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The chimpanzee attack 911 call.


This is the one that gets my vote


Travis the Chimp?


Sparing upsetting details, what's the story behind this one?


A woman had a pet chimpanzee, at some point it decided to attack her friend. It ripped off her friend's face and bit off all of her fingers. The woman called 911 and the police shot the chimp and it ran back into his enclosure and died.


To go further, the chimp was regularly given Xanax and wine to help keep him calm. Well, that didn’t work out well.


Notably, humans often become aggressive under the combined effects of benzos and alcohol.


A couple owned a chimp named Travis who was becoming increasingly ungovernable (....surprise. It's an intelligent, non-domesticated animal). He gets out one day (incidentally, is on Xanax that they'd been giving him) and they can't get him to come back. A woman who was a friend came to help and tried luring him back with his favorite Elmo toy. Travis did not take kindly to her having his Elmo in her possession. The 911 call is the owner on the phone with the dispatcher. You can hear the chimp attacking in the background, as the owner narrates in distress what Travis is doing to the victim. If you know anything about how chimps tend to attack, you have an idea of how things went down. Side note: also maybe avoid pictures of what the victim looked like after the attack.


Damn it really ripped out her face, just a gaping hole where the nose should be


Yeah they go for faces, genitals, and extremities.


As someone whose brother , grandfather and other family who were in xanex long term. It can cause some major rage issues. They called it rebound rage. If your body gets used to it , it can actually make you worse and more aggressive. It is insane to see. I don’t touch anything.


Xanax destroyed countless families. Fuck that family and the system that only cares about profit. Edit: I should be clear, I mean the family that owns Xanax and actively pushed it knowing how awful and addictive it is.


Okay I need to stop reading these comments as I have heard most of these and it's traumatizing me.


family driving somewhere and a flying brick smashes into the windshield which instantly kills the mom (Olga Gaikovich). the family started screaming and crying in horror. anyone would be unsettled hearing that.


First thing I thought of. You don't even see the gore, but fuck, the screams.


Same, I have journeyed through a lot of the horrible shit on the clear web, and the audio of that video is something that will always stay with me. Heartbreaking. 


There's a very good reason the link will always be blue for me.


I’ve never heard this audio, I only *know* about it, and I think about it ALL the time.


It’s the worst sound


I saw a post with that on LiveLeak and the comments, usually very dark humor, were “I wish I didn’t watch that”.


it's one of my biggest fears. So I drive very cautiously and defensively to do everything I can to avoid getting in a situation like that. Would never be able to live past that sort of thing happening to me


This is the one I wish I hadn’t watched. It really sticks with you. If you’re thinking of watching it just don’t. It’s not worth it. It’s sad and horrifying and disturbing


The definition of a blood-curdling scream


This is the one. I wish I could take it out of my head. It’s been so many years…


You could hear the horror in that poor husband's voice. No one should have to go through what he went through. That was horrifying, I'll never forget it.


I still remember that, I wish I didn't.


I’ve seen a lot of fucked up things on the internet. Most of them I deliberately sought out. Nothing fazes me for long. But that audio made me physically ill. It’s haunted me for years. I think about it most times I drive on the freeway. I think about it every time I drive behind a loaded truck. I think about it every time I drive with my mom. I wish I hadn’t clicked on it.


I'm sure there are objectively more harrowing and disturbing audio recordings, but for me it's the phonecalls from doomed people on 9/11.


There’s one of a man trapped on an upper floor that lasts a fraction of a second after the tower begins collapsing … his voice gets cut off when the phone stops transmitting. Terrifying.


Kevin Cosgrove. I posted the same one. Not an audio recording, but about two years ago I saw the video footage of the "waving woman" - she was standing at a hole in the building, waving her arm over her head signaling for help. It goes on for quite a while and then she just stops, as if she finally realizes there's no one coming for her.


I watched that. When the other two burned people crawl out and start waving as well it’s heart breaking. I heard she was waving till just before the tower fell. There was a debate if she finally jumped or came down with the tower.


