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I've travelled a fair whack around Europe and North America but I'd actually say the friendliest people I've met were from Liverpool


Liverpool has ridiculously friendly people. Big up Liverpool 👏👏👏


People from Liverpool don't shut up. I'm from the south, but my mum lives in Liverpool, so when I go to se her I'm constantly weirded-out by everyone wanting to talk. I was on the train and someone started asking me what my book was like and whether I was enjoying it. If that was London, I'd think I was about to be murdered.


If that was London you WERE about to be murdered.


Go to London. I guarantee you'll be mugged or not appreciated


Haha. Wonder who got the power pack. Ha. Ah. Haha. Ha. Ah. Ha. Haha. Hahhh… *NEWS*


I'm from Yorkshire and I went to Uni in Liverpool, both very talkative places. Now I live in the North West, which isn't exactly unfriendly, but I miss those little unforced gestures of human acknowledgement. London gets a bad rep but in my experience although people are more protective of their personal space there, hence the old cliché about long cold silences on the tube, there's no shortage of friendliness waiting under the surface, it's just a different set of rules of social interaction. If you constantly judge everywhere by your home standards rather than letting those differences in outlook wash over you, whether that's the next city or the next continent, you're not really expanding your horizons.


i find Londoners friendly


Same. I think London is one of the friendliest cities in the world.


We had a great time in London! We are from the US and while we were sitting in pubs (especially ones with outdoor seating) we found that while we were dithering about what to do next people would jump in and offer suggestions! We loved it and felt so welcomed! 


I'm from Lancashire. My brother went to uni in Liverpool too. Medical degree. He ended up living there after he met his wife (a Yorkshire woman) there at uni. He's lived there since 1995 and now has 4 kids. Love Liverpool!


I'd have loved a chat like that to be fair


Scouser here, and it's great to hear that. I came onto this sub hoping to find liverpool somewhere on the list, but for it to be the top answer is fantastic.


Londoner here, and I’d agree with the top answer. I did, almost cartoonishly, get offered several times to buy a PS4 out of someone’s backpack in various pubs (it was the newest console then), but generally I felt safe and welcome. Friendly people, and what a visually beautiful city. I’d go back tomorrow if I could.


You can. You're welcome any time mate 😊


I used to have a driving/delivery job years ago. I was in Liverpool one time and couldn't find the place I was looking for, so I got out of my van and started walking up and down the street I was on to try and get a better look at the addresses of the buildings, but still couldn't find the place. Before long, a woman came over to me and asked if I was lost. I explained what I was looking for, but unfortunately she wasn't any the wiser. She then proceeded to flag down the first random car that was coming along the street, which to my surprise, happily pulled over to speak to us. Next thing I knew, both of these complete strangers were spending the next ten or fifteen minutes walking around with me to make sure I found the address I was looking for. I was astonished at their willingness to just drop whatever they were doing to help some random oaf from out of town.


I live in a town an hour North of Liverpool. A young lass who must have been a student from elsewhere had parked in Aldi where I'd just been. She was a delivery driver on her first shift, but she couldn't work out how to get back to the delivery place where she worked. A guy and his wife parked next to her, got his phone out to find it on google maps,, and offered to drive to where it was and for her to follow. I had an hour to kill before my next task, so I offered to do it instead. It was only about a 7 minute drive away. It took 10 minutes of my time, and she was back to the takeaway, no problem. I love to help others out. Friends and strangers alike. It costs nothing to be kind.


100% agree with this. I went to uni in Manchester but my boyfriend at the time was a Scouser, so I spent the majority of my time in Liverpool. Manchester girls looked like they wanted to bottle me every time I went out but Liverpool girls are fucking elite on a night out. No one bigs you up like a bathroom full of Liverpool girls 🩷


Was just thinking this, I'd say they're on a par with small town Canada.


Interesting! I’ve found small town Canada to be the most superficial with racist undertones I’ve ever experienced! (Live in small town Canada). Where’s your friendly town, I gotta check it out!


I took my 3 of my kids when they were little. One got chicken pox and was not allowed to leave the hotel room and attend the event we went for. All I remember is arriving into the station and loads of friendly people answering our questions for directions...and then taxi driver chatting away...I felt very comfortable and welcome in Liverpool from down south. Can't wait to visit again one day


I find that no matter where you go if your nice and friendly 9 out of 10 times people will be friendly in return, obviously everywhere has some miserable fuckers but that's just the human race.


