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Fox and the Hound


This and Brother Bear for me. I cannot bring myself to watch either again.


Watched this every night for a month straight in high school. 12/10 was not okay.


Fuck this movie. It's great and I love it but...goddamn did they have to gut punch so hard? Yes. They did.


It's lame but the Disney movie Onward. A dude and his brother trying to spend one more day with their dead dad. Too real.


I came to comment this. I bawled like a baby when I first saw the last like 3rd. It's such a beautiful movie (also Ian is my name). I never had the best relationship with my dad, so it definitely hurts like a truck.


I've been trying to work up the courage to watch this but I don't think I could make it through. The trailer had me sobbing and I had to be consoled. I miss my father every day and have dreams where I show him pictures of his grandkids that he never got to meet.


It's worth the watch. It's my FAVORITE Pixar movie


This one got me so bad. I have an older brother who did a lot of "dude stuff" with my dad when I was too young to join, and then my dad died suddenly when I was 17 and my brother was 25. Later, I found out some stuff my brother did to protect me as a kid that completely changed my perspective of him (we weren't close as adults up until that point). That scene where>! Ian lets Barley talk to their dad instead of him, because his brother basically WAS his father figure,!< made me lose it in the theater. My kids were confused about why I was crying in the theater (too young to understand).


I cannot believe this movie isn’t a bigger deal, Covid really tanked that movie. We just saw it for the first time a few weeks ago and we LOVED it. My five year old bawled when the big brother sacrificed his beloved car, and the song at the end was just perfect. It’s also [loosely based on a true story](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/03/true-story-pixar-onward-father) and that part just gutted me.


Up, especially the backstory.


Watch the firs 7 minutes of Up and then turn the movie off.


It’s not even the beginning that makes me sob, it’s always the ending shot. Ellie finally got to go to the falls. Fuck I’m tearing up just thinking about it


Agreed. Inside out had me shedding grown ass man tears in the theater as well.


At a certain point in Inside Out, I literally thought What is that strange wetness on my face? And the tears, they were flowing hard. It was the section where the 'islands' of Riley's personality, the touchstones of her life, start falling. Because that's depression, expressed in a single visual image. I could barely breathe.


My brother rarely cries, and he said that Up was one of the few movies that made him cry


What Dreams may Come.


I have a hard time watching anything with Robin Williams in it now. But I think a rewatch of that one would absolutely destroy me.


Holy shit I was looking for this one in here! I forgot the title until I came across your comment. My gf showed me this movie a few months ago, and I was NOT expecting it to be so heavy. I was absolutely balling in various parts of that movie.


I can only watch that movie like once in a decade


Same. Robin Williams was a terrific actor. Him searching for his wife in that. Straight up bawling my eyes out


I had to go to the ladies room twice because was sobbing so hard. Both times,there were groups of women crying their hearts out. Finally gave up and left the theater and waited for my boyfriend in the alley next to it, still crying....


The eulogy he gives for his son.....


Watched with my girlfriend once, we were crying rivers together, could not watch it again since that. At that time (10 years ago) I still had my close relatives alive, but now I lost lot of them already, rewatching the movie would break my heart most probably.


The Green Mile


Every time and for some reason I just keep watching it every now and then. Awful tired, boss...


The land before time (the original). That- that one scene with littlefoot‘s mom still gets me whenever I watch it. The main characters are just kids, and they’re suddenly thrust into a cruel and dangerous world. Gives me the feels every time.


So sad that the girl who voiced ducky was killed by her own dad.


Yeah, it’s really heart wrenching. She also voiced the little girl in All Dogs Go To Heaven, and the ending song in the movie is dedicated to her. Both the movies were produced posthumously, which makes it even sadder. CPS was even called on her father, but nothing changed because reasons. If you want to read more, here’s a source I found pretty accurate. —> https://allthatsinteresting.com/judith-barsi


Yes 😢 her falling asleep while Charlie is saying goodbye guts me every time I hear it. "Goodbye, Charlie. I love you."