Kevin Cosgrove. RIP


"Lady, there's 4 of us up here and we're not ready to die yet" "oh god oh, ahhhhhh....." RIP. There's also one of a woman talking to the olive dispatcher and she's crying and says "I'm going to die aren't I? I know I am".... man. Gets me everytime.


[Melissa Doi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Doi). There's a part from the recordings (omitted from publicly released audio but kept in the transcripts) where she sends goodbye messages to her Mom via the operator. Terrible stuff.


The call from Kevin Cosgrove is absolutely heartbreaking to listen to. Still gives me shivers


Yes!!!! Oh my God, that is exactly what I thought when I clicked here as it was the most disturbing thing ever. It led in with a few minutes of him talking with the 911 operator. I even remember his name. Kevin Cosgrove.


I’m 38 and have seen and heard a lot of crazy fucked up shit on the internet. I ca honestly say that phone call is the only thing that shook me so badly that I will never listen to it again.


After the planes hit, my friend Beverly Eckert was on the phone with her husband, Sean Rooney, who was in his office in the Twin Towers. He told her there was no way out and it was getting too hot and he didn't think he could hold out any longer. Then the line went dead. Beverly worked for an insurance company, and after 9/11 she volunteered much of her time to help the families of other victims navigate their way through the insurance claims process. She died eight years later aboard Colgan Air flight 3407 when it crashed in Clarence, New York.


This makes me think of how many people say that people jumped from the towers because they knew they wouldn't get rescued. I don't think that's what happened. You know how if you put your hand on a hot stove, your lizard brain yanks it away? You can't hold it there if you tried. I think it got so hot that the lizard brain threshold kicked in and forced them to step out into cool air... whether or not there was something there to step on to.


I was going to post this, if you go to the memorial museum you can pick up landline receivers and hear them. Probably the number one thing that fucked me up from the visit.


The alarms from dead firefighters is disturbing as well


The one from the guy on the plane as he leaves his wife a message saying “Love you. See you when you get here.” I choke up every time I even think about it.




Wow, memory (unfortunately) unlocked. I remember this one, and her anguished why???


Only just heard this recently and it shattered my heart. That poor fucking kid.


The sad part is... she'll be asking that same question the rest of her life. And there will never be an adequate answer.




OMG, that one infuriated me. That c\*\*\* of a 911 operator berating the woman for driving through water and telling her to "shut up" as she cried and begged for help. It was apparently the operator's last night on the job and she clearly didn't give a shit what she did.




That poor girl was living in a nightmare every day. Hope they were able to get to her to a better place.


I'd love to learn more about this. It's fascinating


I think I found it! The podcast is Invisibilia - here's a transcript: https://www.npr.org/transcripts/707639854


Reminds me of that scene in the Animatrix: Second Renaissance. A robot has a human hung up and is proving parts of his brain, and he goes from laughing to crying. Such a creepy and brutal way for machines to learn about us.


That was probably the creepiest part of the entire series


Sounds fascinating. If you recall which it was please post it, I'd love to hear it and learn more about the study behind it.




Him and the voice messages left by the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker (EAR/ONS) whispering “I’m gonna get you” repeatedly. Never fails to send chills down my spine.


Was he ever caught?


Yes and has since died. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Michael_Stephani


[UVB-76](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UVB-76). Like, it's objectively not that scary/unsettling, since it's just a run of the mill numbers station. But it really evokes a sense of Cold War-era uncertainty/fear. It's personally unsettling to me, though I doubt it is for the majority.


Mine is Lincolnshire Poacher. It has such a unsettling childishness to it it creeps me out.


Numbers stations in general are pretty creepy, but the worst one IMO is Swedish Rhapsody. The German voice sounds like a Vocaloid from Hell. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUQUD3IMbb4&pp=ygUQc3dlZGlzaCByaGFwc29keQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUQUD3IMbb4&pp=ygUQc3dlZGlzaCByaGFwc29keQ%3D%3D)




The fucking chief firefighter (or commander or whatever they are called) recording TikTok/Instagram videos of the fire while poor Loretta is having her lungs melted pisses me off to no end.


Is that the one where they found out one of the fire fighters was on his phone filming the fire and had a history or doing that and posting them online?


That was the chief firefighter, yes. He was fucking around while she burned.


