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I've been riding the bus every day to work for a couple years now. I'm now an expert at telling when a woman walks onto the bus and does the math and realizes they have to sit next to one of a handful of sketchy dudes.


do they size you up as one of the sketchy or a normal?


This is a more complex question than one would assume, it all depends on the lowest level of sketchiness present on the bus and my general appearance and how visibly engaged I am with my surroundings. What I mean by lowest level of sketchiness is: does anyone on the bus look more dangerous than me? If there is a homeless guy who smells like old piss sitting up front then any reasonably put together guy is a viable option. If every other guy looks normal enough then my viability is based on whether I look like I will try to talk to my neighbor (no headphones, no sunglasses, actively looking around the bus, etc). If I'm looking somewhat shabby but have headphones in that's better than the normal dude who doesn't have headphones or a book or their phone out playing a game. I would say about 80% of the time I'm seen as a safe bet. I'm pretty non-threatening, usually dressed for work, no tattoos, don't smell like I live outside, kinda pudgy with zero hints of regular exercise and a wedding band so generally not giving off a creeper vibe. But sometimes I forget my headphones or make eye contact or seem kinda antsy and my threat levels rises.


It's honestly the eye contact. I notice that almost everytime I make eye contact with a woman coming on the bus, I'm already taken out of the equation.


Eye contact is huge, you can't have a hint of checking a woman out about you or they will stand instead.


This is me walking into the pool when every lane is full, deciding who to ask to split the lane with.


I always pick the old dudes or dudettes! For the large majority they always know proper lane swimming etiquette because they've been swimming so long, whether it be splitting the lane or circle swimming. They're always super willing to let you pass as well so no anxiety about brushing people's feet.


How they look at hot girls more than guys do. Walked through a mall with a hot girl and everyone looked, men and women. (was kind of uncomfortable.) Guys took a glance, women just looked, sometimes with a leer. Never noticed it before, now I can't not see it.


A friend of mine is extremely attractive. Sometimes when we go to the mall I'll walk behind her a bit just to watch everybody turn and stare as she passes. Men turn and stare and make the "damn son" face and shake their head. Women stare with poisonous envy, trying to turn her to stone with their Medusa glare.


I can't believe this hasn't been said yet. The silent conversations a group of girls will have while they're with a group of guys. It's all in the eyes. Any miscommunication warrants a text to the girl sitting across from her. Any conversations that need to be had about the dudes but not in front of them is taken to the bathroom. I was drunk one night when I noticed this and I felt like Neo when he finally saw the code of the matrix. Edit: w00t! 6k+ karma!!! I think I understand why the girls over at gonewild post so much now.


you've discovered the code and now must be killed.


Lived in an Honor House my junior year of college with another guy and other six gals. I was definitely slow on the pick-up, but as the year went on my understanding of their non-verbal communication went from non-existent to "good god, y'all are brutal amongst each other." XD


"That guy's making an ass of himself and isn't he the one Shana said slept with herpes girl and then never got tested? Take Gwen to get some water so she doesn't fuck him." It's amazing what you can say with your eyes.


Damn y'all are near telepathic. I lived with three women in college and I'd definitely pick up on stuff but not like this




I think most siblings have this as you've been doing it for years with eachother.




You might notice, but I sure as hell don't.


Ok here are some signs bro. If you seem them turn their head quickly as soon as you look at them, they were checking you out. It's about 50/50, but depending on the circumstances it's pretty obvious. Ok I thought I had more but that's it


Well, that was a wild ride.




I read the other guys comment, got hopeful. Then read yours. Damn..


Does screeching an ancient curse, making a cross and pointing an improvised weapon your direction count as general primping? Because that keeps happening... to a... friend.


It's weird how so many men think women don't check out hot guys. We're just really good at hiding it.


It's so rare to see. I've only caught it a few times. Big confidence boost when they blush and look away.


The only time I ever caught a girl in the act, I was probably around 13 and was leaving football practice in the summer. A group of girls walked by and I caught one of them turning around and smiling. That was literally almost 20 years ago, and still a high point in self-esteem and confidence, lol.


Yeah it's best to live off that high for as long as possible and avoid further interaction


Casually Explained


Same thing happened to me when I was 15 after a grueling run, I was walking up my parents driveway and I look to my left and see my neighbor with her three friends in a jeep wrangler. I look away and I'm enjoying my post run finish when two of the girls just eye fuck the shit out of me and do the imaginary call me sign. At this point in my life no girl had ever shown any interest in me.


