference, taking a break from feeling like I was some important actor in this world, to simply saturating myself with fun and humor and positivity, and having something fun to look forward to every day instead of brooding over how messed up everything is. At a certain point, you can go back to following national events and whatnot, but there's nothing wrong with taking a break from the world to focus on you.


Learn to take a moment to acknowledge the beauty around you every day. Maybe it's just a regular sunset, just a flash of pink in the sky, but that's simply a more subtle type of beauty. Enjoy the nature around you and do what you can to make things better for your environment whenever possible. It's a small attitude change that can pay off in developing a new kind of gentleness in your soul. Easy to do, costs nothing.


It’s hard but try to remember how life is like as a naive and energetic kid and balance that with being a responsible adult


I simply remember that it will end and everybody will die sooner or later.


I remember a cartoon depicting a chimney sweep falling from the roof of a tall building and noticing on the way that a signboard had one word spelled wrong, and wondering in his headlong flight why nobody had thought of correcting it. In a sense, we all are crashing to our death from the top story of our birth to the flat stones of the churchyard and wondering with an immortal Alice in Wonderland at the patterns of the passing wall. This capacity to wonder at trifles—no matter the imminent peril—these asides of the spirit, these footnotes in the volume of life are the highest forms of consciousness, and it is in this childishly speculative state of mind, so different from common sense and its logic, that we know the world to be good. Vladimir Nabokov, Lectures on Literature


Gym... Gym is life


To be the very best person you can be while you are living.


Find joy in everything, even the negatives


Listen to the wind in the trees, they tell me everything Watch baby goats jump around, they show me how good things can be Hold my wifes hand and watch her when she is not looking. I make me know Im where I should be


Im the biggest pessimist ever but the only reason i get through the day is little things to be excited about. Idk why. For example i feel like shit on a tuesday but then think “omg i’m going to have pizza for dinner on thursday”. And when thursday comes I think “omg i’m going to the cinema with my friend on saturday”.


Read “Factfulness” by Hans Rosling


I always walk around with headphones. That's all


It helps for me to shrink my world for a moment. I'm lucky that my home is safe, and I like to think "everything is good within these four walls". You can find whatever that place, person, pet, etc is to you and use that trick when you're within those four walls.


Get back to the nature, walking through near forest would be nice start for you.


not paying attention to news and not playing the politics game has done wonders


I avoid all MSM news. Very little social media, my instagram feed is just my friends, fast cars, some hunting and a ton of old broncos and land cruisers. I work out daily, and don’t worry about stuff I can’t change. I’m getting to do BJJ again so I can scratch that primal competitive urge as well. I don’t work 12-14 hours a day anymore, so I feel like I have all the time in the world for me to just do stuff that I want to. Today I built a bird house! Because I could! And why the hell not! Tomorrow I’m gonna do something fun! I don’t know what it is! But by god Im gonna have as much fun as I can.


I find your attitude nauseating.


I believe that falls under the category of, “stuff I can’t change.”




Working out. No matter how miserable I am and how dire my circumstances they always feel hopeful after a long and difficult workout.


Work on your hobbies


The people who I hate the most will die first and I'll be laughing as they die


I’ve watched so many disney movies that being positive has just become my personality


I decide to focus on what is positive in my life and try not to let the negative things take too much space. I almost my life when I was a teenager and I truly want to make the best out of it now. Also don’t watch the news, just the bare minimum that is necessary.


Stop reading the news, stay off social media (as best you can but not all the time TBH), and enjoy the simple things in life.


Find that hobby that makes you feel alive, you can dream about it, you can plan for it. And then do…..and repeat


By not viewing and/or reading the news, focusing on the positive, cutting out the negative from my life, and surrounding myself with a group of positive people in my life.


I take the Noita approach where I just call everything funny, silly, and/or goofy. The more morbid the better.


This is the way


I don't. My wife and daughter are the only reason I haven't killed myself. If they were gone I'd end it


Beauty. It's everywhere, in people, in nature and in space. If nothing else, notice the beauty in everything.


Negativity is a waste of time you could be netflix and chilling with your favorite people, or your dog. You never know when the last day will be so its best to end every day on a good note. I have no time for stupid shit. Everyday is a gift.


I think my cat would at least feel bad if she had to eat me and I'm trying not to pass on any trauma


Remembering that I’m not American


Bourbon and video games


By realising that the bad things in life are actually the good things. All of the suffering has made me a strong mother fucker. And its made me more emotionally intelligent than some. Gratitude and acceptance are also incredibly important


Stop watching the news! Spend less time on Social Media. Develop a self-care plan and follow it. For me that looks like a morning walk in nature, eating clean, reading, learning, and trying new things. Work on yourself, stay in your lane, and stop worrying about everyone else. Be kind. Surround yourself with people that see the good in you and encourage you to grow. Do things that bring you joy. I just started taking a pottery class. Plan things that give you something to look forward to (Ireland in May for me).


Choosing happiness everyday. Avoiding the news and negative people, noping out of conversations that start to bring me down.


