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Its been years since I watched Korra but weren't they just chatting like friends in this scene? You've got two friends in the back of the car, you expect them to just stay silent and not interact for the duration of the trip?


It was a bit more flirty. Not outright flirting but pretty close. Season 1 tried to do a love triangle thing that was universally hated. Though I think the idea of ‘try to cheat on me, I’ll steal your girl.’ Is hilarious


I just started watching Korra for the first time and I just finished season 2. I don't get the point of their relationship because they just break up anyway.


Showcasing the relative immaturity of the characters to give their growth more meaning.


How have they grown? They seem the same to me after they broke up. Not trying to start an argument by the way. I'm just genuinely curious


I'm referring to throughout the show, not whatever growth might have happened at the end of their relationship.


If that had been the plan from day 1 I would have been way more on board lol it's perf


Asmi didn't steal Korra, though. She broke up with for a completely unrelated reason.


Making a joke. Obviously this didnt happen


After Asami herself told Mako to sit in the backseat


Deciding to dump him and trade up by hooking up with that girl instead seems like much better revenge if I’ honest.


Did she dump him? From what I remember, he kissed Korra behind her back.


Korra was a teenager for Mako who had never really been around anyone her age. Mako didn't outright refuse her and let the kiss happen, and even kissed back. Mako became obsessed with Korra after she went missing. Asami and Mako got into a heated argument. Mako dumped her(after she just lost almost everything) to get with Korra. Then Korra dumped him because she was losing her mind from stress. Then he and Asami got together again. Then Korra forgot they broke up. So Asami dumped him again because he just started cheating on her right infront of her. Then Korra remembered and found out he was being a douche to Asami. So she dumped him. And then lots shit happened, Korra and Asami got closer, more so with the events of s3 and the between time of 3 and 4. And then they got together in the end. And Mako, being kinda a douche, was left the only single guy. Though a very flamboyant prince did seem to have a thing for him, albeit one-sided. And that is the summary. You can now skip s1 outside of the Amon scenes. o7


I completely thought korra and mako would end up together (had only seen the first couple of episodes and the end of s1) so the whole asami thing came out of nowhere for me I didn’t even realize mako and asami were a couple thought they were siblings


So all fire nation folk look the same to you?! /s Korra got shipped with all 3 members of her team, lol. But the creators Mike and Bryan very early on liked Korra and Asami together. They had to work against anti-lgbt+ censors at the time, so they were dropping small hints that queer folk would pick up on. While doing everything to make it very clear. Mako was not happening. Even at the end, they had to keep it somewhat vague on screen. (They did outright say that it was canon). And then we're able to be very clear about it in the comics.


Lowkey asami was making a whole lotta hoopla out of nothing Especially when Korra got kidnapped he was worried and she started complaining about that because it is like Korra literally got kidnapped how do you expect him to react. It reads like an AMA title. My girlfriend got mad [18F] when I [18M] got worried when my friend [18F] got kidnapped by a government entity and have no idea where she is AMA


I forgot this was after she got kidnapped lol


I think you mean AITAH, but yeah I agree.


NTA. Your boyfriend should turn off any positive feelings for any woman outside of family when he's dating you.


Honestly, she has interest in both of them so she’s probably super into it 🤷🏾‍♀️


The show did Bolin and Mako dirty by writing them so poorly.


I would have EL DRIFTO into a wall


Didn't take Asami for a cuckquean but here it is.


Asami dates both of them at some point in the series lol


No. Her girlfriend.


Letting a girl enter the car first is flirting?


Meanwhile you're also looking at her like "...I would too..."


Season 1's love triangle is terrible, but Asami played the long game and stole Mako's girl.


I'm pretty sure that was Korra's car that was given to her by Tarlokk.


And that's when Asami vowed to flirt with Korra even harder