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I’d let them have it because I’m an adult and it’s really not that important to me, whereas kids have so little say/control in anything in their lives it’s probably a big deal to them. Also because I am a parent and I know what it’s like to deal with an upset child in public and if I can spare another parent that then why not. Edit: also they might bring out a fresh tray of hot ones.


I grabbed the last sugar cookie in Lidl once and a child came skipping in and let out a pathetic "oh no!" when he saw they were all gone. I hadn't actually touched the cookie with my bare hands so I offered it to the mum. His face absolutely lit up and it was precious. I grabbed a different kind of cookie and was just as happy


I had the opposite in Lidl recently. My 5 year old (ASD) child had been amazing having his hair cut that morning, so I promised we'd pop into Lidl so he could choose a "well done" treat. He wanted a brownie from the bakery and told me this in the loud excited way young children do. A middle aged woman in front of us, who MUST have heard him, proceeded to bag all 6 of the remaining brownies and walked off smirking at me. The only reason I was able to control myself was because I was comforting my son, who actually was really good about it, but couldn't believe someone could be that unkind.


6 of them is crazy lol i fucking love brownies but lidl bakery is for having a random treat so i only buy one or two usually. evil behaviour buying 6 when you just heard a child say they wanted one omg


Just no. Buying 6 brownies or cookies or whatever else is not evil. Nor is it crazy. People are allowed to buy more than one of an item. The smirk on the other hand... good god lady... she must have no life at all, to take pleasure in such a thing.


People are allowed to buy as many as they want of whatever they want, provided they stick to any rules or limits imposed by the vendor. But when someone behaves like this woman in Lidl, it's evil. Not serial killer evil, sure, and I'm not saying it's on a par with torturing cats either, but that smirk says it all. She deliberately took all 6 remaining brownies on purpose to upset a child. I like to joke about hating children, so annoying etc, but if there had been one brownie left and I wanted it but heard a small child being excited about having one, I'd leave it to them because I'm a decent person. Not a saint, but I don't enjoy upsetting children. Because I'm not evil.


That’s this person’s perception, seriously. There’s every chance she didn’t hear at all, bought the brownies she planned to for a work meeting and smiled at OP on the way past, and it was interpreted as her being the reincarnation of Hitler. She could have had hearing issues. I’m not usually one to try bend over backwards to find justifications for people behaving badly, or find loopholes, but people insisting she’s literally evil because the OP is certain she heard her child and then deliberately bought all of the brownies to spite them and then smirked in delight at this are being a bit… let’s say OTT.


thank you, I thought I was the only one considering this a plausible possibility


Right?! I actually think it’s extremely unlikely she bought all six to spite a child. More likely that she genuinely intended on buying those brownies regardless


I think there’s also a possibility somewhere in the middle of all this.. the lady had promised everyone back at the office/wherever a brownie, so was pleased with their own good fortune when there were actually six left.. overhead the kid, but thought she was doing a “good deed” by teaching the kid that life doesn’t always give you what you want and sometimes you have to be flexible? Who the fuck knows. All this speculation is brilliant 😂


I mean I can concur, some people's hearing is bad. I probably miss about a third of the conversation going on around me these days. I also tend to smile or nod at people to make up for it. Sometimes we see what we want to see. By the way I don't shop in Lidl so it wasn't me 😂


Exactly. She might have been buying them up for her pregnant daughter with a craving and smiled at the little boy as she left the counter for all we know. Nobody knows but that woman. It’s fine to think gosh that’s a bit mean IF she knew and heard and did it deliberately but I’m struggling with the level of condemnation and hatred people seem to have for her lol


Agreed. She might not even speak English. Lidl is pretty international.


Or she wanted 6 brownies? Thats how shops work, first come first served. Not everything is about ur kids, they don’t deserve the world


Probably for the best because they can’t have it, the boomers wrecked it.


The kid was probably annoying, and the mums blind to it.


As a parent of an autistic child, I know my son can be annoying. I'm not blind to it. However I also don't think that it's the biggest sacrifice in the world to have a bit of fucking compassion. Sadly it seems like whilst I'm in the majority, there are enough wankers out there to spoil it for the rest of us. I have no idea which camp you're in, but I've got enough information to give it a reasonable guess. Don't be that guy.


It’s possible she was deaf and separately smiled at the kid because she found him cute …


Maybe she had 6 grandchildren coming to tea. My grandson is also autistic and that's what I'd tell him. Then I'd turn round and slap the smirk off her face/s


Then you're a tosser.


