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I spend a lot of time on my smartphone, sometimes I can spend 5 hours looking at everything, and I also have some stuff that I buy in the store and don't use, I need to get rid of it


You know? Every app nowadays is built to remove any natural pauses or breaks that might serve as a natural "stopping off" point for people. They're built to keep you engaged and interacting for as long as possible, taking advantage of reward and pain systems. Mobile games and social apps and others all do this. Switching to playing other games like on a console or PC might help fix this issue because those are made more ethically, and they don't have a motivation to increase your screen time. Well-made games offer stopping off points and leaving is much easier and less addicting. I have preferred Reddit and Discord for their lack of these harmful practices in general. Reddit isn't free of them but there are only so many good options. I'm about ready to switch to an outdated or modified version of YouTube to limit or stop my own access to the YouTube Shorts feature because of all the things that one has *wasted* most of my time. Compared to games or other phone activities (like playing games or researching fish I might want to keep) I consider it wasted because I often don't enjoy the time I spend participating in the Shorts. As these apps keep trying everything in their power to grab our heads with their hands so we can't look away, I have tried to become more sensitive to what I come away with from the experience. Did I enjoy my time? Did I spend a longer amount of time than I wanted or intended to? Do I feel relaxed afterwards? Does this recharge or drain me? Did I gain anything from it? So on and so forth just questions to gauge where I'm at with activities. Because if I spend 3 hours researching aquatic plants I might keep in my aquarium, looking at their needs and what parameters they prefer, and checking how the price works with my budget, it's acceptable in my book. Because I am participating in my hobby, which I naturally find soothing and enjoyable, and therefore this is an activity which provides *value* to my life. But for me, YouTube Shorts, my Instagram feed, and a lot of other social media provide very little to no value to me. I leave these apps sometimes feeling emptier than when I opened them. If I spend 3 hours scrolling through my feed, I might see a lot of stuff I'm interested in, like cool aquariums or beautiful artworks, but the modern Instagram adds a LOT of junk to the feed and what is shown in the feed is only popular posts. I hate that they removed the chronological feed of people you follow where you only see what they posted in chronological order with a few ads mixed in. I want to go back... What keeps happening is these apps remove control from the user and the effects of this are terrible for users trying to be in control of their usage of their services. Overall I'm starting to conclude that, in general, the less control over an app that the user have, the more subtly harmful it is to that user. TikTok is peak lack of control, you have no idea what the next video is going to be and the algorithm is, in my opinion, kind of malicious. YouTube Shorts provides a little more control in comparison but similarly the user lacks control over the next video. Facebook has more control but over the years has added things to the feed which aren't under the users control. YouTube's long form content usually provides a lot of control. You choose each video you want to watch based on the thumbnail and title. Click bait is a problem and there is content which is built to force you to watch, but it is *far easier* to steer clear of these things and choose to focus on your hobbies and interests. So for me, it's okay if I spend time on my phone as long as I get some value out of it. I want control over the content I consume, though, and I am becoming more sensitive to when it is taken away from me. The more that algorithms try to predict what I'll like, the more I wish to go back to a feed curated by myself based only on people I chose to follow. I think a lot of algorithms, unfortunately, tend to be malicious because they have no ethics included in what they choose to promote. So anyway I meant to say it's not entirely your fault and most apps are actively working against your goal and are taking as much control away from you as they can. So. I'm sorry it became a rant though.


My sweet tooth is out of control 😭


Same and my goal is to finally shift some weight this year too


Scrolling on my phone, which I guess is also a form of procrastination (as I sit here in my second coffee and it’s 11 and I have shit to do!!)




Picking at scabs. Band-aids and Neosporin help with that, however.


Underspeaking and smoking weed


Yes and yes. I quit smoking ab a week ago and I’m feeling good 😭


Yesss I’m trying to stop smoking and it’s hard.


You might want to check out /r/leaves (to quit quit) or /r/petioles (to cut back).


Definitely gonna check those out!! Thank you!


You might want to check out /r/leaves (to quit quit) or /r/petioles (to cut back).


Peeling off gel nail polish. I pay to get it done to stop picking my nails and end up peeling them off anyway




Came here to say vaping too 🥲. Thinking about getting those non nicotine vapes to try for a week or two to see if I can kick it.


Doom scrolling on my phone for hours 🥲


Smoking cigarettes. This sounds absolutely ridiculous but i only smoke maybe 5-6 a week because I only like to smoke before I go into work but i cannot let them go and just not


Wellbutrin helped me to quit and I was on it for only a month. The mental ick for cigarettes lasted a long time until I started again months later because I was stupid.


Does self hatrid count? I constantly put myself down and negatively judge anything I do. Nothing is ever good enough.


Constantly checking my phone...I am not that important, I do not have to check my messages every 15min...but I do


Eating sugar. I havent been able to get my ADD meds for a few months and my brain wants sugar now 24/7!




Saying yes even when I don’t actually want to.


