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I haven't. I spell it all the time... You win some, you lffk some.


No, I think that's not right. I think it's "you loose some"


I have some lose change in my pocket


I recall the word “looser” peppered throughout her conversation.


I have loos in my backyard.


Lou's in my backyard


classic lou


“loose” is like having extra space or sag, you mean “looze”




You lissome ? You lisseez ? No time Toulouse, the famous gunslinger?


You lysosome


But did you know its actual pronunciation is like hose or hoes but with an L?


*autocorrect has entered the chart*


Genuinely laughed


Here's how to remember: The second o comes loose and then you lose it.


Lose/loose, brake/break, then/than, affect/effect, there's plenty of them. At this point I think it's because they hear the word, but have no idea which is actually used. It's okay when you're talking, less ok when you're writing.


You can add peek/peak to that. I see it all the time on shooter games somehow. EVERYONE is peaking around corners. Idk maybe I'm misunderstanding and they do mean peak and that's just when they are at the top of their game.


My interest was piqued. I peeked around the corner at the peak of the action.


I'm always hoping and praying I come across someone using "pique" instead of "peek". Has yet to happen unfortunately lol 


What gets me is people "wondering" around.


They are wondering what they are doing while wandering around. Makes sense 🤔


The odd time I come across someone spelling "pique" correctly on a dating app, and it definitely piques my interest.


This one absolutely sucks as a blind person. I use a tts voice which illustrates the difference between most of them very well, for example affect vs effect sounds like "a fect" vs "if ect", but these all sound exactly the same hahaha.


Peakers advantage


Breath and breathe used wrong as well.


Lead/led. Led is the past of lead (leed). Lead is a chemical element. 


And Uranium is the past of Lead (led).




Your/you're, their/they're/there.


to be safe always use ur


Lose and loose are pronounced differently. The rest of this list sound the same, so I can understand the confusion. I'll even see people write "loose weight" on subreddits like loseit where it's spelled correctly for them right there.


My personal peeve is aisle/isle. Grr.




The thing is that "lose" and "loose" aren't homophones.


I play drums and you'd be amazed at the number of people who have been drumming for many years and spell "cymbal" as "symbol". Seriously. It's your craft, can't you learn to spell one of the components somewhere in your 20+ years of experience?


Okay if I’m being honest I know all of these except affect/effect it’s been explained to me numerous times and I cannot grasp it


Both affect and effect can be used as both a noun and a verb, but Affect is usually a verb. “That affected me a great deal.” However, it can be a noun “Like any typical psychopath, she lacked affect in her speech.” Effect is usually a noun. “His behaviour had only a minor effect on the situation.” However, it can be a verb “One way to effect change is to raise your voice in protest.” That won’t clear it up, much…but I hope it helps a bit.


thank you this actually makes much more sense to me than any other way it’s been explained


When affect is a noun it's usually a psychological or medical term and it's also pronounced differently (AH-fect instead of a-FFECT). But in normal use yeah it's probably a verb


Affect in the sense of "My affect is flat" is different than "It affects it" anyway. They probably have the same root considering how their meanings overlap, but they are different words. The latter is a verb that means to cause some change, to create an effect, and the former means a visible emotional response.


Exactly. Just hoping the additional context helps anyone else who doesn't know the difference.


Affect describes a relationship and needs a target, it doesn't (usually, haha) exist on it its own, it requires something else to be affected - gas prices affect grocery prices. An effect is a thing, a concept, all by itself - what will be the effect of higher grocery prices?? If a movie gets an award for its special effects, will that affect the actors in any way? Gas prices have an effect on grocery prices, and it's not a good effect because we're all going broke trying to eat. Our mental and physical health are affected by all that stress!


Me too. I just always look it up whenever I need to use one or the other.


Are and our. Depends on where you're from if they sound alike but I've seen in pop up too.


I blame spellcheck. Spellers got lazy when spellcheck arrived on the scene - type it vaguely how it sounds and see what happens. No red squiggly line? Everything is fine... except it's not.


They should look it the spelling on a websight


“Should have” has been replaced with “should of” because of “should’ve.”




Also chose/choose


I finally conquered affect and effect. The effect on my life has been wonderful. I am no longer affected by doubt and uncertainty. Now if I could figure out how to spell guarantee, I'd be set for life. Also, what do you call a female hippy? -Missisippi.


