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saintitchief is one of the saddest youtube channels lmao. Charlie looked weirded out and laughed with a confused look reading that abysmal donation.


Broooo hahahaha, I don't watch that dude but he should move on, he seems like a nice guy so it's a shame to see him consumed by anger.


he's a weird dude, he posts videos of his sex tape without the girl's knowledge on his discord server filled with minors, he also asks minors to edit videos for him for free every week to get mod in his server (more work) And he's overall a pathetic human being who actively participates in hate speech against religions and stuff.


Yikes, then I hope he gets the help he needs.


Help? Jail u mean thata called revenge porn


That is literallt revenge p*rn he needs to be jailed wtf


yeah bro he also asks minors to post shirtless pics in chat cuz they make fun of his gyno, he can't even defend himself cuz he makes fun other people for their disabilities too. https://preview.redd.it/csqizm9a9xzb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14bd2a206114f1231099909c99f473604e09cff4


me when i purposefully spread misinformation on the internet


got the proof too. Next time you wanna dickride someone and say "erm misinformation!!!" Do some research. https://preview.redd.it/cn937pmx8xzb1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a017a81304770a4e8975238b94315dc6c2bcfd7


sorry that I don't trust someone with six comments, four of which spread shit about a random dude on the internet


Then ask for evidence instead of assuming, you're just making a grave for yourself buddy. Go to sleep.


Saint? No. He absolutely does not seem like a nice guy at all.


Did he actually listen to him? I would hate if he did


naah ,he responded idc good for u tho thanks for the bucks


W Charlie what time frame is it?


between 32-37 min


What the hell is a "professional hater"


An active member of the cult of Erenology.


Pfft. They don't even get the real Eren.


Thats true for all cults though


Yeah, Supply-Side Jesus comes to mind.


It's actually called the Eldian Resistance, you Marleyan wretch. How dare you assume we are all sucked into a cult of personality around a vehicle for fantasy military power fantasies.


A loser who has spent over 2 years obsessing over the ending and making a living off of making YouTube videos crying about it to his audience of other losers who've spent over 2 years obsessing over an ending that wasn't exactly what they wanted.


Someone that specializes in protecting their virginity


They plagiarised me, bastards


It's another way of saying jobless


No life


What's the annual income for a "professional hater", asking for a friend?


Should be about 3k monthly karma + benefits.


$-20.00/yr at most šŸ˜”


2 bucks and and a stick up your ass


A viewer donated $500 to him immediately following the stuff with donating to Moist he did on stream


Bro thinks their titanfolk karma is their salary.


ā€œProfessional haterā€? Canā€™t they just move on to another series that they do enjoy?


Nah this will be eating at their minds for the rest of their lives. Theyā€™ll be in the elderly home spouting ā€œIsayama should have changed the ending..ā€


I feel like a ā€œprofessional haterā€ is going to have a biased view.


-$20 šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ‘Ž


-40, he spends 20 dollars again a little later in the stream. Professional hater, more like professional clown


That's like a full working day's pay in a balkan country


He got a 500 donation right after that lmao


When I need to see it




Oh thank you, these people are pure entertainment value to me


Watched his live yesterday a bit to see if he talked about AOT, he was dunking on those fools lol


do you have any clips or time frames






I love his absolute indifference to the question. He's like "Whatever, you're entitled to your stupid opinion. Thanks for the 20.".


sorry I don't, I had it on 'background' while playing some games


Not really bro just said I donā€™t really care, ending is still ass no matter if you enjoyed it or not


sorry, what? not trying to be a dick but honestly can't understand your reply


Bro need a life


"professional attack on titan hater", what a clown


ā€œIā€™ll give you $20 so I can roast you for liking something I didnā€™t like. You obviously didnā€™t read our side of the story if you like what I didnā€™t like.ā€


When the influencer doesn't validate your shit takes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*correct takes


Shit takes. You can hate the ending all you want, that doesn't change the fact it is good.


It isn't


In your opinion. But you're the minority.


I mean it is objectively bad writing, but yes I am in the minority


It's objectively good writing, but I'm glad you accept you're in the minority.


these people need to get a life....like seriously lmao


Looking at your comment history on a account created yesterday, this seems like projection lol


I don't understand what you're saying? Are you judging me based on my comment history when my account is only 1 day old?


what i am saying is that it is ironic that you are telling people to get a life when in 1 day you wrote over 40+ comments. screams of projection. oh i just looked at your post history too: ''After finishing which TV show were you so depressed that you didn't know what to do with your life anymore?'' lol


Umm you do realise this is not my first time on reddit, do you? I make accounts frequently after long durations then delete them. Ever heard of holidays sir? You do not know shit about me so no need to judge me, & yes I was telling the guy from the post to get a life coz spending money so that you can prove others opinion wrong about a show screams no social life. >''After finishing which TV show were you so depressed that you didn't know what to do with your life anymore?' I was just looking for shows to watch, wtf is your problem with that? yk that is a good question to get good recommendations right? & if you wanna stalk my profile, try not to be so vocal about it? it's creeping me out. I mean the fact that the minute you saw my comment you checked my profile is enough to give me the creeps. let's not talk again, good day sir!