Some people in society actually genuinely *hate* children, and I really don't get it. They must literally be dead inside and forgetting that they themselves were a child once.


Maybe they’re envious of seeing how happy a childhood could have been?


I do think that a dislike of children typically stems from one’s own childhood trauma


I say I hate children but then I wind up buying water guns to fight them so...


I hate all the waiting for the kettle to boil before a water fight


I think I’d have followed her at a distance and waited for a chance to pinch the bag from her basket. It’s not hers until she pays for it after all.


That's really sweet of you


Now THAT’S the way the cookie crumbles


What's a "sugar cookie"?


Sorry, I'm American and this was when I still lived in the US. It's basically a chocolate chip cookie but without the chocolate chips


Ahh gotcha thanks, I think we tend to call them 'butter biscuits'


TIL! The first year I lived here was me going back and forth between making my shopping list on the tesco app and googling things like "what do the British call cream cheese" going back to the app and searching soft cheese


I hope you’ve read Bill Bryson. Beginning with ‘Notes From a Small Island’.




It’s an American expression. 


Oh I see. Thanks for the info. Do American cookies not usually have sugar then?


It's a plain vanilla cookie dusted with sugar. It will also probably have sugar in it as well.


It's a type of cookie common in the US. Kind of shortbread-adjacent.


One time this old hag in new york grabbed the last bobka. I mugged her for it to get it back.


I’ve been in this situation. I heard a kid behind me in the queue say he wanted a muffin and there was literally one left. So I bought it. Poor kid was sad, but his sad face turned to absolute joy when I turned around and handed him the muffin. His Nan totally thought I was being mean at first because the kid was loud with excitement in wanting it. When I turned around she was ready to give me an earful by the look on her face, until I presented it to him for being a good boy for his nanny. I took my order back to my own kid (who was slightly older at the time) and I hope it taught her a lesson on kindness.


I also think how, as a kid I was fussy and maybe a sausage roll is all I'd fancy from the selection so not getting one would be disappointing and slightly overwhelming having to figure out what else I'd want to eat. As an adult, none of that bothers me, hell I'd just go hungry as I don't necessarily need to eat just nice to fill the gap, plus as an adult I can get away with going "fuck it, I'll just eat some chocolate and crisps".


I'm totally the opposite. As a kid I ate what I was given or I was deemed to be not hungry enough. As an adult, if I've decided I want to eat X then you better not get in my way otherwise you'll be in danger of getting eaten too! 


Yeah that’s like me too! I have recently been diagnosed with adhd so that maybe explains


It's close to autism in a lot of ways and the 'managing expectations' one is definitely a biggie. It's like we have an image in our heads of what's gonna happen and it's *so hard* to divert from that. However, it's just as hard for kids so I'd still let them have the roll. I can deal.


This makes sense. I'm undiagnosed but have been told by relatives all my life I have ADHD. I should really start the ball rolling to get tested. 


If you want to get tested on the NHS you’ll be waiting years to be seen so you absolutely should. (Also diagnosed this year privately.)


You can use 'right to choose' if you're in England. Cuts the wait times from years to months


HahahHa perfect answer: loved the edit!


>Learn the art of patience Sun Tzu and the art of Greggs


That edit only comes with adult life experience :))


A somewhat extraordinarily un-reddit-like answer.


I’m an adult and if I’ve been fancying it then it’s important to me so I’m having it I actually prefer the lukewarm soggy ones so if they make a fresh batch for the kid even better but idc about taking the last one, finders keepers


This. I'd want my child to have it if they wanted it so I'd do the same for another child. Unless they were being super bratty about it and kicking off, then I'd eat the fucker ( the SR not the kid).


I mean if it's a Greg's sausage roll you kinda don't want the hot ones,you want the Luke warm ones,still has the crumbly pasty but doesn't taste like burning and pain


Buy it and sell it to him with a 400% markup


It’s just business, baby.


Should've got the steak bake, kid


You were the kid illegally selling sweets on the school playground, weren’t you?