My inclination to say absolutely nothing at social gatherings


Hitting the snooze button.


Codependency. I feel like I always need someone there. It comes from insecurity and unhealthy relationships.


Texting my ex


Interrupting. I’m working SO hard on this. I need a damned shock collar.


Scratching when having an eczema flare up.


My negative self talk.


loving people who are not good for me




I eat a lot of sugar ;( I’m trying to break the habit but it gets sooo hard. I used to be an athlete with a clean diet but since I’ve retired, I’ve quite literally gotten addicted to sugar.


Biting my nails. I can’t flipping stop!!!


I don't know if it is any help, but I started getting my nails done professionally. It's like armor for your nails. I figure it will take a number of months to break the habit. It makes me feel less self-conscious.


I do my nails but I get super stressed and bite during those times


I stopped biting mine by having them done with gel. It was too difficult to bite on and they looked pretty. I hope you can find a way!


Smoking. I’ve been addicted to nicotine since I was 19, I’ve tried to quit a couple times but I always come back to it. I started vaping too a year ago and it’s just worse now cause I’m double addicted.


Picking my split ends




I keep breaking my diet and lose weight slooooowly


Picking at my scalp psoriasis...


Suicidal thoughts


Eating junk




Skipping the gym.


Being on my phone too much during the day. My screen time has been a little ridiculous as a SAHM.


TIKTOK. I spend way too much time on tiktok


Over eating when i’m already full




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Wasting time on my phone while I’m at work




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I'm trying to reduce my sugar consumption in my coffee . . . it's a struggle. I'm also trying to eat more. I'm typically a 1x a day eater but after I noticed hair breakage I realize that I probably wasn't getting all the nutrients I needed.




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Going back to my ex






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breaking habits – easier said than done, right? 🙈 We've all got that one pesky habit that seems to cling to us like a stubborn barnacle. Whether it's hitting the snooze button one too many times or succumbing to the siren call of late-night snacks, breaking free can feel like a Herculean task. For me, it's definitely the endless scroll of doom on social media ( im talking to you reddit 😂). 📱 It's just so easy to get sucked into the black hole of memes, cat videos, and endless updates from distant acquaintances. But hey, awareness is the first step, right? So, to all my fellow habit-strugglers out there, let's band together in our quest for self-improvement! Whether it's setting gentle reminders, finding healthier alternatives, or enlisting the support of friends and family, remember that change is possible – one small step at a time. We got this! 💪💫


Spending too much time on my phone


Over explaining myself. Using the word “like” a lot while speaking. 😫




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Daily wine.


The need to explain myself for making a decision but regretting it afterwards.


Berating my SO 😔


Drinking pop. I was doing great for a while but now I’m falling back into it


Talking to my ex




Scrolling mindlesly through reels for hours. Overeating. I need to practice mindfulness.


I move around in a big circle of friends. A lot of things are said about one another and my biggest problem is keeping information to myself. I feel like if someone is not speaking in someone else’s best interest, it’s super difficult for me not to warn the other person but in doing so, I break trust.


My sugar addiction.


Anxious attachment and starving myself.


Staying up too late. I haven’t been able to crack the code on that one all my life!


Smoking 😔


binge eating


oh.. and procrastination


Vaping. Only last night when I i realized I had trouble breathing when I tried working out again agter 2 months. Felt like absolute shit. I hid my vape somewhere that was hard to reach. Hopefully it goes well.


Doomscrolling. I got rid of Facebook 7 years ago. I just got rid of TikTok and instagram. Reddit is next. But, I am still enjoying it for the time being. lol.


letting ppl get close to me when ik im toxic trash


Drug use




Starbucks and eating sugar


Drinking soda and ordering out. I used to be great at staying away from both. Now Im struggling to break both habits.


Skin picking


Nasty tho


I’m aware


Eating too much damn food!! F-ing hell!!




Sweet tooth of late


Can't believe that nobody had said masturbating I can't be the only one !


That's a natural thing to do, no need to break it unless it really interfers with your life and relationships. They say "you only live once", but remember, you are also only young once and for a short while. Enjoy your body while it lasts.


Cigarettes and alcohol. It’s getting worse


Staying up late. It's a major problem for me since I am prone to depression, and it messes up everything else in my life. Melatonin has helped a little. :)


interrupting people and smoking weed


Smoking cigarettes


Poor budgeting or finance planning. It’s so bad I don’t even know what to call it


Ordering fast food all the time. Sometimes we genuinely don't have food for the night or we don't feel like cooking but it really hurts our pockets .


I have been biting my nails since I was a kid, I’ve tried a ton of things including extreme self shaming for years. If you need two habits: I feel my brain being actively fried from doom scrolling on tiktok everyday and I continue to pick up my phone every.single.chance.that.I.get. Lastly if anyone is still interested: I’ve been trying to slow down with smoking weed for a while now with not much luck on quitting for longer than a day or two.