Yeah this one was it for me too. I'll never get it out of my head. It was too... visceral. You could feel the flames going down her throat. Horrifying. I've listened to and watched some fucked up shit in my life, but this one took the cake. She really believed they were going to save her. 😞


I've told this story before. My ex was in the military. At a command event, pregnant with my second, I took my toddler out into the lobby because she was getting restive and met up with another boat wife who had a son about my daughter's age. So our babies played and we chatted; she said that her husband had just bought her a puppy because she wanted another baby because he didn't want another baby and she did. She was really very sweet and obviously loved being a mom. All this is backstory. A few months later, laying in bed with my newborn and toddler, a story came on the news about a toddler boy who had been killed on a whale watching trip in Hawaii. I recognized the names--this was the son and mother I'd passed time with earlier. They had PCS'ed to Pearl Harbor and taken their son on a whale watching trip; a whale breached into the boat and he was knocked into something and sustained a head injury and was killed. The news played video someone had taken on the boat. You can't see anything, but you can hear his mom screaming and begging him to wake up. Twenty years later I still remember how she sounded and it still makes me tear up. I've never heard anything worse.


A training tape from paramedic school approximating auditory hallucinations experienced by schizophrenics, tvwas horrific


Now I'm curious because I have severe bipolar disorder and have had a couple of relatively short psychotic episodes with hallucinations and I wonder what the training tape is like


A cacophony of voices saying a variety of awful things at the same time, it made me nauseous


A comedy podcast called Legion of Skanks plays fucked up videos sometimes. They played one video of a girl trapping her boyfriend in a suitcase and he ended up suffocating to death. You could hear him begging for help in the background. I think she was like "I double dare you to get in that suitcase" and he did it. She was convicted of murder. The whole thing is crazy, but it's extra crazy that she recorded it all on her phone and tried telling prosecutors it wasn't her. Edit: she hasn't been convicted yet


Her name is Sarah Boone and she hasn't been convicted yet. Her trial keeps getting delayed because she's gone through 8 defense attorneys and they keep bailing for some reason. Next status hearing is scheduled for June 7.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTnoBdjMBks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTnoBdjMBks) Love this guys in depth stuff on her. She is absolutely a shit person.


Thank you for letting me know. My apologies for not getting the details straight. That's wild she hasn't been convicted yet.


That podcast really sounds hilarious.


The abusive boyfriend angle AFAIK is something she brought up as a last-ditch attempt to lessen the severity of her conviction. She locked him in the suitcase, and there's evidence to indicate that she rolled the suitcase down the stairs with him in it and flipped/kicked it around a bit. I'm willing to bet the abusive person in this relationship was not the guy locked in a suitcase begging for air while his girlfriend tortured him.


This was covered in a psychology YouTube channel I used to listen to: https://youtu.be/Hy6XsXseDfM?si=DY8zLDhNepFU_4cn She’s unhinged and legit doesn’t think she did anything wrong. She was also clearly drunk or high.


I am a full-grown adult, and I had nightmares about that video after seeing it. What an awful way to die.


The audio from the Jonestown Massacre was the most chilling thing I've ever heard. The people begging others not to do it - then the screams of agony and sorrow. Big fuckin trigger warning.


For me, the worst part isn’t the screams and crying. It’s the increasing silence.


Jonestown massacre


Yeah, that killed me when I had to write an essay for school on it. It still sometimes runs in my head when I do menial tasks


Made the mistake of listening to it a while ago, came to this post to see if it was mentioned at all. Those poor kids


Yeah, the kids crying in pain in the background made me feel really fucked up inside.


This is my number one.


As a career submariner I’d have to say the audio of the USS Thresher imploding at crush depth. Listening to this knowing that it could be me at some point isn’t very comforting.


When I was 21, a guy at my workplace sent me a tape with songs. He was a radio presenter so it was well made, with his comments in the midst of it. He had made it in the studio so a lot of effort. The thing is, it was a love message, and eerie, and at the end he speaks of something since he knew this will never work, he is only sending a message of love on his way to hell. He was telling basically that he was gonna commit suicide. I could not fathom if it was a threat, black-mail or a genuine message with a suicide note. That to me was the most unsettling audio recording I have heard.