With the exception of France 😂


Got lost in France at 12 and tried asking a French woman for directions (very badly) and she blew smoke in my face and told me she didn't know the way. (My school took us to France and let a load of Year 8s explore the town without supervision).


They did the same to us except our challenge was to purchase ingredients to make a sandwich. We were given money and a sheet to fill out with how much we spent on each ingredient and it turns out that the cheesemonger charged us nearly double what it should have cost for a few slices of cheese.


local businesses ripping off tourists is the one thing that unites all cultures


You can speak the language badly in every other country and they'll roughly understand what you're talking about. In France, if you mispronounce a single word they'll pretend to not understand anything you said, and look at you like you just killed their mother.


We go on holiday to France every year, rural places not tourist traps, little if any English spoken. I've found the French people to be really helpful and friendly. If you attempt to communicate in French, they will, on the whole, help you out. If you arrogantly expect them to speak and understand English, without attempting French, then fair enough, you'll get the rough side. I'm not a French speaker at all, I find it difficult but I try.


Yeah agreed, I find it's much easier to learn and practice the language in France because most people will keep speaking french with you even when you're really mincing it! Everywhere else people just switch straight to English.


I have only had lovely encounters in France. I always make sure to speak French first and they appreciate it.


I have to say, with the exception of taxi drivers, I've met really friendly French people. Maybe it helps that I'm trying to speak French with them, but I just haven't met super rude French people, again, with the exception of taxi drivers who are terrifying.


France is fine.


I've always found the French very friendly, but then I'm Scottish and we get on quite well.


I think I have to agree with you we are basically a reflection of ourselves projecting. You get what you give ✌️


I agree to an extent, until you encounter racists. Unfortunately that’s happened more than I’d like. In general though I’d ageee!


This right here. I'm really friendly and outgoing and have encountered mostly friendly and outgoing people everywhere. Even in a France (I'm brown skinned American for reference), maybe it's because I hate traveling during the summer because of the tourists so I always visit places during the offseason, but everyone in France was absolutely lovely to me. One thing I'm cautious of though, is that when people are a little too friendly back to me, it almost always means they're going to try to sell my some crap or pull some scam on me.




Scottish people in Scotland are some of the loveliest people I've ever met. Scottish people not in Scotland are some of the most miserable people I've ever met. The exact opposite is true of the Welsh. 


Most Scots I've met abroad are usually homesick to a large degree, but where I'll agree is that a good chunk of them complained they wouldn't come back until the tax burden was lower.


I don't blame them for being miserable, Scotland is a beautiful country. I'd be pissed too if I had to leave it. 


Pish, if you earn 40 grand your only paying around 100 quid a year more, who the fucks moving away to save 100 quid


The miserable cunts who leave here 😂 Said as one of those who gets pinched in the higher brackets and is happy to pay my way.


I'm going to sound like a melt, but growing up in the rural south west all I ever really heard about Scotland was that they dont like the English. Looking back, that's clearly stupid. Hence my surprise when visiting Glasgow with some friends from Uni, probably one of my favourite cities in the UK, found the people there to be so funny with such good banter. Ive I've been back plenty of times, and always have fun visiting without fail.


Damn Scots! They improved Scotland!


Vietnam. As I travelled I stayed in a few villages and the people were so friendly and welcoming


I visited Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore, unfortunately I found the Vietnamese the most rude out of all of those countries. Loved Laos and Cambodia, People there were extra lovely.


Why did you skip Malaysia? You would be amazed by how friendly and talkative people are there..


Malaysia was lovely! I've been to Ipoh and Penang and everyone was so friendly in both places


Ran outta money!


Was going to come to post the same thing I'll also add Cambodia to that list too In that area of the world as a western tourist it's hard sometimes to discern if someone's friendliness is genuine or part of them trying to get money from you. I was the victim of a few scams like this but not in Vietnam or Cambodia.


I had the usual "That temple is closed let me take you to another" scam in Thailand once. Once I told the guy we knew it was a scam he gave up and admitted he was trying to get money from us. We ended up chatting with him about our lives for about an hour!


