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Live near a military base that puts carcinogenic fumes into the air


😳 How harmful is that for nearby residents?


I know a guy who lives near the base and both his parents died of cancer while he was still in high school


For me, I believe the most dangerous thing about Florida is its drivers. Everyone from all over the country and even the world loves to visit here, and they tend to have different driving styles where they're from or they're flat out distracted with travel plans or the like. Don't even get me started on the amount of wrecks I see when it starts raining. Be safe out there and please pay attention when you're driving.


Wait what? I'm driving and replying while eating a burger and smoking. /s


I grew up in Florida. I'd have 100% agreed with you until I moved to the DC area. Same issue with people from all over, plus Maryland drivers.


It's a massive earthquake zone that is overdue for a 10+ earthquake.


Same, high five!


The Fermi 2 nuclear power station in Monroe County Michigan has had several near meltdown events and would effectively make Detroit the N.American equivalent Chernobyl if it ever should go critical is still up and operating with no plans to replace or modernize the facility.


Our house is immediately next to a stand of six extremely mature, 100ish foot Douglas fir trees. We frequently have branches come down that have punctured windshields or the roof. But the trees next to us are technically on county property, not ours, so aside from petitioning the county to trim them, all we can do is brace for the inevitable time when one of these bad boys annihilates the house and possibly us.


Jeez, that's scary. I would definitely start trying to document any incidents and start posting them on X or Reddit, and constantly tag the county in it. They tend to suddenly care about things once people start catching onto their incompetence.


That’s a really good idea actually, thanks


If you are walking your small dog down the bank of a canal, there is a very real possibility that it could become an alligator's lunch.


There are rattlesnakes in the tall grass, rocks, etc... there are mountain lions that may try to kill you in the woods.


we get them and bears and wolves and coyotes at the door step in town where we live. we were driving home at dusk winding through the highway to our road, just ahead this dude was kind of walking weirdly towards this house up ahead and all of us at once said what the hell is that dude doing? When we got up to the house where saw the guy go, he had gone up onto the front porch. Then it became clear, no dude was bear.


We get coyotes too around here, not many bears though. I had a pack of coyotes barking and hounding me for about a mile back to my truck when I was out hunting once. I wasn't even carrying game or anything. Thankfully they never worked themselves up enough to actually attack, but my heart was racing pretty hard. Fighting off a pack of coyote with a scoped .30-06 with 3 bullets in it did not seem like a winning prospect to me at the time. I grew up in a place where there were almost no major predators in the woods. Now I live in a place where they do. After that coyote encounter and another time getting stalked by a mountain lion, I don't go hunting without a sidearm anymore.


Gang violence Often heres of teens being stabbed