What happened to the guy?


I didn't have a choice and I completely avoided him under the advice of a family member who was a psychologist. He had gone into a bit of a difficult period but came out strong. He was a good guy and someone who has suffered. But later he did well.


The Killing of Kelly Thomas. Grown man dying slowly at the hands of police and calling repeatedly for his father


Theres a video I dont care to remember of some girls who were backpacking either in central america or the middle east or something and were captured by either ISIS or cartels (again dont remember, dont wanna) and they are killing them and as they are cutting into one of the girls necks she is crying for her mother. I wish I could get it out of my head.


Victims were Danish, and it happened in Morocco https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland


Norwegian* and Danish


It’s criminal that those OC cops got off for that murder




What's up with Funky Town?


Mexican cartel torture video that has funkytown playing as they mutilate a guy Pretty damn bad


It’s a cartel torture and killing video. It’s really brutal and bloody. A guy is torturing another guy and funky town is playing in the background.


Baby jailyn whose screams were caught on the neighbors ring camera after her mom left her home alone for 10 days to go on vacation. Those cries will forever haunt me. As a mom, I was gutted and traumatized when I heard the audio , especially when she was calling out for her mommy. The pain and suffering that poor baby endured before she died and for so long 😭😭😞. I’d kill that bitch mother of hers if I could.


Noooo...I didn't know audio existed of this. I never want to hear that. How did the neighbors ignore her for so long???


I don't think the neighbors ignored. Having a few walls in between and distance might have drowned out the sound of the crying. I've met a few people who always have an ear bud in unless they're sleeping


I couldn’t fucking tell you and if u ask me , neighbors should be charged as well. She cried for 10 days. The audio on file is the day before her mother got back home 😞. Someone had to of heard her at some point


I'm within seconds of ugly crying at my desk just reading that. I can't imagine listening to it.


Yea I was at the gym just scrolling through tik tok and it showed up. Had to walk out I was crying. Hugged my babies tight that night


Death would be too kind


The Bittaker/Norris torture tapes.


This is it. The Shirley Ledford audio. There is a printed transcript and all you can actually hear is a half second of screaming when someone opened the court room door as it was being played. The toolbox killers (aka Bittaker and Norris) tortured, raped and killed a 16 year girl and recorded it. The torture was of a nature that’s hard to even write but it’s some of the most inhumane stuff I’ve ever heard of. The printed transcript goes into detail and just a brief audio of her voice screaming as she’s enduring that torture is life-affecting. I don’t recommend it. It’s nightmare enduring.


There is a quick video of people leaving the courtroom where they're playing that audiotape. You can't hear much but what you can hear is bad enough


I remember reading a story about the actor Scott Glenn. He was researching a role and he listened to these tapes. Before he listened to them he was opposed to the death penalty. He changed his mind after he heard them.


I believe that was mentioned in the Mindhunter book by John Douglas


Came here to say this. Nothing comes close.


At the OKC bombing memorial they have a recording of conference call happening when the bomb went off right across the street. It had sat with me for about 10 years now. Just randomly popping up in my head how crazy and brutal it sounded.


IIRC, it was not a call, but a recording of an in-person legal proceeding. I remember because the line that stood out to me was at the end, after the explosion noise died down. People were obviously trying to run outside, and someone who must've been standing near the recorder was shouting, "watch out for power lines!" Random, the things that you worry about when you don't know what's happening.


The Toybox Killer, David Parker Ray's self-recorded audiotape that he would play to his female victims when they woke up strapped to a table in his mobile torture chamber. I have heard it in his voice despite the claim that the original audio is lost. I heard it online many years ago. ETA: webarchive ftw: [https://archive.org/details/dpr-intro-tape](https://archive.org/details/dpr-intro-tape)


Yep. Knew it'd be here


Well, that's my first time heading the actual audio. Wish I didnt


Just give me the bear


This this this this this this this! I use that as an example of any torture, horrible ways to die, worst nightmare that humans are capable of.


IIRC, the sound files you find online are not the actual recordings of the killer, but recreations by other people reading the tape transcript. I believe the actual audio is still in FBI custody as evidence and has not been publicly released. Not that it makes them any less horrifying.