They'll often check out their own tits.


For me it's about 20% wondering if my cleavage looks good and 80% making sure I didn't drop food on them.


When they're intelligent and/or well-spoken.


Orange face white neck.


Orange cheeks white crack.


If your buttcheeks are checked, please consult with a physician.


Orange is the new white.


I like good hair, I notice it all the time and am often told I'm the first person that's said anything to them about it.


What would you describe as "good hair"?


I wish I could be specific but it's all different. Generally speaking, it's shiny and healthy, flows right, fits the person really well (short or long), etc. OR it might not be something I particularly like *but* you can tell there was a great deal of effort put into it and they obviously where trying to achieve something with it. Sometimes, it's both, like a girl I once met who had dyed her hair in a pastel rainbow and it remained thick, healthy, flowy, and shiny (I don't know how she accomplished all that but damn, good job). Turned out most people didn't mention her hair but she wanted them to because she and her sister had opened their own salon and wanted to get more customers. If nothing else, I've seen women who have rather plain hair styles but just take really good care of their hair by washing and conditioning it regularly (and perhaps blow drying) so it stays healthy and shiny. Good hair can usually make a big difference in appearance, at least to me.


My ex wife is Asian and I hated her long hair.. looked wrong for her face. Finally convinced her to get a medium bob cut and even she loved the decision Nothing like shiny, thick, bouncy hair that flows and frames the face perfectly. She always looked 10 years under her age (she was 44, looked 35) but with one simple haircut she looked like a mid 20something. Her 20 year old daughter even said she looked to young to be her mother. Plus saved about 30 minutes in the bathroom. She was still a lying bitch, but dammit she had good hair! EDIT: No, not telling what the lie was about... but it was bad enough to divorce her, perfect hair and all. Her hair was so black and soft and shiny... god I miss it.


> Her 20 year old daughter even said she looked to young to be her mother Asian people don't age past 25 until they are 70.


then they're all 85


I agree, good hair is the first thing I notice as well. It also says a lot about personal hygiene overall and care.


How they smell. What perfume they wear or shampoo, that sort of thing.


God I love it when a man tells me I smell good. It's rare enough that it's super flattering especially when they follow it up with a nuanced remark about how it's just the right amount or fragrance. It makes me feel like we're like deeply compatible because I wear this scent because /I/ like it and it makes me feel good, and I wear enough so /i/ can smell it and if youuuuu like it enough to make a remark about it we should like get married. /s But really. Even better than being told I'm hot.




I rarely say anything because I think can be a bit creepy to mention. But I am thinking it really often.


I mean, there's a difference between "you smell nice, is that a new perfume" and. *Long sniff* darlin, you smellin mighty purty


Hey now Missy, that's how I got my 3rd wife


Yeah, well, cousins don't count.


As a tall, wide-shouldered man with a full beard and a shaved head I never tell women this. Because I know they're going to hear it as, "mmmhmm you shmell realll purdy." If I wasn't married I think I would just quietly wait for death rather than attempt picking women up.


It blows my mind how many girls I have met who think people don't know they smoke. It's not hard to tell no matter how much you try and mask it. That smell is in your clothes and hair and everything you do ends up smelling like X mixed with smoke.


My mom tries to cover the smell of smoke in her car by spraying perfume. Now it just smells like cigarette and cheap perfume. Not better. It must be hereditary, because whenever someone poops at my grandma's house, she immediately goes and sprays Lysol in the bathroom. Now it smells like shit and Lysol, and I've become conditioned to associate the smell of Lysol with poop.




Enjoy the light summer scent of Passion-Dragonfruit and shit with only a few sprays!


Yeah it's like "Cool, now you smell like way to much perfume AND smoke!" You aren't fooling anyone. If you smoke, the people around you fucking KNOW IT.


hair, teeth, skin, nails, clothes, house, bed, CAR!.... we smell it everywhere


How fake their laughs are sometimes.


I just got to college and experiencing sorority girls go "OMG HEEEEEEY" in really fake high pitched voices makes me want to die


>makes me want to die like, *literally*?!








You're so funny!!


[gentle tap on the shoulder]




Every time you check your phone while we're hanging out/on a date we notice and die a little inside wondering what's so fucking important that it needs your attention every 5 minutes.