Allude/elude, too.


People just can't write as well. I remember at *university* ppl wld typ lik ths. Lik entyr psts on frms an stff. And if you called them on it they'd go "what you can read it just fine!".


Autocorrect doesn’t help. Half the time it tries to correct me with the wrong word and I have to correct its correction. (It just tried to do that with its/it’s…). Unfortunately, most people probably think it knows better than them.


I’m willing to accept this one as a mistake like their/there/they’re, but the increasing use of “then” when people mean “than” makes me want to throw myself in front of a bus every time I see it.


That and could/should/would "of" instead of "have", drives me nuts and English isn't even my first nor second language...


Drives me nuts. Also when people use use/suppose when they mean used/supposed.


Or “supposably”. Drives me up the wall.


What are they suppose to do?


People who do this also tend to write “Iv”, as in “Iv never seen this before” and misuse “half” as in “I half to go to the bathroom”. It should rightfully drive you nuts since you formally learned the language, the native speakers who do this never have so they use words (or even create their own) phonetically.


That’s been around for a very long time. What’s new to me though that pisses me off is spelling “wary” as “weary.”


I've seen that one a lot recently, and it's making me tired.


Everybody complains about people use their they’re and there wrong. But nobody seems to know the difference between loose and lose.


I just noticed in the last few years and thinking, “WTF?!” I


I've been noticing this one since the 90s.


Yeah, same... noticing it for as long as I've been capable of noticing it. Main difference being so much more of my communication is in writing now compared to before smart phones/internet.


Makes me loose my mind 😅 (intentional misspell)


I know it was intentional, and it still made me angry. 😂


Up on here! Up in here!


Right? It seems so recent. And I can't imagine looking at "loose" and pronouncing it "lose." I always wonder how they think loose is spelled.


Using* lol


I'll take it for granite.


I don't think the ability was lost. It wasn't learned properly to begin with, imo.


It's especially bizarre because they type an extra letter to misspell it. Usually it seems like these spelling shifts are based on what is easier/faster to bang out on a phone keyboard. Also I'm kind of upset you passed on the opportunity to ask "Why did people loose the ability to spell lose".


"It's especially bizarre because they type an extra letter to misspell it."  Is my complaint with peak vs peek. Everyone on shooters are always peaking around corners. You went out of your way to misspell that. Another huge pet peeve of mine is que instead of queue. And I've had multiple people tell me it's just an abbreviation......no it's not. The letter Q would be the abbreviation because it's the same pronunciation, but putting that aside what two letters did you just type? "ue" where are your fingers still at? "ue" you are saving yourself 0.00000005 nanoseconds by not doing that second set of "ue". I don't care that you misspelled it, just learn from it and spell it correctly in the future. But don't lie about you abbreviation it. Don't know why people have so much trouble admitting faults of their own. Sorry for the long rant.




Probably the same reason that they say "bare" with me instead of bear with me.


I don't know you well enough, let's keep our pants on.


You don't want to tip off the bear.


Something in their brains must have gotten loose.


Something in they're brains must have got lose.


This is my pet peeve. It makes me loose my mind


Bunch a loosers


It’s become a loose loose situation.


Every time someone says "bare with me" I picture them stripping down and waiting for others to join in, lol. Also, when you're suspicious of someone it's not weary, it's wary, WARY people!


That and "queue" and "peek" they always use "peak" but mean "peek". Gamers can't spell is what I'm starting to understand


"Que" for queue is the most infuriating misspelling. I swear they stopped teaching spelling in schools since the advent of autocorrect on phones.


Autocorrect betrays people all the time. I ducking hats that shot


Social media has lowered the bar to participation in public discourse. Printing material for publication used to be edited and checked by professionals. Now it's just typed out at 180 words per minute.


The same reason people say “I seen…”. They either didn’t pay attention in school, or don’t mind sounding like a moron.




You’ve loost the ability, my friend.


I’ve noticed recently that people are now writing “if” instead of “of” a lot on Reddit now. Seems too common to just be all typos.


That one is easy to fat-finger, but proofreading is an underused skill.


