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Compass points - Never Eat Shredded Wheat and Naughty Elephants Squirt Water The rainbow - Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain The planets - My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets And one that was very much not appreciated by teachers but was all over the playground after the Challenger disaster... NASA - Not Another Seven Astronauts


That’s so interesting! Out of curiosity, what county were you in when you learned these? I’m wondering if it’s location specific 😂. I was educated in Hampshire, but the people I worked with were based in London and Leeds. I’ve also remembered one to help you spell because - big elephants can always understand small elephants.


I'm from NE England and we had the Richard of York one.


I grew up in a military family so was not educated in one country let alone one county.


I'm from Manchester and we had a different one for the rainbow. Run Over Your Garden Before It Vanishes. Edit, we also had Never Eat Shredded Wheat for the points of a compass.


See also Manchester but I was taught the Richard of York version


Big elephants can't always use small exits


Big elephants can’t add up sums easily!


Big elephants can always understand small elephants


I always had 'never eat shredded wheat' and once got an atlas from weetabix tokens, and I really thought they were going to have a stab at shredded wheat in the learning part but they safely went with 'now eat some weetabix'. I remember the challenger crash came with another joke. Why do astronauts drink sprite? Because they can't get 7up.


Never execute sexy women was the second compass one we used


Who taught you that? The Taliban?


Teenage boys. So probably not exactly moral arbiters of society


lacking moral compass


Mine were similar to the above plus RHYTHM: rhythm has your two hips moving NESW: Never eat shredded wheat


Im from New Zealand and my compass points mnemonic was “never eat soggy weetbix”


Or '7-Up with a dash of Teachers', as we cruelly said at school


These were the 1s I was taught too!


We had to come up with our own one for planets and mines was Mad Vases Eat Mouldy Jam So Up Neptune's Plans. Made no sense whatsoever but 20 years on and I still remember it.


Your very easy method just speeds up naming what?


SOHCAHTOA for the main trigonometric functions Sin = Opposite / Hypotenuse Cos = Adjacent / Hypotenuse Tan = Opposite / Adjacent


Someone in our class came up with a mnemonic for SOHCAHTOA, which impressed all the mid-teen boys: Shagging On Hard Concrete Always Hurts The Opposite Appendage


Some old hag cracked all her teeth on apples.


Our teacher went with Sex On Hard Concrete Always Hurts The Orgasmic Area


I was taught Sex On Hard Concrete Always Hurts Tender Outer Areas.


I fucked my maths GCSE partly owing to lack of revision but also remembering it - incorrectly- as SOCRATES.


My maths teacher had little stories and methods for everything. For this one, he said that there’s a great Native American chief who wrote his name Soh Cah Toa on his 3 teepees.


Our maths teacher was friends with another who happened to be scouse. They had banter back and forth so we advanced SOHCAHTOA by using: Scousers On Holiday Cause A Headache, Take One Aspirin


My maths teacher also did sohcahtoa but also had "many dead voles" for the mass, density, volume formula triangle! He stated that it wasn't a very nice one as he said it, then a lad in my class made it 10 times worse with "my dick vibrates"


Which we expanded to Silly Old Hitler Caused Almighty Havoc To Our Armies.


Station**e**ry: **e** for **e**nvelope Station**a**ry: **a** for sitting on your **a**rse


I need one like that to differentiate between amend and emend. I can never remember which is which!


Perhaps **a** for **a**dditions and **a**lterations, **e** for fixing **e**rrors. Although there's some overlap between the two words anyway, such as "making amends".


Does anyone know one for affect/effect? I know the difference but there are so many people who don't and I'd like to be able to give them a method for this one.


A spelling one: Imagine a vicar at the pulpit saying "It is neCeSSary for me to wear one Collar and two Socks."


Never eat chips, eat salad sandwiches and remain young


Never eat cake, eat salmon sandwiches and raspberry yoghurt


1 collar 2 sleeves 😂


We used ‘one coffee, two sugars’


Two Ships sail on one C


We learned it as 'There is a cess pool in the word necessary'


Yes I heard this one yesterday for the first time!