Uhhh. I 100% agree, except I'm a girl and my girlfriends do this to me when we hang out and it makes me think I must be about as interesting as dirt.


My husband does it. He questioned my phone activity yesterday. Saying that he's noticed every time he walks in the room lately I shut off my phone. Uh yeah, I felt like crap being ignored due to a cell phone, so I dont want to make him feel the same way.


Well hopefully you told him that. Because it makes perfect sense why you do that but if he's at all insecure it could make him think you're trying to hide something on your phone.


I just assume I'm boring.


Especially those that check their phone every single minute when you are with them but take hours to answer to texts


Panty lines Edit: I'm not judging, quite the opposite. I like seeing them.


This is why I don't even bother with underwear




Sorry bud... 😢 wont be getting any panties pm'd


Which sucks. It's why so many of us have to wear thongs so much of the time.


I constantly worry about panty lines. But why do we have to worry? Do guys judge this? I wear underwear. I shouldn't be embarrassed by this, but I don't want people to see that I do apparently.


Most of us couldn't care less about panty lines. If anything we'd see them and be like "Oh...neat" and move right along.


Neat being, "Noticed, Acknowledged, and... Forgotten."


Huh, I've never thought about panty lines until I read this 🤷🏻‍♀️. Everyone wears underwear, so I don't think panty lines are a thing worth being worried about.


it's like seeing a girl's bra. I don't get why people complaain about it. it's the most obvious thing in the shape of my chest, so why are you complaining about seeing the strip LOL


I'm not complaining, I like seeing panty lines.


This has to be the first time a guy has suggested *not* wearing a thong.


The lines aren't a negative thing. You shouldn't feel you have to be uncomfortable or make extraordinary efforts to avoid having them.


I notice their total disinterest in me. Edit: Wow I didn't expect this many up votes but in response to all the "They see you comments", if they were interested, how come I haven't gotten a single nude in my DM with hashtag BrokeandBougee?... Ok. Crickets. I get it. Lol Seriously, thanks everybody. Take care


Your username lmao. I hope your day gets better, man.


He's just ballin' on a budget.


It's a rare gift that people like you and me have. I once had a coworker who had a guy interested in her that said he was getting upset with her mixed signals. She responded by saying that she was not at all interested in dating him and would never see him as more than a friend. His response to that was to ask why she was playing hard to get. I've seen countless other stories along these lines. Edit a typo.


Or worse, you catch their attention and they're expecting you to be someone else, so they have a big smile on their face, but it quickly fades and they try to suddenly look as disinterested as possible.


The way their manner changes when an attractive guy is around vs an unattractive guy.


How is it usually different?


With unattractive guys they seem to become quite guarded, and there's a kind of distant politeness. With the attractive guys they tend to be more relaxed and friendly, make eye contact, and for some reason run their hands through their hair.


Whelp, now I know. And I'll accept it and fuck off to an early grave


That is the exact opposite of what happens for me and I'm a woman. I get more nervous and uncomfortable around an attractive guy and make less eye contact. I'm a lot more comfortable around a guy I find unattractive because I don't see him as someone I want to date so there's no added pressure.


Right?! I feel for most girls it's the opposite. Maybe this guy is better looking then he thinks lol


If I knew what women were thinking I wouldn't be on Reddit.


When something is on their mind. As much as you think you can hide it.... I know there's something.




Narrator: Something was wrong.


Shoulders. Everything about how a woman carries herself starts with / around the shoulders. The way her hair rests, the way she uses her shoulders to shield her face when she's embarrassed or flirting, and everything else. God dammit, women are beautiful.


I like their bums.


The shoulders of the lower half.


Hips: the shoulders of the pelvis


I'm a big fan of shoulders on women as well. This guy gets it.




So, snakes?


My shoulders are uneven due to spine problems and I hate them.


Your shoulders are beautiful due to being a lady and I love you. *aww, thanks for the gold :')*


Aww you made me cry out o happiness.




Username does not check out, I'll be over here turning off my internet for leaving such a cliched comment


ur just mad cuz i fuked ur mom newb l2quikscope


Username checks out


The style of shirts with the cut out shoulders is awesome.


They're called "cold shoulders" which I think is hilarious.


A womans neck. More specifically the side of a womans neck


Sternocleidomastoids rock!


Last year I cut open a human head, i can still feel the floppy sternocleido in my hand and how fun/awfull/ interesting it was to cut it of completely. (Uni btw)


Uni, sure...