Hatchi: A Dog’s Tale


I am still not over it…… I grew up with dogs and I broke every time one passed away. I have stopped keeping pet dogs….. it’s gut wrenching.


I refuse to watch any movies with dogs being a main part now after Eight Below. It never ends well for the doggos 😭


This. I do cry easily but that movie f*ckin devastated me. Uncontrollable sobbing. I had to pause multiple times just to collect myself god


Lion King


My Girl. Can literally never rewatch. HE CAN'T SEE WITHOUT HIS GLASSES


This movie messed me up as a child. It seems like a kids movie then bam child is being stung to death


It's just another bee movie


“Ya like ~~jazz~~ trauma?”


this is my comfort movie for sure which is kind of odd but i don’t care. i would watch this with my older cousin when we were younger and went camping. we’d both be sobbing like every other day it got to the point my great aunt took the movie from us to “make sure you girls watch one of the many other movies we have and hopefully something happier” (my great uncle gave it back to us later that day and we hid it)


Spirit. I have literally cried every time he’s loaded on the train and “Sound the Bugle” starts playing.


That soundtrack slaps too! Makes me cry every time


Coco. It didn’t help that the movie came out a few months after my grandfather passed, so it was extra sad for me


I watched Coco on an airplane shortly after my grandmother passed away, not knowing anything about the plot/premise of the movie. I still cringe when I think about how uncomfortable I made my seat-neighbor by wailing uncontrollably in front of him.


I also watched it on an airplane, but I turned it off as soon as I realized what a sobbing mess I'd be. 3 of my grandparents dealt with dementia, so it hit me extra hard. I love the music from it, but I'm not sure I'll ever watch it again.


I’ll also chime in and say I watched it on an airplane. I was on a flight from Tokyo to Bangkok and ended up sitting next to a flight attendant who just got off her shift (she lived in Bangkok). We were talking and she suggested watching Coco… well let’s just say this stranger saw more emotions from me than most people I’ve known for decades.


My grandmother was on hospice care when i saw that movie. Anyone that has dealt with hospice knows is guaranteed death, they’re just making their last days comfortable. Me and my older brother, 2 hardcore ex thugs watched that movie with our spouses. You could hear a pin drop. I haven’t seen it since.


I was literally sobbing in the theater because my grandfather paid for all of my piano lessons growing up and I always thank him (in my heart) for the best gift ever.


My guy Coco for me is assured tears, fountains of tears each and every time


Same here. It was the last movie I watched with my great grandmother and she looked a lot like mama coco even down to the braids, so when she passed the movie became a no-go unless I want some tears.


This one. I always rewatch it thinking “I’ll be strong. I definitely won’t cry this time”. I am weak. Every. Single. Time.


I ugly cried after Coco. My daughter had just been born when we watched it, and I just lost it. He was going to give it all up for his family, and he never got the chance to be with them.


Coco for me as well. My grandmas on both sides of the family had alzheimer’s before they died. The last time I saw my mom’s mom, she held my hands and looked into my face and I knew she knew that she was supposed to know who I was, but she just couldn’t draw it up to the surface. I couldn’t even tell her who I was because I was so heartbroken. Coco ruined me. I love it and it’s a gorgeous movie, so I still watch it… and I sob every time.


Marley and Me. I had a yellow lab.


I read the book when I was maybe 7, with no prior knowledge, the same year my dog died. Never had any interest in the movie after that


Forest Gump and Green Mile Fuck you, Tom Hanks






Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates


That saying always annoyed me. Every box of chocolates I've ever had had a card or picture describing exactly what you were gonna get.


Green Mile 1000%


The Green Mile was such a great movie, and so sad.


The Iron Giant


The Superman scene is probably the reason I can’t help but tear up when reading about the mars rovers finally expiring.