Came here to say this, it's one of the most disturbing calls I've ever listened to.


The 9/11 call from Kevin Cosgrove, who was trapped in the World Trade Center after the terrorist attacks. He is desperate and pleading that he and the co-workers in the room with him are "young men, not ready to die." Meanwhile the 9/11 operator is trying to be soothing and reassuring but she's obviously at a complete loss and as confused as everyone else as to what is happening. It's difficult enough to listen to all along, then the recording captures the moment the tower began collapsing and you hear Cosgrove scream "Oh God!" End of recording.


Kevin really goes through all the emotions on that call. He even tries to 'bargain' with the operator to tell God to blow in wind to the burning building. Someone on youtube has synced up the call to the external footage and you can see the moment the call stops abruptly with a scream i.e. when the tower starts to collapse.


I don't think I could watch the video. It's bad enough in my head :(


Another one that haunts me: Tia Hernlen, a five year old who was awakened by gun shots and went into her parents room to find them dead in their bed. She called 911 and was remarkably calm and detailed about what she saw, though clearly frightened. The operator was amazing with her, gently prompting her for information and distracting her by asking about her dog, etc., while police and ambulance were on the way. You can tell how emotionally invested she became in this call, telling Tia "I won't let anything happen to you, baby" and ending the call with "goodbye, sweetheart. You be a good girl" when police arrived and took over. I can't even imagine how that call haunts that operator to this day.


I work in the aviation industry and I’ve heard many cockpit voice recordings or radio transmissions of people who knew they were about to die. Some are stoic and some are down right primal.


>Some are stoic and some are down right primal. These recordings are the peak of my morbid curiosity. Why, at the moment they *know* it's over, do some people simply go blank or say something like "Welp, that's it." While others react in primal, instinctual panic?


I like to think it’s just your level of acceptance in a given situation. Some people accept reality, some feel they have more to do and this leads them to panic? I had the same morbid curiosity, all in the span of about 10 seconds earlier in the year. I got T-boned going 70 on the freeway and my car smashed into a concrete median, flipped and rolled for about 200 feet. The whole time the air bags were popping like grenades in my face and the car was just throwing me around like a dogs chew toy, all I could think was: “well I guess this is how I die”. Then when my car settled all I could think was: “what was I thinking?”


For something like a pilot I imagine it has a good bit to do with training never to panic in those kind of situations. The moment you panic you have no chance of controlling a complex machine so it's probably just the default reaction to keep calm even when you know it's over.


I don't know if I'd say it's the most unsettling, but the audio from the Apollo 1 fire that killed three astronauts messed with my head for quite a while the firat time I heard it.


I didn't hear the audio, I'm not even sure it was released to the public. But reading about an infamous story of a father and daughter hiking through Siberia, and a brown bear killed the father, while the daughter ran and was caught by the bear. She called her mom in desperation, literally saying that the bear was eating her. Later, she called back, saying that the bear brought her cubs to eat, and it didn't hurt anymore, and she loved her mom. Again, I don't know if the audio was released to the public, but just reading the excerpts from it is horrifying. I know there's worse audio out there, as others have mentioned, but bears are the only animal in my continent that I'm afraid of. And this is why. They like to eat their prey alive.


This one got me as well. Listen to her tell her mother the bear is eating me.


The tape the toolbox killers recorded of their torture and murder of Shirley Lynnette Ledford. You can only hear a few seconds of it faintly from outside of the courtroom where it was being played, but when people leave the room in revulsion, it gets clearer. It's stuck with me for years and I think about it a lot.


Golden State Killer left someone a message in the middle of the night, threatening them... it was pretty freaky!


the 911 call made when the lady was getting her face torn off by Travis the Chimp. Because...well...face torn off, angry chimp, etc...


People should not be able to own 'pets' like that, it's incredibly dangerous and she was warned over and over and over and her friend paid the price


I went through a phase where I would listen to 911 calls while I played games on my computer. There was one of an elderly woman trapped in a burning house that could t escape because of her hip and the fire at the door. Firefighters were just outside and they didn’t do anything. You can hear the fire getting louder and then you hear her yell that she was dying. She screams the whole time until the only thing you can hear is the fire. I stopped listening to 911 calls after that.


