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Almost all the time, new characters > eidolons. Jingliu is a very solid ice dps, but I want to ask you some questions first. Do you have her best supports (Bronya, Pela, luocha)? Do you have tingyun and huohuo? Well, she'll work fine without them but these characters would enhance her performance greatly. Also, as an e1s1 haver, his E1 just makes your life more comfy. The extra cd is nice to have and it makes his ult a panic button so you can consider building ERR on him although I personally don't see the need to. If you don't really like jingliu, I'd suggest against getting her then because it's better to go with your heart and pull for characters you like. You could also just save for any upcoming or returning units you might like too


I do have bronya, pela and tingyun. I think I might save for topaz, and make a functional FUA team where Aventurine would shine. I guess I'll consider Eidolons on his rerun in the future, as my account is relatively fresh (started on the Kafka rerun) and I should probably pick up chars. The only other consideration is his LC, but from what I've read Gepards is good enough


Yeah then you're set for jingliu if you want her. But if you're saving for topaz that's a good idea too


As an e1 aventurine haver, no you dont really /need/ it. He’s an extremely good sustain even on e0. I pulled his e1 because im a sucker for follow up team (im a ratio/topaz/jingyuan/clara/himeko/blade haver) and i just really like him a lot as a character. If you like jingliu, pull her. But if you dont really like her, and want efficient spending/resource farming, building a ratio-topaz-aventurine-support team might be more cost efficient. Ratio is free, you already have aven, any support youve built can be used, and topaz will enable more fua damage too.


Yeah, looking at guides, ect. It might be best to save for Topaz cos I don't have her. If I had the spare resources I'd go for it, but I'm just glad I got him. I do have Clara and Ratio I can try things out in the meantime. The only other thing is his LC, but from what I gather Gepards is good enough.


Gepard’s good enough for survivability. Only pull his lc if you expect him to deal good enough damage (4k) everytime he’s charged to 7. I know 4k doesnt seem much, but buffed with topaz and another buffer, the team’s total fua damage be like brrrrrrrrr. Topaz’ lc is more important if u have the fund.


Well, in that case I better save for topaz and her LC. Might do a yolo x10 pull at the end of the banner for his LC, but otherwise I'd Gepards is good enough I'm saving


It's a nice upgrade but imo not necessary and gamechanging , I think you would have more fun with new characters..You can pull Jingliu now or wait for Topaz/Robin for FUA teams which obviosly work amazing with Aventurine. Granted you like the characters..if not then go for his E1 (:


Yeah, I need Topaz for my FUA team, so I guess I'll save. Maybe on his rerun in the future when I have spare gems


I don't think it is, I personally pulled for E2 because I'm a big simp for Aven, but he can solo sustain just fine at E0


His E1 isn’t a big leap in his utility or damage so I think you’re better investing your resources on the next character you like. I had 300+ pulls ready for Aventurine, Robin, and Firefly. Luckily I only needed 90 for E0S1 Aventurine. Saving the rest for E0S1 Robin and investing on Firefly next.


Probably more characters if you're new. The key to consistently maxing out MOC and PF is having a variety of good units (two good teams minimum, but realistically you'll probably want more than that to cover different scenarios). They don't all have to be 5 stars though. Aventurine's eidolons are good, but they all basically further turn him into a DPS unit. It's all just damage buffs to himself and your team. It's good, I won't lie, but it won't change his ability to sustain, and he even does decent damage at e0.




no. it’s an additional 20% crit damage which is negligible, and a shield refresh every three turns. his shields are already fine for the most part. use that for robin instead if u really wanna support a follow up team.