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A lot of the time he doesn’t really win either. Most of the time he’s trying to complete a different goal or runs away because he doesn’t need to stick around and fight.


>he doesn’t really win either. He usually doesn't even fight


Especially againts other airbender


Other airbender? Have you seen the show title my friend?


Yeah, he especially doesn't have to fight any airbenders The guy is out of line, but he's right




You don’t say…


You have figured out the airbender philosophy


like idk why its so difficult lol. do yall want a 12yo to beat them bloody and broken ? he’s a pacifist. its a win if he achieves his goal without being defeated.


Um akshually 🤓he is 112




well, he's an airbender, so...


And the one time he did stand and fight other than against Ozai he gets instantly zapped and ko'd by Azula


I mean aang isn’t even going for the same goal as his opponent. Hell he and ozai were both playing a different game. One wanted to kill the other one wanted to submit the other


And it’s SO much harder to put your opponent into submission when they’re trying to kill you than if you were both going for submission


Exactly. If aang was trying his hardest to kill ozai like genuinely giving it his absolute whole and trying to kill him the fight would have lasted a fraction of the time it did and the avatar state wouldn’t have even been used. Aang could have created a vacuum around ozai making it impossible for him to bend. No oxygen. And also making it so that he can’t breath. Hell if the vacuum it big enough and powerful enough he would just explode into a heaping pile of tornadoesd flesh


I think it’s worth pointing out that Aang actually had the kill on Ozai. He had the opportunity when he redirected the lightning from Ozai because Ozai was shocked. But he didn’t and shot the lightning away.


I mean he didn’t go in with the kill ozai. He had the chance but didn’t take it because he didn’t want to kill. Had the lion turtle not given him an alternative then maybe that would have been the option he took. I mean it would have been quick and not even his lightning to begin with and one he has begun redirecting it he wouldn’t be able to stop so I’m pretty sure that would have been his kill shot if he had to do it.


Even in an absolute vacuum a human body wouldn't explode. They would swell up like a deep sea fish out of the water, but they wouldn't explode.


theres also the part where he redirects Ozai’s lightning then *chooses* not to hit him with it. People somehow forget that part.


I would pay boatloads of money for an R rated spin off or some decent fan manga. Ever since they introduced Blood Bending, I've always had a curiosity about how dark it could get. Like that's just the tip of the iceberg. Actually, I just started on the legend of Korra. And I'm still patiently waiting for slug-throwers. Or something along those lines, seeing as they are at the equivalent of our early 1900s tech/industrial boom. With cars, battleships, etc.


If you just started Korra then you’re about to get a taste for how DARK Airbending can get too…


Ooooooo, you got me hyped! Kinda feel silly for getting this excited to watch a cartoon. But ATLA was my entire childhood, and I completely missed that this new show has been out for forever now. On a side note: I actually lost my mind when General Iroh showed up. Straight up **shocked Pikachu face** followed by "Nooooo waaaay!"


Im excited for you! I didn’t like LOK as much as ATLA but there were some office politics that negatively impacted development of the show and it really shows. It had a lot of potential to be even better than ATLA IMO but it’s still really good


Well, I'm going into it completely blind. Haven't seen any spoilers or heard anything about this show at all until last week. But so far, I am thoroughly loving it. With that said. Holy fuckedy fucking fuck fuck! I just finished S1. Ending of ep12...oh my God. What the ever loving fuck. I was expecting revenge on his brother and all, but holy shit! That was waaaaay beyond what I expected from this show. And I'm as blown away as those two poor bastards.


Idk about that because if your goal is to fight me and my goal is not to really fight you and I succeed in doing what I want then in a way I am winning Plus when he needed to he would kick anyone’s ass in the most peaceful yet somehow disrespectful way possible


Ehh.. most of the time it’s no contest.


Just like how General Grevious survived so many fights because of his special tactic "running away'


If youre intention in the fight is to complete some other goal, and you succeed at that, I think Id consider that winning a fight. If theres anything Avatar shouldve taught us, its that being strong is about more than overpowering someone with the use of violence.


>he doesn’t really win either That really depends on how you define a victory. His opponents win condition was to kill or capture, not his.