M8, I was the kid running the whole sweet racket. Guys had to kick up 20% of whatever they made lest they get a ruddy good hiding


That's really interesting. We actually had the opposite - some kid was selling sandwiches and snacks for over a year until someone tried to muscle in by undercutting him - and it worked, for all of 2 weeks until he undercut right back, and also offered a new line of goods. The other kid kind of just stopped. A week after, he put his prices back up! He was also bulk buying duty free fags from his uncle and selling them for a quid each (this was back in early 2000s as well!). He didn't even smoke, he just knew a way to make extra money. I often wonder what he's up to these days


5 years for embezzlement.


In jail for tax evasion is my guess.


Controls the Western European cocaine trade.


I had a guy at my school with the stereotypical overcoat and would open his jacket to let you peruse his abundance of cigarettes but Back in my day it was 50p a fag. I'm sure you could accurately mark the cost of living increase from the playground price of fags.


I’m sending that girl from Burnley after you


The Free Market Prevails!


Welcome to da woyld kid... Gotta simulate chewing on a fat hogie at the same time.


Found Eric Baker's Reddit account! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Baker_(businessman)


I'll buy it then magnanimously hand it over to the child. The entire bakery will applause. The child's parent will offer to have full sex with me out of gratitude. I graciously decline.


Not sure you want to have sex with the average greggs customer 🤣🤣


I feel attacked, then remembered the last time had sex, and now am sad as well.


What are we talking, a year? More than one? More than a decade? I'm gonna get two before long, can't wait to get ma badge!


… a pretty large portion of the UK? Find the slight elitism of redditors amusing.


A pretty large portion of the UK is obese so yer it holds up


Not sure why you got downvoted. As a country we are fat as fuck. It's become the most striking difference in photos from just a few decades ago. .if someone asks what is the biggest difference between people a photo of today and a photo of 3 decades ago. You might think of the fashion or the tech but when you see the photo its the fatties.


Run an ad campaign using size 6 models: get lambasted for fucking up people’s self-image and creating unrealistic expectations of beauty. Run an ad campaign using size 20 models who are on the fast track to a heart attack before they are fifty: bravo, well done for using real people as models.


It's not even just the really big folk either. The new commonly accepted "normal" and "healthy" is actually overweight now. IV seen people that I would describe as not obese but clearly overweight now described as "slim" sometimes even "skinny"


I think the most striking difference is how old people looked in the past. Go back 40 years most 30 year olds looked about 50. Slim, sure, but old as fuck.


checks out


Ah the UK, where when a bakery is mentioned people just assume it's Greggs.


The chances are that it would be


You would be a customer too though. They are your peers and you should bang.


The true meaning of the term "sausage roll"


Question didn’t specify Gregg’s.


I know that but its the largest chain I can think of selling sausage rolls and probably the most popular in the UK unless I’m forgetting somewhere else


What would half sex look like?


You keep one leg in your trousers and one sock on.


Then you do the hokey cokey and you turn around.


I mean, that is what it's all about...


I see you've met my wife.


Never go full sex. That’s how you end up with a child!


And that child's name? Albert Einstein


Tbh depends on whether I actually wanted it in the first place. If I came into the bakery to purchase a sausage roll then I would follow through. If not I’d leave it. I’m not going to purchase it out of spite


Following through on the kid behind you just because they want your sausage roll seems a bit harsh tbh


I have Crohn’s! I can’t help it! 😳


No, the kid needs to learn from a young age that the world isn't fair.


Yeah, might as well punch them in the face as well to teach them that there is random violence out there.


I feel like it is the opposite. Young kids and pretty much everyone will have had an uncountable number of experiences that show them the world isn't fair. Showing the kid that there are nice and kind people out there is good and may inspire them to also be nice and kind to others...


My daughter has been in the position once too - she was then about 7 or 8 and there were people in front of us in the queue, and there was only 1 left of the item that she wanted. So I prepped her that someone else in front of us may want it too and that's OK, because stuff like that happens and we can't help it. And I ask her to have a 2nd or even 3rd choice on stand by just in case. It helps her regulate her disappointment and also learn that sometimes we can't get what we want and it's ok. All that long story to agree with you that if I, as an adult, really REALLY wanted that last piece of whatever, I would buy it. Sorry.


As adults, when we are in 'crisis' we tend to retreat to our childhood days. This often happens automatically without us being aware of it. This may explain the last sentence in your comment.


Mate I think it was implicit that you wanted the roll yourself not that you might buy it only because the kid wanted it haha, but love that you took that as a serious option to consider


Not only is it not implicit, OP specifically stated it wasn't the case in a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/1dk91so/comment/l9g9wml/)!


