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Define 'powerful' in this context.


Yeah nice try, I'm not going to help you powergame Risk


Everyone knows Australia is the most powerful


Estonia, probably.


Definitely for wine.  When most people think of classic wines, they are unlikely to consider the Estonian reds, yet Estonian grapes are among the fruitiest and most subtle


Probably india. Or china. If all citizens would grab a weapon and go in one direction, not a single country would be able to defend themselves.


If we’re talking about a land war within a short distance from their border you’re right. I don’t think India or China would be able to handle the logistics of moving an overwhelming force of human wave attacks much further than their neighbouring countries.


Most people in my country are either horny or busy beating up each other 😂


Without a doubt it’s the US by any measure. Some Chinese nationals seem to be labouring under the delusion that their military has surpassed the US. The only metric by which that is true is the sheer manpower of the Chinese PLA. But if you take a look at the Ukraine war you can see how manpower isn’t worth squat without the equipment and logistics to support it.


The USA is the most powerful country.




Not even close, especially on the military front but on all other metrics too.




The domination of the English Language is not yours to claim, but Britain's.




In a comparison between USA and China u mentioned Language




I know, u mentioned Language in a comparison between USA and China. And in a world stage mandarin has even become more popular because of Chinese economic growth internationally.


If you speak English as a first language it's because of Britain. If you speak English as a second language it's because of the US. Obviously a generalization, but you know.


Absolutely no. That is by far the worst thing I hav heard in regard to that matter. Least amount of people speaking English do it as a first language. Most speak it as a second language because it became the international language after the brits conquerd basically the world and therfore the language became wide spread across the globe. USA has contributed only in recent times through the spread of Hollywood, but English was long before USA filmindustry the international used language.




Haha that’s a fair question, but I doubt it, otherwise they probably would’ve said China instead of USA.


This is the correct answer. There is no single competition.






According to world bank data Bahrain generated 23.154 kWh per capita in 2023, making it the most powerful country in the world by a solid margin.


the most powerful country is still the USA, but there are many strong countries in the world nowadays.


The U.S. is the most powerful due to its strong economy, advanced military, and global influence.


USA is a super power since it has military bases established in various nations & can reach for war within 30 mins to any country


I shouldn't be surprised at all the comments going for USA. But I think there are quite a few metrics that would have China leading instead. An interesting way to think about what powerful means for an individual is to look at how much energy they can transform (not what they do, but what they could do). That can take many forms. Moving heavy stuff is transforming energy. Burning fuel as well. Some random dude isolated in a jungle could transform energy mostly by eating stuff, and using their body to act on the world. Not a lot. Someone billionaire, or a nation leader, can do a lot, because a single decision can have ripple effects that ends up affecting a lot of large things. It's impossible to measure that accurately, but it's interesting to think about. We could try to apply that same logic to entire countries. And by that metric, I think China is probably first. After all, they are first in electricity consumption, and by a long shot (it's not the same as what I was describing, but it's related). Or it might be USA still.


Maybe if you want to define "power" as how many joules of work a country can do, then sure. I don't think anyone is using that definition, though.


For the foreseeable future it's the United States.


It’s not even fucking close man. The USA runs the world and if you’re not an enemy of them you are essentially a proxy state for their affairs. America is an empire in all but name and that may be changing very very soon as it is clearly heading towards facism (but so is the rest of the world).


Russia has already arrived at fascism and is trying real hard to get everyone else there with it.


Russia just beat the rest of the world to the punch. The new American empire is coming fast, we will see it in our lifetime.




You're either an idiot that doesn't know what words mean, yet feel confident enough to make snarky replies, or you're a piece of shit supports genocide. Which one is it?




Who said Russians were nazi's? What a strawman bullshit argument, meanwhile Russia is behaving like nazi's and the comparison is spot on, I'm glad you brought it up. What did nazi's do? Invade sovereign countries, while spreading propaganda and dehumanising their victims? Sounds exactly like Russia. They said it was to protect ethnic Germans, exactly like Russia. They are trying to exterminate a nation and everyone with that nationality, THAT IS RUSSIA. What did Putin say? He blamed Poland for WWII, because they didn't give Hitler what he wanted, sounds like a nazi pos to me. Who started WWII of, with invading Poland TOGETHER WITH NAZI GERMANY? Oh, right, that was [RuZZia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact)! There are more nazi's per capita in [Russia](https://www.euronews.com/2023/04/13/when-russia-calls-others-nazis-it-should-be-taking-a-hard-look-at-itself) than Ukraine. In what way is Ukraine close to being nazi's? The only way it makes sense is if Russia is a terrorist state that uses lies/propaganda, playing by the nazi playbook to dehumanise their targets, calling them nazi exterminators, while in actuality they are a terrorist state committing genocide in a neighbouring country. You're either one dumb brainwashed sick fuck or a piece of shit evil asshole. You also don't even realise that fascism and naziism isn't the same thing, because you didn't get past middle school. You are too stupid not to swallow obvious bullshit propaganda. [Here's](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#:~:text=far%2Dright%20authoritarian%20political%20ideology,and%20authoritarian%20one%2Dparty%20states) some help, Russia fits the description completely, Ukraine does not.


Not that what they did 80 years ago matters, but if you remember, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union when they fought Nazi Germany, dumbass. If the argument works for Russia it works for Ukraine too. There's no denying that Russia is the fascist state trying to take over Europe now.