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Chachi and Hercules!! Scott Baio and Kevin Sorbo are so far up Trump's ass, Marjorie Taylor Greene was able to get autographs from them.


James Woods just took his “Trump that Bitch” shirt off


Jon Voight


The guy's a biter- no surprise


Randy quaid


Rob Schneider


Why would anyone take medical advice from Duce bigalow male jigallow Jeez


I dunno about the Internet, but Dennis Miller comes to mind as a guy who threw away his career over wild ass right wing politics.


James Woods, used to like him but now he's a total Trumper


Donald Trump


Toby Turner’s downfall from beloved YouTube personality, to Alex jones conspiracist who sexually assaulted women must be studied.


Russell Brand


Kevin Sorbo


Hercules (sorry I can't remember his real name)


He has a name I think, but it is not important enough to remember


Joe Rogan


Jk Rowling. Not an actress but a beloved writer who spends most of her time bemoaning trans women.


Dean Cain Mark Pellegrino Kevin Sorbo


More UK centric, but Laurence Fox. Similarly Graham Lineham. He's got a trans bee up his arse like JK Rowling.


Graham Linehan managed to TERF himself out of a £200k payout to adapt Father Ted into a musical, his career, and his own marriage


JK Rowling could have retired in her castle a beloved children's author. Instead she just posts constant vitriolic hatred towards trans people to a point where it is literally all she is as an entity now.


Can you produce any quote of her that you consider "vitriolic hatred towards trans people"? Even just 1 example to back this up?




Can you please provide an actual quote. I'm not disagreeing with anyone. Asking for proof when someone is being called a holocaust denier and hatred towards trans people does not mean I agree with any of that. Fucking redditors. No wonder everyone hates this website.


This year, J.K. Rowling publicly denied that trans people were a target of the nazis. Even with people making entire articles about it, and there being many sources about it, she still holds her position, and actually went on to sue the reporter who claimed she is denying a fact about the holocaust, who, fun fact, is Jewish. Also, from this year as well, she has called trans woman "A man cosplaying" Similarly, in another instance, she tweeted that "Calling a man a man is not bullying. It's not punching down. Crossdressing straight men are currently one of the most pandered-to demographics in existence, and women are under no obligation to applaud the people caricaturing us [women]" In a reply to a tweet, she compared being transsexual with just "identifying as black because you like Mowtow". J.K. Rowling first started issues with the trans community when she began to question the role of biological sex. And yk what, i see her doubts as valid. What role does biological sex have in our society now that we openly disassociate it from gender? Personally, i see this as a very good question. Unfortunately, she just went on a downward spiral of bigotry and hatred.


I just want a quote. Someone produce a quote, in context. Not this "people say she did this and that" You seem like the most reasonable person who responded. What is a direct quote, in context that you find offensive??


I did give a quote


>"Calling a man a man is not bullying. It's not punching down. Crossdressing straight men are currently one of the most pandered-to demographics in existence, and women are under no obligation to applaud the people caricaturing us [women]" This is what you consider vitriolic hatred towards trans people? Is that the quote you're referring to?


I mean, saying that a trans woman is a caricature is really transphobic. Idk how else to define this statement. Would you enjoy being called a caricature? I certainly wouldn't


Saying a trans woman is a crossfresser is transphobia. Yes there are cross dressers. That’s a different thing done being trans.


I'm just asking what quote she said where everyone can agree that she has a vitriolic hatred towards trans people. I don't think that quote represents vitriolic hatred. I actually think the comments people are making about her have way more hatred behind them compared to these quotes you gave. From an unbiased outside perspective.


How is calling someone a caricature not a universal definition of hatred? Would you call someone that you respect a caricature? Would you call your mom that? That is a quote from a place of hatred towards trans people


I don't find it hateful. Cross dressing isn't the same as being trans. She's talking about drag queens. And it's literally dressing up. They are quite literally dressing up as a women lol. That's pretty much what being a caricature is.... isn't it? There's definitely nicer ways to say what she was saying. But vitriolic hatred does not fit here. And I think you know that too


Just super quickly... Can you define "unbiased"? Also if there's time maybe also "outside"?


Nope. I wont elaborate. Stop being a sealion.


So the takeaway from this is you don't even bother to read what people provide.  Typical sealion.


If that's your takeaway, you're an idiot. Read all my comments here. Tell me where I'm wrong. You're the one who clearly didn't read anything. Very telling by calling me a "sealion" it's very cult like behavior The best part is how everyone stops responding as soon as they need to explain themselves. I'm guessing you will do the exact same


Again, typical sealion.  You're boring.


Right on que. Thanks for showing your true colors If you want to talk about anything I said or any of the quotes we talked about, I'm here to talk about it. Or just keep calling me a sealion. That's more what I expect anyway. Just looked up what sealion means. And LOL. Yeah. Of course you think someone asking for proof is a "sealion". Literal cult behavior. This is the exact same thing scientology does when someone asks them to provide evidence LOL.


🎶Google is a thiiiiing🎶


>“I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so.” Well when I Google "Rowling hates trans" I get quotes like this. I personally don't see any issue with this. Do you?


Sealion detected


They can't. She advocates for WOMEN. That is all.


I think she's being facetious.


Consistently, regularly, for years and years and years and years now, constantly reinforcing an defending this "facetious" position? Bray long enough and it won't really matter if it was a joke or not. People are going to know you as the person who sounds like an ass all the time.


I bet 90% of people think JK Rowling just wrote to Harry Potter books. It's a small percentage of people who are chronically online reading about what famous people do and say. Isn't she a billionaire? Don't even give her the clout and talk about her if she's so hateful. The bitch made all her money. Let her scream into a void.




Who checks celebrities' public statements? You guys are way too obsessed with famous people and when they wipe their browneyes.


People begin to care when celebrities use their fame to influence and promote policies that hurt people


Ew. Contact your local and state representatives instead of bitching about what famous people like and dislike. Holy fucking shit, you people.


Hercules. And he is a gullible trump supporter. Takes every word trump says as gospel without doing any research or using just basic common sense


That's pretty much all of them though.


Barbara Streisand. She’s insufferable.


Kevin Sorbo. Yeesh


everyone suddenly became political scientists, which is probably fashionable now.


George Takei. His cringe-posting all over FB was the worst


mark ruffalo is the biggest one that comes to mind for me, but so do about 95% of all other hollywood actors




To be fair that guy was an actual state governor, so constantly posting about politics is pretty normal. His comments also are more in the “retired politician” mode than “half-assed ignorant actor” mode.