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Anyone can be a breeder, and not everyone can be a veterinarian. Trust their 8 years of schooling and years of experience in the field. If your veterinarian has no issue with multiple vaccines at once, they're the one I would listen to.




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The vaccines you describe are perfectly fine to be administered separately or in conjunction and routinely given together with no ill effects especially if this is the 2nd booster. If you are worried about the quacks fear mongering in the comments, you can always called the clinic you have the appointment at and ask what brand of vaccines your pup will be receiving and if your vet is happy to give them together. You can then look online and fine out the prevalence of adverse reactions and what they include for that vaccine brand. The last time a client voiced concerns similar to yours about her puppy, I looked up the stats and in my example in a whole year in the uk of giving the uk equivalent of the vaccines you described, there were 7 adverse reactions (outside of normal reactions) recorded nationally. All 7 adverse reactions resolved and none were fatal (contrary to what a few commenters have claimed)


The breeder's job is done. I would only take medical advice from your Veterinarian.


Unfortunately, many breeders would rather get their “science” from Facebook pages. While it is true that smaller dogs may be more at risk for a vaccine reaction, it’s not true that it’s a guarantee or that you have to do one at a time. Contact your vet with your concerns ahead of the appointment (including the most up to date weight you have) and trust their medical opinion. Aaand because it’s a personal pet peeve of mine, here’s what I look for to determine a good breeder from a backyard breeder. I would ask if your breeder followed the health testing guidelines from the Poodle Club of America for the toy poodle breed and got her breeding pairs tested for PRA (genetic test) and patella luxation (an OFA evaluation) and if she can provide you with certificates for those to put in your pups medical record. If not, it’s a sign that she may not really care about the health of what she’s breeding. Good breeders are generally those that put the health of the breed before any profit. Not saying they can’t also provide some whacky advice 😂 but it’s one of my first “screening tips” that I tell clients to look for when figuring out what puppy to get.


Listen to your vet, not your breeder. Vets pay big money to go to vet school to obtain knowledge and acquire skills to keep your pet happy and healthy. You as the pet parent can ask your vet about the pros and cons of doing multiple vaccines at once. Wishing you and your little one the best.






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I am a vet. Small breed dogs do have a slightly higher risk of vaccine reactions. For that reason, we sometimes do 2 injectable at a time for small dogs, but the bordetella is often nasal or oral and doesn’t count towards the two. But, this depends on pet’s history and owner preference, and the importance of getting those shots done asap for the individual. The one at a time is really excessively cautious unless you have a pet with a previous actual adverse reaction. In other words, trust your vet over the breeder - I can’t tell you how many preposterous vaccine schedules and statements I’ve seen over the years.


Breeders say a lot of shit. Literally. Trust the DVM, ignore the breeder - your connection is over once you bought the dog.


Seems like an admission on her part that her breeding is so shit that the dogs have weak immune systems 😅 I will usually do the kennel cough vaccine at the booster for the first lot, but if needed and the pup looks strong and healthy I'm happy to do them all at 13 weeks. If a puppy looks dodgy, I will sometimes postpone or split vaccinations, but that comes with its own as you wouldn't want weak pups catching the real diseases out there either.


Your breeder is completely clueless


I would listen to your vet. However, I would advise sticking around after your appointment about 10-20 minutes after your appointment in case of a reaction. It can happen rarely that your puppy is allergic to vaccines Edit: Just read again for detail and noticed it’s your second booster. Probably no allergies, but still sometimes good to hang around for a few just in case


We prefer to split them up for such tiny pups, especially the first time (so that if there's a reaction, we know which vaccine caused it), but do not insist on it if the owner would prefer not to. It's not automatically "dangerous" to give more than one, but we've noticed that most small dogs handle one at a time better. If they're within a few weeks of the last exam and the owner doesn't want the doctor to look at anything, it will be a tech appointment, so the owner is just charged for the vaccine, not an office visit.


(Not a vet.) Sure, imagine that there is a teeny-tiny risk doing multiple vaccines at once. What are the risks of doing them separately? * It costs a lot of money, which might mean cutting corners on food, training, toys and fun trips. * Your puppy will spend more time vulnerable to illness and is at risk of contracting a serious infection until the vaccines are completed. * You may need to restrict your puppy’s access to play with other dogs until the vaccines are completed. * You might forget one of the vaccines. The downsides of individual vaccines need to be balanced against the *possible* risks of simultaneous vaccines. To my way of thinking, individual vaccines are far riskier. (Still not a vet.)


This!!! We have soo many people come and start off by saying “the breeder said.,,,,”


It’s perfectly fine for her to get it all at once. My Yorkie needed a lot of shots when he was born and was less than a pound when he did it


What does your vet who is a doctor say?


will find out on friday


Vet over breeder every time. Vet over most to be fair - I mean, it’s what they trained for x




why exactly?




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okay so did you do 2 at a time?