Yeah I’d never buy it out of spite. I’m picky and if I’ve decided that’s what I want to eat then sorry, I’m buying it.


Yeah,it also depends what kind of day I'm having and how much I was looking forward to this baked item. I reckon about 90% of the time I would let the kid have it, but occasionally I might be going in to treat myself as a little pick-me-up after a rough day, and in that situation I am not my best self.


I’d agree with this approach. If I wasn’t in a rush I may ask how long until more sausage rolls come out and if it’s only a couple of minutes and I have the time, wait and let them have it, but if not I’m not changing what I came to order otherwise.


This, 100 %


I'd let the kid have it tbh. I eat pretty much everything whereas small children are often fussy eaters, no need to pointlessly disappoint some random kid when it's not gonna impact my day at all.


yep, exactly. As an adult, not getting the last sausage roll is like a Level 2 disappointment. As a child, seeing it slip out of your grasp like that is a Level 8 disappointment. It costs me so little to be kind in this situation; why *wouldn't* I choose to be kind?


Level 8 disappointment is the baseline level of disappointment as an adult Bit saying I wouldn't let the kid have his roll it's just disappointed is like a default state


You OK dude? Need to talk to someone? Lvl 8 is not baseline and shouldn't be.


I mean, "level 8" is just an arbitrary number, how is it scaled I was just joking


Good good :) glad you are ...and yes arbitrary, hut lvl 8 being equal to kid seeing hut missing out on the last sausage roll is the anchored point^ And it never hurts to just check in :)


Disappointment is a good thing , it gives us the contrast to feel... The opposite of disappointment... Appointment? Help me


"oh well, I'll just have to go and buy a full 4 pack from the frozen section at the supermarket and cook them all at home" 


Counterpoint: Children often ask for food that they then do not eat. They're fussy in a chaotic way.


If you didn’t want a sausage roll but you’re “110% nabbing it” just because a child does then you’re a dick.


I will add the caveat that no children were deprived of the last sausage roll in the making of this post. This is a safe hypothetical space. Also never said I'd take it despite not wanting it.


I think they know they’re dicks


If I want the sausage roll I buy the sausage roll, if I don't want it I don't


I agree. Life's not always fair and kids need to learn this sooner rather than later.


If you actually believe you're giving the kid a life lesson by buying a sausage roll instead of doing a kind act and leaving it for them that's where the being a dick part comes in. It's OK to buy it if you want it but no need to delude yourself that you're doing the kid a favour, you're not.


I am. Kids can't get their way everytime. The kid is no more important than me when it comes to a sausage roll. I wouldn't buy it out if spite obviously, because that's completely pointless and a waste of my money. The learning life's not fair part is just a bonus. Edit: I've been around too many spoilt kids recently, maybe that's why I feel that way.


There is the flipside lesson that the child learns kindness, appreciation and caring for others. Which would make for a much nicer society than the typical life's unfair get over it.


The kid would have no idea that I didn't buy it so they could have it. Unless I'd make a show of it so that they were aware.


Problem is a lot of kids don't learn kindness, appreciation or caring for others. A lot learn that they are entitled to whatever they want and who cares about anyone else.


I'm with you on this one. Somebody is going to buy the last roll. What if another kid comes in also wanting a sausage roll? At some point somebody is going to not have a sausage roll because they are sold out.


But if you went in for a sausage roll and you want a sausage roll then you aren't a dick. The kid learning a lesson is an aside to the main point, which is that you wanted the sausage roll. I'm vegetarian, I don't much like the cheese and onion bake, I don't like the vegan bake when it's mexican chicken (which it is at the moment), I don't like the vegetable bake.  Unless there's no vegan bake left, I'm having the last vegan sausage roll.  If there's no vegan bake I'd leave the sausage roll purely incase the kid is vegan because then they'd have nothing to eat. 


i'd offer to pay the person at greggs to just throw it in the bin, then turn around and maniacally laugh at the child before I walk out.


Or buy it and stand outside feeding it to the pigeons


Cooing to them that they're all special and deserve the sausage roll.


Yes! I have a new hero, so heroic he’s not afraid of hiding his full name and year of birth in his user name. Well played, sir, I bow before you 😀


And say "much too good for children".


This is how kids end up being The Joker


no, that's where I take the sausage roll, then kick the child into the vat of mysterious acid that's right outside the doors of greggs.


