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A similar question was in a newspaper a few years back, posed to celebrities. 'What would you tell your sixteen year-old self?' Three of them posted the same old asinine shit "Believe in yourself!" "Don't let the bullies get you down!" etc. Then they asked Lady Gaga and she said 'I wouldn't tell myself a Goddam thing.' and she came out of it looking like the only person who really grasped the core concept.


Haha. Reminds me of how I answer that stupid interview question “where do you see yourself in five years?” I’m like: I’m old enough to know I have no fucking clue and who cares anyway?


You know what, I really like that


You're right, you're not you without your experiences


This is peak I'm 14 and this is deep


A rich celebrity wouldn't change anything that caused her to become a rich celebrity... Imagine that


holy shit buy as much stock in apple/Google as possible and invest in bitcoin in 2009


Even if you invest last year you would be up 50% 🤷‍♂️


Don’t try too hard to keep people in your life. Admit when you’re wrong. Work toward establishing a career and a passive income. Don’t worry about missing out.


What I would tell my 18 yr old self: 1. Stay away from dating 2. Care more about your education and network 3. Find better friends 4. Learn how to build boundaries, and if a "friend" can't respect that, they are gone. 5. Not everyone has good intentions 6. Most people don't know what they are talking about, don't take advice from them(Ironic, IK) 7. Keep on loving yourself, don't spend all of your emotional energy on other people 8. Stop changing yourself to fit in, the people around you may well like you, but most of them don't know the real you. You are gonna feel lonely even though friends surround you, and you are gonna be unhappy. 9. Don't spend time worrying about the "what ifs" and thinking about how things might happen, just go do it. Even if it's a mess at first, you can always fix it. 10. Why care about what other people think of you? Who cares if people think that you are weird, what's wrong with being different? 11. Put yourself as the center of your life, you have one life and you are the main character. 12. Don't spend so much time dwelling on the big negative events that have happened, try to move on. 13. It's okay to say no, and you don't have to stay around people that you don't particularly enjoy, you can get up and leave. 14. If someone messages you something that you don't want to talk about, or try to start arguments, you can ignore their messages. There is also the block button. 15. Stop making excuses for people's bad actions, we don't live in a fairy tale. Your feelings and emotions are valid whether or not they did it on purpose. 16. Try exercising more, get that endorphins up. 17. Take more pictures of your memories, even if you don't really like how you look at the time, that damn smile makes me smile, and no good person is gonna stare at your pictures and analyze every single little flaws you have. 18. People change. You are gonna change too. But the memories you made along the way? That's not gonna change, and the happiness you felt in the moment is real and should be treasured, even if your relationship/friendship ended awfully. 19. It gets better. There might be bumps and valleys, but you will be fine. Take one day at a time, and focus on the present. 20. If you feel unhappy, smile at yourself in the mirror even if it's fake. That damn smile will make you feel happier. 21. Figure out your goals in life. What do you want to achieve in 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? A month? Next week? 22. Life is unpredictable, accept that things aren't always gonna be how you want them to be. You are the center of your world, but you are not the center of the whole world. 23. You don't owe anyone an explanation. 24. You got this. You have the power to control your own life, and only you. Your dreams aren't gonna just happen on their own.


One time when I was deeply depressed (and had been for several years at that point) and in college, I read about how smiling releases endorphins, but also changes how people respond to you, which can help improve your mood. It was really frustrating to be told basically "smile more" but also told *why* and thats why it stuck with me. I didn't always smile but I tried to smile more as a default setting for my face and it really helped my overall mood and success in social situations.


Dress nice-ish also helps in a similar way, where people tend to treat you a bit nicer because of unconscious bias, which can improve your mood and maybe boost your confidence, especially if people tell you that you look nice and you wish them a nice day back - it will also make someone else feel nice.


Dressing well genuinely opens doors. It’s like a magic cloak of opportunity. The difference in respect and trust is very noticeable.


“Boop” saved this one :-)


It wouldn't matter... I wouldn't listen at 18. I knew all of it then....


This is the real answer


Learn to communicate effectively.


Take care of your relationships.


Be open to new ideas and perspectives.


Invest in the market now


Develop good study habits.


Learn to say no when necessary.


Networking is important; build strong connections.


Don't go out with Linda. She turns fucking insane.


I wanna know what Linda did


She said she wanted to know what my eyelids taste like.


Wellll did she find out??


When she left me I never saw it coming. I came home from work and everything in the house was gone. Everything. Clothes, food, appliances, furniture. She even took my dog. I found out later it wasn't anything I did. She met someone else and moved in with him with my stuff.


You're going to beat this cancer.


Stop being so damn horny!


This is where the fun begins.


Now THIS is Podracing!


Dont trust people, people are garbage.


-Lift with your legs -Try to learn that you don't know everything before you're about 35 -You need to work on friendships so pick good ones and work hard -always pay yourself first from everything you earn, even if it's just a dollar


Stay away from that boy, live your life.