The values of the coloured bands on resistors in order “Black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey white”, remembered as “Black boys rape our young girls but virgins go without.” This was taught by our electronics teacher and in hindsight it may have been a little offensive.


Ooft that’s not great is it 😂


I was taught the clean version! Bye, bye Rosie. Off you go to Birmingham via Great Western.


I was taught "Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Virgins Go Without" Still a bit dodgy, but not as bad as yours. Different times


Stalactites and Stalagmites. Tites come down, but they mite go back up again.


I learnt it as "stala**c**tites **c**ling to the **c**eiling; stala**g**mites **g**row from the **g**round".


We learned the difference for stalactites the same way but the teacher looked at one of the girls and winked when he said it 🤮 (Catholic school, tights were mandatory)


I unofficially learned basically 'The tits are on top'. Probably works better in German I just realized. It's still very easy to remember.


Hold on tight


I just knew that the tite ones need to hold on tight to the ceiling and the mite ones are mighty and just grow tall with a strong base...like, it's kind of just in the name anyway.


I was told that stalactites hold tight to the ceiling, but stalagmites try with all their might to get to the ceiling.


Music: Notes on the lines of the treble stave ascending. Every Good Boy Deserves Favours Order of sharps: Father Christmas Goes Down All Escalators Backwards


Similar but west of scotland secondarry school music - Every good boy deserves football


The mnemonic I know for the order of sharps (from Wikipedia, not from school) is "Father Charles goes down and ends battles".  Reversed and modified slightly, it gives the order of flats and still makes sense: Battle ends and down goes Charles' father.


This is how I learned it. Was trying to remember it, reading this thread, so was glad someone had posted.


Every Good Boy Does Farts. This was not officially sanctioned


I was taught those as 'every green bus drives fast' and 'father Christmas goes downstairs and eats Bananas.' Also, 'all cows eat grass' for the bass clef.


Elastic Gives But Doesn't Fray.....


For guitar the standard tuning is :Every Good Boy Deserves An Egg" From bottom string up. I haven't touched the guitar in years, but I could still tune a guitar because of that. Edit. I just remembered the one for the notes not on the lines in sheet music. In the space you spell FACE. Now I assume its from the bottom to thr top, but I don't remember that much


Doesn't It Always Run Rather Horridly Over Each Ankle. I wasn't actually taught that at school, but in my 20s when part of my job was a note taker for absence meetings at my job. The amount of times I had to write "sickness and diarrhoea" was ridiculous.


We were taught Dash In A Rush, Run Hard Or Else Accident


😂😂😂😂 that’s a good one. I can’t spell this without my phone autocorrecting it.


When I did a medical terminology course the instructor taught us dia - Run Run Help Oh Eck Ahhhhhh!


>My - mercury Very - Venus Easy - earth Method - mars Just - Jupiter Speeds - Saturn Up - Uranus Naming - Neptune Planets - Pluto Fantastic, this will be in my head for ever. For me the only ones I ever remember are for the compass directions. There's loads but the one in my head is: **N**ever, **E**at, **S**hredded , **W**heat And then the other one was for biology and it was all the features necessary to classify something as a "living organism". Though I imagine because it was a basic level there will be things classed as living that don't have all these features and vice versa. MRS GREN - **M**ovement, **R**espiration, **S**ensitivity, **G**rowth, **R**eproduction, **E**xcretion and **N**utrition


Good For Dirty Women. That’s how I remember the streets off of Oxford Street. Greek, Frith, Dean, Wardour.


Not a mnemonic but something similar I still use today to remember how many days each month has - the "knuckle" technique. I've met some other people familiar with it, but generally most seem to have never heard of it. It is SO much easier than that damn rhyme. If you clench your fist to exposure your knuckles, you then "count" from the first knuckle to the last along the top of your hand (i.e. ignoring your thumb knuckle). You add in also the "gaps" between each knuckle (so that one full pass from first to last knuckle counts a total of 4 knuckles and 3 gaps). For each knuckle/gap you give the months of the year in order. First knuckle - January, first gap - February, second knuckle - March etc. Once you get to the last knuckle with July just start again on the first for August and carry on till December. Every month on a knuckle has 31 days and every month in a gap has 30. You have to remember for yourself that February is a weird one, but it's not too much of a burden.