When you bring up a subject and they try to bring up a different subject, evading the original question.


their tiny little moustaches


You shut your damn mouth


I joked about my science partner's tiny invisible mustache to her alone in 8th grade. She immediately looked really self-conscious and heartbroken. I regret it. :(






Lip injections, please just stop.


My cousin got them, and she explained that she wanted people to know she got her lips done. Like she wanted to be identified as the kind of person with the money and inclination to change the way her face looked. Status symbols rarely make any sense to people who don't want them.


It's hilarious when I casually notice a girl with a great ass and then the girl turns around and her lips look like they were grafted on from a camel.


I'm laughing at work and getting weird looks. I'm imaging kylie jenner with camel lips now.






If they don't already know, and I suspect they don't, I sometimes notice women's asses and titties.


No way they know.


Yeah, man. We're in the clear. They have no clue!


Well now they know cuz this jack put it on reddit


nah, there are no women on the internet amirite


I also don't think they realize we give them the side eye, you know, to be respectful so they don't realize we're looking at them.




I absolutely *love* a women who geeks out about a passion. I don't care what the hobby is, if you catch yourself accidentally starting a "rant" about it and then catch yourself, don't be self-conscious. Worst case, it's cute as hell. Best case, I'm also interested, learn something new, and you're being cute as hell.


I'm honestly just looking for an SO I can nerd out on history and music with at this point lol




Large fries, chocolate shake!




I have trouble believing they don't think you notice that.


We just don't care


We have a name for each one of them - Sideboob, cleavage, underboob. We sure love boobs


We know exactly how much boob is showing, and we know guys will look at any amount of exposed boob.


"Let's dispel the myth that they don't know how much boob is showing. They know exactly how much boob is showing."


Neckline/collarbone stands out for me. Eyes in some cases. A genuine smile absolutely.


I always notice their nail polish or hair. I like picking nail polish colors..


I think that's so cute. I always ask my boyfriend to help pick out my color but he never seems to care and it makes me a little sad. I'm so indecisive and always need help!


Nail polish is just so neat and the things you can do with it is so fascinating. Have you seen like this certain method where they spray a bunch of paint into a water flilled cup then just dip their nails in it? Super cool!


How they walk. You can tell a LOT about a person by their overall posture.


I walk on my tip toes and it looks ridiculous like I'm skipping when I walk. I'm not really sure what that says about me as a person though lol. Edit: Well I just Googled it and it turns out it means I have autism, but I already knew that, just didn't know walking on my toes was apart of it.


I'm screwed :,(


Are those nipples I see? Wonderful.


So we're good with women going braless, now? Sweet.




True. I mean tits are out. Why the fuck should we have a problem with that? Not like they are hurting anybody.


Can't spell advertisements without semen between the tits.


jesus christ reddit, when will you stop amazing me


dude holy shit


We know you see that. We see when we are not looked in the eye.


Color of her eyes. I love a girl with grey eyes.




Same with me! I can picture every other detail of a person's face, but for some reason eye color just won't stick with me.




Let's see!


I know what goes on in Women's bathrooms. And it is pretty disgusting.


Do share


The shitting is real. The blood is real. Everything that guys do is basically upscaled to 10%. Some women even just shit and leave the god damn poop IN THE TOLIET AND DON'T FLUSH! HOLY FUCK THAT IS FUCKED UP. Don't get me started on finding used tampons in the toliet. Be a janitor, it's pretty life experiencing.


Yeah, I worked in a grocery store, had to clean bathrooms every day, and I can say for certain, without a single doubt in my mind, that the women's restroom was ALWAYS, and I do mean ALWAYS, way more gross and messier than the men's room. Blood smeared on the walls of the stall, bloody tampons thrown on the floor, shit and piss all over the toilet because women insist on "hovering", and instead just make a giant fucking mess everywhere. Every time I thought I'd seen the worst, I was proven wrong. And these ladies are out there acting high and mighty that they are "cleaner" and "nowhere near as gross as men." Get fucking real. Some idiot guys might think you never poop, but we in the cleaning industry know different.






It's called uptalk, and it's a linguistic hedge women traditionally use to soften the impact of what they're saying. It's one of many hedges women traditionally use to signal uncertainty/requests for approval - you can hear this if you've ever taken a class with young women, and notice that the vast majority begin comments or questions with qualifiers like "I don't know if this makes sense, but..." or "This is maybe not related, but...". Women often feel more inclined to be polite and agreeable, and one of the ways this manifests is by offering ideas or statements rather than imposing them.


