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Either or to be honest


I worked briefly with a New York real estate developer. Not Trump, but on the same level, just low key. The main guy ran the business with his sons. He was aloof but pleasant whenever I dealt with him. His adult sons were total tools. Demanding and unrealistic expectations. The main guy had a beautiful mansion in New York. Cleanest house I have ever been in. I guess that is expected with them have 2 live in maids.


Ever witnessed any creepy or eyes wide shut type of vibe stuff?


Haha. No. These people were very plain vanilla. They did have very nice things, artwork, cars etc. Screwy stuff could have been going on but I never saw anything remotely questionable. Then again I only had access to a very small area of their home. The owner’s library was gorgeous. Really big, tastefully furnished and filled with old books. I wish I could have explored but I had to focus on what I was there to do.