To be fair that is kind of the point of his Martial Art


to be fair noone (except Bumi maybe) has seen or even fought an air bender in 100 years


Speaking of Bumi, he technically did lose that battle. Bumi just left him win. Only bc he didn't intend to hurt him. But Aang didn't know that and was actually fighting. Bumi had bested him in that battle. And Bumi wasn't even actually trying.


But did he lose?


Nah, he won.






apparently the sub doesn’t exist when I clicked on it but it totally should exist


It does now! Thanks for the idea!


I mean yeah. Bumi just backed down. If you're playing a scrimmage you can still lose even if it isn't real. This was a bender scrimmage lol


What? It's not like bumi stopped before hurting Aang, Aang just straight up bested him


No he didn't. Bumi was hovering a Boulder of Aang. Yes it was over his own head but all he had to do was move the Boulder a bit and it would clear him. Not to mention he could have just disintegrated it like earthbenders do. Aang lost the fight. Bumi just didn't take the killing blow.


Lmao no he didn't, Bumi was going easy on him the entire fight. Go rewatch some of the other times he's been serious.


Did you not see the giant boulder Bumi was holding above them? If Aang did anything to properly win without Bumi's surrender, the boulder would have fallen and crushed him due to Bumi no longer being able to hold it up. That means Aang was completely at Bumi's mercy with no way out except backing away or surrendering.


And so was Bumi, thats not a win. He gets the condition "we both die" but so does aang. In fact, Aang holds the most power in there since he could still potentially survive after attacking while Bumi's only choice is a suicide. Thats not winning. Also, not like Aang can run as fast as the wind or anything. Literally just kill bumi and run and he'd probably lose a leg at worst. I repeat, this is in no way a win for Bumi


You're forgetting one increadibly key detail: Bumi is the one who let Aang know about the boulder, if it were a real fight with killing on the table, Bumi could have crushed Aang before he knew what was crushing him, while Aang on the other hand was holding a stick.


The last time he tried to run as fast as the wind Bumi turned the ground to sand, he could have just broken his legs there too at that point.


I mean he didn’t see or fight an air bender for 100 years as well.


Azul technically fought earthbending Aang .


1. no one has seen or fought an Airbender in 100 years 2. he IS an Airbending MASTER?


And Azula was a Fire Bending Prodigy & had Blue Fire which is beyond the heat of normal Fire.


resort back to point 1. ;) lol jokes aside, i still feel that he has the edge over her due to how airbending works. he is more of an evasive "fighter" and that's not something she is used to at all. she has been fighting either fire or earth benders, both being very aggressive in their fighting styles when compared to air bending. edit: spelling


This is my belief too. Airbending is particularly effective in fights because of the evasion. When you can't hit your opponent and they can strike casually from nearly every angle you're going to have a bad time. It's a good thing airbenders are pacifists because they could absolutely dominate both individual fights and even on a military scale


We don’t know that for sure if that’s not what she is use to fighting as she was fighting opponents non stop. One of them could’ve been an evasive fight (maybe not as evasive as Aang)


1. she is not a master, she is a "Prodigy" as you said. these are not the same. 2. we can be 99% sure that most if not all of her opponents were either earth, fire, or water benders as why would she train to fight anything else? she grew up in a war with the earth kingdom and as such would most likely trained to combat those fighting styles, why would she train against someone with an evasive/agile fighting style when the likelihood of her seeing or experiencing one is so astronomically low? could she have? yes 100% but would she have been good at beating them? unlikely as those are not her primary opponents. . .


For point 2 she’s uh…she’s best friends with Ty Lee, the most agile fighter we see behind Aang. I agree with most of what you’re saying, but to ask why she’d train against an agile fighter when she’s incredibly close to an agile fighter is just a bad point for Azula lmao


yes, but again. is she training agent people like that? And and Ty Lee is, to my knowledge the only 2 people in the show that fight like that. the fire nation's primary opponents are earth benders, and as such she is more likely to train to fight them. do believe that she can fight agile opponents? yes, but she is most likely not good at beating them as they are not her primary threat. and again, Aang is an airbending master, so he has a much greater advantage against her. she is good, but to my knowledge not a master yet.