I wouldn't necessarily say people in Vietnam were the most friendly but they definitely come across as the most authentic in South-East Asia from my experience. People are friendly in places like Cambodia & Thailand but there is something quite affected and transactional about a lot of it. People in Vietnam were just incredibly helpful without seeming like they expected anything in return.


Malaysia. I went solo travelling and was amazed by how friendly people were there. Some examples: * I got invited into any mosque I peeped on. Religious issues were non-existent with me being non-muslim. * On the food stalls in non-touristic areas, the elderly women serving food and who wouldn't speak English would basically treat me like a little kid being patient and helpful trying to explain to me what to order and even bringing me the food on purpose to ease my confusion. * People are genuinely nice, not "can I get money from you" nice. * Locals invited me to sit with them and insisted on paying for my food several times. * The owner of one hostel I was staying at invited me to celebrate the sacrifice festivity with his family. They almost force me to get into the car and spend the day with all their family and friends eating for free and giving me plenty of conversation. I've had immense love for Malaysia since. Also, as a European immigrant, I want to highlight that people in north England and Scotland are between the nicest and friendliest people I've interacted with, and I have travelled quite a bit.


Malaysia is genuinely the one country I could happily go and live. Travelled around there over 30yrs ago in my twenties. I found it very cosmopolitan. Everybody just does their own thing and nobody seemed to care about other peoples religion, race, colour or anything else. They will happily invite you as a guest. Everyone was relaxed and friendly and does their own thing. Got invited into a couple of mosques for a look around. Then got invited in for a coffee at a Buddhist temple because it started raining. Glad to know it’s not changed.


Malaysia was going to be mine too. It was the first stop for me when I went backpacking for a few years, couldn't believe how many people invited me to stay over their house. It felt pointless booking hostels at one point.


The people in Malaysia sounds lovely


Black people in New York. Couldnt do enough for us once they found out we were scottish.


Weirdly my Dad had a similar experience in North Carolina at the start of the 80s. Working with the US Marine Corps at the time, he and a mate (both Edinburgh lads whiter than bleached Persil) toddled off on a day off to a bar in a town. Seemingly there were unofficial racial divisions extant (certain folk went to certain bars sort of thing, not like lynching or anything) and wandered into one where everyone literally stopped and stared. The moment they quite sheepishly ordered in Scots accents they made friends and free beer for the rest of the day.


Asked directions off a homeless guy and he started talking about the Big Issue and how he met guys from glasgow years ago. He was really pleasant to talk to.


My partner said this about Baltimore. He said he'd wander about sketchy neighbourhoods and big scary guys would come up and ask him for a dollar or whatever. As soon as they heard his accent they were lovely to him!


My wife said that it was if they knew me they were that friendly. It was brilliant


I don't know why but that's so cute!


I thought you meant North York in Toronto which would be weirdly specific lol.


I'd say Polish are the friendliest but with a caveat, customer service in most stores are very matter of fact and none of the fake friendliness, but the actual people I met there were some of the nicest people I've met.


I'm from London UK and Polish people are some of the nicest people friendly people I have came across


I found they’re either the loveliest people in the world and want to treat you like family, or xenophobic cunts. My ex boyfriend was polish and we’d go to a different polish city for a week and a half of the year then his city for a week and a half, and so many of the older people would say awful things about us thinking neither of us understood when he did. It was specifically the worst in Gdansk but he said its because thats where all the country side folk of Poland would go on holiday so its their small town mentality showing. But then again, thats how most countries end up working


I’m just back from Poland, and what you say really rings true. The ones in the stores are very impassive and cool, almost brusque, but when we met some people from a school who were setting up some easy-acrobatics for people to try out in a local park, they were *so* lovely


Yeah I've had some awesome Polish friends, I once road tripped from Nottingham to Szczecin to visit a friend there, damn it was a long way but worth it!


Bosnia. Lovely people, amazing country


Bosnia was such an amazing surprise. Loved it.


Beautiful looking country 🤩


I've been to South America, Asia, all over Europe. Bosnia is my favourite. It was absolutely fantastic


Agreed. I find there's a strong correlation between friendliness of the locals and the 'why the fuck have you come here?' factor. If it's off the tourist trail people are so much more open, less cynical and pleased to take the time to chat. It's why I loved central and Northern Portugal but didn't enjoy the Algarve.