Piggybacking on this to mention the 9-times table hand method as well. A mate of mine in school just couldn't understand that the first number goes up by one and the second goes down by one (09, 18, 27, etc.) so i showed him the hand method. Holding both hands out in front of you, fingers and thumbs out, imagining they're numbered 1-10. Close a finger and count how many are left open on either side. So closing your First finger (left pinky) leaves none to the left of it and nine to the right, so 9. closing your 8th finger (right middle finger) leaves 7 open to the left and 2 to the right, so 8x9 = 72.


30 days has September, April, June, and November; all the rest have 31; something something each leap year... Enough to get me by


Except February which has 28 days clear, and 29 in each leap year!


My hero!


Bake eight cakes and use six eggs = because Never eat cake, eat salad sandwiches and remain young = necessary Mrs D, Mrs I, Mrs FFI, Mrs C, Mrs U, Mrs LTY = difficulty Richard of York gave battle in vain = colours of the rainbow Never Eat Shredded Wheat = North//East/South/West


Rhythm Has Your Two Hips Moving Rhythm.


Just reading the title of your post instantly brought one to mind. I was surprised at your rainbow menomic because for me it was: - Richard - Of - York - Gave - Battle - In - Vain (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) Later I did (attempted and failed) a degree in environmental sciences where i learned about the light spectrum and that the mnomic only covers visible light, not Ultra Violet(s) and others... Or something 🤷🏼 The other one was BODMAS - mathematics: - Brackets Out. - Division. - Multiplication. - addition. - Subtraction. (I think. It was decades ago that i learned this). Nowadays i have to use mnomics to remember all sorts of shit. Could be because i may be "on a spectrum", or just a forgetful bugger that doesn't pay attention. So one of the random ones is if someone is called "Heather". I think "Erica" because " _Erica vulgaris_ " is the latin for the plant. (Which is stupid as fuck because "Heather" should be easier to remember).


We used BEDMAS, the E was for exponents.


BIDMAS here, I for indices.


For us it was BODMAS, O as in "powers **o**f". I later learnt that it can less tenuously stand for "orders".


I had BIDMAS at school as well


Life Processes: Many naughty rabbits eat green rhubarb shoots. Can't for the life of me remember what MNREGRS actually stands for.


MRS GREN: movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition. 


Oh, that's Mrs Gren Something about eating and all that...


😂😂 very helpful. I shall research!


Sounds like it might be a variant of MERRING - movement, excretion, reproduction, respiration, irritability, nutrition and growth. I don't know what the S would stand for though.


My school's music teacher, not knowing his audience, had 'Every good boy deserves football' for treble stave order.


Rainbow 🌈 Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain Trigonometry (right angle triangle) Two Old Angels (TAN opposite adjacent) Carrying A Harp ( COS adjacent hypotenuse) Skipped Over Heaven (SIN opposite hypotenuse)


I remember the very easy method one and never eat shredded wheat for compass points.  Colours of the rainbow: Run Over Your Granny Because It’s Violent.  How to spell because: Big Elephants Can’t Always Use Small Exits.  For taxonomy from A level biology (domain, kingdom, phylum, Class, order, family, genus, species): Do King Prawns Come Over From Great Scotland. 


My daughter was taught Big Elephants Can't Always Understand Small Elephants.


Dessert = Double S as Its scrumptious, you always want more. Desert = Single S as its hot as fuck and you want less of it.


This is a long one: Please Send Little C(-) M(-) A Zebra If The Lean Horse Cannot Munch Sweet Grass Properly (C(-) M(-) is a name, which I won't reveal) It's the reactivity series in chemistry: Potassium, Sodium, Lithium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Iron, Tin, Lead, (Hydrogen), Copper, Mercury, Silver, Gold, Platinum Hydrogen in brackets as it's not a metal.