Well, on the positive, the world is more healthy, more peaceful, more longer lived, less corrupt, more equitable, more scrutinisable, less poor and more scientifically literate than any other time in history. Climate change is bad but will likely be mitigated once economic losses start to mount up and we get a Climate Nuremberg with fossil fuel boards and right wing politicians going to prison. The problem isn’t with the world. The problem is with our expectations and with how the media frames the world for viewership volumes. All in all, the world is awesome and we just have to look at it with different eyes. Which is very, very hard to do.


Bold of you to assume I've stayed positive


I wanted to quit for a long time. Other people need help and you can. That's how you do it. Help and find love along the a way. I don't like my family but I want to help and find joy with someone who still has hope. Don't quit for you stay in the game for them.


“First, you must eliminate all of the noise.“ – Leontyne Price Smartest advice I have ever read. Second, choose to approach each new day with an attitude of gratitude.


just don't read about what's happening everywhere with everyone. Unless you want to be involved in some cause, you don't really need to know everything. Kids get murdered in the US because Americans love playing with guns. What the fuck am I supposed to do? It's not my business, and I'm not gonna spend 4 hours a day harrassing people on social media to change it, because in the end I'm the one who's gonna end up wearing glasses, and just become frustrated. If I had children in the United States, I would simply boycott and not send my kids to school.


Out of spite to combat all of the negativity. Not a fan of negative people.


A man chooses his outlook on the world. A slave lets the world dictate it. I choose remaining positive. Gotta keep that momentum going to keep finding daylight, y'know?


positive?! HA! i just try and stay above homicidal and/or suicidal. positive is a pipe dream for those with rich parents and low expectations.


I just remember that if things get too much to handle, I can always self-terminate. And yes, I’m being serious.


I feel the same way, and you're not wrong. I have a gun stored away just in case. Quick and painless.


I need to leave Reddit.


Unless you do it wrong


Pornographic material via the internet. Specifically, bukkake vids. Even more specific, saturday nights where I indulge in a bukkake marathon.


I read the Bible for one hour each day.


Choose happiness. Everything is a choice.


I drop acid then force myself to do work.




Deal in positive things


We don’t


" it is what it is "


I don't.




Something I’m definitely still working on, but as Candide said, “tend thy own garden”. Focus on the little things unique to your life, take pride in your own little niche of existence and try not to worry too much about the oppressive nature of society as a whole. Also taking an extended break from the internet for a while now and then does wonders for neuroplasticity


What's not positive about the world? (Do you hate your job or what)


Jesus and Acts of kindness 🙏


When I'm really deep in the rut, I do a 'consultation' with the shroom realm and they tend to put things in perspective for me (or bitchslap and humble me on bad trips). Doesn't last forever, but it renews the novelty in mundane things for me and make me think everything is gonna be alright no matter what happens for a couple of days/weeks


Because there is no other choice


How do you think people stayed positive during war and famine? People complain too much these days


I also focus on the future, and try to have a positive outlook on it.


Focusing on what is to come and remembering time won't stop for anyone. What I do today matters for tomorrow and the following days after. We all have tough days but if we allow them to bring us down for too long then we only prolong the life we really want to live by putting it off. Just have to block out the noise and pay no attention to it.


Despite all the problems surrounding us, the truth is, things have never been better. Flushing toilets, hospitals, integration, education. Yes, we have a long way to go, but in the grand scheme of things, it's only getting better.


By stopping to follow the news and toxic social media Kicking out toxic people including family members. and doing what i want to do.


It is an hour by hour task.


By thinking only about things that are within your control. Forget what you can't control and just go about your life.


Medication, it barely helps.


I escape into books.


A couple ways. Focus on the things that go right, like acts of kindness, heroism, etc. And then, there's my favorite coping skill: laughing at the messed up things. You can either laugh at the world, cry at the world, or get pissed off. I choose to laugh.


The little things, eat sleep and clean. The middle things, read to heal, music, expression, friends and family. Growing food, composting. The big things, infiltrate wallstreet, web3, kosmographia, cannabis legalization. I think, with this coming age, that we will see a lot or change. Many people out there working towards a better future for all earths inhabitants. Starts at home taking care of you, cause you are important and worthy of love.


Take things as they are without adding a narrative


Meditate, take a deep breath and simplify.




By working hard and making good decisions for myself and my family.


I talk a walk and I isolate myself outside.


Don’t talk to anyone


Not so much stay positive but little things to keep me happy after a shite day. Basically any food or drinks that gave me comfort as a child , spend time with my pets or nature , chill on my console are just some things I do.


Trying to get rid of the endleds TODO-list mentality and the feeling that we SHOULD do something with our lives today, tomorrow and every day until our deaths. Getting rid of the nagging inside my head that complains when I just wanna be and chill. Your worth as a human being isn't your productivity.


By not trying to stay positive. Read The Antidote by Oliver Burkeman. It blows the lid off the whole Positive Thinking! movement.


I can't


Get comfortable with “negative” emotions.