Found them hating on tourists (not surprising)


Where was that? I've been three times, twice to Crete and once a big tour around the mainland, and everyone was lovely to us. Maybe it's different on the super touristy islands?


The food 🤩


Having to put your shitty bog roll in a bin, though… 😬


Taiwan, Republic of China. Lovely people, delicious food. I had people offer to drive me on loads of day trips into the mountains and down the coast. They were always very curious to know whether the rest of the world knew anything about Taiwan.


Taiwan is not China, full stop.


China is West Taiwan


"China" is a complex set of overlapping identities, polities and culture. The PRC is one such polity. Taiwan, ROC, is another. I've not had much interaction with mainlanders, but I have had a lot of interactions with Taiwanese people. Suffice it to say, their opinions on the matter are complex and nuanced.


Well the Taiwanese people and government would disagree with you


It's literally called the Republic of China


Most people are very friendly. What I do find weird is when you're in a country where everyone seems super nice but not that long ago they were slaughtering each other in large numbers. E.g. Cambodia, ex-Yugoslavia etc.


Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself and humanity can move forward together ✌️


Colombia, for sure. Warm, fun, passionate, chatty and so so welcoming. I think, because of the country's terrible reputation, due to drug and civil wars, they're keen to show tourists the good side of the country. In a lot of places, tourists are still a novelty. I was there for a month, went to family BBQs, road trips, went out partying. All with locals in different regions. Many travellers I spoke to there had similar experiences.


See that's a great experience to have when you're traveling partying with the locals 🍺


Lived there for years. 100% agree. Amazing people


The Philippines - went for 2 weeks back in 2019 and they’re just generally the loveliest people. Everyone went out of their way to help you and everyone was so friendly


Everyone always says this about the Philippines the people there must really be lovely x


Jordan, people so nice and happy to see you and have a chat


I found this for the most part but there were some men who were very creepy to me and other women I was travelling with


Same friendliness, fewer creeps, try Oman. Locals are lovely people and proud to show you their country. Because they don’t have as much oil , it’s a different feel than other middle eastern countries- more citizens working regular jobs (like driving taxis ) , fewer expats.


My partner said she felt safer there than she does at home, but each to their own. Maybe because she was with a man


Oh yeah they won't harass a woman with a man


Also great history with ancient sites there


Iran, hands down. Not the government, obviously, but the regular people are the kindest, friendliest, most generous I've ever met in 50+ countries. They are deeply proud of their cultural history which is so rich in literature, poetry, art and music. The historical sites are mindblowing and the landscapes make your jaw drop. You will have the kind of sites that are crowded with tourists in Greece or Egypt all to yourself in Iran. I've never experienced hospitality like the Iranians do it. You're an honoured guest and are treated with such warmth. You'll hear 'Welcome to Iran!' a hundred times a day. It's the only place I've been to in that part of the world where as a tourist I'm not seen as a walking wallet. All this rich kindness despite living under a brutal and crushing regime. I don't know how Iranians keep their sense of humour but they are so fun! I'm way more interested in food and art when I travel than in people (introvert here!) and without sounding dramatic, the people I met in Iran changed my life. Don't believe everything you see on the news. The people =/= the government.


I have to believe you Iran is amazing place with history and culture and the food is on a whole another level there I wanna go there just to eat 😁


You won't be disappointed. I have a sweet tooth and I was in heaven with their desserts, cookies and sweets. There are also so many non-alcoholic drinks which are creative and delicious. And the ice-cream! And saffron like I've never tasted before. Oh and Iranian rice is just next level, no idea why. All so good!


Palestine. I visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. Unbelievable hospitality. I sat with a group of strangers drinking mint tea in a shop. I was asked where I was from and people knew Wales was its own country. People were delighted when I said thank you in Arabic. It was an incredible trip.


How I would love to visit these city's 🥲 hopefully one day


It was a study tour at university where we were originally supposed to visit Syria. It got changed to Palestine because of the Syrian civil war. Very sad all round unfortunately.


Syria was such a beautiful country pre war, my heart aches for it and I hope it becomes safe for all residents and tourists again within my lifetime.