Ours was Police Sergeant 'Lucky' Charlie Mazitl (has) caught me stealing gold plates. Also OIL RIG for 'oxidation is loss, reduction is gain'


A spelling one. Dash In A Real Rush Hurry Or Else Accident.


Some periodic table ones. First three rows: Harry HEralds LIttle Bald Baby Can Not Own Furry Nuts Neither May Alan Sids Pet Snake Called Arthur  Alkali metals: Little Sod Put Rug Covering Fred


This will make sense in latvian. 1st it wasnt taught, but I did it on my own. In biology we were learning about bloodstreams, heart and rest of the fuzz. I used pen to write two letters on my arm before test about heart and blood flow. Letters were VZ. Which literally means vēna (vein) and zils (blue). I always mixed up veins and arteries. This way I made connection to pictures in biology books - veins are blue, no oxigen, going to to heart, while arteries were opposite. It's been more than 20 years and if I look at my arm to that spot I always remember those two letters and instantly remember those chapters for test. And if I remember correctly, I nailed that test. Another, not actual word, but I 4th grade (age 10-11),we were taught word apjunseno. Which doesn't make any sense, but this word stuck with me and instantly I know which months have only 30 days. April, June, September, November. And final one, Dr abc. I'm first aider at work and that has been drilled into my head for past 6 years. Danger, response, airways, breathing, circulation


Birds Eat Crumbs As Uncle Sits Eating - Because. And.... Never Ever Shag Whores - North East South West.


Not a mnemonic but helped me as a teacher to know how to spell ‘necessary’ - “a shirt always has one Collar and two Sleeves”


Fiddle de dum, fiddle de dee, a ring round the moon is pi times D and if a hole you want repaired then you must used Pi R squared.


Grey vs Gray - GrEy (E for England), GrAy (A for America)


Big elephants can always understand small elephants: because Separate yourself from A RAT: (sep)arat(e) If you want to know which to use out of license/licence or practise/practice (verb/noun sound the same), think of advise/advice (verb/noun sound different)


BMW = Black Mans Willy. And backwards WMB = White Mans Bum. Adidas = All day I dream about sex. Do these count?


I have one I made up myself to remember the order (descending) of the 5 titles of peerage. Dead men eat very badly - Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and Baron.


That’s actually such a useful one!


I ate and I ate ‘till I was sick on the floor. 8x8 is 64


English Literature Exams: COWPEE Comment on a Word , use POINTS, EXAMPLES AND EXPLANATIONS. Eg pretend this is from a novel you've read; The woman's hair was formed into tight sausage curls, she sat on the haybale applying her red lipstick carefully with grace. She gabbed away at him while she fixed her dress, he didn't hear a word she said. Pick a Word, lets say Sausage, and point out why this word is significant. Theyre in a barn, as implied by the haybales, barn and farm imagery used to describe a woman's hair associating her with meat. Red lipstick, we know red lipsticknis fashionable but she's being enticing, fixing her looks in front of the man, making herself pretty for him. This shows that shes unaware of the danger he posesses as we known in the book he's already murdered two other women and sees her as nothing more than prey, meat to consume. This is all bollocks but it helped me thoughout GCSE, A level and doing an English Literature degree on recognising authurs intent behind words they choose and thinking about why they would specifically use those phrases to describe a scene. You can use the prompt in the exams as Pointing out the interesting word, Give Examples to show you understand the book and material, and Explain your reasoning as to why you think that way. COWPEE. Great for English lit students.


I genuinely used PEE when writing my PhD thesis. Every so often I think about writing to my year 8 English teacher to tell him that him shouting "pee everywhere!" worked.


At the start of my A level Chemistry, I was told. King Neptune can make all zebras feel happy, probably causing animal hysteria. The relative reactivity of metals in order from potassium (King) to Mercury (hysteria). In 52 now and have never needed that piece of knowledge, but it stays with me....


For the planets: My Very Energetic Maiden Aunt Just Swam Under North Pier. The A is for asteroids.