I absolutely believe that Azula would train against Ty Lee or opponents with her skill set. Ty Lee demonstrates a vulnerability that (especially for a bender not expecting it) Azula most certainly wouldn’t allow herself to be unprepared for: Chi Blocking. Again, I agree with most of your points, but I just think it’s genuinely absurd to act like Azula wouldn’t be regularly training against agile fighters like Ty Lee specifically because she knows Ty Lee could post a threat. Azula is many things, but she’s not going to be less-than-capable against agile opponents if she surrounds herself with agile friends.


Azula also lost to Ty lee


Azula also didn’t fight Ty Lee. She was caught by surprise and chi blocked. We have no idea how she’d fare if the two actually fought.


Still, a prodigy is not the same as a master.


I always saw blue fire as mastery. Since nobody else not even her father had blue flames. But they said it’s due to her evil ambitions or emotions.


Tbh Aang still had the advantage


Blue fire is such a meaningless gimmick. Regular fire is so hot it already destroys just about everything it touches, except not really because it's a kids show.


I wouldn’t say he really won all of them either


Aang is a pacifist anyways. If your goal is to kick my ass and I prevent you from doing that without even really having to fight back then I won in my own way


Yeah, a lot of these fights are cut short. Like, sure he may not have lost any of these fights, but not many of them were fully completed.


If you complete your objective and your opponent didn't, and you didn't lose all your stuff to do it, then you won. If your objective is to take a town, and you do so by luring the opposing army out of the town, then sneaking your troops in the back, did you win the battle?


He didn’t lose either


I mean he didn’t beat combustion man


Nor did combustion man beat him. 🤷🏾‍♂️ only running.


Well do Dnf’s count to forfeits? Because he and bumi came to a draw, matter of fact, he was about to lose to jet the same way he nearly lost to the combustion man until just the Same: Katara comes to save his vegetarian bacon. Edit: Aang did lose a little bit tbh - drew against bumi - jet (katara had to save him) -combustion man, twice (especially In The fire nation town)


DNFs count as someone had to interfere or something of that. Or someone came in & ruined it or smth around there


I mean in that case how do you finish a fight in avatar without killing some one? Aang didn’t beat azula he only moved her some where she counts kill him then destroyed the drill: he only beat the drill not azula. Did Aang beat admiral zao or did he just burn his boats? If Katara hadn’t interfered with combustion man Aang would have been killed, that sounds like a loss to me


Yeah, these should count as losses


He lost the Day of Black Sun. He lost against the Yuyan Archers. He lost the battle in the Crossroads of Destiny where he literally died. Those are just off the top of my head.


None of this are technically one v one


Yes. You're right. He technically lost to Bumi. Bumi had a large rock over Aangs had that could have easily squashed him. And Aang had no idea til it would have been too late. But Bumi just stopped fighting and never intended on hurting him. But Aang didn't know that.


He technically won the fight in the sense that Bumi considered him to have passed, but it's situational again. If for some reason they had been doing a death battle then he would have lost, but Aang wasn't put in that situation either. Just like how he might have lost a 1v1 with Iroh back in S1 (if Iroh didn't just secretly let him escape which I kind of doubt he would have) if he hadn't been quiet and polite when he saw Iroh sleeping.


But did he lose?


I'm going to say yes. Aang didn't know Bumis' intent and he was fighting for his life. It wasn't until Bumi was poised to kill him did the battle end. So, yes, he lost.


I don't think these were 1 v 1


Yeah I didn't see the 1v1. But he did technically lose to Bumi. He had a large rock hovering over his head. Bumi didn't intend on hurting him but Aang didn't know that.


Could the fight against Jet count as a loss? I mean Jet did get the final hit on him and had him on the ground after slamming him into a tree, and then that is when Katara intervened, but I wouldn’t really call that a 1v2. Then again if Aang had actually tried to fight jet the fight pro alt would have ended quickly.


I think it would count! He definitely didn't win them all for sure.


Nah, Toph beat him and got her underground bending title back.


That wasn't a fight, but neither was their first 1v1 either since he wasn't really trying to fight her.


I can see what you mean but I still think it counts. He pushed her off the stage with airbending and she got him back with earthbending when she ran away from her home.


Yeah but he wasn't even trying to fight her the first time, and the second one can't even be called a fight, it was a joke at most. If it was an actual fight he would have just gotten up again. Heck, the mud fight between Katara and Toph was more of a real fight than that.