Spend more time with ur brother, he won’t be here for long 😔


Better yourself. Fuck your pride and ego and be a better person! And stop jerking off


Asking for a friend, how'd you fix the jerkin it problem?


Don't count the days that you've not fapped. You have to change your identity mentally to someone who doesn't jerk it and believe it.


I felt ashamed every time (post nut clarity) and every time you want to do it think about the things it destroyed and just don’t. You few women in a disgusting way which also sucks. I have a three month old daughter and it just feels horrible knowing some fathers jerk off having a wife and kids. Thinking about those comments on instagram from guys with family on ig Models is also disgusting


Stop being full of yourself and learn music theory, it won't kill your creativity, shutting yourself off to knowledge will.


Spend more time with your parents than your lame ex.. You won't get many more years with your dad


Break up with that bitch Ashley and STAY TF AWAY FROM HER FOREVER. And ur gonna get a job building robots...DO WHATEVER TF U CAN TO KEEP THAT JOB U DUMBSHIT


Never drink alcohol




For me, yes lol.


Stop getting high and actually read the assigned readings.


“ don’t be Mormon”


You’re a whole lot dumber than you think.


Avoid the redheads. No matter how temping, the scars aren’t worth it.


Screw what people think and do what you want


Stop drinking alcohol right now and don’t gain so much weight. Care about those closest to you and don’t take parents for granted. Watch out for people claiming to be friends but only out to get what they can from you. And above all enjoy life because before you know it you are too old and unable to do certain things.


Read more books, and it's not your fault...


Start your pension now. Tim is not your friend. Brush your teeth. Look after your back.


The people at that church aren't waiting to give you answers when you grow up, they don't have them. And your friend, the really angry one? He's being abused, and needs help, but he doesn't know how to ask.


Women between ages 18 - 29 are nuts. Avoid them at all cost and focus on your career. Don't date any woman unless she is 29 years old minimum.


Have more sex and learn a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Maybe like programming or become something in the medical field


I would tell my 18 year old self to avoid men. give up on dating. wait til after college. Don't fall for bumble bro, work for my school IT the summer after freshman year. I have a lot of advice I can give. avoid dad. know that mom is gonna side with dad, along with sister will side with them. find more friends, cause you will be left out of shit on purpose, go to more swing events even if the guy you like is there. Don't bother trying to convince your best friend their girlfriend is toxic as hell, just run. wait til you meet horny ass to have sex. don't take bumble seriously, it's a dead beat. Keep your head up, cause you're gonna do great.


Stop being so cringe.


Do NOT marry her!


Start fucking. There won't be a whole lot of it later on...


I am 55 now and I would tell my younger self to accept people for who they are and not what you want them to be.


Don’t freak out about your future… everything will be ok (at the time I didn’t know I had bad anxiety).


chill out and trust the journey! Embrace change and take the risks. You've got this!


Tell the truth and love everyone.


Take charge of your life and don't let anyone else dictate it.


You did a great job, keep up the good work


Dont stop doing whatever you were doing to make your career.


Def agree girl ! Everyone should follow their dream ☺️




Save your money and buy a home before you’re 25. Even if you split it with friends, you won’t own be able to own any home if you don’t.


This is gunna age me, but I still had a few years to save up to get invested in bitcoin when I was 18


Don’t get too hung up on labels.


Don't feel so indebted to people, don't work so hard, look for healthy relationships (including platonic) where you just make each other happy.


Don’t do it😂


Listen up bitch! Put down the bottle, pull up google on your clunky ass old computer, and find a therapist. Your dad just died, you need therapy, not binge drinking. Also, break up with your boyfriend and go out with Steve instead, he's nicer. There's a hell of a lot to be said for genuine kindness, especially since you're also attracted to the guy.


Buy Bitcoin.


Go back in time 18 years, crawl back in, see it shut. Or maybe go back 19 years and prevent my conception in the first place. It’s a crying shame that humans result from sex. It’s be like: enjoy that roller coaster, bc you’re about to make another human who hates adulting, or drink that tasty beverage, but know it’ll result in a little human who dudnt wanna be here either, etc. If they made all conception arduous and spendy like IVF, we would have a lot fewer miserable cretins like me roaming the planet. And I mean ZERO disrespect to women and couples who had to go this route; everyone who actively wants to have a child should be able to afford its conception. It’s the dipshits who think with their dicks and clits and zero thought about the potential outcomes that ruffle my feathahs. 


When people show you who they are, believe them! People who constantly make you feel like shit aren’t your friends. Work towards your goals and get a good sense of self.


Stop fucking around and get serious


Get a therapist. Just tell them your story from the beginning.


You are surrounded by some absolute pieces of shit, you just don’t know it yet. Focus on money and your career, maybe see more of the world.


Drop her, oh my god drop her. I would have immediately broke up with my ex gf.