I swear every Greggs I go to is out of mysterious vats of acid. They always seem to have just run out!


Fucking thank you. Bunch of well-adjusted, magnanimous cunts in this thread were depressing me, ugh.


If I want the sausage roll, I will order it. If I don’t, then I won’t. I’m all for teaching kids that they can’t have everything they want, but I’m not gonna gratuitously upset a kid just for the hell of it.


At heart I’m a deeply selfish man. I’d buy it and I’d eat it. Edit: Assuming I wanted it anyway. I’m selfish, not needlessly cruel.


A real man would maintain eye contact with the child whilst devouring said sausage roll.


No need to traumatise the poor child. My sausage roll eating makes Ed Miliband’s bacon butty look elegant.


Phwoar! That’s a thought.


Is it even selfish? You got there first with the decision to buy it. If someone bought the last thing of something I wanted before me I’d either buy something else or go to a different greggs.


Depends on the kid, if they're a whiny little shit the deff


Redditors think all kids are whiny little shits


I went to Greggs before for a sausage rolls and they had loads when I joined the queue.  Then somebody ordered most of them, so there was only one left and it was ordered by the person in front of me.  Greggs isn’t anywhere near me, so I can’t get it that often. I’m definitely claiming the last one if I’ve queued up for them.


Lol where the fuck isn't close to a Greggs?


Let the child have it. But I would do it discretely indicating to assistant. I was in Tesco a while back. A little boy of about 4yrs sobbing. His older sister placating him. Transpired he had earned £3.00 for helping with chores He dropped one of the £1 coins and despite his and his sister’s efforts couldn’t find it. Neither could I and another customer. I discretely rolled a £1 coin just under the shelf. We carried on searching for a few minutes ‘til his sister ‘found it’ It’s a little thing. But that child could be hungrier than I am or buying their school lunch!


Always look for the helpers, I also go out of my way to be kind. Cheers.


We never know when we will be looking or needing a helper, someone to get us through a glitz momentarily or for a longer time. I’ve looked up at times and thanked the Sky for that ‘someone’


If I was planning to buy a sausage roll, I buy it. If I wasn't, I don't.


I'm having that hot porky bad boy


Enough about the child, are you taking the sausage roll




How polite is the child? I want that sausage roll: learn some manners cos it's mine now. May I have a sausage roll please: aye maybe.


Is the assumption I'm in the queue to purchase a sausage roll already, it just happens to be the last one? If I'm in the queue for a sausage roll, I'm buying it. The kid can wait for the next batch to come out.


Depends if I want a sausage roll or not. I'm not gonna order something I don't want just to fuck over a kid I don't know. If I do want a sausage roll, I'll more than likely buy it, but I might let the kid take it


I would give it to the child. I don't see any reason not to. The world is shitty enough without adding to it.


Do I want the same thing? Is there an alternative I would eat? If yes to the first and yes to the latter, i'm giving it to the child. If yes to the first and no to the latter, I'm ordering it as planned. If I don't want whatever it is, seeing as i'm not a sadistic arsehole by nature, I don't buy it and even hope they are directly behind me so that they get the order next and get their item. If they are not directly behind them, I might even, on a good day, buy it for them to ensure they get it. I know reddit's like a bit of a joke and I hope people are just bulstering but it is shocking how many people just talk about being unneccessary cruel to another human being and come across like they are salivating at the idea.


If the kid quietly, calmly, politly mentions that they want the thing there's only one of left, and the parent says something along the lines of "Okay kid, if it's still there." then I'll leave it. If the kid whines/is loud/is a brat about it, or the parent says no and the kid kicks off? I'm buying it, and making DIRECT eye contact with them when I eat it.


I was in Subway once and a kid who looked maybe 12ish was behaving very obnoxiously, iirc he was jumping around and shoved into another customer and didn't apologise. Anyway he saw the last cookie and announced to his mates that he wanted it, so I upgraded to a meal deal, nabbed it, threw it on the floor and stamped on it, then chucked it in the bin.


This story doesn't make you look like the good guy.


Oh I know, it's about twenty years on and I wouldn't tell that story to anyone who knew me in real life. But I'm happy to admit to it anonymously on the internet.


If there's only 1 left then it's first come first serve.


You're hard.


I’d let the kid have it. It’s a kid, might not mean anything to you but it could mean a lot to the kid.


