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To repeat something for the 3rd time because I can’t work out what they’re saying.






What the other guy said, plus, constant agitation during the freezing process. What this means is, every hour or so, you open the freezer, hit it with a stick, and tell it that it'll never amount to anything.


Don't threaten me witha good time


Hydrogenated oils and artificial emulsifiers.


Soylent Green


Vegan pastry chef here. You need a really high fat base and tons of emulsion to pack a lot of air in there, making it creamy and fluffy. Peanut butter and coconut are the two best bases for vegan ice cream that offer great results. I strongly recommend a professional machine for this however, a-home ice cream makers are not gonna be strong or cold enough.


Why are my parents so emotionless?


Life’s rough; there’s probably not enough of the emotions they think you deserve. Nothing is better than what they have inside.


Life is difficult. Having a family increases that difficulty. We all have hopes and dreams, and very often the person we are with doesn't share them. Having kids cuts off any hope you may have had of achieving those dreams yourself, so you start to lean into your kids to achieve for you vicariously what you couldn't achieve on your own before they halted that dream. Again, often, the kids don't share thise dreams, and all three parties begin to resent each other as life becomes a monotonous loop of seeming non-existence that you can't escape because you've obligated yourself to remain there. Then, there's also the fact that people change. This is why getting married and having kids young is a bad idea. You don't know who you'll be in ten minutes, never mind ten months, or ten years. What once were shared passions often change, and grow, or pass away entirely. Before trying to find a person to share your life with, you should really know yourself.... and be okay with yourself. Because putting your confidence in yourself based on someone else's opinion of you can be not only devastating to you, but abusive to them.


This is such an amazing answer and yet I’m experiencing all of these things and emotions myself. My wife and I been together 9 years and I’m still only 33 and we’re very, very lucky that at least this far we’ve supported the growth of eachother


They raised a kid who is obsessed with weed. Sucked all their emotions out.


The day I spend my time looking at strangers posts and comments and dogging them for it, is the day I’d rather remove my fingernails with pliers. I’d rather be obsessed with weed, that pays my bills than a social media weasel


Are they actually wanting WW3 to happen?


Yes. Watch Fallout. No spoilers, but... we are an oligarchy. I don't care if you like Trump or Biden, they are both just faces. The people calling the shots are the people who make the money. We have outlived our usefulness to them. The left and the right are just extremist cults sponsored by the state in order to make us all hate each other and fight down here on the ground so we forget to look up to where our true oppressors lie. Every group is just a polar opposite of some other group. Every member of any group is just a normal person, disaffected by the chaos of existence, told to choose ONE aspect of the many different things that make them unique and lean hard into it. They have weaponized us against each other, they have made it impossible even for those in two-income families making decent money to survive, and have used the destruction they themselves have wrought to plunge us into climate apartheid and nuclear devastation while they sit in their air conditioned bunkers with everything they could ever need. Watch Fallout. It isn't just good entertainment... it's *prophetic*. That scene at the end, the big reveal... that IS WHATS CURRENTLY HAPPENING IN THE WORLD. It doesn't matter what side you're on, and how much you believe your cause is honest and just and the best choice for humanity... you are a pawn, a cog in a wheel. Every day you go to work and make money for the company you work for while being given a fraction of that in return. Your children are taught to think like cashiers and cubicle workers instead of being taught any skills that could make them truly excel, and their talents and skills and interests and hopes and dreams are being squandered in exchange for being taught proprietary skills that will only serve them as long as they stay subserviently low on the totem pole. Everything is a product... even the end of the world.


Wow I just watch the trailers and that is disturbing. LOL I get your point someone is always in control and I dont believe the president has any power.




So I guess the left forced Russia to invade?


What's the point of exaggerating like that?


I'd say this is the most cost effective way the US has ever fought Russia. A lot of what we are sending over was paid for in the 90s and is just collecting dust. Also, we don't have any troops being lost in this war.... actually wanting WW3 would be to let Russia defeat the Ukraine and advance. There's a party voting for that to happen and it's not the left you fear.


I'm afraid to ask my husband if he still loves me the same as before, I'm afraid to know the real answer


I've always wanted to know if my friends actually like my cooking, but I'm too scared to ask and find out they’ve just been polite all these years.


Host a dinner night. Tell them you're trying to perfect some recipes. Have your guests anonymously rate and review each course.


Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?


George Carlin? Is that you? I remember you asking this during a concert back in the 70s.


If lesbians aren’t attracted to men, why are they attracted to women who look like men?


What's the best way to ask for a raise at work without sounding pushy?


Have an exact number in your mind, and be ready to justify your request. Asking for a raise isn't being pushy, it's telling your employer what you think you're worth. The subtext is if they can't meet you somewhere close to that, you might find someone else who will.


Why are they called wisdom teeth when most people get them removed because they're a pain in the ass that no one wants?


It's because they generally come out later in life, as you get older and theoretically more wise. Fun fact they are an evolutionary design. Their purpose is that you are expected to lose teeth throughout your life, and then the wisdom teeth come in and push everything back together. We just don't often lose teeth anymore.


Why do some people never seem to gain weight no matter what they eat? 🍕🍔 It feels like they have some magical metabolism, right?


It is rarely their metabolism. They are genuinely active and burning more calories then they consume. It Takes a lot of effort if it's not normal for you to be active and watching food intake just out of habit but it is worth the effort. The longer you take to start though, the harder it gets. For me, I'm in a relationship for the forst time in my life and have gained 10lbs in the last 3 months because my gf eats a lot more than me and I try to be polite and courteous. She has said similar to me that's she's jealous of my metabolism but after I showed how much weight I put on, she's now more health conscious for my sake. We'll see how it goes.


Why can’t police issue tickets for stupidity?


what is the actual answer you want to hear when complaining? for context: I tend to give people advise when they complain and got told multiple times, that this is what people NOT want to hear. But noone tells you how you should reaact when someone tells you about their Problems.


Sometimes, people just need to be heard. They're not at the problem-solving stage yet.


People don't always want an answer or a solution. Sometimes all you need is to vent. Unless they ask for help or advice, don't give it.


You can show that you understand them, that you can imagine how it feels like. And you can also ask:"What do you need from me right now? Do you want me to listen or do you want a suggestion?"


Complain about something similar. Misery loves company. If someone is upset about something, the need they are trying to fulfill by complaining about it is just venting and validation.


Why my Dad never came back!


Ah I’m sorry. Hope you know fully in your heart that it’s not because of you


I really don't know! If he cared about me or anyone!


What does the Tiktok generation think the word "cuckold" means?  I've seen it used in 5000 different ways on Reddit and I have no freaking idea what they're trying to say? Threes no way all of these people's spouses were unfaithful. 


Do my friends actually like me?


Exactly how much am I supposed to “be myself?”Because it seems like whenever I am, I end up in a lot of trouble, but when I’m repressing my natural behavior to quietly go with the crowd, work and school and everything is much easier.


What does it feel like to be dying of cancer? Not mentally but physically


So far, no real pain from the cancer itself but the surgeries and chemo can be brutal. Now I am in remission from both lung and stomach cancer but neither caused me any pain. It did leave me with a hole in my side that goes into my lung cavity that needs to be cleaned and dressed every day. Every meal I eat leaves me with terrible nausea that will last for hours.


Are there really people who wipe sitting down? Or is that he right way? Am I freak?!


What is rimming?