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Don't shoot the messenger pls AOE stands for anime original ending. The idea was that the anime would have a different ending than the manga. I think it's mostly based on akatsuki no requiem music video - watch it if you're curious. The interpretation of the video was that Eren completes the rumbling, killing his friends in the process It was a whole thing, got kinda crazy. The music video I kinda got but it was also like - oh look, the window that was there in the manga is not there in the anime. Obv aoe It obviously didn't happen. But yeah that's what it is


Thank you for more context my friend


Np. Ngl the whole thing's very interesting to me. I took a scroll through the subreddit a few times, but my god the tinfoil hattery. There's disliking the ending and there's that


same here. i love it cause of the bullshit those people spew on there. very entertaining


Man it’s crazy that anyone thought that would actually happen, I always guessed that there would be some differences to the manga but the death of the alliance and Eren’s genocide of the world being complete? What kind of message is that supposed to send? Out of any of any of the flaws the last arc had, being rushed, being confusing, not many things being explained, who would actually take issue with the rumbling getting stopped and our characters getting to live their lives? Well- we know who does take issue with that


I'll be honest, I don't like the ending (though it's more in the details rather than the general conclusion) and in theory I wouldn't mind a "bad" ending as long as it's well written. Bad endings can still be "good" and fit with the overall story. It all depends on where you go with it I also do understand why people watched akatsuki no requiem and expected the manga to end in a certain way because it does kind of point in that general direction🤷‍♀️ What I think is foolish is 1) Still expecting it to happen after the manga came out. Like, nobody is going to bother with alternative endings. The anime industry does not werk like that lol, ain't nobody got the time 2) Expecting it to somehow be this perfect answer to the flawed manga ending when it was very much written by the same man. In my opinion, Isayama was just burnt out and hence the ending being rushed and the plot holes etc. The aoe ending could well be flawed too but nobody ever considers that. Not to mention that the full rumbling seems very difficult to pull off narratively, in the terms of character arcs etc


I mean the anime industry CAN do anime original stuff sometimes.. when they are feeling lazy lol I don’t disagree with bad endings but personally I think the messaging is important especially in a story like AoT which has a lot of messaging throughout the story. I think a bad ending would be much easier to do earlier in AoT but during the rumbling arc if the bad ending happened, what is the messaging supposed to mean? ‘When your enemy is a genocidal maniac you can’t win’? ‘When certain people in the world fear and oppress you, respond with world genocide so your nation will get the whole world to themselves’?. The thing about the rumbling arc is that it has a solid message, ‘When humanity is at stake, humanity can put aside their differences and come together to defeat the larger threat’. Even if the bad ending did happen it would never be good for Paradise either, that nation will likely get split over the rumbling in whether it was justified or not, that could lead to civil war and prejudice against one another just like the outside world. Maybe that could be a solid message? That ‘even if the world was wiped clean of all other oppressing nations, the standing nation won’t prove to be any different’ Okay well I just I just ended up answering my own question lmao. But either way I don’t think fans would like the bad ending anyways- Yeah I totally agree with that last part too although I just wish Isayama would’ve just taken a hiatus to plan things out. As someone who likes Berserk and the EXTREME hiatuses it takes, Isayama was pumping out chapters at lightning speed compared to Berserk. But I also totally understand why Isayama didn’t want to take a hiatus, I’m sure he just wanted to get it over with. Heck or maybe he just couldn’t take a hiatus, manga publishers can probably have certain contracts saying that the writer needs a chapter out monthly or else their contract will end? I got no idea I’m just spitballing


Yeah, I agree. As for the anime original stuff, yeah they happen, but an entirely different ending for a production as big as aot... And kept secret to the point the only clues are minor visual changes.... That is crazy. But tbh I'm sure a lot of aoe bros are in for the hell of it or just trolls


At this point I should make a post and pin it, this question comes up relatively often. Just put on a hazmat suit and go browse r/ANRime AOE (Anime Original Ending) is this idea that Isayama had planned for the manga ending to be shit so that the anime ending could surpass it as the "good timeline". Most AOE theories base themselves on the official videoclip for the song Akatsuki no Requiem (hence ANR) where it's implied Eren completes the Rumbling and goes back to Paradis, mourning his friends with his hot wife Historia.


It's a delusion driven by a part of the fandom, it means Anime Only Ending, they were so certain the anime was gonna have THEIR FAN THEORY (Eren kills everyone but Historia who they think Eren is they baby's father lmao).


Yeah, that just doesn't make sense. How did part of the Fandom even come up with this?


'Cause they're mostly incels and misogynists that like to bash Mikasa for no reason and are hella scared Eren died a virgin. They also like Historia cause it's a blonde, blue eyed woman. A lot of them also praise FLOCH and condone his actions. Edit: a sub runned by that kind of people in the fandom was shut down by Reddit cause it had straight up neonazi paraphernallia and adoration, yep.


Ahhh nazis trying to ruin things again. The usual. Thanks for telling me so I didn't have to expose myself to their content


For your own good, do not.


>Eren died a virgin Nah, that Cabin shit counts. I don't care what anyone says; I will not falter.