The alleged recordings of the demise of early cosmonauts made by the Judica-Cordiglia brothers. Knowing you're doomed, burning up as you hurtle back into the atmosphere


The only recording of Adolf Hitler talking in a normal everyday voice. He made sure something like that would not leak but this one did, it was recorded in secret. Why this is so unsettling? Because he sounds like a neighbor of mine would talk. Human. Normal. It's deeply disturbing because it makes you think: Can any regular person turn into a monster like this?


Isn't there an actual video of him flirting with his girlfriend before they were together? Or am I thinking of someone else? He sounds so normal, even charming.


> Can any regular person turn into a monster like this? Absolutely yes.  That’s the lesson we take away from the Nazis, they were totally normal people and we have to be *extremely* careful not to slide back into those mistakes. Vote in November, folks.


And always ALWAYS fact check everything. Remember everyone, YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA


That Mr.Hands guy getting fucked to death by a horse.


Holy shit there's an audio of that?!


A few years ago I saw a grainy, dark video that had audio. You couldn't see much, but Jesus the sound he made.


I wouldnt touch that video with a thousand foot pole. That sounds fucking horrifying to listen to.


I don't regret it, but if given the chance to make that choice again, I'd pass.


my stepmom apparently worked with this guy. I am never going to watch it, but I am curious. What did it sound like?


Desperation, sadness, pleasure, pain, and the knowledge that something probably life altering/ending just happened. I've never heard a sound like that come from another human.


I pity that guy's son. Imagine some trolls send you a video of your dad being fucked by a horse.




TIL... I clicked the Wikipedia article and >As bestiality was legal in Washington state at the time (2005) Hey Washington, wtf? That date way too recent for bestiality to have still been legal


Went to study to be an EMT after high school and we had listened to the audio of some calls that we may have had to work through and one of them was of a mom who found her son after he had taken his life. Shit was haunting. I didn’t end up completing because honestly I felt like I’d be more in the way than any help if I had a kid dying on me or something but mad respect to those in that line of work.


The audio of Philando Castille's girlfriend and toddler daughter reacting to his shooting by the police. The mom is hysterical and screaming, and the little girl is telling her "Mommy, be quiet, I don't want to get shooted."


The audio of Warren Jeffs raping that young girl from ‘Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey’. ETA: it’s not the whole thing, but just him grunting. It’s fucking atrocious.


Railroad worker / train dispatcher. Listened to a call in a training session with Amtrak pd and local law enforcement of an elderly lady whose car was stuck on the tracks calling 911. The operator was very focused on asking the questions in their script. While the operator was asking for information the lady stated multiple times that there was a train coming and was unsure what to do. The recording ends suddenly when the train hits the vehicle. The driver did not survive. A very sobering lesson in situational awareness. Always move to a safe location if possible before calling emergency services. Dispatchers should always ensure callers are in a safe location before questioning further.


Melissa Repass, Las Cruces bowling alley massacre 911 call. 6 people were shot, 4 killed, and the bowling alley set aflame. 12 year old Melissa was shot 5 times, including once in the head, but managed to call 911 and speak very calmly and intelligently to dispatch, who were able to arrive shortly to save her life as well as 2(?) others. 2nd place for me is the 911 call made by the social worker who arrived to drop 2 kids off at their dad's for his supervised visit. Dad opened the door, snatched the kids and locked it. Social worker calls 911, and the dispatcher was being exceedingly difficult to deal with, not listening, not taking the situation seriously, and lecturing the social worker, even after she said she smelled gasoline. Josh Powell, suspect in his wife's murder, blew up the house with him and his 2 kids inside, and if the dispatcher had done their job, the kids could have been rescued.


The recording David Parker Ray that he left for the women he kidnapped and made sex slaves. It’s so cold and matter of fact and absolutely terrifying. Don’t look it up


The recording of the last Kauaʻi ʻōʻō's mating call. It's so heartbreaking.