When toph officially joins the group. She asks aang to go to the ground where she can see him, to which she stomps her foot once and sends him flying. Sokka then tosses it onto her face when she requests it back


Never lost is not the same as always won. Draws and incompletes exist


Didn’t he lose to jet


No.. not technically as it was a no contest since katara interfered.


And he wasn’t fighting Jet. He expressed that he wasn’t going to fight him.


Just playing devil's advocate, does this capture at the hands of the Yuyan archers count as a lost battle?


Not a 1v1


Yes. I realised later. My fault for not reading it correctly. It's an interesting fact of the show that Aang is undefeated in duels.


Lore behind that?


I don't understand what you mean but it doesn't count anyway because you said a 1 vs 1 fight and this doesn't fit. I missed that part when I first read it. Have the seen episode 13 of Book 1? Aang gets capture by Yuyan archers. I don't understand what you mean by the lore behind it.


I mean Azula did kill him that one time


1 on 1.


That was like a 2 vs 50.


he looks like the gambler trainers from Pokemon


He's the fucking Avatar so yeah




Yep, Airbending-only Aang is probably the most talented bender in the whole show. He literally runs circles around every opponent he faces, even early on in the show. And that’s discounting the other three elements. People tend to forget this fact because he’s a pacifist and doesn’t brag a bunch. 


To be completely fair he didn't win a crazy amount either


Agreed most fights/battles are team effort.


He was getting torn up in them 2v1s tho


Key word 2


Meanwhile Korra lost every fight.


I am certain he battled Katara many times and ended up flat on his back. Or pinned to a wall. Or some way that showed she was in complete control or him.


Get your kinks under control


He lost against Jet.


Did Azula ever lose in a 1v1 desides that fight with Katara?




Technically she lost the Agni Kai by going against the rules of the duel. 


He’s the jimmy butler of the avatars. Maybe he’s not the best to ever do it, but when it’s time to show up he shows up. I have previously made this comparison with Pusha T so interpret that however you want. Aang=Pusha T and or Jimmy Butler


Nah Aang is MJ and Korra is LeBron James.


we did technically get to see an actual fight with bumi and aang in the live action show.. although it felt more like bumi was just trying to show aang what it means to be the avatar and not just trying to fight


Are we counting draws as wins here?




Well nobody’s ever seen or fought an air bender before, they were wiped out a hundred years ago lol


He lost against the Firelord like 3 times in his dreams. That's canon.


Yeah but not real.


I think he did lose a 1 on 1 with Ozai after not taking the chance to redirect the lightning back at him. Ozai was cooking him after that. After that it was a 1 vs 1000 before Aang came back to his senses.


I didn't realize the Avatar was the Avatar


Uh, except for when Azula killed him. Thankfully Katara was able to bring him back.


I can't say I love that the powerscalers are leaking to this sub 15 years later.


He lost to Jet.


Not necessarily as katara stepped in.


What’s even better is he was only 12 when this series took place. He hardcore rushed through learning the other elements, but was so skilled he caught on really quickly. I’d honestly hate to see what aang would have been if he had been any other element avatar lol. If he wasn’t a pacifist could you imagine the sheer destruction he would unleash?


He doesn't fight tho, he's a pacifist monk. You can't lose if you don't fight is a great strategy. Yea there are times where he does fight but it either ends in a stalemate/no contest which is a cop out imo or he just leaves the match which if it were to happen irl would result in a loss as you forfeit the match.


I mean he kinda lost against Bumi, dude just didn’t actually want to kill him.


I mean sparky sparky boom man I feel like he definitely lost. Retreating definitely isn’t a win, and to call it a draw doesn’t seem accurate either.


He lost against king bumi


What are the rules for losing lmao dude dipped out of like 90% of em and won a single one vs Ozai. Even the one against Toph he low key cheated lol. I wouldn't go "Aang is the strongest 1v1 fighter in the world" that's just not his character at all.




And then the nightmare began in the comments.


Didn’t Azula take him out mid avatar state?


is it technically 1v1 if he has all his predecessors with him via Avatar State?


Nah bru that was morally a 2 v 2.


Of course he never lost a 1v1 if you don't count all the times he lost a 1v1


Outside of Ozai, did he ever really 'win' a 1 on 1, though? They always get cut short; he either ditches the fight or something happens


Aang is objectively the strongest character alive at the time, and his enemies were lucky he was young and a pacifist.


