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To paraphrase an old law and ethics professor of mine, criminal liability is a pretty bad measuring stick for morality. You can be a horrendous person who does terrible things while still remaining within the (necessarily strict) bounds of the law. To be honest, I have no idea what Kevin Spacey did or didn't do, and without looking him up I don't know if he deserves ostraciszation or not, but it should be noted that simply not being criminally or civilly liable for something does not itself mean one is innocent or moral and that they don't deserve social censure, even if they escape legal punishment.








The court of public opinion and the court of law aren’t the same.


Off the top of my head they were pretty credible, straightforward allegations from at least one person with nothing to gain from saying it. Then Spacey went and made himself look as guilty as sin with his responses. If you think about it, it's just business. His fame is diminished and along with it the big roles. His swimming with sharks character would understand.


Theyve all been proven false, mate. Not just not guilty, he made of point of proving he was innocent. Every single claim hes faced in court, hes shot down in flames with actual evidence he wasnt there, or the other person wasnt there.


That's all irrelevant. The court of public opinion is the only thing the majority care about and sadly, too few people have the integrity to admit they were wrong.


Neither has OJ Simpson, neither has Richard Nixon, neither has Aaron Hernandez (technically), neither was Jimmy Saville. Just a few off the top of my head.


I can't remember if Johnny Depp has been able to find any work lately...


His career highlight in the last 15 years or so is a perfume ad. Mostly cause once you take him out of his cliche of Burton and Jack Sparrow, he isn't a very good actor, and he's famously very difficult to work with.


OJ was convicted of armed robbery in 2008 and served 9 years in prison. Hernandez was convicted of first degree murder in 2015 and sentenced to life in prison. This sentence was temporarily vacated after his death, but eventually reinstated in 2019.


> OJ was convicted of armed robbery in 2008 I think we all know what the poster was talking about...


You didnt look at the facts of Spaceys cases, did you? You just went with the court of public opinion and called it a day. Thats ok, everyone else has too. FYI, everyone that accused Spacey of wrong doing so far, has been found to have been lying. Its all in the court docs. Spacey wasnt just found not guilty, his defence was proving people lied. So unless you think Elton John is in on it, as he testified that Spacey could not have molested a guy at one of his parties, because Spacey was never there. Or the countless photos and videos he brought with him to prove that Spacey wasnt at the party. The guy who got the ball rolling on this is possibly the worst. The rest you can dismiss as the usual riff-raff just trying to cash in. But Rapp? Rapp made a false claim that amounted to child abuse. Then sued for tens of millions of dollars. Then when it came time to tell his story proper, he recounted a scene from a play he did with Ed Harris called Precious Sons. Spacey didnt have a wrap party to invite Rapp too. He also didnt have a separate bedroom to carry Rapp into. The internet seemingly does not care. And now that Spacey has seemingly gone done the right wing route, doing interviews with the likes of Tucker 'what an utter prick' Carlson, I doubt the internet will be in any rush to change their minds.


People can have opinions based on things other than criminal trials or the legal definition of a crime. He has been "found guilty" breaking sexual harassment rules on the set of House of Cards, does it matter if it isn't a criminal charge?


He was also supposed to have been a huge bully in the workplace. I can't abide bullies.


Thats not actually true. A arbitrator found that he was responsible for the disruption to the production of House of Cards based. It wasnt a trial, it was pretty much 2 groups agree to a 3rd party's opinion based on hearsay testimony.


My point was exactly that it wasn't a criminal trial but that it was still someone in an independent capacity finding that he had indeed sexually harassed employees. A criminal trial about sexual crimes is also almost always "based on hearsay testimony". Doesn't make it not true. The burden of proof is much higher in criminal trials, which is probably right also as an overall policy.


Because he pretty much admitted.


Kevin Spacey is a multimillionaire. If he wants to produce and star in anything, he can make that happen. Because money. He can't make people watch, and that's only right. He's better off than you, living a life of wealth you'll never know. Who cares if he can't get people to pay attention? He's been paid.


He'd have to be ostracized first before this question became valid.


Dunno I'm not in charge


Side note...I think Kevin Spacey is a phenomenal actor, and American Beauty is one of my top 5 movies of all time.


So you think people should be forgiven if you like their work?


Have you heard of Roman Polansky? Apparently that is a prevailing opinion in Hollywood.


And nobody seems to like that.


I frequently rewatch seasons 1-2 of House or Cards because he's so damn good