Agreed, he definitely rumbled Mikasa in that cabin


ya'll r unbelievably stupid


I swear. I remember reading that whole fanfiction. About how the Allies cut off Eren's head at the rumbling and start celebrating. But then the Attack Titan moves again. And continues on after killing allies and the bystanders. Then they show the back of the giant monster and there is the warhammer's white pipe thing connected. The camera follows it all the way back to Paradis where Eren and Historia come out with their blonde blue eyed baby and he holds the baby up to say, " you are finally free." I kinda did like the twist of Eren not being there. Further showing he is a coward and showing the warhammer's power as closing the chekhov's gun loop. But I don't know. Eren saying he would've been happier if he never got the power felt more human and real to me and I enjoyed that more than a technical closure of loop and another twist.


I still don't understand why Eren had to fuck Historia. If it's just to give the Titans' power to someone, Historia could just fuck someone else and let her baby eat Eren....? I'm very confused. And if they fucked because they are in love with each other, first of all that's dumb af, and second why did Eren decide that he must get her preggo like during that time when he might die?? Does he want her to be a single mom?? I'm very confused.


Their excuse is the other way around. So in the story Historia had to be pregnant so that the millitary won't force her to eat Zeke. So their reasoning is if she had to fuck someone why is she fucking a random person we never meet and not their special boy Eren? Never mind the fact that Historia loved Ymir, or Mikasa has a thing for Eren. Who cares about women's emotions, sorta thing. Oh, it's not love. That's the worst part of the whole thing. The sex between Eren and Historia isn't consensual. Like even their own perfect fantasy Eren forces himself into her. It ends with the baby. Historia isnt a character there, more like a vessel to give birth to the pure blue eyed blonde haired baby that would be "free" to roam the world. It's weird, alright? They love the Aryan concept of pure blue eyed blonde haired gimmick. But they see themselves in Eren, and he doesn't have that. So they want him to have a child that looks like that? I don't know.


So Historia asked Eren to fuck her knowing that Mikasa likes Eren, and Eren agreed when he’s in love with Mikasa….?


No no no. i told you. It's not a consensual fucking. Eren forces himself onto her. That's also why they have to deny Eren crying for Mikasa in the final episode as retconed. " How can Eren have feelings for an asian girl he spent most of his life with when there is a perfectly good blonde haired blue eyed girl who he had 2 decent human conversations with?" ( I hope the sarcasm is apparent in this) "Iseyama had different plans but he was forced to change the ending because he was insecure and wanted to please everyone." That's their usual line.


Why did Eren have to force himself onto her? Didn’t she suggest getting pregnant in the first place? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have her ask him to fuck her? (Not that this would make a lot of sense either but still better)


-Why did Eren have to force himself onto her? I don't know. You do realise this was 2-3 years ago, right? Like when the manga ended. A lot of people came together to write their own fanfic version of the ending. This was just the most agreed upon version for them. I feel like this came about mostly because all the fan and react channels on YouTube milked the whole, "oh who could the father be." Just gaslighting them. I think they planned on releasing their own version of the ending or hoping their ending would be adopted into the anime. Attack on requiem, i think. Like 4 chapter ending, they did one chapter only ... Can't remember exactly...


It was a huge delusion that the anime was going to end with Eren killing everyone and skipping off into the sunset with Historia who they thought was Eren baby mama. It's delusional and run by a bunch of Nazis and misogynists. Please for the love of everything you hold dear do not check it out.


Don't worry, they hate my existence anyway


Don't ask questions you don't wanna know


Basically people didn’t like the ending of the manga, and created the AOE theory. AOE stands for anime original ending, and the theory was basically that the anime would have a seperate ending to the manga. Specifically it was believed that Eren would be revealed as the father of Historias child, and then he would complete the rumbling and kill the entire alliance along with the rest of humanity outside of Paradis. When this didn’t happen half of the people who believed in it thought that the author changed his mind last second (despite nothing Isyama ever said implying this), and the other half still to this day create increasingly unrealistic theories as to how AOE could still happen (Examples I personally saw: english dub original ending, blue-ray original ending, ect). No one seems to consider that they could’ve been wrong.


AOE means Attack on Eren


All of the people who believe in AOE are manga ending haters. But the haters come in many shapes and sizes. All of them, however, believe that Isayama retconned the ending. They all believe that Eren was supposed to finish the rumbling, fucked Historia to have babies, and killed all of his friends in the process. Proof is in the Requiem MV as someone pointed out. Out of these people, though: 1. Some are hardcore erehisu shippers who legit think that Eren fucked her because they were madly in love with each other. Eren never loved Mikasa. It was Historia who was the main female lead all along, and Historia was never in love with Ymir either. These people are delusional on an immeasurable scale, and all hope is lost on reasoning with them. Their proof is that Krueger told Grisha to love someone in the walls and marry them to end the conflict, and that Eren and Historia talked to each other a couple of times and Eren cared about her. 2. Some think Eren fucked Historia to have royal babies to maintain Titans' power forever. So Historia is just a tool for him, although this goes against everything Eren ever stood for. 3. Some believe that Eren was supposed to see every single future and decided on this path because it was the only possible outcome. Eren is like Paul from Dune or Dr Strange. Others don't believe in this and just need Eren to win the battle. \*and many many other variations that I cannot detail here\* But yeah at the end of the day they are all delusional.