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People complaining about the color of the grass in public parks.


Thats some wild rich people shit


But it’s always greener elsewhere!


I worked in Naval Aviation and I would routinely get calls about how the jets made too much noise. I’d always tell them “oh my gosh, we must’ve forgot to put the giant cotton ball mufflers in the engines before take-off, it won’t happen again!” lol good times


Jets made too much noise or jets made too much noise over my house because they are below their minimum altitude?


A man bought a house which is across the river from an active landfill. The landfill has been there for decades and will obviously continue to be there basically forever. He called to complain that the landfill is ruining the view from his deck. You see, the picturesque snow-covered hill that was the backdrop when he bought the home in the winter had turned into a big dirt mount with the occasional bulldozer on it now that the snow melted. Unsurprisingly, the realtor hadn't mentioned it prior to the sale. Still not sure how that was our problem or what we were supposed to do about it.


"if you live near a landfill, a wastewater treatment plant, or any kind of particularly smelly industry, sell in winter" is advice I've come across before


Back about 15-20 years ago; we got a call in at our lab about Canadian geese. I work in a public health lab dealing with a viral disease mammals are susceptible to. At the time, we also used to get dead birds in for testing. We would have to swab their throats for West Nile Virus. We did not do the actual testing, that was molecular diagnostics. But doing this was very icky-poo to them; so my lab dealt with it. Anyways for some reason during one summer, we got a very irate voice mail from an elderly woman. She was complaining about the Canadian geese shitting all over her lawn. * "They're filthy, filthy animals and they're ruining my lawn!" * "Someone or somebody should do something about this! Why aren't you doing anything?" As close as we could figure, she called the general laboratory and someone thought the best thing to do would be to forward to us; since we had swab geese throats?


There was this one time someone complained that the free coffee in the break room wasn't fair trade.


and thats how the free coffee got completely removed from the office




Clearly I'm dumb


The local government I once worked at was accused of being like the third reich. Why? We'd organised a community event and provided mostly healthy food options. There was a McDonald's 5 minutes away.