Go all in on BTC, shiba inu, or doge….


That being rich is more fun than looking rich. Save your money and don’t finance things.


Cheaters will never change and don’t lose sleep over them or date anyone with that history.


Don't go to college yet


do something - anything. go to college (out of state preferably), join the military, get a job, move out on your own, just do anything. and find some friends and a girlfriend. just dont keep sitting on your ass, otherwise youll wind up a depressed, lonely man, coming up on his 40s realizing he pissed all of his fun years away, and has nothing to show for it. and invest in this stupid thing called bitcoin.




Wet farts can sneak up on you during interviews


"You're gonna meet someone who'll keep you from killing yourself but never shelve the urge. Do it now if you don't wanna deal with the burden."


Don't try to do 100 different drugs, it stops being fun around drug 10. I'm almost up to 90 now tho so I can finally stop soon.


Keep up that daily routine, never slack or forget why you’re doing it! Floss, brush your teeth Workout, read or do some mental stimulation everyday Write, diary, keep track of your daily/monthly progress Don’t take immediate pleasure over long term pleasure choose quantity over quality , while you’re still young and have motivation! Pump out as much energy as you can Fine tune stuff later!:) it might seem like you won’t live to see next year today, but years pass fast


I would tell my 18-year-old self to take more risks and not be afraid of failure. Embrace new opportunities, travel whenever you can, and invest time in building strong relationships. Also, start saving and investing early, even if it's just a small amount. You'll thank yourself later.


Quit smoking pot . Give up on med school and do nursing earlier .


nothing cause im leading a pretty good life. but if i was able to isolate most of my problems without changing anything else with one act... tell myself to get my driver's license 💀💀💀


Be alone. Every pain you feel will come from a man. Just be alone.


Don't stop trying to find the reasons to love yourself. Go to the dentist. Listen to your parents.


Buy Nvidia stock.


Read more


"Bro, save money. Don't go to the strip club just cause you can."


Dating can wait. Focus on you.


You are about to meet a new group of people. Do NOT get close to them.


Don’t let people use you / walk all over you You can say no to people Accept who you are, denying it just makes everything more miserable


For the love of god, don’t date her.


Stop drinking your mom’s boxed wine ya booze hound.


Invest in IBM and Apple.


"dont mess it up, future me"


Nothing. I would be too paranoid something would change and I wouldn't end up in the same place I am now. Yes I don't have a perfect life but it could be a lot worse.


Don’t date Wayne. And most importantly don’t f’ing marry him!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fuckl..., don't marry her. Don't take any of them back. Don't fight for friends. Stop getting in fights for stupid shit no matter how good you might be at it. Put every free penny into apple and Microsoft then move it to DogeCoin before 2020. Marry no one. The only constant is your brother. Enjoy early retirement together.


I would tell my 18 year old self: don’t do it


Don’t get married don’t join the army stop starving yourself and quit all those marathons your body will thank you later


Leave those ppls house and stuff where it belongs. Got arrested at 18’for a burglary and it was a shitty time after that. Went to prison a year later for violating probation. That made me really hate myself and that caused past me to say fuck future me for a decade.




Dont sell your 68 Charger for $1500.


I am currently 18, and I know I should just confess to a guy. So that's my advice, what's the worst that could happen? (I will not follow my own advice... yet)


It all doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy and don't mind what people think... I have been living in that way ever since I could remember. No need to change what works...


Start maximizing retirement savings


-don't be alone with anyone you don't want to fuck unless you can beat them up -some people use substances to lower your guard and abilities. This wouldn't be worth mentioning if it weren't a recurring theme over the years. 19, 20, 28, 29, 30 -it isn't a moral failing if you can't capture and marry someone out of your 100 body graduating class -first time you hear about Bitcoin, invest


1. buy bitcoin


either this: Don't stop studying until you get a doctorate. Or that: Don't drop out of med school to go to America!


Trust but verify. Deny, deny, counter-accuse


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Be patient, things WILL get better


Don't give up. You'll get to your dreams 1 day. Just keep fighting


Don't talk to Michael because my 18 year old self had a mental breakdown over him.


Don’t fuck with Ashley she ain’t shit


buy BTC


Don't try to make the police shoot you. It's not chill. It's okay you're gay, it's not okay you're becoming a pastor at an especially evil version of the Christian church, and feeling shame.. Run out that damn door boy.


Enjoy your life as is. What advice older people give you, you will not understand till you are the age of the person providing the advice. 


Buy bitcoin


Take your diabetes seriously so that you don't have complications later. If I had watched out for myself even reasonably the first 10-15 years I probably wouldn't have needed a kidney transplant.


The things you do between 18 and 30 will set you up for the rest of your life. Don't be scared to try new things and fail. "yes and" every opportunity that comes your way. These next 10-15 year are the perfect time to make and learn from your mistake.


Do what makes you happy, your gay and that's OK.