I mean, most of the time he just ran away


Making it a DNF (Did not finish) plus air benders brought peace to the world.


Uh..Azula kills him? Technically


In a 2v50…?


didnt he lose to jet lol


Idk. I remember him losing pretty severely to Azula in Ba Sing Se. I think it was a pretty significant thing too. Idk though, could be wrong since this post says otherwise.


Nah it was basically a 2v50 since katara was there + Dai Li agents & Zuko/Azula. (50 is estimated)


Jet? Azula did beat him twice. Ozai was beating him up until the avatar state.


Key word: Until.


Was still beat by Jet and Azula. I just don't personally think that the avatar state counts as Aang.


Jet had a no contest since it wasn’t really a win or a loss & Azula was with Zuko & Dai Li & Aang only had Katara.


Jet straight up wiped Aang out, Katara beat Jet there. Azula also beat him on the drill in a one on one.


Didn't Zuko beat him in Crossroads of destiny?


Didn’t this guy get lasered by a lightning bolt?


And that's why he will always be superior to Korra. Nothing against Korra but she just isn't HIM.


No avatar is superior to another one


Not really because no one were dead or incredibly injured


You wouldn't consider his fight against Azula losing?


does running away count?


That would be a DNF/Did not finish.


Considering he's a pacifist and in just about each one of these he succeeds his goal and then dips I got to say that's pretty solid


Totally unrelated but Avatar Korra kept losing 1 on 1 battles


Okay but he technically lost the first ever battle he was in. I can't remember if it's episode one or two, but it's when Zuko attacks the Southern Water Tribe. OP has already been willing to play the technicalities game so this should shut it down instantly. Aang willingly gave up the fight and surrendered because he saw the danger posed by the fire nation. A surrender is still classified as a 'defeat'.


He lost to Azula and king Bumi


And most of the time he runs away.


I just watched the episode today where Azula and Aang fight on top of the drill train. It's cut fairly short due to sludge exploding from the train. A true Aang vs Azula fight would probably be legendary. But I wouldn't say Aang "won" that fight as much as got lucky. Momo literally helps save his ass as he's sliding off the edge.


Okay. Cap. Aang gets away most cases. Not outright win. Like yes he embarrasses his opponents, and maybe in some cases retreating is in of itself a win. But man it takes like one or two good hits and he’s out the fight. Also Ozai hair Aang dead to rights. If that rock wasn’t there, Aang would’ve lost the 1v1. Bro had to hit him with the damage bug exploit that require you to back dash into a rock until you clip into it to glitch your hitbox to be invincible.


Would his fight against Jet be considered a 1v1 loss? Katara immediately jumps in AFTER Aang goes down and takes Jet down.


The only guy who fought an airbender in the past 100 years tied in a fight with him


He rarely won those fights too 😭 he usually ran away or the AS kicked in


Not true. He lost to toph. She got her belt back


Meanwhile Kora gets her butt whooped multiple times after being properly trained




It was a series on TikTok so it is "Facts"


Ah I see I am sorry 😬


Name one time outside of the Ozai fight where Aang willingly, and while not under duress, engaged in a fight with the intent to defeat the enemy in a meaningful way.


Does Hama not count as a loss


Azula could of easily tucked him in on the drill but she instead waited for home to be lucid enough to realize she was going for the killing blow






Avatar korra did.


Which, in fairness, Korra's opponents were exclusively people doing impossible shit.


Yet if it's a 1v1 fight you need someone to fight in for you I would pick Korra over Aang any day of the week. I would pick Aang if I wanted to avoid that fight.


Nahh. She lost to Amon & Zaheer & Culvira.


True, but the show also usually has built in reasons for why. Like, she loses to Amon because he's literally a walking cheat code (but even then she still comes out on top at the very end), she's poisoned the entire time she's fighting Zaheer, and she had lingering trauma that prevented her from using her full power against Kuvira.


"A walking cheat code" Isn’t Korra the same thing? She has all 4(3 at the time) elements.


Sure, but her bending still has to follow the rules set in-universe, even if she has all of it. Amon was just built different.


That’s what I said. Avatar aang never lost to anyone in a one on one fight. Avatar korra did.




He is a pacifist which means he automatically loses all battles unless his opponents surrender