I do that sometimes and I have to correct myself. Some people just don’t bother checking their posts for typos though


It's people typing on touchscreens. It happens way too often.


The one that irks me irrationally is "breath" when someone means "breathe" Makes me loose it every time


I don't know but, I hate it.  


Take a brake and breath deeply or you will loose you're mind.  Its better then miss spelling other words.


You got seven misspelled homophones in there, impressive! 


No idea. It’s like middle school level grammar. If you’re ESL, fair enough but for native speakers… no excuse.


Take a deep breathe.


Maybe there not doing they're homework....


Because spelling is dying, has been for some years.


I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing this. I hate it as well.


Seems like post titles on reddit have been steadily going downhill for years. Spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, words in weird order, too many commas. Understandable if English isn't your first language, but it feels too disproportionately bad for that to explain it completely. Idk if it's karma bots, or more foreigners than I thought, or people are getting worse at writing, or if the demographic of reddit is shifting to people who don't care about grammar.


That would be an interesting and simple thing to measure using the database of Reddit content over the years.


People writing “breath” when they mean “breathe” makes me die a little inside. “Just breath” Wtf.




If you don't yuuse it you loose it.


And why can’t people on Reddit use the correct “to” or “too”


People haven’t lost the ability to differentiate lose and loose. That word has **always** been misspelled a lot. Speaking of which, I never used to see people writing “alot” instead of “a lot” as often as they do today. Are people fighting against autocorrect?


Teacher here. That's been a common mistake for as long as I can remember. So at least since the early 00s. The new one for me is students who can't tell the difference between were and where.


Now that one makes no sense. It's not as if they're homonyms.


I know that particular mistake [isn't new](https://youtu.be/4Z2Z23SAFVA?si=0vPG4--B2Lm13njl), but it's only recently that I've actually seen it, because you're right - it makes no damn sense.




Bless you for this.


I've also noticed paid/payed. Where's paid not payed bot when you need them!


I see that all the time on Reddit, to the point where I think it's misspelled more often than not. It's so weird! "Payed" isn't even a word in regular usage.


There's even a bot for it lmao


My favorite bot on Reddit.


It is just a phonetic misspelling. Those were super common before we created dictionaries and made them insanely common and easy to access. Most of our words are that. As a random example in the above: "Common" started out as the merger of two Greek roots, Ko and Mei, then moved to Latin to become "communis," then lost a bunch of letters to become the French "comun" then got changed in English to back to "common". It is actually a pretty stable word in spelling, but even it was getting longer or shorter at different times. The meaning has pretty heavily expanded though, as our primary meaning, something that is not rare, seems newish. Originally it just held the "owned by the public" sense. But it makes sense how it got there, as the people owning it would be the public, and there are a lot of them, and higher class society would want to distinguish themselves from that.


Also "apart" and "a part".


Yes! I can’t help but laugh when I see people say things like “I love being apart of this group” and I’m thinking “so you like not being in this group?” 


That’s not new either. There is a great comic by Allie Brosh, made in 2010, making fun of how common this misspelling is. So it’s been common for at least 15 years, but I expect it’s been way longer than that.  Here is a link to it if you want to see it: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1


It is how languages change. "A lot" is very likely to become a new word "alot" eventually. Almost every word we use, if not every one of them, has gone through multiple cycles of that. Languages tend to grow in complexity when new stuff happens that the language needs to adapt to (new modes of communication, new linguistic needs, lots of immigration causing languages to merge) and then it gets pruned back over time causing the rough edges, difficult to say stuff, and redundancies to get pruned out of it The phrase "a lot" has diverged in meaning from its root "lot," which now refers to some arbitrary collection of things. You also do not really see people using "lot" to mean many in any way other than "a lot." I have not seen anyone saying "many lots" to mean even more. "Lots and lots" still works, but so does "a lot, a lot" when the person is using repetition based emphasis. So for most practical purposes, "a lot" is already linguistically one word. Eventually people will think of it as such for long enough, and it will just become one. Honestly, if it was not for dictionaries and the Internet, the change would have happened a while ago. They tend to constrain the natural evolution of language. (In this sort of thing, the internet in particular has been really important in introducing new language to the lexicon.)


