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“Dudes! I just found an old 13” black and white TV in the basement so I put it in my bedroom and hooked up the jaguar. I have a TV in my bedroom now and AvP is just awwwsome at night!” True story. I was so psyched to be able to play my Jaguar in my own bedroom (that I shared with my brother).


How was it in grayscale? Creepy? (lots of blacks anyway.) Was it harder to play without color?


It was definitely creepy and the jump scares were more prominent. I remember turning a corner into a predator and audibly responding, waking my brother. I loved it for a short while. Don’t get me wrong, his little b&w TV had an awful picture. It was fuzzy, the sound was bad and it just didn’t make sense at all but as a poor kid of maybe 14 or 15 I convinced myself it was awesome when I got kicked off the TV in the living room.


I played this game on this system at a birthday party sleepover on an old B&W tV. After 20 minutes the TV just shat itself. It proofed and a big white plume of smoke shot out the vents on the back. Stunk out the entire basement that weekend. I thought it would work because I was toting around a micro tv boombox I hooked up a Genesis to AvP is a great game. I got to play it the Xmas night I got my Jaguar.


Where do I go!!!????


This man played it at release Lol


The graphics will never look better than this.


I'm a 26 year old graduate student. You might think I'm too old for video games, but I'm having a blast with Atari's new console. Maybe I'm inclined to rate it higher than others since I'm such a huge Atari fan - I've had (and still have) a 2600, 5200, 7800, and a Lynx (plus three of their home computers). Anyway, Alien vs. Predator is fantastic! I have to be honest - when I play it at night, alone in a dark room, it can actually scare me!


Started on the 2600 VCS. Then jumped over to NES & SNES (with the Lynx I & II arriving in my life between the two), even a Sega Genesis before I picked up a 7800 and got a Jaguar for Christmas. After my family came into money I got a computer. An Atari XE, I think. Learned the tiniest bit of programming from it. Got a Sega Master System at the same time as the 7800. Another lovely system people forget. So why did the Game Gear suck so much ass?


Predator: Fun. Aliens: Fun. Marines: I'm not moving out of this starting room, and I've coated it in flares. Still one of the scariest games I've ever played.


This game is fn hard !!


I found the marine levels hard. Alien & predator are a bit easier or shorter.


“Hey, let’s play AvP!”


Oh! Oh! I'm right here!


What on Earth got a hold of this guy?


The motion detector gives me the worse case of anxiety ever.


I’m all hopped up on Raven’s Revenge and Jolt Cola. Gamepro gave this game all 5.0s and I know they are the gold standard for independent criticism. Not for sale! I’m gonna get started but first I need to turn down my Offspring Smash tape.


Reading Gamefan for the Atari Jaguar stuff


Quicksand *Slip* was my soundtrack. And my first tape! Offspring was icky to 14yo me and my friends.


I don’t know if it is the Jolt cola or the alien sneaking up behind me that made me jump out of my skin. My poor marine really feels underpowered.


Everytime I kill one of these assholes in a door I gotta walk through their shit and get hurt.


Ok I got this, three shots from the shit gun kills them but I gotta back up like crazy and possibly get attacked from behind




Bug Soup.


Getting lost in the vents and jumping out of my skin when I hear a xeno screech behind me! We got a Jaguar and AVP for Christmas in ‘95, and it was good.


This was the gave you had to have for this system. It aged well enough too. Sadly it's the only jaguar game I played. I hear the Jaguar version of rayman was the best tho.


I only saw it on displays at Toys 'r us, or whatever. I wanted one so badly. AvP was on the display on the cabinet. Playing AvP of course. So I saw the demo loop a few times. That's the only thing I knew about it until purchasing a used copy last year!


My copy doesn't work... :(


This game used to scare me as a kid