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Oh wow, excellent work. It really looks like her.


On the one hand, awesome work. On the other hand, I’m sorry about the bet you must have lost where the penalty was playing Diablo 4.


I’m psychotic, I did this to myself. This post is just a coping mechanism.


Diablo IV is awesome. This is a great build, and great work making this work. I tried making Halsin because the Werebear is my favorite build. 


Yes sir, I'm glad I was told to try it again with all the changes they've made. I am enjoying it after not touching it since the open beta!


I got that one item that lets me always be a bear and then I was satisfied. Haven't played since really lol ]=


Nah dude, no need to cope, Diablo 4 is fun af, people just love to shit on it


Diablo 4, season 4, has been awesome.


I agree! I tried it a while back and couldn't get into it, but so far it's been a blast this season.


Exactly, the game is in a solid position. People should ignore the reviews/bashing of diablo. Alot do it cause they are sheep and follow the masses.


I would play it if it wasn't for the dumb fomo battle pass. I bought the expensive edition with the first bp included and couldn't finish half of it.


Did you play for like 5min? The BP is incredibly easy to finish. Also completely ignorable.


Battle Pass is incredibly easy to finish, it's also purely cosmetic so you can completely ignore it if you want.


Battlepass is not a must to begin with. Secondly by doing just helltides or other random activities you can finish the battlepass in 2 weeks by playing casual hours.


It’s still pretty bad season 4 isn’t practically good.


Yeah. I played D4 on day 1 and for a month or two following. It was the worst modern ARPG I’ve seen released. It lacked common QOL features. Skill trees are limited and incredibly boring. Balance was WAY out of line. Ultra-rare uniques were so rare that you would literally have to play for multiple *lifetimes* to find one. Trading was effectively nonexistent. Inventory management was horrible. Bank space was quite limited. Uniques were boring as hell for the most part and there weren’t many of them. Itemization as a whole was boring, with tedious stats, nearly all of which were “Do more damage of a specific type or under very specific conditions.” And that’s just what I remember this long after the fact. Do they have a loot filter yet? A better way to store aspects? Are you still forced to pick up every rare because you need the gold from selling them? Do you still have to pore through the stat lines of each before selling? Because that shit was the most tedious nonsense I’ve ever experienced in an ARPG. Compare that to POE or Last Epoch. Both excellent games that managed to avoid the horrid itemization and tedium of D4. And despite having POE to learn from, Blizzard still released D4 in the state it did.


I, and apparently some others who have played season 4, have enjoyed season 4, based on our experiences with season 4. I respect your right to play other games, instead, and encourage you to follow your joy. Be well.


D4 isn’t even that bad tbh. At least not as much as it used to be.


It got better with the last update tbh


I mean, I played the Beta for IV and couldn't get myself into it really, but a buddy of mine told me about all the changes they've made and I tried it out again. So far I am genuinely having a good time! Plus the role-play adds another level of enjoyment for me too :)


Season 4 was incredibly fun. It has turned around.


It's a good way to pass the time while casually watching TV like a baseball game


Diablo IV has improved a lot since launch. Absolutely worth giving it another chance


lol this was gonna be my comment too. I played through D4 (payed $70 for it) and continued multiplayer for a few weeks. After BG3 I’ll never touch it again.


Is Diablo 4 this generation's Sonic 2006?


>I’m sorry about the bet you must have lost where the penalty was playing Diablo 4. *Diablo 4* isn't that bad. It's just dull. Everyone raved about how great it was, especially once you got to the higher world tiers. It turned out to just be an endless grind where you make slow, incremental progress boosting stats, planning your build and trying to get the perfect gear. It's a game that requires *constant* micromanagement, even moreso than the inventory in *Baldur's Gate 3*.


that is the ARPG genre.


Well, I was disappointed by it. Mostly because of the RNG mechanics of it.


once again. that is the ARPG genre. it is a core element. it is not any different in D3/PoE/GD/etc.


And it was my first ARPG. Had I known what it was going on, I probably wouldn't have wasted my money on it. Although I did get to witness one of the single dumbest pieces of writing in a video game, which I found endlessly amusing.


so you did 0 research about a game or the genre and you shelled out? that is funny as hell


I did plenty of research before I purchased it. It was just not clear as to how much of a grind was involved at higher levels. Buyer's remorse is a thing.


does not look like you did good research then. like you ask on any arpg sub and they WILL tell ya that endgame is grind.


And counter strike is just a dull game where you shoot at people 😫


I wouldn't know. I've never actually played *Counter Strike*.


So she embraced Myrkul as well?


I flavored her staff with bones to remind myself not to let my guard down in my current honor run, where I >!recently lost Last Light Inn & had to kill her while fighting Ketheric :(!<


Loving both Baldur's Gate 3 and Diablo 4: this is awesome.


Inspired me to make God’s favourite princess next season. Demon hunting with Shadowbae here I come!


I went a simpler route. My Barb is named BurgerGherkin.


I couldn't get Battlenet to load. Fuck Diablo 4.


Pc or use4 issues.


Guess that means you have a phone?


this is D4 and not D: immortal.