There are two that stick with me. The first that comes to mind is a 911 call from an elderly woman who calls to report a home intruder. She is stabbed to death and shouts out "somebody help me to breathe!" and then dies. The other doesn't really count because it's actually a video, but it's the suicide note of a girl maybe 12 years old. She apologizes for a long time, hangs herself, then the video continues for maybe 30 more minutes as the sun sets in the background to the sound of cars passing on the highway.


The Daniel Pearl video. I wish I'd never heard it.


Recently watched a video on fear of the ocean , thalassophobia and so on. They started talking about the tragic death of a diver in the blue hole. What I didn't expect, was them showing the whole recording of the poor guys diving camera, where you can hear him drowning


I recently had to call my father and tell him my brother had died. The sound he made, will haunt me for a long time.


Years ago, when the Apple touchscreen with the camera was first released, I bought it. One day, while browsing the internet, I stumbled upon a website containing the final recordings of pilots' last words before their planes crashed or exploded. It creeped me out. Years later, when I attempted to revisit the website, it had been taken down.


I used to work in aviation and studying past airline accidents was part of the job of doing my work in a more safe manner. Many tapes of a pilot's final words are just not available to the general public as the union and family have veto rights on publication of non-pertinent final words. The same goes for the transcript that goes into the NTSB accident reports. But, I was working with a colleague that supported aviation lawsuits and he had access to many tapes. I’ve heard visceral screams to things like, “sorry guys”, “Oh, this is it, baby!”, “Ma, I love ya”. It has definitely haunted me.


The audio of the old dash cam footage of the couple driving the car and the brick being thrown from a semi truck going thru the window and killing the woman and hearing the husband screaming and crying. I'm still affected by that.


I didn’t hear the recording but read the transcript of the Moors Murderers torturing and sexually assaulting a young girl, the whole time she’s pleading to see her mum whilst the two perpetrators laugh and mock her. A genuine regret of mine is reading the transcript of the tape.


I was on a jury for a double murder trial. They played the 911 call of one of the victims. She couldn’t talk, she was just kind of breathing/crying…until she stopped. It was the 1 out of 2 times that the killer cried during the trial.


It wasn’t a recording. I was gonna go see a movie with a couple of friends and another friend called while he was high on meth. This is a thirty-some-odd year old man on the other side of the call. He was jogging somewhere, out of breath, because he thought someone was following him and trying to kill him. He was panicked and crying. He said he’d gone to the police station to confess every illegal thing he’d ever done so they would arrest him. Listening to that call was awful. He was super paranoid and no one was following him. Meth just does that to people


I’m sure I’ve heard scarier but the first thing that comes to mind was **My voice** on a 9-1-1 phone call after a man was shot and killed right in front of me while waiting for the morning bus to go to work. A guy that was armed tried to steal another man’s bike from the bus stop. The two played tug-o-war with the bike and then bang! I had to listen to the 9-1-1 recording a few times while being deposed by the DA’s office, and I was very calm on the phone call while the operator was telling me what to do. But I know my voice and how I normally speak, and I could tell I was freaked the fuck out on the phone. It still makes my tummy a little queasy thinking about it.


The album Fear and Dagger by Paleface starts out with an audio recording of somebody having a psychotic breakdown. It's a completely real one as the guy who had it did an ama on the r/deathcore subreddit about how he records himself during these and gave that one to the band. It is beyond unsettling for something that has no violence in it.


a lot of these are like very shocking. but i think for me the most unsettling thing without any real shock value was in the nixon tapes. when the kaiser permenente guy is talking to nixon about changing healthcare. nixon says i don't want to talk about providing anymore healthcare. the kaiser guy instantly says no no, this new system isn't about providing more care, it's about providing less. nixon then instantly perks up and gets interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh66p3EBfoo there's no big shock value in that recording, it's just 2 really evil pieces of shit casually discussing making more money and killing poor people off, if indirectly. the casual nature of it and the fact that nixon purposefully was against it because he thought it would provide more care, but once the guy mentioned it provides less care he's suddenly interested. THAT is what's unsettling to me.