I was craving chocolate and took some mushroom chocolate as it was the only chocolate we had. Que the absolute *worst* trip of my entire life, ever. My partner put 'UP' on in an attempt to cheer me up, completely forgetting that the first like 7-11 minutes are emotionally heartwrenching. I ended up gutteral banshee sobbing so hard that HE started crying too. 0/10 would not recommend


I loved reading every word. Did the trip get better after?


Interstellar. Literally every single time and it’s been 20x easily.


The scene where >!Cooper watches years' worth of missed messages breaks my heart every time. How his son proudly shows off his baby boy in one message...and then explains in the next message that he didn't survive. As a father, it's absolutely heartwrenching.!<


For me, it’s the line “because my dad promised me” right near the end. Right in the feels, every single time.


That entire scene is a sad, brutal buildup to that line and it hits so hard. I fight it until that line. Just thinking about it is hitting me in the feels.


First time I watched that I broke right down. It was the perfect way to end it. What I love is how the entire story is actually just a man trying to get back to see his daughter. The bit that chokes me up as well is the theme used in 'Detach' is actually Murph's theme. When that major key theme hits, it's a reflection of the need he has just to see her again in that crucial moment. https://youtu.be/w33ic5ak4SA?feature=shared 5:33


As a young father I can also attest to this. I hope I never miss those moments with my son.


Yesss! Spoilers : >! When Cooper leaves Murphy, when he watches 20 years of messages, when he's in the fourth dimension and begs Murphy to not let him leave, and when they finally meet when she's old and about to die. !< So many times and every time I watch this movie. 😭


Ugh!! 😩 “don’t let me go, Murph!”


that movie hits me everytime


Big Fish kills me and my father is still with us.


Love this movie. Don’t think I’ve watched it since my father died 16 years ago.


Watched this about six months after my grandpa died in 2016. Gramps was known for telling his own tall-tales. I didn't cry at his funeral or when he died, but I was absolutely ugly-cry sobbing by the time the credits rolled in Big Fish. It was the most cathartic cry of my life.


Bridge to Terabithia was a bit dodgy


Apparently it is based on a true story and (don't quote me on that one) the writer insisted the girl dies off screen anti climatically for realism purposes. In real life there are no goodbyes. You just find out. No music, no preparation. Edit : the writer wrote the book after his son's BFF waa stuck by lighting and died. Studios did Not want the girl to die. They wanted her to be in a coma before waking up. This is the one ans only Disney movie in which a kid dies permanently.


It’s based on a fiction book that follows the same story as the movie. It was somewhat based on a true event of the author’s son. The son’s best friend a young girl was struck by lightning and killed.


Went in to this movie thinking it was a fun kid’s imagination story. Dude


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


100%. The scene where Joel professes his love to Clementine before his memory gets erased. "I wish I'd stayed..." as his last memory of her falls apart gets me every time!


Million Dollar Baby. Complete tear jerker.


That was an excellent, yet terrible movie. I kept thinking she'll somehow get better, but nope.


OMG it destroyed me


I started watching thinking I was getting a boxing movie. I ended up emotionally dead inside. Great film!


Schindlers list


I was gonna say The Pianist


My God. The part where he's playing the piano for that SS officer in the abandoned house 😭


the ending scene where the survivors put the rocks on his stone makes me cry each time and ive watched is multiple times


Same here.


So much of the movie is enhanced by the lack of a soundtrack. Whenever John Williams does make an appearance, the moment is so incredibly poignant and seared into my memory


Dear Zachary.


This one absolutely wrecked me. It’s been years and I still get choked up thinking about it. I think about the grandparents all the time.


Same here. The end when the grandparents just held each other and cursed her just stayed with me. I think about this doc regularly even after all this time.


Dumbo...I will cry every time I see that scene where he's getting rocked by his mom


Grave of the Fireflies


Amazing film that I never want to see again 🥲


Came here to say this. Never again.


