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I do it for fun and the neighbors and local family like me doing it. Biggest problem today are the prices on meat has cut down on number of times I do it a year.


Meat prices have shut me down. I will not charge 28 or 30 dollars a lb to the public. It rediculous. Even pork belly is now 4.79/lb out here in california


Used to spend a little over 125 to 150 on meat alone. It's getting close to $400. Easter and thanksgiving are about all I do now.


Easy over 400 bucks


How about fuel costs? My current one costs about $10 to $12 but only fits 2 briskets.


As you can imagine firewood is expensive in SoCal, it cost me about $40-50 in firewood. I just got a quote for a coord of pecan 900 bucks. I about fell out my chair.


Ouch! I've been wanting to rent an offset and see if I can get to the results I'm at with my Kamado


Awesome rig! šŸ‘


I think it's great! And this helped me so much. One glance at this photo and my wife suddenly realized that I probably should spend a couple of grand on that gas grill I've been wanting.


Do itā€¦. Do itā€¦Do it!


Thanks, going to if I can decide between the Napoleon 665 Prestige or the Prestige PRO


You mean 500 or 1000 gallon offset right?


Nice, what did that thing used to be ? Booster for the Space Shuttle ?


I wish I was your neighbor!


If u arenā€™t starting a business, whatā€™s the point of a smoker this big ?


Ya man, sure itā€™s a dream of mine to start a food truck or smallish eatery, but itā€™s not whatā€™s driving my enjoyment of bbq.


Like everything man does, he does it because he can. The urge to try something crazy has both advanced humanity and aided Darwinian thinning, and occasionally done both at the same time.


Bro, youā€™re asking the wrong question itā€™s not whatā€™s the point of having this smoker, itā€™s why not have this smoker.


Hmm. I should get one too.


I think for most homecooks its a space and fuel issue. It takes up a lot of space and will burn through a lot of fuel. Then there is the question for pro chefs. Does a restaurant need a sunk cost this large to start a business or expand and existing business? A food truck probably wouldnt need the amount of meat this thing can cook. Remember, even restaurants prep for rushes. Lunch rush and dinner rush. Some will even have a different crew for lunch and dinner. A food truck is not going to be a type of food service establishment that wants any sort of leftovers.


What do you cut back on? Quality over quantity, but donā€™t sacrifice one for the other. Thereā€™s no right or wrong but I personally enjoy meat off offsets and old school brick pits. Charcoal cookers are good also and gas bbq ā€¦ wellā€¦ Iā€™m not gonna say anything about gas cookers.


For a homecook, a smaller smoker is so much better of an investment. Take less space and less fuel. Its easier to move around and maintain. For a someone looking to do it as a job, thats still a big starting investment. If you have no entrepreneurial business experience or food service experience, an investment like that is the first step to failing. A person trying to start a business still has a bunch of other costs to start up. Its the barrier to entry. Restaurants typcially have pretty big big barriers to entry. Like people say, dont quit your day job. Food service combines the worst of the service industry with the added stress of potentially poisoning people.


Is that you Dave?


Nope! Iā€™m Brisketstilskin šŸ˜‚


Doesn't that thing run through charcoal like crazy? Seems like overkill for cooking a single meat.


I use entire trees,and never a single piece.


I wish I was this good at literally anything


Do you have a smaller smoker for a small cook? Or do you just run this regardless of how much you cook? Iā€™ll likely never have a smoker this big so Iā€™m clueless about how much wood it takes to get them to temp or if theyā€™re really efficient. Just curious


Ohh yeah I have a much smaller one , and pit barrels, I love my pit barrels.


Right on. Pit barrels are solid. I do have experience with them. Thanks for the reply


They kick out great Que, I just donā€™t get the same type of render or bark I can create w my offsets.