Kings Play Chess On Fine Glass Squares. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. not totally complete (still confused about clades and things) but not too bad for home education! e: also, affect *acts* on something. effect is the *end* result. i am *affected* by your actions. in the end, i feel the *effects*. necessary has one **c**ollar and two **s**leeves.


Teacher here. Still do that same one when doing order of planets.


The planets - Many Volcano erupts marmalade and Jam sandwiches under normal pressure. (The "and" is for the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter) Because - Big elephant can always understand small elephant. Does - dad often eat sweets Said - Sally ally is drinking Oh you lucky duck - for words like could, would, should


Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. Makes little sense but it’s how we learnt the rainbow . Edit. Also for music Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit and FACE. Also All Cows Eat Grass but I can’t remember what that was for. Maybe Bass Clef?


Because - big elephants can't always use small exits Planets - many vile earthlings munch jam sandwiches under newspaper (piles when pluto was still a planet!)


🌈 roll over you great big innocent virgin


Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants. For spelling because


Specifically for our school we did the reverse of the bottom of the distance speed time triangle to DTS in honour of one of our science teachers. Duncan Touches Students.


Every adult dog growls barks eats - standard guitar tuning


O N O M A T O P O E I A to the tune of old macdonald! learned this about 15 years ago in standard grade english and still catch myself saying it out loud at least once a week, for no apparent reason.


A geology one! Moh's scale of hardness: the girls can flirt and other queer things can do Talc Gypsum Calcite Fluorite Apatite Orthoclase Quartz Topaz Corundum Diamond


This is the kind of classic thing one should know in case they’re on a quiz show.


Kings Play Chess On Fancy Gold Squares Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.


Resistor color code Batman blows Robin on yon Gotham bridge; Very good Wayne! Get Superman Next!


Here is one from left field, as Americans would say. SUNWACD = the Dales (valleys) of the Yorkshire Dales defined by their rivers. Swale Ure (=Wensley) Nidd Wharfe Aire Calder Don WTF that I was taught that in secondary school in the Fens????? But now I live in Yorkshire, it's quite nice to know.


Scottish Television Cannot Make Films Concerning Nice Cute Zebras. First row of the transition elements. Also dz^2 = donought.


The one I learned for the planets in our solar system was: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas It's just a question of remembering that Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, not Mars.


This is the weird one. I know loads of people who use your mnemonic for planets, but I've never met anyone who uses "Many Vile EARTlings Much Jam Sandwich Under Newspaper Piles" which i imagine can now just be "Under Newspapers" "Along the runway and up in the air". The x axis is the runway, and the Y axis is the air. Its to remember which is the x axis and which is the Y axis on a graph. I was taught the "Richard of York..." for rainbow colours. I used to have a mnemonic for remembering the names and structures of bravis lattices but I've completely forgotten it, and as such completely forgotten the names and shapes of bravis lattices, apart from primitive cubic, face centered cubic, and body centred cubic, but I don't remember the mnemonic for it. But that was university so I don't think counts. Bonus it didn't even come up in exams so...thanks for that past me. Completely wasted time that could have been better spent on essentially any other part of chemistry.


Most volcanos emit mouldy apricot jam sandwiches unless nicely polished.


For the Geological periods: Camels Often Sit Down Carefully Perhaps Their Joints Creak Cambrian - Ordovician - Silurian - Devonian - Carboniferous - Permian - Triassic - Jurassic - Cretaceous And then another one for the epochs of the Cenozoic: Pervasive Early Oiling May Prevents Permanent Harm Paleocene - Eocene - Oligocene - Miocene - Pliocene - Pleistocene - Holocene (where we are today) Edit: I forgot miocene. I never remember the miocene I refuse to believe it actually exists.


This is another classic game show quiz one to have in your back pocket. I will, of course, not be applying for a game show, but this is the kind of thing that might come in clutch one day. Thank you!