Why are you acting like it's the last sausage roll in the world, and that the bakery wouldn't have a fresh batch out in a few minutes?


If they are a good store they would have more ready to go as they anticipated running out. But if not they take a while to cook from frozen.


If the parent says no to the child, I'd buy it so then the parent could say "sorry, that man has just taken it!". If not then I'd grab something else!


If I went in there with the intention of getting a sausage roll, I'm getting it. If I don't want a sausage roll and went in for something else then no, I'm not going to get it.


It's not my child, I couldn't care what it wants, I'll have the sausage roll and start eating it before I walk away. Children need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them.


You seem pretty mean for a centenarian


Doesn't seem too mean if there's a 90% chance he's not gonna take it.


If I was going to buy it anyway, I'll buy it. If I wasn't going to buy it, I'm still buying it.


My decision on whether to buy the sausage roll would be based entirely on whether that's what I specifically wanted to buy in the first place. I'll buy it if I was going to buy it regardless. If I wasn't planning on buying it anyway, then the child mentioning that it's the last one isn't going to make me behave any differently.


Let them have it. If it was a "sweetroll"....that would be different!


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?..


That kid is gonna learn today.


This sounds like a Voigt-Kampf test.




Good for you, 100 years old and still getting out and about pissing kids off.


I don't understand why there is a question, i'd buy what i want then leave, what has a child wanting a sausage roll got to do with me. if i buy the last one, tough luck i don't really care, the child is irrelevant.


Read the other replies. That's the beauty of asking questions on reddit you get to see a cross section of all the different people's personalities on this sub. Isn't that fascinating?


I'd slowly order loads of stuff and then after it's all been wrapped and they tell me the price, I'd be almost ready to pay and then loudly throw in the "Oh, I'd best not forget to get the dog a treat too so I'll take that last sausage roll as well please"


Depends what the food item is and whether or not the kid has been annoying in line


id buy it and eat it in front of them lol


And then shout loudly 'Mhmmmm this is gorgeous! I'm so glad I got the last one.'


Very slowly and let crumbs fall on the kids head as I do so.


Is it Greggs or a normal bakery? If it's a normal one and I want it and I was there first, it's mine. If it's greggs and the kid is super polite/happy, I MIGHT ask how long for the next batch OR walk to the other Greggs that's about 5 buildings down from one I'd be in.


If I wasn’t planning on buying a sausage roll I’d think wow that kids right a sausage roll would be great right now so I’d buy it. If I was already planning on buying it the kids comment has no effect on me and I buy it.


If the kid seems sweet and polite, I'd let them have it. If the kid is throwing a massive tantrum, I'd buy it for myself.


100% id buy the item i intended to buy and was in the queue before. Life’s tough. The kid needs to learn that they don’t get what they want just because they stamp their feet or look cute. Doesn’t matter if they have a melt down or whatever, that isn’t your responsibility. All the comments about how you might be doing a good turn for that poor little child… what if it’s the 7th sausage roll of the day and it’s just pure greed.


Let the child have it. Then I’ll say, “Do you think the rest of the world will be as nice as me? You’re in for a lifetime of suffering unless you’re a trust fund baby, but if so you won’t be buying cheap shit from a bakery. So life is gonna suck for you. So you can have your cheap shit sausage roll.”


I've heard the person behind me say they want a vegan sausage roll before and spotted there was only one left. As I prefer vegan sausage rolls, but do eat meat, I got a meat one instead so they could have the vegan one.


I've been the person in that situation - I'd had an absolutely terrible, terrible day and had called into Asda for some bits. Decided to pop into the cafe because I was hungry. There was one slice of steak pie left and I made the mistake of mentioning to my friend that it looked good. The woman in front of me asked for, made sure she sat next to us and didn't eat a bit of it. She just didn't want me to have it. 


If I'm in there for a sausage roll, I'm buying it. Life sucks. I've had people in front of me buy the last of the thing I wanted before. I either get something else or leave.


Depends on how the kid is acting, if they're behaving and asking their parent if they could have it, I'll go for something different, doesn't bother me. If they're acting up and like they are entitled to it, different story. I'm buying that porky bastard, turning around to make eye contact then taking one bite out of it before throwing the rest in the bin. It would pain me to throw it away but it's the cost I must pay to keep my priority ticket to hell.


Is the kid polite or is he being a brat? If he is a beat he will be bitterly disappointed as he watches me feed the last sausage roll to my dog. LoL