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Wow, it sounds like you have done a lot to try and help her! She’s lucky to have you working to help her feel as secure as possible. Behavior is very difficult and outcomes are unpredictable. Is the vet you’re working with a board certified behaviorist? If not, that could be another step to pursue. That said, discussing with the vet you’ve been working with would also be appropriate to make a decision like this. Based on what you’ve described, it doesn’t seem inappropriate to be considering letting her go peacefully. Rehoming can be helpful in situations where there’s something specific to your environment triggering her, but that doesn’t sound like this case. It may cause worsening issues by disrupting the stability she does have and could have serious consequence - any adopter would need to be throughly vetted and informed of her history and the risk she poses. This is a very difficult situation and I applaud the work you’ve done for her already.


Not a vet, but I have years of experience with fostering, rescue dogs, and working at an animal control. Is this a wild street dog of some sort from another country? I assume so based on the breed results and behaviors. Some of these dogs are just not cut out to be pets, no matter how hard you try. It’s akin to adopting a feral cat— expecting a cat that lived it’s entire life as a wild animal to adapt to handling and indoor pet life. Can it happen? Of course. But often it takes years and years, and some just can’t adapt.


Yes a street dog brought here from Afghanistan


This. I used to work as an rvt and then a dog walker and trainer. I volunteered with a local shelter and eventually had to stop working with them because they kept bringing in rescues from other countries that were either street or dog meat market dogs. Never socialized, terrified of humans, and they would bite the volunteers that would feed or clean their kennels. They weren't handleable. And the shelter on two occasions adopted out dogs without disclosing the bite history. I did report them after I left.


Behavioural euthanasia is justified in this case. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Rehoming would be irresponsible when she's a known aggressive biter. Thank you for giving her so many chances.








It’s for the person and dogs sanity. Do you think the dog is even happy like this? I’m not saying they didn’t try everything but even the dog is miserable. Separation anxiety is VERY stressful for the dog and the people. It’s not just the barking; the aggression is a really hard thing to treat too. Try not to judge unless you’ve actually been in that situation.




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It may be an unpopular opinion but I support behavioral euthanasia in cases where the animal is a threat to others AND to itself. You are clearly in an unsafe environment and her quality of life doesnt seem to be improving despite all the efforts you've made with her. As owners of animals, I also believe we have the responsibility to make the hard decision to ensure that no one else gets hurt. It sounds like the poor dog had a rough start to life but is also just not appropriate to live in a domestic environment.


Not a vet, but did the rescue you got her from experience this behavior prior to adopting her out? What was the back story of how she got to them?


She is a street dog from Afghanistan. Brought to Canada on a plane 2 years ago. No history really from her time over there


I assume that means you are in Canada. I see a lot of recommendations for vet behaviouralists. Just so you know, there are very few of them in Canada. I was lucky to see one in Ottawa, but I was one of her last patients before she closed her clinic. I was told my only other options were one vet behaviouralist in Montreal, and another in Toronto who wasn't taking new patients. Not sure how many others there are in the country. And to be honest, it sounds like you've already tried pretty much everything you could have anyway. I've heard of this Facebook group called "losing Lulu" that gets recommended a lot, it's support for people who need to choose through behavioural euthanasia, if it helps.




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I am so very sorry for your predicament. Obviously, rehoming would probably not be a good idea, or fair to another owner. Best of luck. It’s not my call, but she does sound dangerous and untrainable.


It’s time to make the call. There are dogs that simply can’t be saved. She’s not happy. You’re not happy.


If she hasn’t seen a veterinary behaviorist that may help as far as other medication/training options go but depending on your geographic area may be difficult to find one. It would still be a long road even with a behavior specialist. Rehoming her is an option but I would try and surrender her to a rescue that focuses on aggressive dogs. Many rescues will not take a dog with a bite history and rehoming her to another individual may be risky for both that person and your dog. Behavioral euthanasia is a last resort for me but also is appropriate in some cases. If the above two options aren’t possible then I do think behavioral euthanasia is a reasonable option to discuss with your current vet, who has the final say on if they feel it is appropriate and if they are willing to do it. Ultimately your safety is important. Dog bites can carry lasting consequences physically and emotionally. Please stay safe.