I was so excited to go, the trip sounded incredible. Obviously the destruction of artifacts, historical sites and buildings doesn't compare with the massive damage to people and the loss of life but it is still truly terrible. I really hope I can visit one day and see a thriving country.


never been too far from home, but the Spaniards are lovely


I'm sure you have a lovely view in Spain ❤️ beautiful country


I've been to Spain many times and on the whole it is great. But I went to a bar in Sevilla where we ordered food but obviously my skin is too white for them and they didn't want tourists. Rather than just tell us that, they just let us sit there. BTW I speak Spanish and ordered in Spanish.


If this helps, they would have probably done the same to other Spaniards who weren't locals. My family had a couple of similar incidents (not very frequent though) when the staff were extremely rude to us just because we weren't "the local crowd".


Thailand. Specific example was my asking if I could take a picture of a street cleaner. She not only graciously agreed, but posed for the photo proudly holding her broom.


I loved Thailand. Everyone I met there was incredibly friendly and helpful.


Northern Cyprus and the US. In the former, had people invite our family into their home. In the latter, very warm and chatty. Would be on a walking trail, the kids will say hi. Someone will spark up a conversation, recommend some bar and to say hi to person X or Y.


Wow not many people know about north Cyprus im shocked and surprised at the same time. North Cyprus is truly a beautiful place and amazing people just a shame that they are not recognized by the rest of the world


New Zealand, I only went to the South Island properly though


New Zealand seems so far away but I would love to see it one day hopefully


Really cool country. Food shopping is fackin expensive though moind When I came back meal deals really felt like a deal




Ireland. We went to the post office/shop/pub in one village and the old lady at the bar served us 2 pints. We asked for a bag of crisps and she disappeared for 10 minutes, coming back with a huge platter of fresh ham sandwiches that she'd made from her Sunday roast. She thought it was outrageous that 2 growing boys would have to eat crisps.


This made me smile lol


Friendliest reception has probably been Bavaria or the flyover states in America. In terms of sheer natural beauty, either the Alps or America in general. The big bit in the middle of America is not what you see on the news, being English definitely helps but I was blown away with how legitimately friendly everyone was in the arse end of nowhere.


Bavaria sounds like an interesting place to visit will need to add that one to the list ✌️ Your right I been to America and the people are very friendly they do however have a hard time understanding my English from UK lol


>Your right I been to America >hard time understanding my English from UK


Just got back from Denmark and the people there were incredibly welcoming and friendly to me.


I live in Denmark and this comment amazes me. Nice people, *once you get to know them.* Can’t queue for toffee because they push in and don’t care about others. Danes can be so self absorbed and unless you’re in their circle they wouldn’t notice you to step over you on the street.


Taiwan. I wouldn’t say *overly* friendly, but in a short visit, I had multiple experiences of genuinely kind and helpful people, far beyond what I’ve experienced in other countries worldwide. The attitude of the Taiwanese really stood out to me. People went above and beyond to be kind, considerate help me and my family as tourists. They didn’t have to, but they chose to Left a very good impression of the country and I would love to go back. No desire to return to PRC


Tanzania! Not only was everyone friendly but they showed a genuine interested in having long conversations about their lives, hearing about yours, and helping you navigate the country. I felt nothing but welcome while I was there and still stay in touch with some of our guides.


The USA and Ireland both spring to mind. And Thailand.


Iceland and Slovenia had the most welcoming, humble and friendly locals I’ve ever met.


France. Nah, only joking 🤣


Turkey!! My bf and I went in 2015. Unfortunately the image of Turkey in the UK is a bit iffy for some reason, and I had been literally warned against going, multiple times, by "concerned" friends and family. The kindness of the actual people we met in Turkey was in such opposition to the caution (prejudice? racism??) of people in the UK towards Turkey that it made it all the more memorable. I was helped out multiple times when I was (accidentally) in slightly vulnerable situations with no ulterior motive and people were simply so genuinely kind. The one that stuck with me most was a young guy stopping on the side of the road completely unprompted because he noticed we were looking a bit lost. He drove us about 30 mins back into town, wouldn't accept any form of thanks other than our gratitude and just drove off. We could barely communicate with each other and yet he went totally out of his way to help us and was very friendly, too. We had several similar things to that - went into a shop a friend had recommended and were sat down with tea and chatted to without any pressure to buy anything at all, simply because we mentioned our friends had liked their shop. I also lost my phone in a toilet at a historic site and a member of the public had found it and given it to a security guard, who then then kept it safe and waited around until I came and asked about it. He gave it back to me along with a ring of daisies lol (perhaps it was a slow day at the site?) It was honestly a really wonderful trip, mainly thanks to the people who were so kind to us. I was blown away.