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yeah i’m looking to just get 3 next time. the booster, kennel cough, and lepto




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Listen to your veterinarian, not your groomer or breeder.


hi! I work in a vet clinic! The breeders job is done, they are only to provide any paperwork for deworming and first set of boosters IF they were given before adoption. Distemper/Parvo and Influenza H3N8/H3N2 are vaccines are two in one. We constantly do DHPP (Distemper/Parvo), Flu, and Bordetella in one visit then have the owner schedule the boosters as DHPP and Flu are 3wk boosters. Rabies vaccine can be given between 12-14 weeks old, DHPP and Bordetella 6-8 weeks, Influenza 9-11 weeks, and Lepto 12-14 weeks. I hope this helps!


UNLESS the breeder you got your puppy from breeds lines of dogs who have a history of vaccine reactions…. I would listen to your vet.


Take it with a a grain of salt. It’s possible the dogs your breeder is breeding DO have sensitivity. That would not be a breed thing, but a your specific dogs lineage thing. Talk to your vet about it.


she’s not talking about the lineage. she says all small dogs can only tolerate one at a time. she even said “same way humans don’t get more than one vaccine a day” which isn’t true… she even said to remind the vet cause “sometimes they forget” lol like what?


I understand what she said. My point is that breeders will OFTEN say things like goldendoodles will die if they get Leptospirosis or don't give a full dose of the rabies vaccine to Frenchies or whatever because that sounds MUCH better to the purchaser than "I am an unethical breeder that breeds dogs with known vaccine allergies because I don't give a shit about good breeding" and then if they do have a reaction puts the blame on the doctor rather than their unethical practices.


yeah, that is a shitty breeder, sorry.... of course there can be adverse reactions from vaccines but they are pretty rare. your vet will tell you what to look for.


She hasn’t a clue how vaccines work


I guess that shows you where she’s coming from - entry level antivax propaganda




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I don't understand where it's 400-500$ more? However, usually very small dogs, especially puppies, often get fewer vaccines at a time as to not overwhelm their system. The amount you described would be fine for some vets , while others may want to spread them out. 1.8lb is tenny tiny!


most vets require a full wellness exam to get a vaccine here which ranges from 60-100$


Often, if you come back within a certain amount of time, they don’t need to do a full exam again. I’m talking like a week or two. If you want to space things out, check with your vet if they do this. But, your breeder is a whackadoodle. Her part is done. You have the dog. Stop listening to her. She clearly doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


If you decide to go to your vet for boosters - or most random services - ask if it "can this handled with only a vet tech appointment?". Most vet practices will only bill $10-$25 to have a vet-tech administer shots or fluids, draw blood, or any of that stuff. You can also use vaccine clinics at pet stores in-between your normal vet wellness checks.


Yes, but they aren't going to charge that exam fee *every single time* just for spreading out vaccines. A lot of boosters can be done with technicians.


They may need the exam to establish care. That is pretty standard, and you want to make sure your pet is healthy enough to receive vaccines!


i understand. just want to minimize how many times i have to do that if it’s not necessary


Most vets you do the exam appt and you’re good for a year or so to just do Tech Appts. The place I worked you only paid for the vaccine or what ever other service as the doc doesn’t see them.




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Why are you even asking the breeder? The breeder’s role here is done, medical questions should be asked of the veterinary professional.


she keeps messaging me to remind me this ahead of her next appointment


"thank you for your input. we will discuss this with our vet. If we have additional questions, I won't hesitate to reach out."




We will not give opinions on whether another veterinarian is treating your animal correctly or incorrectly. We will not give opinions regarding the pricing of medical services, as this can be extremely variable based on geographic location and hospital capabilities.


woah this is good to know! thank you


It is VERY useful when there are outbreaks too. NYC had a few canine flu outbreaks in 2018-2020. Vets were overwhelmed with people trying to get Canine Influenza Vaccines. If you could get an appointment, they were charging $150/dose between meds and visit fees, and it was a two dose series. If you just walk into a pet store during a clinic day, you walk out in 5 minutes for around $40 each dose. $80/dog for immediate walk-in-service on Sunday afternoons vs $300/dog for 9-5 appointments that require you to leave early from work on multiple days.




Wow posting here is annoying lol. As far as I know, is so that if your dog reacts badly to a vaccine they know what caused the reaction so that they know not to give it again - according to veterinarians I have worked with.


i understand this rationale but this isn’t her concern. she thinks getting multiple will cause a reaction




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Keep in mind that a chihuahua is given the same amount of vaccine as a St. Bernard. And that people are given notices about possible (REALLY BAD) side effects when getting their children vaccinated. I prefer to err on the side of caution and get only a couple at a time. I also don’t give heartworm and flea meds on the same day.


i only plan on getting 2 shots and one oral vaccine on the same day






My only question is why is it $500??? In Bosnia mine gets a transmittable diseases shot and a rabies shot (about a month apart from each other) and each is no more than 20 bucks




That's not how any of this works https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/preventive-medicine/vaccination-overview-leptospirosis/ The lepto information is old and dosing isn't relevant with vaccines


Yes, because the dose is determined by how much is needed to stimulate the immune system and everybody’s got one immune system. Vaccines are not weight based and cannot be weight based. They are dosed based on species




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can you provide data for them being 10x more likely and that dogs under 20 lbs can’t safely get them? never heard this before and spoken to a few vets




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