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Interesting.. did you try to flash img with other methods? Balena etcher for example.. or maybe try the img on a virtual machine? I’ll try during week end


The whole porpuse: I want to update the firmware on the wireless classic and modern controllers. I bought them for my PC and they work well as X-Input (PC Mode) when USB-wired. However for whatever reason PC mode is not possible when using bluetooth. I've read that PC mode was made available for bluetooth with controller firmware updates aaaand thooose..... can only be applied with the VCS OS \*facepalm\* I didn't know about etcher before your post. Will give it a try this weekend. I'm not that deep into the matter, so I don't know about setting up a VM or things alike. Edit: Oh and yeah that would be great if you can figure something out. Thanks for your help in any case!


Atari really should have their update utility available outside of the atarios. Like windows Linux. Or update over a browser like stadia controllers.


This ist totally correct. Just an hour ago I updated my Stadia controller for the exact same purpose. Took lesse then a minute.


Easy https://youtu.be/Xyo1TMm3AW4 You need to extract the current restore usb you will find about a 15GB file put that on usb with Rufus boot and enjoy.


Oh man, this could be exactly what I was looking for. I just tried it with the official user manual, "extract with rufus on a usb stick, plug it in your system and that's it." But I was alway stuck on a loading screen then. Most likey because that "simple" method will only work for an original VCS. I'll give this guide a go in a few hours. TYVM!


ive got it running on a macbook pro 2011 i7, and a hp x2 1013... if you dont have wifi or bluetooth working you can try usb adapters or simply plug in to lan and use a wired controller


It’s very easy. I got it working on a mini pc and a laptop. I’ll upload an image that you can write to a harddisk or USB which you can than use to boot from.


Oh yes, that would be nice! Thanks! Can you please link it here, once uploaded? Thank you!


I’ll do soon


I’ve send you a temporary link


This is exactly what I’m looking for as well. Would you be able to send me a temp link? Thanks!


I want to see someone boot atariOS on steamdeck


Shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll try it and report back.


Did it work?


Or even some other pc handheld device. A portable VCs would be sweet.