Just like why do ppl FORGET the words "TO" and "BE" exist? Sentence: "The cake needs baked" Thats bad grammar, its "The cake needs TO BE baked"


Don’t get me started on, “I seen”. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Here’s what I’d love to know. I see “I seen” often online. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say that. Do you know who it is that says “I seen?” Is it a regional dialect? Some certain kind of non-native English speaker? Or what?


You can hear it in parts of Massachusetts. They also say "It don't." Also (not really related but it drives me nuts), there is no 'str' sound as in 'street,' it's *shtreet*. 


Someone said Massachusetts but I think of it as an Oklahoma or rural way of talking.




This man here not be a pirate, 'tis clear.


Honestly it's stupidity. Every time they did it in twenty years of school it was corrected, half the time they do it online someone corrects them. There is no excuse beyond inability to learn.


Because irregardless of were they were taut, the standards their would have dropped.


I noticed one on a warning sign on the second biggest roller coaster at a large amusement park. Impressive how many people can’t even use spell check.


Signwriting kills me. I’ve seen elementary hard-baked errors in very expensive and prominent signage. Don’t get me started on apostrophes.


My father used to say" these days nobody can nunsate their words properly." I believe he was right.


Isle instead of aisle is another.


Some people play fast and lose with the English language.


If people could not spell sneaked instead of snuck... that would be fantastic... I used to hate the their, there, and they'res... and then boom... there came 'sneaked'


I feel this down to my bones!


A combination of reliance on auto-correct and the gradual cognitive decline of humans over the past few decades.


Spellcheck.  People don’t see the red underline and assume it’s correct. 


People have lost the ability to spell in general Vast swathes of the US are just barely literate superstitious morons who are not fit to exist in a modern first world society.


Because they have loosed the ability to spall and it make me loste my midn.


Because people are morons, same reason they spell ‘defiantly’ when they mean ‘definitely’


They haven't lost the ability. They never had it to begin with, they didn't learn how to spell them properly as children.


People have a few loose screws...


I haven’t 👍🏽


It’s also weird when people mix up definitely and defiantly. Vastly different meanings.


Because English is hard and, oftentimes, complete nonsense to a non-native speaker. Edit: complete nonsense to native speakers as well


They never lost it. They simply also choose to never learn it. For the average American, an attempt to teach them was made, but students for the last generation or two have been very adamant about, "I do what I want!" and ignorance is a just a huge part of life.


Several years ago I started keeping track of instances in which I noticed lose spelled correctly and spelled “loose” on Reddit. Every time I see it spelled correctly I add 1. Every time I see it as loose I add -1. I’m currently at -21.


Ha just lose? Grammar has been lost


My BIGGEST peeve with Redditors. It’s so prevalent it feels like we are watching the incorrect spelling become the standard. Noooooo!!!!!!


You see it with lose/loose, your/you're, there/they're/their, would "of", etc.  Even Americans placing the dollar sign behind the amount, which is incorrect for USD amounts.


Because they are loosers


I feel the same way about breath and breathe.


It is one of my pet peeves. I see this everyday on social media.


I literally was about to post this lol. It’s lose not loose 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I want to correct people constantly


Breathe is always spelled breath too, and allowed and aloud


I guess people just can't seem to 'loose' the habit of misspelling 'lose'! It's like they're playing a losing game of spelling bee roulette.


A lot of jokes and other anecdotes without anyone giving you the real answer - people resorting to the rules phonics they were taught years, if not decades, earlier in grade school. It's not a secret that most of the English speaking/writing world is not exactly the smartest. Over half of the United states is at or under a sixth grade literacy level. But even at such a low level, many people still remember the feint remnants of the phonetic rules they learned in grade school. Things like double o's, like in moose or boost, have an extended o sound. And that single o's, followed by a consonant and then ending in an "e", keep the "o" name as it's sound, rather then being modified. Like "hose" or "nose", these words keep the "o" sound the same as the name for "o". So now you have "lose." Conventioned should have it pronounced as, "lohs" or "lohz". But it's not, it's pronounced, "luze", which is usually associated with the double o's. Now you have people who probably don't write all that often in their everyday life wanting to spell a word they probably don't read very often. They know it's pronounced "luze", and words pronounced like that usually have two o's. And "looze", like "booze", fits the phonics scheme, but they know there's an "s" in there. At least they think so. And so you get, "loose".