Malaysia for me - everyone is super friendly, staff are amazingly attentive and happy, and everything is cheap. The food was really good too. I would recommend visiting :)


Second person to tell me Malaysia must be really beautiful need to add that to the list


Kenya. All the people I met were living in poverty, but were so, so nice and welcoming. One that surprised me was Berlin. The people were so friendly and liked English people, which I wasn't expecting.


Nepal and the Himalayas. The Sherpa people are the best.


Japan - everyone was interested in us, why we chose to go to their country for a holiday and very welcoming. People stopped us in the street to talk about the rugby (Japan had just played England in the WC), wanted to see photos of what it was like where we lived, hotel staff wanted conversations with us about anything and everything. It was refreshing. We visited multiple cities/towns/islands on our trip and everyone we spoke to thanked us for visiting their country.


Alot of nice things said about Japan today will need to add to list lol


Thailand and Costa Rica had the most friendly people I've encountered and are beautiful countries. Also Cuba and Cambodia had lovely people who seemed really pleased that tourists were visiting the less popular parts (I was cycling around both countries)


Everywhere I've been I've found nice people. China, Thailand, Cambodia, all over Europe. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia. The US and Canada and Mexico. All lovely people. Also a lot of pricks, so it evens itself out.


This was pre-civil war, but Syria. I just had the best time and whilst the food, history and architecture were all amazing, it was the people who really made it for me. Just the lovliest, most thoughtful bunch and my heart breaks thinking about what's happened since.


You was lucky to see and visit before everything happened it's truly a shame. Syria has some of the most amazing ancient history sites


Certainly Türkiye. Been to countries such as: USA, Mexico, Barbados, Peru, Saint Lucia, Australia, Greece, Türkiye, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and more. Maybe my more open minded and risky travelling style in recent times has led to me experiencing the hospitality in a way I didn't in other places. Multiple people who I did not know, have shown me a great time and showed me around in Türkiye. One person brought me their family's homemade soup and dinner. We hung out and did stuff for 3 days. Another drove me around in his car, 10/10 guy, very friendly. Another took me to the beach then a quick look around in a nearby place before I left. I couldn't even buy us a beer, I tried but they would not let me pay. Then another ordered me food and made me multiple drinks when I went to his work place to say hi (met him on a previous trip). I certainly did put myself in spots of 'well let's hope this person is nice because otherwise I'm definitely getting robbed here'. But these are certainly some of my best travel memories


Past couple of years, Philippines, Miami USA, parts of the Caribbean, Doha Qatar, Canaries in Spain, Japan and Gibraltar. I would say the friendliest people I have met overall, are Filipinos. Just so hospitable and welcoming, a lot don’t have much however they make the most of it. Japanese I would say though are the most polite and civilised.


Your the second person to say Filipinos and it's true some of the most kind hearted people


I could be slightly bias, my mom is a Filipina. Aha. However i am well travelled, have lots of friends from diverse ethnicities too, Filipinos are genuinely very warm and acts of service type people


To be honest I think it reflects more on the traveller. Granted I’ve not travelled extensively, but everywhere I’ve been (Spain, Malta, Ireland, Belgium, France, Poland, Turkey, Italy/Sicily, Birmingham) as far as I remember, everyone has been very welcoming and polite. You get what you’re given I reckon. I speak no other languages, and to be fair my accent makes it sound like I can barely speak English, but if you’re polite and not aggressive/demanding then I don’t think it matters too much.


Ive not been to many places outside of the UK, but everyone I met in Türkiye was lovely. Very hospitable and friendly!