There are some very politically/socially incorrect mnemonics from my time in a medically related field back in the 70's/early 80's


Wow oh be a fine girl kiss me right now sweetie Spectral classes of stars


We were taught my very educated mother just made us seven pizzas, makes no sense in context but stuck


For the rainbow colours -Richard Of York Gained Battle In Vain. For music notes Every Good Boy Deserves Favours


Because - Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants Necessary - Never Eat Cake Eat Salmon Sandwiches And Remain Young


We had the same planets one as you mentioned. There was also Never Eat Shredded Wheat for the compass points.


Music 101: Every-Grandad's-Balls-Drop-Fast


In physics, stellar classification follows a progression OBAFGKM Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!


For the stages of mitosis, pick me a tomato. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. I'm sure there was another one to remember the difference between mitosis and meiosis but I can't remember that anymore, can't have been as good haha.


For the geologic time periods it was Pregnant Camels Often Sit Down Carefully, Perhaps Their Joints Creak? Pre-Cambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous.


My favourite is probably this one to remember evolutionary classification; Dangerous kangaroos punch children on family game shows. Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species.


Men enjoy perfect breasts. Methyl, ethyl, butyl propyl. Dangerous kinnky people come over for group sex . Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, species, Those are some of the more fun ones


I remember my friend saying After Dinner I Did A Shit. And I was like, why you telling me that? I don't want to know thank you. And she was like, drr that's how you remember to spell ADIDAS.


My Very Early Morning Jam Sandwiches Usually Nauseate People Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain


Mrs B Mrs E Mrs AUT Mrs I Mrs F Mrs UL Most Volcanoes Erupt Mouldy Jam Sandwiches Under Normal Pressure


I don't think I was ever taught the planets but "Bad Eggs Are Useless To Ill Folk Unless Lumpy" is one I still use.


Spelling one in primary school Billy Eats Cakes And Uses Seven Eggs We were encouraged to make our own for words we struggled with so my table came up with Seven Ugly Dogs Doing Everything Naughty Like Yelling


I had My Very Early Morning Jam Sandwiches Usually Nauseate People for the planets


My Elephant Pants Before Playing Hard - For the Alkanes in chemistry. When we first started in chemistry we only needed to know the first 6!


Keep Putting Condoms On For Good Sex Kingdom phylum class order family genus species 


Never Eat Chocolate Eat Salmon Sandwiches And Remain Young Never Eat Shredded Wheat Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain Many Vile Earthlings Munch Jam Sandwiches Under News Papers


Friend - Fried Rice Is Eaten Next Door


Rainbow - Richard of York gave battle in vain Planets - Many Volcanos Eat Moldy Jam Sandwiches Under New Pillows SOHCAHTOA - Some Old Horses, Can Always Hear, Their Owners Approach Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order etc - King Philip Came Over For Good Soup Spelling - Because - Big Elephants Can Always Use Small Elephants Necessary - Never Eat Cress Eat Salad Sandwiches and Remain Young (which I still use!)


I took Guitar lessons when I was in school, and I still use the Mnemonic I was taught to remember the standard guitar tuning Eadgbe Every alsatian dog’s got big ears


Big Elephants Can’t Always Use Small Exits. Worked a treat in year 2.


How to spell necessary correctly: a shirt has one Collar and two Sleeves


as others have said, Never Eat Shredded Wheat for the compass points (and I still say it today when trying to work out east vs west). For the planets we had an exercise in primary schol to come up withour own mnemonics and I always reember one invented by one of the other guys in the Class - Man Versus elephant, Man Just Slightly Underestimated Nelly Power


BODMAS in maths. Brackets, of,division,multiplication, add, subtract


A piece of pie (to spell piece correctly). Never liked the whole “i before e except after c” nonsense! Also: one collar and two sleeves - to remember the number of C’s and S’s in necessary.


I'm from Wolverhampton.  Never ever support Wolves.  North, East, South, West. 


Although it was most certainly not official - a classmate during A-Level biology helped me remember the order of classification (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) Katie Price Choked On Forest Gump's Schlong Not very appropriate - but I still remember it to this day.


Yesr 8 or so we had to come up with our own mnemonics The one that stuck with me is "my very efficient mother just served us nine pints" Can't remember the guys name but that I'll never forget


Richard of York gave battle in vain. How many of today's schoolchildren have a scooby who Richard of York was, let alone which battles he fought?