“She never woke up” :’(


Ok. You win. When the girl started eating rocks I was finished.


I can make it more sad. The author wrote the story as his way of atonement. It was his life story. He changed the end so that he died homeless in a train station because he felt that was the ending he deserved.


Ugh yes! This one is so beautiful and well-made but it absolutely crushes the soul.


This is the only movie that when I even hear it mentioned I get sad. This is the correct answer and it's not even close.


One of the best movies I’ve ever seen and I truly never want to see it again. Heartbreaking.


Old Yeller. Such a good boy.




Les Miserables. Such a fantastic story about hope and redemption and sacrifice. I've loved musicals ever since


Pans labyrinth


A walk to remember 🥺


The Killing Fields. I cried my guts out in the street while my husband awkwardly tried to comfort me/get me to stop.


When the grandmother passes away in Moana and she sees her spirit animal form, it makes me into a complete mess every single time. I was raised by my Grandmother so it just hits super hard


the pursuit of happiness


The scene in the bathroom with his son crushed me


OMG! Same!


I got pretty emotional after seeing the Iron Claw at the cinema. Although it didn’t have the same impact rewatching it at home.


Went to the movies w the intention of seeing something else. It was sold out, shrugged shoulders and bought tix to Iron Claw, just thought it was a story about a wrestling family. Well, ya, but... hoooo boy.


the green mile. cried like a baby as an 11 year old - still cry as a baby in my 20s. will cry like a baby as an oldie.


Born Free about Elsa the lion..true story...old movie.




i have never cried while watching a movie but i think ‘SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION’ did a pretty good job


Train to Busan. It is so much more than a zombie movie. I felt the characters raw emotions the entire movie.


Manchester by the Sea


The ultimate horror movie. It pulls *zero* punches. Yeah, they're all dead. Yeah, it's because of your mistake. Yeah, they make child-size body bags. Yeah, your wife has moved on. Yeah, that's not going to happen for you... Fuuuuuck.


Inside Out. Not a heavy cry, but that's the only movie that's been able to draw tears from me


Same. The scene where her happy emotions turn blue got me so bad. It was the realization that many happy things are still happy but they’re done and all you have are memories which my mind immediately tied to eventually losing my parents. Gut punch.


+1 on this one right here. spoiler for anyone else who watches: >!the scene where riley finally finds the ability to feel her sadness and confess everything she'd been feeling always got to me so bad. definitely difficult to watch as someone who struggled with that all the time at that age. i wish my parents had been that understanding. :(!<


"The Fault in Our Stars" had me sobbing like a baby. I had to pause the movie multiple times just to regain my composure. Thank you John Green for breaking my heart into a million pieces.


click. was like watching my deepest nightmare as soon as time starts skipping without input.


The ending is also out of nowhere. Like emotional whiplash.


La la land…. I feel that whole plot of I love you but I have to let you go so we can be better apart.


Schindler’s List. Couldn’t speak for an hour after leaving the cinema.


7 Pounds murdered my soul.






Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Oh yeah. Too many moments mess me up. When Rocket whimpers “hurts!” As is first word…When Nebula tells Drax “you weren’t born to be a destroyer, you were born to be a dad”, the little gasp Nebula makes when she finds out Rocket is alive, when Pete reunited with his grandfather. Fuck, man. I wish I could be a dad. 😞


I did NOT go into this movie knowing how much I would cry. Totally unexpected.


The Lovely Bones. Gets me every time.


Where the Red Fern Grows and A Dog's Life and all the following movies from it.


Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 dad & son stories always makes me cry


Brave little toaster


the flower scene hits me like a car crash.


Have you ever watched disney's Coco?


Oh goodness! The song "Remember Me" will always hold a special place in my heart.




Hachi so sad


Marley & Me. No competition.


Brokeback Mountain


Jack, I swear…


Never Let Me Go. Devastating.