Everyone says this about turkey when they come back




Japan. The people there couldn't be more helpful, patient and polite. They are a reserved people, but so are Brits generally, so though we have no language in common, we kind of "get" one another. Plus there was no pressure from chancers, no hard selling, no hustling on the street, extremely safe, and of course an incredibly beautiful and interesting country to visit. I have travelled a fair bit, and Japan was the place where I believe it is easiest to be a tourist. No one local expects you to know the customs, quirks or language, and they are genuinely interested in foreigners and want you to have a great experience of their country! I'll be going back!




Atlanta. They talk about Southern hospitality in the USA and it really is a thing in my experience. Everyone was really chatty and friendly. When I’d tell people I was from the UK it would end up in a long conversation and it wasn’t just the typical “are you from London” or “do you know the Queen” they all seemed interested to talk about different things. Also were full of recommendations of places to see whilst there which made my trip even more enjoyable


I'm a Yorkshireman and I think we're very friendly but the Scousers are a level above. I once had to go to Liverpool by train to pick up my passport. I'd just worked a nightshift too. When I got there I asked a lady traffic warden for directions. She told me but was deadpan. I found the office, got my passport and made for the station. I was nearly there and the voice shouts 'have you got that passport?' It was the traffic warden, deadpan face. I said 'yes thanks". She said 'you can get back to where you come from then, you big Yorkshire pudding!' She then had the biggest grin on her face. It made me.laugh out loud and I was smiling most of the way home. That was 30 some years ago.but I've never forgot it.


Albanians the most welcoming I've ever met. Surprised as to why you were visiting, yet delighted that it was just because.


Lol I think Albania is the most underrated country in Europe because it's truly beautiful looks similar to Greece just don't get the lime light it's deserves




Anywhere where people aren’t busy.


Cambodia. Surely some of the loveliest people on the planet, despite the extreme poverty, hardship and lasting trauma from the Khmer Rouge. Groups of kids would wave to us, their eyes lit up. I guess tourists to them represents a shift to a more positive future away from the horrible past (aside from the financial aspect which is obviously key).




Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles... I've spent a lot of time there and have lost count of the times a stranger invited me into their home to eat with them. Motorbike broken down at the side of the road? Someone will be along shortly to help. I once left my cash hanging out of a cashpoint and a stranger followed me on a motorbike to return it to me.


4. Taiwan 3. Wisconsin, USA 2. Thailand 1. Philippines


South India is pretty high on my list , Kerala especially super friendly people.


The answer to this is very simple. The friendliest people in the world are those that see the fewest tourists.


The USA. China. Laos. 




I haven't been anywhere were I didn't find plenty of nice friendly people. I haven't travelled as much as many others have but on the whole, people have been nice to me.


New Zealand. Fiji. Madeira.


Kurdistan! Despite the stuff they have to deal with they are the most hospitable group of people I have come across.


Almost everywhere except North Wales...


We are nice in the south


Serbia. Everyone we met was so lovely!


Sri Lanka. At the end of our tour, our tour guide invited us for dinner at his home. Had the most amazing meal prepared for by his wife. We brought presents for them and their kids. It was really special.


Croatia, Dubrovnik. They understand how important their economy is when it comes to tourism and they have the most amazing positive attitude towards it. Absolutely lovely people. We come every year as it’s safe as due to their neighbourhood watch mentality amongst each other.


Costa Rica.


Canada. A random person I met on flight over offered to drive me to various places to buy all the stuff I needed for my accommodation, another random person I met in the queue for Tim Hortons also offered to drive me to sort out getting a phone and bank account etc. Everyone went out of their way to help other people.


Kyiv. When Liverpool played there in the final in 2018 everyone I know had a story about a local who went above and beyond to help the fans out. A mad, brilliant place and so sad to see it how it is now


Tanzania. The Masai are tall beautiful people who take fierce pride in their appearance. They also smile and laugh non-stop and it's infectious. Beware though they are seriously strong warriors, and will fight to protect you to the death. People hire them as guards and bodyguards because of their strength and loyalty.


Small town Australia, everyone was just so nice and friendly and helpful. Bit less so in the cities but still nice. I think that's the same the world over, city people are just more reserved than country folk


Scotland, the Philippines and.... China! Honestly, the Chinese people were so welcoming and lovely.


Iceland or Newfoundland. Newfoundland was a nightmare because you couldn't so much as stop on the corner of a street and pull out a map without everyone stopping and someone asking if you needed directions.


I generally find visiting anywhere has friendlier people compared to the people on Reddit.