I hate you so much right now... And have yer fuckin upvote too.


I hate you so much right now?


In linguistics that's called [High Rising Terminal] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_rising_terminal), or upspeak. While mostly found in young girls and young women, my 65+ year old mom has started doing it. All. The. Fucking. Time. Your cousin has cancer? They say the prognosis is not very good?


Has the reverse question been asked yet?


When they get a haircut, it doesn't always look good so it's easier to just feign ignorance than avoid putting our foot in our mouths.


Im not daft. I can make the obvious correlation between me getting a girlfriend and all of my female coworkers suddenly interacting after ignoring me for two years.


I'm curious, what do you think their motivations were? As another woman who works in a male dominated field, it can be too easy sending the wrong signal. If I know the guy has a girlfriend, there's some breathing room there to be friends. Ignoring you seems weird though. I would just feel free to be my normal amount of friendly.


I feel like sometimes girls might not talk to or approach you (while you're single) bc they're afraid of "giving you the wrong idea" or leading you on. Then, when you ARE in a relationship, they feel like there's way less of a chance, or zero at all, of you hitting on them or becoming interested in them. So there's seemingly a lot less "pressure" (from their point of view) if that makes any sense. This is just my opinion and kind of my personal experience. I feel this way a lot bc there have been multiple times where I have approached a guy, not for any intention aside from just being friendly and we just happen to be in the same space, and they have taken it as an invitation to hit in me or ask for my number. Turning someone down is very uncomfortable for me so I don't like doing it and would rather avoid it if I can. Sometimes I get so flustered or I feel really bad so I just play along. Not to be mean but bc I have a hard time saying "no thanks." So I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes girls want to avoid a situation they feel could turn uncomfortable. When you're in a relationship, the chances of you hitting on them or them and then feeling "obligated" (society is dumb and we condition people) to go along with it, is waaaaaay closer to zero. Hope that gave a little bit of insight into possible reasons why girls might do that.


I'm not saying this is definitely the case, but you might want to consider that your female coworkers were simply trying to avoid sending the wrong signal and getting themselves into an awkward situation by being overly friendly with their single male colleague. Office gossip can be insidious and a single woman who befriends a single man raises eyebrows. Your being in a relationship makes you less of a hazardous friend option. Women walk a very fine line professionally and, in a woman's mind, it is far more professionally-acceptable to befriend a male coworker who is in a relationship than a single male coworker because their friendliness won't (or at least shouldn't) be seen as flirtation. Source: Am female.


That's exactly what I do. Now that I am married, nothing is weird in the workplace anymore. But before that, any single man I was nice to had about a 50/50 chance of showing up at my desk later for something unrelated. I wore a cute dress to a holiday party once and from that moment on I had a desk goblin. And I worked in an office full of old women, so his continued random presence was a freaking scourge. You could just feeeel the temperature change in the room when he walked in and parked himself at the door to my cube to ramble about whatever until I could get my boss to move him out of the door to give me a fake project. The stern disapproval of 14 60 year old women frowning in their cubes radiating frigid chi...and this guy didn't notice at all.


Desk goblin. I like that term. If I have the misfortune of getting another one, (left that last job,) I'll call him that.


Upvoted for desk goblin.


This is exactly how my office figured out I was dating a co-worker. We did nothing different at all but occasionally take walks together at lunch. We didn't interact in the office or anything. Literally looked like two strangers during the day, then we get seen walking together at lunch and everyone assumes were dating.




Smile. If it's genuine, it's the most beautiful thing.


An old highachool classmate of mine went on to do modeling an although she's overall a gorgeous girl, her "model smile" isn't anywhere near as attractive as her genuinely happy smile. A good smile just melts me.


My resting face is a smirk. Good or bad?


The brown/orange glow of fake tan hands.


Confidence and self-worth. A girl that is comfortable with herself is USUALLY a great thing.


Walking around my college campus lately, I've noticed something alright. I have seen A LOT of girls butt cheeks hanging out of their shorts! I really try to be a gentleman but its very easy to notice...


that is the purpose of short shorts


How they treat other women.


As a woman with dark brown eyes and dark hair who rarely paints her nails and always wears her hair up, I'm feeling so self-conscious now.