For the standard tuning of a 6-string Guitar: EADGBE = Eddie Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie. Also to remember the lines of a Treble stave: EGBDF = Every Good Boy Deserves Football How to Spell "BECAUSE": Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits Difference between I.E. and E.g.: I.E = **I**n other words, E.G = For **EG**sample (I know Example is spelled wrong but mentally it works) Honorable mention: I always repeat Beautiful in my head in the style of Ace Ventura's "B-E-A-U-tiful"


Not in school but I learnt TED PIE for asking questions: Tell me Explain to me Describe to me Precisely In detail Exactly And combine them as such: “tell me exactly what happened” or “describe to me in detail what they looked like”


Every Good Boy Does Fine (music scale), BODMAS - except some wag asked why it wasn't BPMDSA and it was so funny I think the whole class ended up with BPMDSA stuck in their head instead. Also one about resistor colour codes that is absolutely not repeatable today and would result in suspensions or firing - which we got taught by a kid who got it from a parent but was apparently routinely taught "in the old days"


Excellent French teacher gave us ‘Company Sergeant Major Norman Gregory’ for verbs of motion that take ‘avoir’. Courir, Sauter, Monter, Nager, Grimper.


Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge for music notes in music. Obviously being in high school the F is fully interchangeable


Surprised at all the planet ones that I've never heard before at all. I was taught 'My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets!'.


I remember chords in music Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (EGBDE)


The amount of days in each month - 30 days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, except for February alone, which which has 28 days clear, and 29 in each leap year.


Also the only way I remember which direction the sun rises and sets in is by thinking of the line from the Beauty and the Beast song “certain as the sun, rising in the east”.


One *c*ollar, two *s*leeves for necessary


One coffee two sugars. Who knows what this is for?


Every armpit does get Bo eventually is how you tune a guitar.


Every Good Boy Deserves Food. The notes on the treble stave (between the lines). The ones on the line were easier, F,A,C,E.


Some of Harry's cats are horrible to other animals


Willie, Willie, Harry, Ste Harry, Dick, John, Harry Three Teddy, Teddy, Teddy Trix Dick II, Harry Four, Five, Six


What on earth is this one?!


It's the order of the Kings of England William I, William II, Henry I, King Stephen Henry II, Richard I, King John, Henry III Edward I, Edward II, Edward III Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI


I’m so embarrassed I didn’t know this one 🤐


My Very Energetic Mate Just Spewed Up Near Peter. My Vauxhall's Engine Might Just Start Using New Plugs.


I learned the rainbow in a song, the compass I knew because my dad and i sailed and trigonometry was All sinners take care. Lol


Donkey Kong Plays Congas On Friday - Great Skills! (Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species)


I learnt the same one for the planets (Kent) but we were challenged to come up with our own mnemonic too. Someone came up with "My very easy maths jump straight under Nellie's pillow" which is ridiculous and derivative, and I've never been able to forget it.


Rhythm has your two hips moving


Not a mnemonic, but for some reason "Remember Remember The Fifth Of November" was a popular one at school. Which is utterly pointless. Remember remember the first of november? Remember remember the ninth of november? Remember remember the fifth of december?


Richard of York gave battle in vain - colours of the rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet


Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits (still say it to myself now at 44) Planets - my very early morning jam sandwich usually nauseastes (people) not quite a mnemonic but Fried Ends at the end of a story about japes to remember which way the I and E go in Friends. Reading music FACE and Every Good Baby Deserves Food


The rainbow backwards: "Virgins In Bed Get Your Organ Rising"


Bake eleven cakes and use six eggs - to spell because Naughty elephants squirt water - for points of a compass


Colour bands on a resistor Black brown red orange yellow green blue violet grey white, mnemonic being black boys rape pur young girls but virgins go without.


For trees in the Amazon - TEN BB DD Tall Evergreen No low branches Buttress roots Broad leaves Dense foliage Drip tip leaves This is 40 years ago!




Never Eat Shredded Wheat.


Every Good Boy Deserves Football - musical scale