I’m a big fan of SE Asia in general but I’m not going to mention the places that usually spring to mind but Myanmar.


The Maldives first. Greek islands second. People who genuinely want you to enjoy yourself.


Fiji and new Zealand, so much so that we now live in the land of the silver fern.


I have travelled all over the world apart from the middle east. (So I cannot comment on those countries), but by a country mile, the absolutely loveliest, most welcoming, most generous and genuine people I have ever met are the Norwegians


Holland, maybe Nashville. Nice people,speak passable/OK English, but not as well as the Dutch.


the philippines




In terms of being courteous, kind and helpful, Japan, by a huge margin. *Genuine* warmth though? Maybe not. I'm from Liverpool and top comment is Liverpool so while I've travelled quite far and relatively wide, I guess I'll just go with my home town :)


We’re in the Isle of Wight atm and everyone is super friendly here, and it’s super dog friendly too


I’ve been lucky enough to have spent a lot of time working and living abroad - Europe, Americas, Asia. The most friendly folk have been US, India, Middle East. Oman is probably my favourite. The least friendly were, in order, Switzerland, Blackpool, Poland.


My husband has been to quite a few places for work and he says he’s never met a Finnish person he hasn’t liked (he meets a fair few at conferences). I thought the Croatians were a nice bunch, even the surly girl in the supermarket cracked a smile when my nearly 3yo said “hvala” (thank you) to her 😂


Costa Rica without question.


Oh my, so many places!! I’ve been invited to eat with families or celebrate festivals with so many people in so many countries. People have asked me if I’m lost and when I told them what hotel I’m looking for, they’d say it’s terrible and offer me their spare room. I’ve had so many amazing experiences of kindness and hospitality that it almost feels like it’s part of a country’s national pride. I’ve not been to the USA or Aus/NZ and sone small Polynesian islands but I’ve been pretty much everywhere else in the world and people genuinely have always been lovely.


Aside from the home nations of the UK I'd have to say Japan. We visited nearly 12 years ago and people went so out of their way to help us, even when there was a significant language barrier, it was really lovely. Some examples. We were in a town called Hakkone and were a bit lost. A man in his early 60s approached us and asked if we were okay and said "Are you looking for this place?" and when we said we were he took us there. On the way he said it was the opposite way from where he was heading and when we protested that directions were enough he insisted that he liked meeting new people and just talking, so he felt he was being a bit selfish by helping us.  On our way to a gig a couple around our age saw us gawping at the map on the bus and asked if we needed help. They told us it was quicker to get off the bus at the stop before the venue rather than the one we planned on. After getting off the bus I bought them a van of beer each from a vending machine as a thank you and we ended up spending most of the night with them.


Travelled Europe, North America, Asia and Africa (never been to South America). Most friendly people:Vietnam and Bosnia and Herzegovina


Rural USA (Wyoming), The Phillipines, and Hungary have the most friendly people in my experience. Somalians too based on the few i met here, though i understand they have a few gun-toting types in speedboats that are less so.


South Wales


Australia. People think their brash and loud. I've stayed there twice and never met anyone of that ilk. Good people who work hard and yes play hard. If the flight wasn't so tedious I'd go more frequently. A nice place with good people.


Kyiv, Ukraine, back in May 2023. The most wonderful and helpful people. On my sleeper train back to Poland, I was in a carriage with an elderly couple, the wife of whom kept offering me sandwiches, nuts, fruit etc. They didn’t really speak English, but in the morning I awake to her beaming smile saying ‘Good morning!’ The sweetest people, man.


Mongolia. I have three examples: 1. Couldn't cross a river, we found a collection of yurts, we couldn't speak the residents language, they didn't speak English but we soon had dinner with them, held babies and had our vehicle on a flatbed to cross the river. They wouldn't take a penny from us 2. Left a TV in a village, told them they could have it for free. After leaving the village we were chased down by two villagers on a motorbike, TV in tow, to return it as they thought we'd forgotten it 3. Broke down as was sold fuel with water content at a national fuel station. A family stayed up till gone midnight to fix our vehicle and get us back on the road. Honestly the most welcoming nationality I've encountered and would do whatever they could to help 4 white Brits in a clapped out 206. Thank you Mongolia!