I raise my arms and head to the sky and with a smile say, "Hasa diga eebowai!"


by being mindful and appreciating every little thing


Not getting into the drama.


start by being sarcastic and then realize youre optimistic


By trying to find a positive outcome in everything, trying to find humor in places most people don’t look for it, and by trying new things.


”Transurfing reality”


Bad days happen, shitty people will be shitty no matter what. Just show the people you interact with, with respect. If you can't show respect to the jack ass at the bank who is trying to have a conversation with you about nothing important, when all you want to do is make a deposit, just ignore them, the day goes on.


Swearing and VR, because VR just let’s you practically say “fuck this shit, I’m out” to this world. And swearing for some random reason helps


Finding discipline's really helped


Accepting things are the way they are and that I don't have the power to change them has helped me.


it is your choice. Think about you on your deathbed, reviewing your life. What did all that negativity gain you? You may as well have been a "happy fool" and lived with a positive mindset. And enjoyed life more. It did not make a difference, except you spent a lot more time being negative when there were reasons to be positive. Why not expect good things, positive things. No reason not too.


Easy. We don’t.


Lean in to the things I enjoy and work to better what I can.


That’s the fun part, you dont!


We don’t, we just conform like we have been conditioned to.


With a long term plan to become self sufficient.


Keep keeping on.


By recognizing how fortunate I am to live in this world right now. Life is easier right now in almost every meaningful metric than it has ever been.


Concentrate on your inner circle. Don't be bogged down by the news, social media etc. Don't be a people pleaser (you can say no to things you don't want to do and you can cut people out of your life if you need to). Look forward to the little things in life that give you pleasure.


Buy a sword youl see


Stoic philosophy, meditation, glass half full vibes even when things are tough (but not unrealistically so), and being able to accept the world as it is while also appreciating the beautiful parts. Its a pretty fucked up place at times, but there is also so much beauty, and as much as we focus on the bad things, we have an obligation to focus on the good. I’ve also started realising that these good and bad things are not seperate entities, but more rather two sides of the same coin. I hope this philosophy may bring you peace in the same way it has me. :)


*They* win when you give in to despair. They want you sad and unhappy so you'll buy their cures and give up on progress. Don't let them win.


Perspective. Life’s pretty great overall.


Accept that this world sucks. Once you let it sink in, everything will relatively be better.


I play video games. They're an escape for me.


By avoiding people, politics and the news. Limiting time on social media, or avoiding it all together. Regardless, most of the time my positivity lasts until about 830 am. If I managed to find any that morning.


By realizing, negativity and positivity go hand in hand, and you cannot have one without the other. So to stay positive, you have to be accepting of all the negativity that exists (instead of relentlessly trying to fight back against it using more negativity). You realize you feel negative, because positivity is a part of you.


Do shrooms


Go outside. Surround yourself in nature. Stop scrolling Reddit. The body remembers even when the kind does not.


By directing my efforts on being an effective unit during the overthrow/collapse of capitalism.


I live my life a quarter mile at a time. I always thought that was a cheesy as fuck line back when I watched the fast and the furious when I was a kid. But adult me absolutely does live that way. Having an extreamly well paying job obviously helps out with that mindset however.


They still ain't find the cure for HIV so


I don't ❤


When it comes down to it you can walk away, social media is shoving the awful stuff in your face, turn it off look at your world


Correct negative thoughts when you have them. Especially when you're in a bad mood. Acknowledge that you're upset and that's why you're thinking that way. Or simply remind yourself it's okay. Try not to linger on your negativity or let it compound. Each new situation is seperate from the last. A lot of the time if something minor happens after something big, that minor thing can feel more significant than it really is. Everyone I know that's extremely negative (including myself) falls victim to this really badly. X happened bad so today is ruined. Y happened and now Z did which somehow makes Z worse than it really is. It's way more common than you might think, and realizing I thought this way has helped immensely. Take a deep breath, take a step back, and look at what's happening by itself. Otherwise you'll get into the "straw that broke the camel's back" territory. And trust me, you don't want to break. It only hurts yourself.




As wild as and divided things seems, the truth is that the world has never been more at peace as it is right now (maybe not exactly today but like this modern 21st century area). Less humans are killing other humans that at any other point in recorded human history


Finding something that makes me happy and trying to profit of if it while not entirely relying on that stream of income.


By taking time to play videogames and smoke weed and be alone once in a while


This is one area in my life where I stand by "Fake it 'til ya make it."


By choice. It’s the only thing I have control over.


Large amounts of THC and alcohol


The fact that everything is temporary and we’re all gonna die eventually.


Watch star Trek Voyager and next generation. Puts me in my happy place everytime


I give men compliments (I know most women don't want compliments from random men, and most men are starved for compliments). Making people feel good makes me feel good. I also try to get out into nature as often as I can. There's an entire world full of animals that are completely unaware of human societal problems. EDIT: I also don't have social media, except Instagram to post my nature photography, and I only scroll Reddit while I'm pooping.