The use of loose instead of lose is insanely annoying. And if I mention it then I’m the Ah.


People can’t differentiate between loose and lose, yet have no issue with goose and gose (past tense of goose). This is because loose and lose are conceptual, while goose is a physical manifestation of evil.


Every member of my family and two of my students have goose scars. I hate that whole species.


This post resonates with me immensely...I see this mistake more than any other misspelling on the planet.


Yep. I have also noticed that nobody seems to understand that “a part of” should not be spelled “apart of”


Noone spells lose correctly. (Just kidding. Noone is not a word. It’s a last name.)


OMG, it's like everyone suddenly decided "loose" and "lose" are the same word. I was reading this post about someone "loosing weight," and I legit cringed. It's like watching a cat meme and then realizing the cat fell off the table—funny, but also, ouch. Seriously, it's not that hard, people!


A lot of misspellings that you see from content creators are them misspelling it on purpose to annoy you into interacting with their post.


It was never spelt correctly. Lose is the only word in the English language that ends with -ose, not with -oose, and still ends on that sound. So if spelling matters, as in letters used to predictably encode a sound like with every other language, either we make it rhyme with rose or nose, or we’re ok with spelling it loose.




Maybe some of it is from the group of people who don't have a voice in their head. Because they don't, they don't get to hear the words "out loud" to know that it would be lose, not loose. And maybe that's why it bothers me: it messes up the cadence in my head of the word I expect contextually (lose) and the word I read (loose). Words misspelled, but in a way that makes sense phonetically, don't bother me as much. Honestly this particular typo is the one that makes me feel anger about. And then I'm angry I'm angry because it's a stupid thing to be irritated about. My brain gremlin doesn't give me a choice, though. 🫠^(yay for being neurospicy) I really am not a fan of where it seems people's ability to spell, have okay grammar, or have a versatile and decently sized vocabulary is going. Everything seems to be about videos and tiktoks. Plus it makes me worried that AI is going to make it worse; when you only have to put in a prompt and you get exactly what you need, why should you learn that you don't use an apostrophe when you make something plural.


The “dumbing down” of the human race


I legit worry sometimes that my Little Human (almost five years old) is gonna have trouble communicating in preschool because I forgot the word "hang" and so now she uses "dangle". How many other words have I used that even the other kids' parents don't know? I don't worry too much because I got lucky in how awesome she is as a person.


And yet it’s “choose” which rhymes with “lose”. Be careful of the common fallacy that errors are bad because they’re “illogical”: English is stuffed full of illogical stuff.


I'm not saying you're wrong, because I agree with your points. I'm just not sure how they're germane to my comment? I would read choose like lose, and I would be irritated if it was written chose instead. It's also a different word like lose and loose are both discrete words on their own. More importantly, they sound different and the voice in my head would read the word as written, while glitching out for a second because it's not the right word even by sound. Lose, loze, looze, luze, looz, lews, and any other nonsense homonyms you can think of don't bother me nearly as much as using loose. I'd prefer the correct spelling but the desire to understand regardless of how the message comes is more important. Which is why I get irritated with being irritated. Because I know what they meant.


Cuz there a bunch of loozers.


That one hurt to write.


They let the ability on the loue


they role with lose rules.


People sat down and decided how they wanted things spelled. They could have chosen sensible spellings. There are people to blame.


It’s loose you idiot 😉


Prolly lossed it at teh drive thru.


Whie hav peeple los tha 'bility two spel anniethiing coreckly?


I’ve noticed the same people say “she borrowed me the money” instead of “she loaned me the money”. I’ve also noticed a LOT of people lately claiming someone “blackmailed” them into giving them a ride or some other mundane thing, when they really mean “begged” or “browbeat”.


I’ve also noticed that it’s very common to say specially instead of especially


Easy to lose sight with the loose use of loss.


Its a word commonly misspelled by people whose English isn't their first language. Our language has a lot of words that are spelled slightly differently and are tricky to learn.


There is no rhyme to recite in your head! So many double words have rhymes, or even words that are spelled funny. "fry my friends to the end"! Aka there is an "I" in there and it comes before the "e'".


Because people are loosers.


“Apart” and “a part”


Sometimes I completely loose my ability to spell many words….