Me before you


Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It came out like 6 months after my dad died and at a time where I was really working a bunch of that out in therapy, and that scene with Yondu and Peter broke me


The fox and the hound!!😭


The Never Ending Story






I'm not one to get emotional at movies, but Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 made me definitely tear up. The movie executed the story well by providing pieces at a time, and I think the build-up is what caused so much emotion.


This movie absolutely broke me. When baby Rocket wakes up and whimpers "Hurts", when Floor panics after Lylla is killed. Great film, but it really caught me off guard.


Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes


Arrival. I cried for like, hours. I’m really surprised I scrolled a lot of comments and didn’t see anyone say this.


Easy homeward bound


Green Mile and dead poets society. Also that one episode in HIMYM, the father's funeral. Also doctor whoy the episode with Van Gogh


*AI: Artificial Intelligence* I’m a 6’2” 220-lb. man and wailed like a baby at the ending because my relationship with my mom was just like that.


Everything everywhere. Cried each time and still love it.


COCO *Remember meee*


Holy crap i feel so old. My answer is Old Yeller. All the other answers in this thread are good, but I was already too jaded by the time they came out.


About time The talk with his Dad just...destroys me.




*"My friends, you bow to no one"* Waterfall the size of Minas Tirith flowing from my eyes


50/50 unlocked 15 years of repressed emotion in the theater for me. I loudly wheeze cried.


Where the wild things are


The notebook


Brian’s Song


girl interrupted, that was the only movie I’ve ever cried to—that shit was so rough to watch, really fucked me up for a while


Gravity Falls (Ik it's not movie, but it still masterpiece)


Definitely Marley & Me. Straight up ugly sobbed and sobbed.


The Bridges of Madison County.


Fox and the hound


Big Fish… the ending gets me right in the feels…


I haven't seen any mention of Inside Out, which destroyed me when I watched it. Also, Avengers: Endgame. I teared up on Vormir with Clint and Natasha. Finally got settled back down, then the portals started opening. I began to well up, as everyone came back. The tears finally broke when I finally heard the words I'd waited ten years to hear: Avengers Assemble! I happy cried through pretty much the whole battle. Then, the end came, and those happy tears turned to tears of grief when everyone started saying goodbye to Tony. Those tears stayed through the rest of the movie, including Cap's happy ending dance with Peggy. Then the credits rolled, and I stayed watching the cast come up on screen, and I began crying again when the original Avengers came up, along with the signatures of the actors, many of whom wouldn't be returning. It was such a fantastic goodbye to the OG team and actors, I couldn't help myself.


Turning Red Captured growing up as a first generation Asian kid in the early 00s really well. So many expectations, things that go unsaid, and just not understanding why parents are the way they are. I will probably never watch that movie again lmao just thinking about it is a lot. I think after a certain point I just felt so many parallels I probably cried for a lot of the movie.


Miracle in Cell No. 7


When Marnie was there


*Dancer in the Dark* The first time I saw it was on a date with a woman from work who I'd been flirting with for weeks. She invited me over dinner and a movie. We ate lasagna and then watched the movie and by the end we were holding each other and sobbing like little kids with skinned knees. We never went out again.


Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (The Mister Roger’s documentary). Made me realize that I deserve love and want to be a better person. Each viewing is like a cleanse for the soul.


Sophie's choice, the fox and the hound, Bambi, my girl, Australia


Coco made me cry four times in the theater. The rape scene in The Last House on the Left made me sob uncontrollably from how upsetting it was.


Ol yeller. Dogs>everything


The Boy In the Striped Pajamas, Grave of the Fireflies, and most recently: A Silent Voice.


Pursuit of Happiness


Up Life is Beautiful


The Notebook and Call Me By Your Name one is wholesomely sad, the others just straight up heartbreaking.


CMBYN shattered my soul… it holds such a special place in my heart


It does though. Its probably one of those movies that I'll never forget