A little girl calling 911 after her big brother committed suicide with a gun. I will never forget what she said through her wails of pure sorrow, "WHY?!?! WHY DID YOU DO IT?!?" Her voice is ingrained in my psyche permanently. And it was by pure accident that I stumbled upon it, on reddit, of all places. I do not remember the subreddit nor do I wish to.


Recently? That audio recording of that lady at DJ academiks house. Fuck that guy. Edited to add ( HIGHLY disturbing just fyi - nsfw - nsfl ) : https://twitter.com/minajwar/status/1741272155831083166?s=46&t=RJUVDvD18i0gPwloZT9Rnw


That really really old recording of someone singing (iirc the first known recording of someone singing)


While at a police department doing some software updates, listening to a 911 call in the adjacent room where detectives were listening to five children burn to death on the 911 recording.


I work at sea and I've heard several may day calls and then discussion between the rescue center and people who need help. The ones that just stop responding are the worse we all know what happened.


I listened to a 911 recording of a guy who got kidnapped and beaten. His jaw was broken and he was crying for help until his captors heard him and he was begging for help. It was so gruesome


There is audio from ground zero of the World Trade Center collapse where you can hear what sounds like hundreds of electronic crickets chirping. Each of these electronic crickets is a PASS device, an emergency alarm worn by firefighters that were buried under the rubble. There were 343 firefighters killed on September 11, 2001.


Pre suicidal ramblings of the previous occupant of the room I rented , the bed I slept in … I found tape under mattress . Nobody mentioned , as it turned out that the woman had done what no coward dares just before I moved in and spent months prior locked in the room , a turmoil of mental breakdown and deep sorrow . Got me feeling really haunted , questioning if such intense psychological energy could taint the aura of a physical space , could it influence others , was it why I was having those odd moods . I found a 1/8th of weed and a quality danish porn mag under the actual bed soon after , played tiger woods ‘99 and forgot about the scary tape . Actually recorded over it with a reggae dancehall night radio 1 show .


The ending of The Jinx.


Oof, probably a recording of an EW intercept in Afghanistan regarding a named target we were looking to strike on. For what ever reason the target had broken into an afghans compound and was interrogating the leader of the household as they though he was passing intel to ISAF, we couldn’t understand a word as it was in Pashto but you could here the situation escalating until a series of gunshots rang out. The poor terp ended up with PTSD , the taliban had broadcast everything over the short wave radios they had as they knew everyone would be listening, including the locals. Total intimidation of the area allowing them to hear one of their neighbours be executed. This happened in Helmand province in 2010/2011


Probably the [recorded tape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7TJOg9mgy0) from the Toybox Killers.


The toy box killer tape he played to his victims. Just horrifying


Jim Jones death tape is quite eerie. Knowing that 909 people are slowly dying in the background is really unsettling.


Mason Greenwood, a footballer who sexually assaulted his girlfriend. There is an audio recording on YouTube and it's quite disturbing


The audio recording from Apollo I’s last test where Gus Grissom and his crew could not be saved from a fire inside the space capsule. RIP.


I was deployed in Afghanistan… they showed us the video of the one of the contractors being beheaded… of course with audio. Will never forget. Grim reminder not to be taken hostage.


The video of the girl the zipped her boyfriend up in a suitcase, and let him die in it. She was recording it and laughing, as he was crying for help. She is scum.


I'm sure there's plenty worse things out there but the recordings of the girl The Exorcism of Emily Rose is based on were incredibly unsettling, for many reasons, but also because she really sounded like a possessed person from the movies and I really didn't expect that. Hearing someone make those sounds in real life is honestly shocking.


Does no one remember the Challenger audio? I had thought they died instantly and the idea that some of them were alive as it was crashing down is harrowing.


I have two. A video from Brazil where two girls confront their rapist and gut him and his intestines fall out. The sound it made like boiled egg noodles or something. #2 is the narco video where they loaded a guy up with meth so he’d stay awake through his torture, they tourniquet his hands and feet and cut them off then proceed to flay him (peel off his face while sweet child of mine plays in the background. I’ve seen some shit.


The Jonestown recordings. Just....good God.


My mom, drunk, threatening my life after I ran away from her house.


The old lady that calls 911 saying there is intruder and she start screaming coz dude kills her