Thank you for the response. We have discussed seeing a vet behaviourist but there are apparently on 2 in our province and the waitlist is a few years long which just isn’t doable. We do also plan on reaching out to the rescue that we got her from. They guarantee they will take any dog back if it needs rehoming. They are just overwhelmed with surrendered dogs and vet bills (a lot of rescues in my area are in the same boat). I don’t know if that’s really a better option for her if she’s bouncing from foster to foster with less money for medication. We will for sure reach out to them though to explain the situation after speaking with the vet. Thank you again


I would definitely reach out to the rescue. And if you're in Canada, yeah, the wait lists for a veterinary behaviorist are super long. I'm in Ontario and I think there's only two here. If the rescue cannot take her back, and honestly, even if they could, I do think that either humane euthanasia or a rehome to a wildlife/farm style rescue would be best. This dog isn't a pet. It's a wild/feral animal. It would likely be happiest free and roaming in a large enclosure than in a home where it doesn't understand the rules.




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It sounds as though you have put a lot of time, money, love and energy into this situation. Clearly you are a responsible and dedicated dog owner. Of course no one ever wants to consider euthanasia but I think in this case it's the best option for you and for the animal. Quality of life on both sides is poor with little hope for improvement. I don't believe anyone with any concept of what you're going through would judge you. I'm sorry for your situation. Please take care of yourself, whatever you decide.


We refer many of our clients to a veterinarian behaviorist. In person wait times are long, but they offer phone consults of things to try until they can get in to see them. The most difficult cases go through basket muzzle training, and the dog wears it at all times (in addition to medication and behavior modification training). Basket muzzles would allow her to eat and drink with it on. This takes the threat of a bite away from everyone. Since she is a Saluki mix, I would look into finding one that can fit her long face. It would be similar to the ones some police K9s wear. I know this doesn’t address your original question, but it may provide a temporary solution while you decide.


I think that you have above and beyond. I've rescued I can't tell you how many dogs...many were aggressive...and the vast majority of dogs can be rehabbed, but, not all. Sometimes the mental damage is just too great.


Not a vet but I foster for and work with a local rescue. It sounds like you have gone up and beyond what most people would possibly do. As others have said, there are some dogs who are so emotionally and mentally damaged from whatever they have gone through, that they simply cannot adjust to life in a home. I would add that it would seem not the best idea to rehome the dog. There could be a danger of the dog acting out in a new home and possibly biting a child or another pet. Not to mention the other anxiety driven behaviors that you were talking about. In this circumstance, my rescue would have no problem pursuing behavioral euthanasia. It’s a sad choice to have to make, but it sounds like this dog is suffering with something that simply can’t be medicated or trained away. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Not a vet, but a rescue volunteer. If you want to rehome you could look for rescues or possibly even sanctuaries in your area, there used to be a few near my old place that took in animals that had issues like this knowing they were not likely to be rehabilitated but had space for them to run and play with other dogs without the stress of living with human schedules and stressors. I’m sorry you’re going through this, and hope you find a good result for you and your pup!


I agree with a lot of these other comments. I'm not a vet, but an LVT. You could see a board certified veterinary behaviorist, if you wanted to also try that. I'm so sorry for your predicament, it really is a terrible choice.


Euthanasia is best way to deal with a dangerous dog. It is for both legal reasons and humane reasons. Safest for all who happen to get near this dog.


You need a boarded veterinary behavior specialist. I know you said there is a long wait, but have you thought of trying a virtual consult? It would be helpful for them to see her in her environment as well.




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Sorry such a hard situation….you will do the right thing


maybe she would be happy on a farm where she could roam and have little human interaction


Letting a known, aggressive, biter roam is a recipe for getting both livestock and people killed. This dog sounds incredibly dangerous and is reactive to pretty much everything. There are enough aggressive, dangerous, unsocialized farm dogs that cause problems, we don't need one more. Doing this would be complete irresponsible and would result in tragedy.


i didn’t mean free roam, sorry, i meant in pasture or yard. in a rural area, where chances are slim for interaction with humans, with and enough room for the dog to remove herself if she feels threatened. this dog came from the streets and doesn’t seem to care for interaction. it may be fear based reactivity


Yes, you're right that this dog is petrified of everything, but this is still a terrible idea. How would you expect this dog to receive medical care? What happens when the dog escapes (this wouldn't be an if, it'd be a when)? No one fences large pastures with fencing secure enough to contain a feral dog. This dog obviously has a poor quality of life being in a state of constant fear- have you ever had an anxiety attack? Now imagine having one constantly. Euthanasia for this dog would be a kindness.


Being from the streets she may have been used to a more pack like setting. She may do far better in a home with another canine companion. She is not used to human companionship so in her mind she is all alone. This behavior makes me think she desperately needs one or more canine friends so get her to a rescue that can help her with that. They may be overcrowded but they are overcrowded because they are doing what they do - taking in unwanted dogs that need a chance.


They already said she’s aggressive towards other dogs. I would frankly consider bringing another animal into this equation to be irresponsible for both dogs’ sake.