You seem deeply upset. Profiles are public on reddit my guy. I've heard of people taking holidays from work or school but not reddit lol. "Screams no social life" once again, the irony. you posted on r/all asking for show recommendations because you are so upset/depressed a Japanese cartoon ended. I get that its not your first time on reddit, but maybe you're just now finding out that posts and comments are public!


Have you seen Jujutsu Kaisen?


Imagine being such a loser you have time to stalk someone's profile. Go outside and touch ass, dude.


Telling someone to go outside on a forum about a Japanese cartoon is mega funny. Be more careful with your projection lol


Be more careful? Lol. You really need to get a hobby rather than stalking Reddit profiles.


I'm sorry it bothers you that comment/post history is public:( imagine replying to all of my comments though, you have as much time as me! Let's touch grass together:)


Projecting what? Bro chill


i am chill as can be my guy :)


Holy shit that's actually pathetic


Bizarre way of proclaiming yourself as ā€œjobless in need of attentionā€


This people are actually jobless ig just move on and let others enjoy it like I don't like demon slayer but I don't need constant validation if u like it then that's great


LOL wow. People like ā€œsaintitchiefā€ think because Eren is handsome, he doesnā€™t cry. I honestly believe these people tie a great deal of who they want him to be, to his physical appearance. Itā€™s honestly weird and kinda pathetic. They live vicariously through a fictional character whom they have no understanding of. Erenā€™s Chad persona was never realā€”it was nothing more than a facade. He IS a crying mess naturally, just like heā€™s always been. Heā€™s sensitive, passionate, fiery, and intense. That is who he is. But honestly who cares? The show/manga are over. Itā€™s done, let it go.


Bros making his final video, and said that the ending is what it is. Yā€™all headcannon about the ending and people who rightly dislike it


He's decoded and went over that argument so many times, lmao. https://youtu.be/CB8GjNlMyUI?si=966NWaMYSOIFM8ii watch from 4:32


I NEED to see charlie expose this clown omg


This is so cringe. I canā€™t believe he did this. I hope Charlie just ignored him. Tell me he did


He laughed and told him he doesn't care. Gigachad.


I saw it. Amazing


By the way, some recent YouTube gossip just for your ears: did you know invaderzz recently refused 1,000$ that was offered to him to debate saint? It's a good decision, I think.Debates don't decide who is right, or even who is smarter, they only decide who is a better rhetorician.


Seriously, what is the average age of these dudes? Because I feel like we are arguing with literal children.


This will never end right? XD


Imagine being so miserable that you pay 20 dollars in a futile attempt to try and convince someone who likes something why they shouldnā€™t like it.


He paid $40 in total, lol. He donated a second time.


Oooof. That is probably like 3 month's allowance that his mom gives him.


they donated $20 to ask someone to stop enjoying a tv show episode


titanfolk is in shambles right now šŸ˜­


he's got about 7k subs meanwhile moistcritical / penguinz0 has 14 million subs




now we just making up job titles


I just recently wrote on this sub that I respect saint. However, "professional attack on titan hater" has got the most retarded "title" I have ever heard. And I laughed out loud when I read that. It's just like Armin said, he's a slave to his hatred.


This is simultaneously one of the funniest and saddest things I've ever seen


To be fair, Saint knew that Charlie was unlikely to even read his message at all and only did it because his chat urged him to, and I think he put the ā€œprofessional haterā€ as a joke but I could be wrong. Charlie literally said he didnā€™t know why people didnā€™t like the ending in his video, so what would be the problem with someone giving their perspective. Saint wasnā€™t rude about it, and even donated again saying it was all good that he liked the ending. Thereā€™s tons of things you could criticize Saint over but this seems like an over exaggeration personally. Also Charlie didnā€™t ā€œcookā€ Saint in response, he just said itā€™s okay for people to not like the ending, and Charlie probably didnā€™t even know the guy who donated was another creator/streamer and just assumed it was some random chatter. Not trying to defend anything Saint may have done in the past, but I donā€™t really see whatā€™s wrong in this specific case


Dude literally wants to debate someone for liking something


C: Why donā€™t people like the ending S: Iā€™ll explain our perspective lol C: Nah lol S:Ok AnR: Proceeds to be completely retarted as usual


Charlie said he didnā€™t understand why people didnā€™t like it in his video, which would imply he would at least be somewhat curious in hearing other opinions. Thatā€™s literally it. Saint was nice about it, when Charlie clearly didnā€™t want to do so (like Saint expected) Saint donated again telling him that it was fine for Charlie to like the ending and just wanted to share the perspective, and went on with his stream


When your whole channel is about aot ending being bad, you need help


Thatā€™s not true and I know you know that it isnā€™t true. Obviously heā€™s gonna talk about AoT when things come out about it, like the final episode of the anime for example, but Aot isnā€™t even the only series he talks about on his channel. Like I said thereā€™s things you can criticize Saint for, why lie instead of actually addressing legitimate criticisms. Even if it was true that his whole channel was about hating on the ending, why would that even matter? Would you say the same if someoneā€™s entire channel was only dedicated to praising the ending?


He seems pretty polite. Not all that toxic. Debate is good


Charlie is polite. Saint isn't, despite how he came across here.


Now thatā€™s what I call professional and dedicated


This is completely normal, yā€™all niggas going insane over nothing


He does revenge porn hope he gets jailed


He also said Hitler was justified at some point too.


Someone put him in prison wtf